Episode 168 Show Notes- 4 Flashpoints That Can Lead to a Substantial World Transformation
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While we continue the insanity in America, the media industrial complex has virtually ignored four flashpoints that can lead to a substantial world transformation. As we continue to debate gender pronouns and implement asinine policies like Critical Race Theory, our adversaries are making real moves that have the potential to lead to a world transformation of the global community. They continue to flex their muscles in order to expand their power and influence. As our adversaries continue to laugh and exploit division, too many Americans have their heads buried in the sand, and we ignore this at our own peril.
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Show Transcript- 4 Flashpoints That Can Lead to a Substantial World Transformation
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast.
I hope you’re enjoying your day. Thank you for all the feedback about my interview with Barbara from Harlem. Barbara is certainly a fan favorite of The P.A.S. Report, and she’s a great American. If you haven’t listened to Monday’s interview, I suggest you do because Barbara doesn’t disappoint, and make sure to get Barbara’s book, Escaping the Racism of Low Expectations.
For today’s show, I want to focus on what’s happening in the international arena because we may be witnessing a world transformation of the global order, and of course, our media industrial complex is completely ignoring what’s going on out there.
As we continue to debate things like gender pronouns, and as the ruling class implements systemically racist policies like critical race theory, our adversaries are laughing at us and continue to exploit the division. It’s embarrassing.
There are four flashpoints, which have the potential to metastasize and lead to a monumental world transformation. Three of these flashpoints involve America’s adversaries as they seek to flex their muscles and expand their sphere of influence.
Understand, we ignore this at our own peril.
Before I start, be sure to go to The P.A.S. Report website. Sign up for The P.A.S. Report Newsletter and make sure to follow the podcast so you never miss an episode.
Bountygate BS
I’m going to get into the international landscape and potential world transformation in a minute, but before I do, I just want to point out the complete dishonesty of our media industrial complex, and how they spew propaganda to achieve political goals. They blatantly lie and deceive their viewers. That’s not journalism, that’s activism. It’s disgusting and it needs to end.
The latest fake news scandal is what these losers coined Bountygate, where the Russians were allegedly paying the Afghan Taliban bounties every American soldier they killed.
Well, it all turned out to be BS. The other day, the intel community walked back the claim. Basically, the allegation was untrue.
But this is how dishonest these jackals are. This story was released at the beginning of last summer as the presidential race was heating up. Trust me, it did not take the intel communities 10-months to determine bountygate was a hoax.
And if you listened to The P.A.S. Report Podcast, you would have known the story was fake news from the beginning. Here is what I said as soon as the story broke.
Play Sound Clip Bountygate 1
And here is what I said two weeks later.
Play Sound Clip Bountygate 2
Understand, that I would never mislead you. I would never deceive you in any way. The story had all the hallmarks of fake news, and when you follow this stuff long enough, you can get a good indicator of what’s true and what’s not. My initial assessment was spot on, and you can trust The P.A.S. Report to provide you the analysis of what you need to know. I’m not a journalist. I don’t pretend to be a journalist. I provide analysis and opinion.
That’s the shame of it. The media is thoroughly corrupt and completely dishonest. They knowingly push false stories for political gain. With everything else we’ve witnessed over the last decade, these are no longer journalists. They’re political activists and hacks. And while they may not admit that, deep down, they know it to be true.
But this goes deeper than just the deception and lies of the media industrial complex. It shows how dangerous and unhinged these people have become, as well as our ideologically driven bureaucracy, and the elected officials who are some of the dumbest people America has to offer. I’m talking about the Erik Swalwell’s and Adam Schiff’s of the world.
Understand that this story had the potential to lead us into a war based on completely false premises. If Russia was putting bounties on American soldiers that would constitute an Act of War against the United States. What would have happened if these reports forced President Trump to implement retaliatory measures against Russia? What then? How would that be in our national interests?
