Episode 79 Show Notes- What’s really going on in America? It’s not what you think
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Episode Description
Continuing to examine race relations in the United States, Professor Giordano talks about more uncomfortable truths in America. In this episode, he takes a look at those who have been killed since the protests began, and why the biased news media provides little to no coverage at the senseless loss of life. Professor Giordano also provides a brief history of the United States. Finally, he begins to explore what’s really going on as the death of George Floyd has been hijacked for far more malicious purposes and there is a confluence of different groups with different agendas, and how much of what we are seeing has less to do with racism, and more to do with socialism. Also, the Professor provides an update on the White Privilege Challenge he called for the last episode.
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- Calvin L. Horton Jr., a 43-year-old black man, was fatally shot outside of a pawnshop
- Javar Harrell, a 21-year-old black man, was shot and killed while sitting in a car amid protests in downtown Detroit
- Dave Patrick Underwood, a black 53-year-old federal officer, was shot and killed during a protest in Oakland, CA
- Chris Beaty, a 38-year-old black man and former Indiana University offensive lineman, was killed Saturday night in Indianapolis.
- Dorian Murrell, a black 18-year-old, was killed in Indianapolis Sunday morning
- Italia Kelly, 22, was fatally shot while leaving a protest in Davenport, Iowa, early Monday.
- David Dorn, a retired St. Louis police captain, was fatally shot in St. Louis at a pawn shop.
Welcome to another episode of The P.A.S. Report Podcast. This is your host Nick Giordano and I bring these names up because their lives matter too. You may not have heard these names because the media has provided little coverage of their deaths.
But these are people who died in the violence that occurred last week. Why don’t their lives matter to the media? Why don’t their lives matter to the Black Lives Matter movement? Sadly, I’m sure a left a few more victims off the list, but it’s not intentional.
Unfortunately, George Floyd’s death has been hijacked by several different groups for several different purposes.
See the truth is out there, but the media won’t provide it. There’s a lot going on that we need to tackle.
Before I jump in, go to The P.A.S. Report, signup for the newsletter, and after this episode, take 30-seconds to write a good review and share it with others.
Understanding of History
There are a lot of debates going on right now, and many people have good intentions. But there are also a lot of falsehoods about our history that exist and continue to be perpetrated by the media, the elite class, our failed education system, and those who were simply never taught.
I continually hear that the founding fathers were all racist slave owners, and the main reason we fought a revolution against the British was to ensure that slavery would continue.
Now, this in no one exempts our founding fathers from culpability in the horrors of slavery. None of you out there would want to be a slave. Imagine what it must have been like to be seen as sub-human and inferior. Living within the framework the founders set-up, we can we witness their own hypocrisy when it comes to the concept of liberty and freedom, and slavery was certainly an injustice.
However, the issue of slavery during the founding isn’t black and white (no pun intended), it’s complex and we need to stop pushing the false narrative that all the founding fathers supported slavery and were racist.
To anyone out there lacking the skills and ability to think critically, mainly the morons, do not try to misconstrue what I am saying because I talk about the horrors of slavery. I explore the idea of racism and discrimination this does not diminish that. I also, don’t condone the inclusion of women’s rights during our founding as well, but that’s a different topic for a different day
Here are some facts that many are unaware of. If we are going to engage in an honest discussion about race, we should reflect our history and founding accurately and understand that heated debates about the morality of slavery existed since the beginning.
First, we need to recognize the black and minority contributions to our founding, and I find it amazing that these facts are rarely taught. Our education system is run by liberals, and the curriculums and textbooks are developed by the liberal institutions. Yet, the same people who constantly preach about inclusion and minorities all but ignore these black contributions to our history. I am someone who believes we should be celebrating these contributions. I believe we should reflect in awe about the contributions of the numerous minority patriots that helped build this country, especially given their challenges in the face of slavery, racism, and discrimination.
- How many people are aware that 5,000 black American patriots, some slaves, and some free men, took up the cause of independence against the British?
- After witnessing the courage of these black patriots, George Washington wrote in a letter to Robert Morris, “”there is not a man living who wishes more sincerely than I do, to see a plan adopted for the abolition of it—but there is only one proper and effectual mode by which it can be accomplished, & that is by Legislative authority ” (National Archives) Now, Washington still was a slave owner, and Washington should have implored legislatures to abolish slavery, and for that we cannot ignore that legacy.
- How many people are aware that for much of the American Revolution, black and white soldiers fought side-by-side?
- How many people are aware that the American Revolution began when Crispus Attucks, a black American, was the first patriot killed at the Boston Massacre, and both white and black Americans fought back to avenge his death?
