Episode 259 Show Notes- Absolute Corruption, Authoritarianism are the Real Threats to Democracy
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Real long-term damage has been inflicted on our society and our society through corruption and authoritarianism. The elected officials and bureaucrats have disregarded the Constitution for too long. Those responsible must be held accountable as their actions are the real threat to democracy. However, we must examine how we got to this point. Unfortunately, the American people were complacent and took a laissez-faire approach to the government. In order to prevent this from ever happening again, we can no longer take a hands-off approach.
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Show Transcript- Absolute Corruption, Authoritarianism, and the Real Threat to Democracy
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast.
We are surrounded by madness in this Brave New World, where there are those that continually undermine the Constitution and the safeguards built into the system. They continually want to redefine America. The corruption and the authoritarianism run deep. As they continue to say they are defending democracy and our Republic, the fact is they are destroying the country, dividing our society, and have little regard for the people.
A new world where the anti-fascists are pro-government extremists who want to flex their totalitarian muscle against anyone who criticizes the government and their policies. These so-called anti-fascists want unending mandates. They want to silence and censor anyone that counters the government narrative. They believe the government is the answer to every problem we face as long as it is a government they control. They just the corruption of the bureaucracy as long as the bureaucracy does their bidding and targets their political opposition.
In this new world, the fascists are those who speak out against government power and abuse. Those who call for a limited government, and a return to the Constitution. The fascists are the ones who fight against cancel culture. Who believe in free speech. Who want a return to a healthy skepticism when it comes to government. The fascists are the ones who call out the bureaucratic abuses and the corruption. The fascists who believe in individual liberty and personal responsibility are now classified as anti-government extremists who must be purged from society.
It really is extraordinary where we are at this moment in time, but we have to accept our share of responsibility. We’ve been complacent. We’ve taken a laissez-faire approach to our government, and we took this hands-off approach believing that those in power were operating in our best interests. However, the levels of corruption have been laid bare, and the corruption runs deep. This includes all levels of government, from the federal to the state to the local. It includes all departments and agencies, even local school boards.
Now the frauds have been exposed, and people are starting to wake up. Complacency got us to this point, and we can never let this happen again. That’s going to be the main focus of this episode. We can never let this happen again, but the only way to do that is to hold officials accountable and come up with realistic solutions to the problem.
Before I jump, we have a lot of new listeners here at The P.A.S. Report and that’s because of you, the listeners. You constantly share the podcast with others, and it’s what has led The P.A.S. Report is one of the best political podcasts out there. I swear I have the best audience.
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Update on Russia/Ukraine?
Starting off, I want to provide an update about the situation with Russia and Ukraine. As of this recording, conflict has not broken out. Now, we are getting mixed messages as to what Russia intends to do. Our government is sounding the alarm bells and basically saying an attack is imminent. We now have a skeletal staff at the embassy in Ukraine.
Oddly enough, the Ukrainians do not appear to see an attack as imminent. In fact, you have conflicting messages coming from the United States and Ukraine. I also find it amazing how the Ukrainians handle things. They are not hunkering down. They are not raiding grocery stores and hoarding supplies. They have plenty of toilet paper. They aren’t panicking.
The only person that knows what’s going to happen is Putin. Also, I think we will certainly know if an attack will happen because I suspect Russia will launch a massive cyber-attack before any bombs stop dropping. So, if we begin to see unusual cyber activity, that will indicate something is about to happen.
What I’m having trouble with is trying to figure out Putin’s end game? What’s his goal? He has demanded assurances and a security agreement that Ukraine will not be admitted into NATO, but I am not seeing the risk vs. reward benefit for Russia here.
While the Russian military is superior and can quickly take over the country, there is little doubt that Russia will be facing a Ukrainian insurgency. There is no doubt it will be bloody and Russian soldiers will certainly be killed. For all our shortcomings over the last 20-years from our military engagements, the one thing we can say is that our military is battle-hardened. You can’t say the same for Russia. Most of their soldiers haven’t been in the theater of war, and the Russian people aren’t conditioned to see coffins of dead soldiers returning to Russia.