You know, not for nothing, but we need to look in the mirror. We are constantly criticizing Russia for the stuff they do. What does it say about those Americans who engage in the same behavior as Russia? What does it say about those who use the same tactics of lying and deception as the Russian government does?
See, the truth is that these people are no better than the adversaries they accuse of being a threat to our democracy. In fact, they are the bigger threat because at least we know why Russia does what it does. They’re an adversary. We know the motives.
However, those from within that engage in the same behavior are far more dangerous and it’s something we all need to recognize.
Alright, enough ranting for now because I really want to get into today’s topic.
Northern Ireland
Right now, we are witnessing four incidents around the world that have the potential to reshape the global community and lead to a world transformation. Now, again, The P.A.S. Report Podcast will always steer you in the right direction and provide thoughtful analysis on current issues. None of this is a surprise as I did an entire episode on how worldwide instability would increase in the post coronavirus world, and we are witnessing the beginning of that unrest.
The first potential conflict I want to discuss is what’s happening in Northern Ireland. Most of you are probably scratching your head thinking that you haven’t heard anything about Northern Ireland. And that’s the point and shows how bad our media has become.
Northern Ireland has been relatively peaceful for nearly a quarter-century when the Belfast Agreement was signed. However, a week ago, violence erupted. There are various factions within Northern Ireland, particularly the Catholics who want to be part of Ireland and the Protestants who want to remain part of Britain.
Over the last week, we’ve seen violence erupt as protests have descended in chaos and violence. Vehicles have been set on fire and gas bombs have been thrown at the cops. There are a number of factors leading to the violence including BREXIT and COVID-19 lockdown restrictions.
Now, this last week, the violence has subsided to a degree, but it’s a tenuous situation and we can’t afford sectarian violence in Northern Ireland. The problem is that if violence breaks out here, it can quickly spread to other parts of Europe. You have a number of separatist movements in several European countries, from the Catalonians in Spain to the autonomous movements in Italy, these situations can spiral quite quickly.
There is growing dissatisfaction throughout Europe, and while many of the governments may seem stable, as the draconian coronavirus decrees continue, some may grow more and more disaffected leading to massive instability in a region.
Given everything going on in the world, particularly our adversaries challenging America’s power and influence, we need a united front, but that can’t happen if our European partners are being challenged on the domestic front due to inner turmoil.
As of now, I think the situation will calm down somewhat, but it’s important that we keep our eyes open and pay attention to what’s happening throughout Europe. As European governments run out of ways to manipulate and prop their economy up, the situation can rapidly deteriorate.
Iran, Israel and the Middle East
Another flashpoint is what’s happening between Iran and Israel. Iran and Israel have been engaged in a shadow conflict for years, but as Iran grows more desperate and pushes onward sowing the seeds of instability throughout the region, Israel has become more emboldened to directly challenge Iran and marginalize Iran’s nuclear program.
Last week, an explosion occurred that knocked out power to Iran’s main nuclear uranium enrichment facility at Natanz. While Israel has not publicly admitted to the attack, there are officials on background who confirm the attack was conducted by the Israeli intel agency, Mossad.
Iran has been fostering unrest throughout the region for decades, and they have vowed to retaliate against Israel at “a time of its choosing.”
Now if this was a one-off incident, I wouldn’t really pay attention. But this incident follows a pattern of increasing open conflict between the two nations. Iran is the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the region, particularly its support of Hezbollah, and the Iranian Quds force is fostering unrest throughout the Middle East including places like Syria, Yemen, Iraq, and Lebanon.
Some of you may be asking, “If we’ve been witnessing this for the last couple of decades, why does it matter now?” Well, it matters for several reasons.
First, the dynamics of the Middle East have changed. Over the last year, we’ve witnessed several Arab nations sign peace agreements with Israel under former President Trump’s leadership. People shouldn’t underestimate the importance of these agreements as the Abraham Accords have fundamentally changed the strategic calculus in the region.