- How many people are aware of the role other black patriots played, such as,
- James Armistead- American Spy and double agent
- Peter Salem- a black patriot who killed the British leader, Major John Pitcairn, in the Battle of Bunker Hill
- Lambert Latham- a black patriot who killed a British Officer after his American Commander was murdered by the British
- Many of these individuals volunteered for the Continental Army. They were not forced to go to war.
- While the idea of freedom and liberty sounded nice, and while many were told they would be granted freedom if they fought for the cause, there were no guarantees, but they fought and died valiantly because of the idea of the United States. The idea of freedom and liberty.
- Some say slave-owners forced their slaves to join. This is a myth, and many slave owners did not want their slaves enlisting because slaves were expensive, and a dead slave was useless. (American Revolution)
- What about the contributions of Lancaster Hill, Peter Bess, Brister Slenser, Prince Hall, Jack Pierpoint, Nero Funelo, etc., who wrote a petition during the American Revolution calling for quality, freedom, and justice.
- “…your Petitioners apprehend that they have, in common with all other Men, a natural and unalienable right to that freedom, which the great Parent of the Universe hath bestowed equally on all Mankind, & which they have never forfeited by any compact or agreement whatever—But they were unjustly dragged, by the cruel hand of Power, from their dearest friends, and some of them even torn from the embraces of their tender Parents—from a populous, pleasant and plentiful Country—& in Violation of the Laws of Nature & of Nation & in defiance of all the tender feelings of humanity, brought hither to be sold like Beasts of Burthen, & like them condemned to slavery for Life…In imitation of the laudable example of the good People of these States, your Petitioners have long & patiently waited the event of Petition after Petition by them presented to the Legislative Body of this State, & can not but with grief reflect that their success has been but too similar—They can not but express their astonishment, that it has never been considered, that every principle from which America has acted in the course of her unhappy difficulties with Great-Britain, pleads stronger than a thousand arguments in favor of your Petitioners…whereby they may be restored to the enjoyment of that freedom which is the natural right of all Men—& their Children…” (PBS)
- What about the contributions of Hispanics like General Galvez, Luis Unzaga, Jordi Mesquida, etc.?
Another area that is ignored is the states. Many make it as if the United States was one monolithic state where slavery was accepted everywhere. However, this is also false. In fact, some states abolished slavery before our Constitution was even developed. Now obviously not enough was done, and even in those states that abolished slavery, Blacks still faced racism and discrimination. But to say that all states agreed with the concept of slavery is just false. not all states agreed with the concept (Thirteen: Media with Impact), and once the system of federalism was developed, Congress continued to debate the issue.
- 1777- Vermont (although was not a colony) outlawed slavery
- 1780- Pennsylvania- any child born to slaves was free
- 1783- Massachusetts- All slaves immediately freed
- 1783- New Hampshire begins the gradual abolition of slavery
- 1784- Connecticut and Rhode Island began the gradual abolition of slavery
- 1787- The United States passes the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 outlawing any new slavery in the Northwest territories
- 1794- The Slave Trade Act passed in Congress forbidding American ships from engaging in slave trade activities and exporting slaves to foreign ships
- 1800- American citizens are banned from investment and employment in the international slave trade
- 1802- Ohio State Constitution abolishes slavery (although not yet a state)
- 1804- New Jersey abolishes slavery
- 1806- Thomas Jefferson calls for criminalizing the international slave trade in his State of the Union address. He said, “…to withdraw the citizens of the United States from all further participation in those violations of human rights which have been so long continued on the unoffending inhabitants of Africa, and which the morality, the reputation, and the best interests of our country, have long been eager to proscribe. Although no law you may pass can take prohibitory effect till the first day of the year one thousand eight hundred and eight, yet the intervening period is not too long to prevent, by timely notice, expeditions which cannot be completed before that day.” (Yale)
- 1807- Congress makes the international slave trade a felony and in 1808 the importation and exportation of slaves are made a crime.
And we also paint all founding fathers with a broad-brush. We make it as though these white elitists had no qualms about slavery. This is false as well. Like I said before, many of the founding fathers either didn’t own slaves, renounced slavery later in life, freed slaves upon their death and cited the evils of slavery or a combination of those things. Here are just a few examples:
- Alexander Hamilton (Served in anti-slavery societies)
- George Mason did own slaves, but stated, “Slavery discourages arts and manufactures.” And “Every master of slaves is born a petty tyrant. They bring the judgment of heaven on a country.” (National Archives)
- John Jay (Served in anti-slavery societies)
- Benjamin Franklin (Served as President of the Pennsylvania Abolition Society)
- John Adams opposed slavery his entire life. He called slavery, a “foul contagion in the human character…an evil of colossal magnitude.”