Russia will also face massive sanctions from the United States, and these sanctions will certainly hurt the Russian economy, especially if we go after energy and the banking sector. The fact is if we ban Visa, Mastercard, and American Express from doing any business and handling any transactions from Russian banks, their economy will collapse. Putin had to have factored that into his decision-making process.
And what does Russia really gain by going into Ukraine? I just don’t see the benefit.
The worst part about this is that this all could have been prevented. I’ve said before, and I’ll say it again, one of Russia’s demands was security guarantees that Ukraine cannot be accepted into NATO. Here’s the stupidity. This was already the unspoken policy of the United States with the last five administrations. Why didn’t we just say this out loud? Baffling.
And the reality is that we already have 30 member states in NATO. For any new member state, we increase our risk because let’s face it, of course, smaller countries would want to join to get the security guarantees particularly the U.S. military, but how much are we willing to increase our risk?
I don’t know why we can’t state this out loud, but it’s the truth.
Also, make no mistake about it, every one of our allies and adversaries saw what happened in Afghanistan, and our adversaries have become noticeably more aggressive. Do you think that’s a coincidence?
And why the hell haven’t we crashed oil prices yet? 50% of Russia’s economy relies on oil and gas. If we flood the market, we can cut gas prices in half meaning Russia’s economy would suffer greatly considering they would lose upwards of 25% of their economy. We should have been doing this months ago if we really wanted to prevent Russia from invading. And I’ll admit, this is partly selfish on my end because I want lower gas and oil prices. We all could use the relief.
But seriously, this would have actually been smart policy, but this administration has refused. Instead, it allowed Russia to overtake us in energy production all because the Biden administration wanted to placate the environmentalists to our own detriment.
Finally, China is watching this closely and is probably laughing their butts off. People think Russia and China are allies, but that’s wrong. They have an alliance, but they are natural adversaries. Both seek power and influence in the global arena. Both want to appear to be dominant powers, and their foreign policies naturally conflict. They cooperate because the enemy of my enemy is my friend but understand that China could care less about Russia.
To them, if Russia invades Ukraine, and we get sucked into the conflict, China kills two birds with one stone. Let Russia and America destroy each other, and China gets to lay claim to be the dominant power of the 21st century without ever firing a shot.
Let’s hope our policymakers and our President make the right decisions here because this could quickly expand, and we are boxed into a corner where we only have bad options and worse options to choose from. This is a lose-lose situation. If Russia invades Ukraine, and there are no consequences, what do you think our adversaries are going to do? Do you think they will become more emboldened or less? More aggressive or less? Do you think China taking over Taiwan is more likely or less?
And Putin’s backed into a corner as well. If he backs down without any concessions, he looks weak, and he certainly doesn’t want to look weak. If he goes in, he ignites a firestorm. Isolates himself from the rest of Europe, and his economy suffer from the sanctions. And what will Putin do once sanctions are levied? Will he start conducting cyberattacks on the United States in response? How quickly does this escalate?
This is a situation that is fluid, and we have to pay attention to what’s going on.
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Durham Investigation
Bringing back stateside, when we look at corruption, we don’t have to look any further than the thorough corruption within our bureaucracy. On Friday, John Durham submitted a court filing in the Sussman case. (U.S. District Court) Remember, Michael Sussman was one of the lawyers working for the Clinton campaign. According to the filing, Sussman was billing a tech investigative company for their work that began in July of 2016.
This tech company had access to what Durham says is non-public and/or propriety data. Interestingly enough, this tech company also brought in researchers from an unnamed U.S. university. I would love to know what university that was. Apparently, these researchers and the university were “receiving and analyzing large amounts of internet data in connection with a pending federal government cybersecurity research contract.” Essentially receiving grant funding.