Even for those Arab nations that haven’t yet signed onto a peace agreement with Israel, we are witnessing them build closer ties with Israel, and they are increasingly cooperating with each other. Most notably, Saudi Arabia. And now these countries are planning to develop a “special security arrangement with each other in an effort to blunt Iranian aggression.
Most of the countries in the region have come to a realization that they can live with an Israel in their backyard, but they can’t live with a nuclear-armed Iran. Saudi Arabia and Iran have been fighting a proxy war for years, and internal tensions throughout the region have been increasing as Iran further boxes itself into a corner.
Another reason it matters now is that Iran has become increasingly aggressive over the last several years. Whether it’s arming insurgencies throughout the region, attempting to control shipping lanes and detaining international cargo, or Iran’s increasing ballistic missile arsenal and military advances. Iran wants to see itself as the power broker in the Middle East. Understand, in international politics, there is always a competition for power, and Iran has had major setbacks in recent years.
The assassination of General Qasem Soleimani was a big blow to Iran. But it’s actually much more than that. In recent years, a number of Iranian nuclear scientists have been killed, and the attack on the power at the Natanz nuclear site illustrates how Iran’s security apparatus has been penetrated at the highest levels.
This places Iran in a weakened and dangerous state. As they continue to mount setbacks, Iran may make a miscalculation to escalate the tensions to prove their relevance.
But the biggest reason it matters is that the Ayatollah’s hold on power is weakening. Facing increasing dissatisfaction from its own population, particularly as the economy continues to crumble, the Ayatollah may provoke a wider conflict in order to re-establish and strengthen his grip on power. The sanctions the Trump administration has placed on Iran have been crushing.
Remember, politics is not rocket science. When economies decline, leaders become more and more unpopular. In order to change that dynamic, authoritarians have a habit of stoking conflict so that the focus shifts away from the economic turmoil. It also allows leaders to scapegoat and blame others for the economic decline. Leaders also use conflict in order to unite their people and rally support in defense of the country. It’s the idea of exploiting nationalism to keep a tight grip on power. Putin has done this very effectively in Russia, and the Ayatollah may be doing this in Iran.
Whatever the case, we must pay close attention to see how this plays out.
Russia, Ukraine, and Europe
The next flashpoint is Russia and Ukraine. Over the last few weeks, we’ve witnessed a major military buildup of Russian forces on the Ukrainian border. When I say major military buildup, I mean major.
There are estimates that Russia has amassed 150,000 troops on Ukraine’s border and in Crimea. Just to put this in perspective, at the height of the Iraq insurgency we had about 160,000 troops in or engaged with Iraq. When it comes to Afghanistan, The highest number of troops we had there was in 2011 with about 90,000.
So, when we are looking at 150,000 Russian troops, that’s certainly something that raises eyebrows. Some are saying that this is nothing more than a show of strength by Russia to test the resolve of America and European allies’ support for Ukraine.
I’m skeptical that it’s just about a show of force. Understand that the logistics of moving 150,000 troops isn’t easy. More importantly, you have to provide support to those troops. You need to provide them with food, shelter, munitions, gas, and a whole bunch of other things. It’s also really expensive.
This tells me there is something bigger going on, especially considering that this troop surge was largely unexpected. While there is an obvious tension in the Donbas region of Ukraine, this is the area in Eastern Ukraine where Russian separatists are fighting with Ukrainian forces, the troop surge tells me something larger may be about to happen.
And it’s not just military personnel that’s being moved. Satellite imagery has also shown tanks and other military vehicles are also being moved, as well as long-range artillery and short-range ballistic missiles. Imagery also shows air defense systems being moved and a field hospital has been built. And Russia has increased its naval forces in the Black Sea.
Once again, it’s not cheap to move this type of military hardware. It’s not cheap to bring in air defense systems. Especially when you consider how coronavirus has ravaged the Russian economy like most other economies around the world. Don’t forget, when the Russian economy was suffering in 2014, he annexed Crimea, and saw a huge approval rating boost. Again, we can see a situation where Putin uses conflict to improve his tarnished image at home.
