Rant or Rave Wednesday
ABC Presidential Debate was a Disservice to the American Voter
The ABC presidential debate provided no benefit to the American people – it was 90 minutes of bias, lies, and rambling. Last night, David Muir and Linsey Davis seemed as if they were interviewing for a position in the DNC, rather than practicing any semblance of journalism. Kamala Harris waved her hands around throughout the night spewing outright lies with no intercession from the supposed journalists moderating. When speaking on a particular issue, President Trump often went off on tangents, unable to adhere to the topic being discussed.
The primary issue for the American voter today is the economy. When asked if Americans are better off economically today than they were four years ago, the VP offered no specific policies, gave tired platitudes, and talked about how she was raised in the middle class. When it was Trump’s turn, he mentioned how under his presidency, our country enjoyed a healthy economy with low inflation, but then quickly pivoted to immigration. Now, it is critical to point out that the unprecedented flow of illegal immigrants pouring over our Southern Border has a profoundly negative impact on our economy; however, Trump didn’t make that connection for the viewer. He could have mentioned the billions of dollars taxpayers are currently funding to provide housing, food, medical care, and education to those coming into the United States unimpeded, while our own citizens, including veterans, are suffering. What a missed opportunity.
Another stunning moment in the debate was a disgusting and ignorant comment made by Harris. Today is September 11th, a somber day when we commemorate one of the most consequential tragedies our nation has endured. During the beginning moments of the debate, Harris described January 6th, a day that did not affect the vast majority of Americans, as “the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.” Disregarding the catastrophe of 9/11, particularly on the eve of that horrific tragedy, was probably one of the most infuriating things to watch last night. She is comparing a riot that resulted in one death, that of Ashli Babbit, who was a Trump supporter, to a major and horrific terrorist attack resulting in the initial death of nearly 3,000 Americans and tens of thousands of subsequent deaths as a result of cancers and injuries associated with our towers crumbling to the ground. Make no mistake, for once, Kamala did not misspeak, as this is not the first time she has minimized September 11th, a pivotal day that truly changed the course of history for the United States and the world.
Kamala continued on, stating untruths about statements made by Donald Trump, including the Charlottesville incident which has been debunked by numerous media outlets including the left-leaning fact check site, Snopes. The moderators, who allowed Kamala to make outrageous statements like this, did not follow up or correct the Vice President. We also saw this when the abortion issue was discussed. Here, Trump clearly outlined his stance on the issue – that he is and has been opposed to a federal ban on abortion and that the issue has been localized to the states. He added that he was personally in favor of exceptions in the case of rape, incest, and the life of the mother. When President Trump deftly turned the question to Kamala, explaining that hers is a radical position by allowing abortion in the 3rd trimester, the moderators quickly changed course. What a disservice to the American people, who largely are opposed to abortions in the latter stage of pregnancy. Kamala was not forced to answer for this extremist policy.
There were many instances when President Trump brought up valid points on policy issues, but he was unable to do this in a coherent manner, leaving Kamala Harris with a false sense of brazen confidence. He did counter the accusation that he was a threat to democracy by pointing out that she was in her current position without a primary and zero votes cast for her as the Democratic nominee. He mentioned the atrocities occurring in Aurora, Colorado but failed to explain what exactly was occurring there – that Venezuelan gangs have commandeered apartment buildings, forcing American citizens to either leave their homes or remain under fear of imminent danger.
Perhaps, one of his strongest moments in the debate was the closing statement, in which Trump rightly declared that all of the things Kamala said she would do, she could do right now as the current vice president. That seems to be her biggest deficit as a leader. She is in power right now but is unable to solve any one of America’s pressing problems, including a faltering economy, an illegal immigration crisis, and a world that is on the verge of global war. If she had any solutions, why doesn’t she implement them now, while she is in power?
Shortly following the debate, the Harris campaign challenged Trump to a second one. It has been understood in the political world that whoever calls for a second debate is probably the loser. I would argue that everyone involved lost last night – the candidates, the media, and the American electorate. I do hope that there is another debate, one where both candidates are treated equally. And if there is one, President Trump, and I can’t emphasize this point enough, should NOT fall for the bait, like he did last night. The stakes are too high, and America is too important to become a victim to a radical agenda by an individual as incompetent and unprincipled as Kamala Harris.
Professor Nick Giordano sits down with Steve Kuhr, President of the Kuhr Group, Host of 5 Minutes to Chaos, and former Deputy Commissioner of NYC OEM and Director of NYS OEM, to reflect on the tragic events of 9/11, 23 years later and the rising radicalism in America.
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