The filing states that they conspired to create an “inference” and “narrative” tying Trump to Russia. Here’s the most important part. This company was monitoring the internet traffic of Trump Tower, Donald Trump’s apartment building in Central Park West, and wait for it…the Executive Office of the President of the United States.
This is astonishing. First of all, when former President Trump said he was being spied on, he certainly was. They were being spied on within the bureaucracy and from the Clinton campaign.
Just so you know, the Executive Office of the President of the United States (EOP) is involved in everything when it comes to the Presidency. Communicating the president’s message throughout the government, to the people, and abroad. Controlling the Communications and the Press Secretary’s Office. Handles the White House Chief of Staff communication. The Office of Management and Budget. The National Security Council advises the President on foreign policy, intelligence, and national security. Maintaining the President’s schedule, and so much more. (White House)
Essentially, you had a private company intercepting internet traffic and communications of the highest levels of government, including the President, all to create a narrative of a Trump Russia connection. Do any of you really believe that this company could have done that without assistance from some within the government?
I want to make it clear. These aren’t allegations. This happened and according to the filing, Durham has the evidence to prove just that.
This corruption goes to the highest levels. First of all, a lawyer wouldn’t do something like this on their own. There had to be approvals at the highest levels of the Clinton campaign, and probably Clinton herself.
But more important, and dangerous, is that we had top-level bureaucrats in the law enforcement and the intelligence community who were all too willing to assist and do Hillary Clinton’s bidding.
For years, the idiots have been screaming that President Trump was the biggest threat to democracy. They scream that January 6th was the biggest threat to democracy. That because of Trump and January 6th, democracy will collapse.
What do you think is more dangerous? Idiots that rioted in the Capitol Building where they are being charged for what they did or an unaccountable bureaucracy that is steeped in corruption where they work to target a sitting President in the White House?
That’s what’s really disgraceful. There are so many who are trying to justify it or saying that there is nothing wrong with this. Then you have those losers who always try to use the “but Trump fill-in-the-blank…” argument.
I am so sick of these losers. They could care less about the thorough corruption because they despise the former President so much. Trump takes up so much space in their heads. They try to accuse Trump supporters of being in a cult. They are the ones in a cult, and it’s getting old and boring.
They still scream the President colluded with Russia, yet the only evidence of someone colluding with Russian agents is the Clinton campaign. They accuse the former president of committing all these crimes. If there is evidence President Trump committed any crimes, prosecute him. There have been more investigations into him than anyone else, and those doing the investigating despise him. Do you really think these people wouldn’t charge him if they had an ounce of evidence of wrongdoing?
If this happened to any President, I would be speaking out the same way. This is much bigger than the former President. It’s bigger than one man. My loyalty is to America, not an individual and this is how countries collapse. Yet people will still justify it. Just so you are aware, if you try to justify this crap, you’re a moron.
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CIA Spying Corruption
Another story that got very little attention was how the CIA is secretly collecting data on American citizens. (Bloomberg) Essentially, the CIA is spying on Americans. This is separate from the NSA’s prism program or the Postal Services ICOP program.
Two Senators, both Democrats, revealed this information and I tip my hat to them. See, what’s right is right, and I don’t care if it’s Democrats or Republicans that expose the corruption, I give credit where it is due. Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon and Senator Martin Heinrich of New Mexico.
This collection was happening without the oversight of Congress, and the CIA is now saying that the program was for “counterterrorism intelligence-related activities.”
According to the laws governing the CIA, created by Congress and set forth through some executive orders, the CIA is prohibited from collecting information regarding U.S. Persons, which includes citizens, permanent residents, legal immigrants, and U.S. corporations.
There are exceptions. If an American is abroad and working with a foreign power with intent to commit espionage against the United States, or if the information about the person was collected incidentally to an investigation.
However, this program went far beyond that, and we still don’t know the full scope of the program. We have no idea how long this surveillance was going on, how widespread it is, what type of information were they collecting, and why they were targeting Americans. Also, this was done outside the FISA court so there was really no oversight.