We’re also getting reports that families in the Donbas region are now leaving and migrating to Russia. It seems that they are paying attention and worry that an all-out war may break out at any time.
For the last several years, Russia has been upgrading all aspects of its military, and so is Russia ready to unveil this upgraded military with its upgraded capabilities on the world stage? Obviously, I cannot answer that, but it’s certainly a possibility.
Putin is someone who wants to keep Russia relevant on the international world stage. He wants to increase Russia’s power and influence. He views the United States as weak, and it’s no secret that he has little fear of and respect for President Biden.
Putin was able to increase Russia’s power under the Obama administration when President Obama drew the red line in Syria and didn’t act on it. Russia then became emboldened, started to refocus military engagements in Syria, and in 2014, annexed Crimea. Russia has also become much more aggressive in the Arctic as well.
All of these things combined may be an indication that Russia is ready to re-establish itself as a major world military power.
It’s no coincidence that this build-up coincides with the changing of administrations and this is an attempt to test the Biden administration. Less than a month ago, I did an episode and explained about our adversaries openly mocking President Biden. I explained how President Biden made two critical mistakes when it comes to diplomacy 101. The first was calling Vladimir Putin a Killer and overtly threatened Putin and Russia. These were juvenile mistakes.
Do you think it’s a coincidence that Putin does this massive military buildup after these critical diplomatic errors? Remember, I always say nothing is a coincidence when it comes to politics, especially international politics. It’s only actions and reactions.
In that episode, I asked the question, “because of the diplomatic errors, do you think it’s more likely or less likely that Putin will capitulate to any demands by the Biden administration?”
And last week, as Russia was increasing its military buildup, the Biden administration made another critical error. President Biden expelled 10 Russian diplomats and placed a number of sanctions against Russian officials. (AP)
Now, I really don’t care about the sanctions, but at a time when we need more diplomacy, we shouldn’t be expelling Russian diplomats. In response, Russia expelled 10 of our diplomats as well. (AP) The United States is one of the few countries that has the power to deescalate tensions between Russia and Ukraine. Do you think it’s more likely that we can work with both sides to deescalate tensions or less likely?
Instead, the situation has been exacerbated, and who else in the world will be able to deescalate the tensions? I also worry that with all the rhetoric towards Russia over the last few years, combined with the perceived weakness of a Biden administration, that President Biden may overreact in an effort not to appear weak.
In either case, it will illustrate the United States declining power and influence in the world, and if a country like China steps up, and is successfully able to deescalate the situation, it will just show the increasing power and influence of the Communist regime as they fill the void because of our own stupid mistakes.
If no one can ratchet down the tensions, and Russia escalates the situation by invading Ukraine, it’s even worse. This has all the potential to be a lose-lose situation.
Communist China’s Growing Aggression
The last flashpoint, and potentially the most dangerous, is the growing aggression by Communist China. Xi Jinping sees a massive opportunity. Facing no repercussions from the international community over unleashing the coronavirus on the world, the communist regime has made the calculation, and perhaps rightly, that they can operate with impunity throughout the world.
Communist China’s 100-year marathon is no secret. By 2049, they want to be the sole superpower of the world, or at the very least, they want to be co-equals to the United States. It appears that China may be making the calculation that the time is here.
It was Deng Xiaoping that said, “Hide your strength. Bide your time.” He changed the whole dynamic in China when he came to power in 1978. He is someone who believed that China must stay out of conflicts and a war of words with their adversaries as they make economic and technological advances and build up their military. He believed that China should remain mostly neutral and “invisible” in international disputes unless it directly involves China.
It was this strategy that led to the world dropping its guard, particularly both Republican and Democrat administrations in the United States.
Deng Xiaoping recognized that they couldn’t challenge the United States directly. He was smart enough to realize the necessity of building a strong stable apparatus domestically and then quietly begin to export it around the world.
Hide your intentions, and when your opponent begins to lose power and influence, then move in to fill the void, and the Communist regime may be done biding their time.