- William Lloyd Garrison made the argument that if slavery wasn’t prohibited, it would be a covenant with death that we will pay for years to come.
- Patrick Henry, who said, “I believe a time will come when an opportunity will be afforded to abolish this lamentable evil.” (Original Letter/NY Times)
- Governor Morris of Pennsylvania gave a speech at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 now entitled the Curse of Slavery. (org)
- Luther Martin of Maryland said at the Constitutional Convention, “It is inconsistent with the principles of the Revolution, and dishonorable to the American character to have such a feature in the constitution.”
- Oliver Ellsworth of Connecticut
- While James Madison was a slave owner, and never freed his slaves, he understood the wrongs of slavery. He stated, “It was a nefarious institution. It was the curse of heaven in the States where it prevailed.” (Yale) He even predicted the North South Divide when it came to slavery. He wrote, “Madison wrote: “It seems now to be pretty well understood that the real difference of interests lies not between the large and small but between the northern and southern states. The institution of slavery and its consequences form the line of discrimination.”
Once again, this is not to justify slavery. It’s something that the founders will always be tainted with. William Garrison was right, as the horrors of slavery still haunt us today. That slavery has sowed the seeds of racism and discrimination. But to pretend like this wasn’t an issue since the founding of the country, and to pretend that all founding fathers enjoyed the concept of slavery is just wrong. Now I can go on and on about our history, but then this will have to be a several part series because there is so much information out there.
White Privilege/Kneeling
I need to discuss the here and now. If we want to have an honest conversation, we have to be honest in the first place. So, I want to start off with a few observations.
First, I want to provide you with an update. I put out the White Privilege Challenge. I believe the concept of privilege is insulting as I said last week. To say people, who may have had to overcome major challenges in life, including abuse, rape, poverty, and other things, to say these people have privilege just because of their skin color is very insulting.
We are not going to solve racism simply by judging someone by their skin color and determining whether they have privilege or not. Back to the White Privilege Challenge. So, I called on those who believe in white privilege and credit their success to white entitlement, to give up 50% of what they own and give up 50% of their paycheck to those they believe they oppressed. The tweet I put out there was retweeted about 600 times and like by more than 1,500 people. It also had 200 comments. As for the results, how many of those espousing the concept of white privilege responded that they will take the challenge. The answer is 0. Not one single person accepted the challenge. This illustrates that it’s easy to say you have white privilege, and the fact you don’t do anything about it shows that you are a hypocrite and phony.
At least, if you put your money where your mouth is, I can respect you. I may disagree with you, but at least I would have some respect. But they never do. Whether it’s Hollywood, whether it’s the established elite or just the average idiot that espouses this idea, they never do. It’s just like every other issue they preach about. These people love to preach but never live by what they preach which tells you everything you need to know about these sanctimonious losers.
And you do realize how insulting the idea of white privilege is to most may stream black people. Basically, you’re saying you are better because of the color of your skin. Maybe, just maybe, you should keep your mouth shut. Stop degrading yourself, and actually do something useful like donating money to the schools in these vulnerable communities.
Another thing that’s really bothering me, is the number of people who are kneeling before the mob. This is truly pathetic and sad. I don’t care who you are or what color you are. I kneel before no person. I would never kneel. It’s debasing and dehumanizing, and it shows a lack of character and integrity. Have some dignity. I mean damn. I would never kneel before the mob. In fact, I would never kneel before the President of the United States including President Trump. I wouldn’t even kneel before the Pope. I kneel to the Lord and that’s it. Have some self-respect and dignity as a human being regardless of the color of skin.
Another Uncomfortable Truth
Here is another uncomfortable truth and now I’m speaking to my black friends and the black communities, why are 90% of these types of problems in mostly blue states and blue cities. Especially the cities where most have been under Democrat rule for the last half-century. Think about it. The leftist and Democrats have controlled these areas for quite some time. They constantly preach about how much they care about the black community. Well to these communities, is your community better off, worse off, or have there been no changes.
You have been promised all these things for decades from Democrat politicians. In return, for those who vote, you have provided unwavering support to the Democrat party. Why? At what point do you look at it and realize you have been conned. I’m not saying that Republicans would have been much better, but if you have had promises made for the last half-century by one particular political party, and your community is either in the same shape or worse-off, at what point do you hold these officials accountable?
And that’s where personal responsibility comes into play, and where we can’t just sit here and blame elected officials because as a community, you allowed it to happen.