Again, this is an area where every American should be outraged. It doesn’t matter what political party you belong to. They were collecting this data on Americans and the question is why? Why would the CIA, which is prohibited from spying on Americans, actually spy on Americans? More importantly, what did they intend to do with the information they were collecting?
And shame on the Senate and the House. This is a pox on Congress because they are supposed to be the entity with the power of oversight, yet they’ve let these bureaucratic agencies run wild. We have to ask, who is in charge? Is it the elected representatives or is it the unelected bureaucrats?
But I saw this coming from a mile for two reasons. The first is the Senate itself. In 2014, the CIA was spying on duly elected members of the United States Senate and some of their staffers. These include both Democrats and Republicans. At the time, you had John Brennan, who is a real piece of garbage, leading the CIA.
When it was exposed that the CIA was spying on members of the Senate, you would think heads would roll. Firings and criminal charges. Yet, while Senators feigned outrage, nothing was done. So this is their fault to a large degree. Not a single person was really held accountable. The Senate has the power of oversight, and they just let it go, and if you are not going to hold the CIA accountable when they are illegally spying on members of the Senate, what are the odds that they’re held accountable when they spy on us.
See, Congress should be ashamed of itself. They could have held those accountable. More importantly, they could have legislated changes to make sure this never happens again, but they did nothing.
And it appears that the ones who are supposed to have the power of oversight over these very powerful organizations are actually afraid of these organizations. Remember, when the now Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer warned President Trump that the intelligence community has the power to target him. Take a listen.
Sound Clip- Majority Leader Schumer
Think about how frightening that sound clip really is. Here is, at the time, one of the most powerful Senators warning the sitting President how he needs to be careful because the intelligence community has “six ways from Sunday to get back at you.”
You would think an alarm bell would have gone off and he would have thought to himself that that’s not the way the system is supposed to work. That unelected bureaucrats can’t weaponize the intelligence and law enforcement community to push political agendas or to settle grudges. All these agencies need to be reined in because corruption is out of control.
Perhaps the reason they don’t rein in these agencies is that they are scared of what these agencies may do to them. What they may expose. Maybe that’s the reason. Either way, we lose because what does it say when the elected officials are paralyzed with fear when it comes to the agencies, they are supposed to have oversight over.
But it’s our fault as well. We are the ones who have to take responsibility as well. Many of you listening now supported the PATRIOT Act. I remember when I would argue with people, and remember, I’ve always been a Conservative and have never shied away from that.
I’m not going to say I’m a visionary, BUT…I saw the writing on the wall when it came to the PATRIOT Act. I’m just kidding. These things aren’t all that hard to predict when you understand the real nature of government and politics.
I remember how I would get constant pushback. I was told that if you’re not doing anything wrong, you shouldn’t worry. That it’s only to target terrorists. That it’s only for those abroad. However, I spoke out and warned how it’s only a matter of time before it’s used domestically for things that go far beyond terrorism. The more rights relinquished to the government, the more powerful and authoritarian the government becomes.
So, we do bear some responsibility because we chose security over liberty, and some continue to do so. Just look at everything that was done during the coronavirus.
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Canadian Truckers
This brings me to what’s happening right now in Canada with the Canadian trucker. You’re probably wondering how the hell did he go from Russia/Ukraine to the Durham Investigation to the CIA spying on Americans to Canadian truckers.
There’s a method to my madness and it all ties in together. Prior to 2021, most never even used the word insurrection, but ever since January 6th you’ve heard the word thousands of times. Repeated over and over again. Drilling the word into everyone’s head.
The insurrection, led by the Viking man, the shaman, was the greatest threat to democracy, at least that’s what we were told then. However, a new threat has emerged- Canadian truckers who are protesting unconstitutional decrees in their country. They are now being labeled as insurrectionists, and I want you to think about that.