Well, under President Xi Jinping, the time may be here where the communist regime begins to flex its muscles and has been for the last several years. With the exception of President Trump, no other President called out the growing threat China poses. And we have to be honest, even the Trump administration failed to hold the communist regime accountable for lying and manipulating the data when it came to the coronavirus, and because of their lies, it rapidly spread throughout the world.
China now views themselves as a coequal to the United States, and have begun to implement their grand strategy, including recapturing Taiwan and replacing the world order lead by the United States.
I want you to think about the human rights abuses China engages in every day, yet the world is silent. At most, they face some mild criticisms, even though they send Uyghurs and Christians to “reeducation” camps where they are tortured until they renounce their faith. Who knows how many have been killed?
I want you to think about the rampant human rights abuses and how easily China put its iron grip on Hong Kong, and most in the world said nothing. In fact, many here in the United States, particularly the corporate weasels, told Americans to shut up. That the situation was complicated and we wouldn’t understand.
This is a regime that allows fentanyl to flow throughout the world, killing millions globally, and if we look at the toll of what’s it’s done here in the United States, at what point do we realize that this is akin to chemical warfare? According to ICE, China is the primary source of illicit fentanyl coming into the United States. (ICE)
At what point do we declare fentanyl a WMD and force the communist regime to put an end to the fentanyl trade. There are over 160,000 chemical companies in China with the capabilities to produce and export fentanyl and many do. (Heritage)
Not for nothing, but we’re constantly screaming about Russia and the threat they pose. It’s about the only thing Democrats know how to scream. Well, that and white supremacy of course. Let me ask you, how many Americans have been killed by Russia? How much fentanyl has the Russian government allowed to freely flow into the United States?
Yet, here we have a communist regime that knows exactly what’s going on, yet they’ve done nothing to end the fentanyl trade. Realize that China is a police state, and they can stop this illicit trade at the snap of their fingers. Hundreds of thousands of Americans have lost their lives because of fentanyl over the last 8 years, and those numbers continue to increase.
And most of our pathetic politicians, both Democrats, and Republicans, do nothing and say nothing. Instead, they bury their heads in the sand as many of their family members and corporate America gets rich off the Chinese marketplace. It’s pathetic and disgusting.
Well now the Communist regime is ready to flex its muscle, and we are seeing a military buildup in the South and East China Seas. Now, this was inevitable and would have happened sooner or later because we’ve turned a blind eye to what’s really happening.
But again, we have to understand there are no coincidences in the realm of international politics. About a month ago, high-level Chinese officials met with our Secretary of State for diplomatic talks in Alaska. The Chinese delegation thoroughly embarrassed the United States and criticized our record on human rights saying we no longer have the moral authority, and we should mind our business. Our response at that meeting was pathetic and I spoke about it.
Just three weeks later, our military is now warning that China is accelerating its timetable to capture control of Taiwan. (AP) Without U.S. support, Taiwan falls fairly quickly. China’s openly threatening the Philippines and other countries as well. And if China is able to recapture Taiwan, it would signify an end to American dominance in the Pacific that goes well beyond Taiwan. China would then flex its muscle when it comes to commercial shipping lanes in the region which would give China extraordinary power over the global community.
Now I am not calling for war with China, and I want to make that clear. I don’t want the snowflakes out there to start screaming warmonger. I’ll get to the point in a minute.
But make no mistake, it appears China is getting ready to flex its military might. And what do we have? We have morons like Congressman Adam Smith who Chairs the House Armed Services Committee. When speaking about Chinese aggression, he said, “Given the way the world works now, having one country be dominant is just hopelessly unrealistic.”
These are the people in charge, and it shows how clueless they are. The world operates in cycles and various ways in which power is distributed throughout the international system. You can go from a Multi-polar world with 4 or more powers to a tripolar world, a bipolar world, and a unipolar world, and vice versa.
While China may not fully dominate the world, there is no doubt we are witnessing a shift in the great power structure from a unipolar world lead by the United States to a bipolar world where the United States and China are the two superpowers. And who knows, we may be entering a tripolar world.
