Episode 383 Show Notes- Is the Disinformation Governance Board Really Dead?
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Episode Description
On August 24, 2022, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas announced he disbanded the ill-conceived Disinformation Governance Board but is that really the case or is it being repackaged under another program? In this episode, Professor Giordano explains the backdoor attempt to resurrect the Disinformation Governance Board using federal grant funds- taxpayer dollars- to create an unholy alignment of our academic elite and the government.
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Show Notes- Is the Disinformation Governance Board Really Dead?
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Welcome to The P.A.S. Report Podcast
It’s no secret that free speech has come under attack over the last couple of decades. I’ve spoken about it often on this podcast.
But over the last 5 years, we have seen a significant uptick in efforts to regulate and control information. Powerful entities, both in the government and private sectors, have embarked on a massive censorship push across society. This has raised concerns about the potential erosion of free speech, as these gatekeepers of information seek to dictate what can and cannot be said, heard, and seen by the public.
It is ironic that those who proclaim their commitment to preserving democracy are often the same individuals who undermine the very principles that underpin a free society. In fact, they frequently advocate for policies that restrict the God-given liberties enshrined in our Constitution.
To them, this founding document is nothing more than an inconvenient obstacle that hinders their pursuit of power. Rather than upholding the ideals of democracy, they seek to subvert it for their own personal gain. This hypocrisy underscores the need for all of us to remain vigilant and safeguard our democratic institutions and protect the liberties that are essential to our way of life.
That’s why when Secretary Mayorkas announced the creation of the Disinformation Governance Board, it was crucial to speak out. Even some on the left were uncomfortable with this body, and then when you look at who was to head up this board, she was a whacko.
It’s what forced Mayorkas to pause, and then disband the Disinformation Governance Board on August 24, 2022.
However, is the Board really dead or is it being rebranded and resurrected under a different name?
In this episode, I am going to explain the backdoor attempt to resurrect this program, and how the government is using federal grant funding- your taxpayer dollars- to enlist academics to create a program that detects and “strategically corrects”- their words, not mine- what they deem as misinformation and disinformation.
Not only are these academics betraying the core values of free speech, intellectual inquiry, and open debate, but this continues a disturbing trend where we see the alliance between academia, the media, and the government. The lines between these institutions continue to blur and this has real-life impacts on each and every one of us regardless of political ideology.
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