Think about how quickly they loosened that term to define anyone who dissents from a narrative. Anyone who doesn’t blindly obey unconstitutional decrees. Anyone who dares to exercise their right to protest. They are now labeled as insurrectionists.
While I mock it, it’s dangerous, and it does impact us here in the United States. First of all, there are many within the media industrial complex and the political class also labeling them as insurrectionists, but more importantly, you have our own administration telling the Canadian Prime Minister to put an end to people who are peacefully protesting and exercising their God-given rights. And I want to reiterate…they are peacefully protesting.
And I don’t mean to offend any of my Canadian brothers and sisters, but Trudeau is truly a pathetic excuse for a man. He’s not a man. He’s a petty tyrant that speaks to his people as if they are petulant 5-year old’s. Take a listen.
Sound Clip Trudeau
He is such a douche. I mean how more insulting can you get. We’ve heard you. It’s time to go home now. And it’s that attitude right there that is the reason people are angry about everything going on.
And I want you to consider this. These truckers are protesting the mandates, especially the vaccine mandates. What most of our pathetic media won’t report is that 90% of the truckers are vaccinated. They want you to believe that these are conspiracy theorists. Cultists. Anti-vaxxers. But they’re not. They just believe that the Trudeau regime has overstepped its bounds and they are protesting in order to maintain their liberties and the freedom to exercise those liberties.
And Trudeau is shutting the protest down. Using heavy-handed tactics even though not a single building has been burned. Not a single statue has been defaced. Not a single store has been looted. Not a single person has been assaulted by the protestors. Amazing how that works. You have a truly peaceful protest, but the protesters are the ones labeled as insurrectionists.
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The reason I brought Trudeau into this is that he epitomizes the global elite. The elite and arrogant ruling class believes the people are dumb and ignorant. That the people can’t be trusted to do what’s right. They can’t be trusted to do what’s in their best interest and the best interest of their families and communities.
It’s this arrogant elite that believes they can do whatever they please. That they can go to an arena with about 80,000 people maskless, but the next day, many of our children have to be masked up for 8-hours a day.
The Trudeau’s the Newsom’s, the Hochul’s of the world, and so many others including the corrupt leadership within the bureaucracy, should never even come close to positions of power, yet here we are. They have no regard for you or me or anyone else. Maybe, just maybe, they are the real insurrectionists looking to dismantle our individual liberties and the freedom to exercise those liberties. Maybe we should consider that.
This new power structure believes it can do whatever it wants and they’ve been getting away with it for a long time, mainly because we were complacent. They rule as if they exist to oversee the people as opposed to serve the people, and we can no longer let that stand.
But I got news for them, we are no longer complacent. They are pushing people too far. They are demonizing people too much, and people have woken up. It’s no longer about Democrat or Republican, Liberal or Conservative.
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Now it’s about the corruption within the system. It’s about the abuse of power we’ve witnessed over the last couple of decades. It’s about the lies, the deceptions, the constant denigration. It’s about using our children as collateral damage because of their lust to expand their power.
We have to get back to some sense of normalcy, and the only way to do that is to never become complacent again. It means we have to stay engaged. Speak out. Hold Rallies. Go to school board meetings. Call for officials to be held accountable. Demand that Congress actually does its damn job and exercises oversight. Demand that state legislative bodies pass laws that remove most emergency powers from governors and agency heads.
Demand that any official, whether appointed or elected, has to live by the same standards they set forth for us. An end to this two-tier structure that we’ve witnessed. Only if we stay active and engaged can we restore normalcy.
It’s not about my voice or your voice. It’s about all our voices and what lead America to its greatness. It’s time to restore it through its greatness. It won’t be easy, and it won’t happen overnight, but we will be successful.
I hope you enjoyed the episode and share be sure to share it with others. We have to inform people about what’s happening. More importantly what we need to do.
I want to thank you for joining me, I want you to stay safe, and I’ll be back next week.
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