And then Congressman Smith said, “China, don’t invade Taiwan because the price you’re going to pay for that isn’t worth it.” Well, maybe, just maybe, China is making the political calculation that a price won’t be paid. Maybe they’ve made the calculation that the feckless American politicians and the woke corporate giants won’t dare to punish or speak out against China. I mean it’s not like they’ve been held accountable for anything they’ve done.
There is no doubt that the Biden administration is being challenged. There is no doubt that something big is brewing. Hopefully, we can develop smart policies that avert a disaster, but unfortunately, we do not have too many smart people in power, and this isn’t just a knock on the Biden administration. It’s been that way for quite some time in the United States with the exception of a few people.
And this is highlighted every day as our politicians and the ruling elite will come out and bash the United States daily. They point out how horrible we are as a country and as a people. They’ll talk about how the country is evil built for the sole purpose of racism and slavery. They continue to divide us on everything. And our adversaries are laughing as we tear ourselves apart.
We’re doing their job for them. It’s pathetic. We just had our own U.S. Ambassador, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, to the United Nations throw America under the bus. Take a listen.
Play Sound Clip U.S. Ambassador Slams America
With people like that, who needs adversaries. This clip really hit a nerve with me. First of all, it’s clear she doesn’t understand our history or our founding documents and failed to read many of the works by the founding fathers. But what really annoyed me is that never once did she say that we’ve made tremendous advances as a society particularly when it comes to race. Never once did she talk about the achievements that were made. Instead, she accused that anyone who died by the hands of a police officer, died because they were a minority, and the police were white supremacists.
It’s one thing to criticize internal politics and issues within the United States to a domestic audience, but even then, at least be honest. More importantly, when we speak to the world, we are supposed to speak with one voice, and we should never speak ill of America to the world.
As much as a disagreed with former Congressman Charlie Rangel on policy issues, he is someone who understood as evident when he went after Hugo Chavez when Chavez personally attacked former President Bush at the United Nations.
The media isn’t really talking about this at all. Sure, they may give it a 2-minute segment or a blurb on their website, but instead of focusing on issues that have the potential to lead to a massive world transformation and reshape our lives, they focus on the BS issues, or they just flat out lie and manipulate relevant stories to push a political agenda.
But this is something we all need to keep our eyes on, and what concerns me is that in September 2015, I wrote a policy brief entitled, The Coming Conflict: The Conditions for World War III.
Using the levels of Analysis, I lay out how the conflict begins. I wrote, “the conflict will likely start in the Middle East and quickly spread outward, engulfing the entire world.”
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In my scenario, the war begins with Israel and Saudi Arabia fighting with Iran, and the United States quickly gets involved. As we’re busy fighting in the Middle East, Russia begins its invasion of Ukraine but also begins to expand the conflict into Georgia and Moldova. And if Putin truly gets ambitious, he may begin to target Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.
China also gets ambitious and recaptures Taiwan. It also becomes more aggressive towards the Philippines and Vietnam, and as it announces control over the South China Seas Island, Japan has no choice but to declare war against China. From there North Korea begins to invade South Korea in the direction of China.
Does this mean that a conflict is coming or that a conflict is inevitable? Of course not. The assessment can be off, and it can change. This is an art, not a science.
But that’s why we need to pay attention. I concluded the policy brief by saying, “This policy brief illustrates the dangers of a feckless foreign policy. While the scenario may not play out exactly as described in this brief, all the evidence points to a large-scale global conflict is possible. The purpose of this brief is to raise awareness of the current situation so that elected officials and policymakers may devise policies that can prevent this conflict from occurring.”
And that’s the point. So don’t be pessimistic. Don’t feel hopeless. Nothing is set in stone and the future isn’t written, but if we ignore what’s going on in the international front, we do so at our own peril. If we keep our heads buried in the sand, the world transformation will come sooner rather than later.
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I want to thank you for joining me and I want you to stay safe.
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