Malcolm X was suspicious of both political parties, and he did not subscribe to the Democratic party or the republican party. His focus was on the injustices towards black people as a whole. He wanted black people to take ownership and leadership within their communities. He also warned about exactly what I am talking about when he said, “Any time you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two-thirds of the government, and that party can’t keep the promise that it made to you during election time, and you are dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that party — you’re not only a chump but you’re a traitor to your race.” I think he went a little far saying you are a traitor to your race, and I don’t agree with everything Malcolm X says, but I get his point. (Digital History) (Malcolm X Speech on YouTube)
You have been fed lies, and once again, facts are facts. Just look at the Civil Rights Act. The Senate makeup in 1964 was 67 Democrats & 33 Republicans. Democrats had the overwhelming majority. Yet when it came to voting in support of Civil Rights, 81% of Republican Senators supported the Civil Rights Act 27 voted for it and 6 voted against the Act. 46 Democrats voted in support of the Civil Rights Act and 21 Democrats opposed it. That means 31% of Democrat Senators rejected the Civil Rights Act.
In the House, we see something similar. 153 Democrats voted in favor of the Civil Rights Act, and 91 Democrats opposed it meaning 37% of House Democrats opposed Civil Rights legislation. 136 Republicans supported it and 35 opposed the legislation which translates to 80% of Republicans supporting it. Now some are going to say that’s where the Dixiecrat switch came into play, but that’s BS and I’ll get into that in a few weeks.
At what point do you rise up, get rid of the bums, and take those positions yourself. As I have argued before, many of these officials that represent these communities, don’t even live within the districts they represent. Do you think they really care about you and the needs of your community?
Cops interaction with the Black Community
Again, we have to face an uncomfortable truth and correct the lies and distortions. I keep hearing young black men are being slaughtered by the police. That police are killing young black men. Please point me to that statistic because the numbers don’t bear that out. Now we can talk about racial profiling, we can discuss things like stop and frisk because those are actual policies, and people’s viewpoints are going to differ.
As I said last week, I’m not black so I have no idea what it’s like to walk in your shoes. I cannot imagine what it feels like to be discriminated against because of skin color. I can empathize with you. I can offer compassion, but I can’t say I know what it’s like because I never experienced that, and I don’t pretend to understand.
Listen, I would love to live in a colorblind society, but I am also realistic. I grew up at a time where people were much freer to cast aspersions and to say things we wouldn’t dare say today. Sometimes in jest, other times in malicious ways. I don’t pretend I was a saint growing up. I was young, dumb, and made more mistakes than I can count. I was a rambunctious tike. One day, I’ll write a tell-all book.
But we grew up in households where sticking within the culture was preached and expected especially from our grandparent’s generation. Our parents may have been a little more open and tolerant, but not by much.
However, as I passed from my teenage years to young adulthood, I learned and grew as a human being. I learned that the world doesn’t revolve around me. I learned the importance of being a decent human being. I learned the importance of treating others with respect and dignity because I know what it was like not to get treated with that and I also knew that I didn’t always treat other people that respect and dignity.
I teach my children that we are all different. We have different races. Different cultures and values. Different traditions. But I teach them to be decent human beings. To treat everyone with respect and dignity. To treat others as the way they would want to be treated. And you treat people with respect, regardless of whatever, until that person proves you wrong. This is not a white thing, or a black thing, or a Hispanic thing. It’s a human thing.
We can talk about ways to prevent police brutality. Believe me, I call out government constantly when it comes to abuses of power. Now I get that there are many in the population that have a real fear about dying at the hands of cops but is that true. If we look at the number of people killed by cops in any given year over the last decade, the overwhelming majority were justified, and more white people are killed by cops than black people especially when it comes to the person being unarmed. Now in 2019, it was about 9 or 10 unarmed black people were killed by police, and about 20 unarmed white people. In these cases, I am unsure how many were classified as justified, and how many were classified as an abuse of power where the officer was charged. But for argument’s sake, let’s just say that every one of these shootings was not justified, does it really illustrate that police officers want to kill young black men?
Now, I get that whites make up a larger share of the population. But if we are looking at those numbers as a percentage of our population the black deaths represent .00002% of the Black population and the white deaths are .00001% of the white population.
Both are statistically unremarkable. Now Black Lives Does Matter, I don’t support the BLM organization, but I will say Black Lives Matter just as much as any other life. But if we are talking about police killing unarmed men, when was the last time you saw a video of a white person being killed by a cop?
Black Lives Matter
Why is it that Black lives only matter when it’s a police officer? Why can’t it be all the time? Now, I’m not allowed to say this, and if I do there are those who viciously attack saying, “see, you just don’t get it, and you are trying to coverup for an oppressive system.” They accuse you of trying to distract and conflate issues. And the race hustlers, because that’s what they are, will call you racist if you bring up black on black crime, and the murder of young Black men.
They say you can’t lump these two together. But why? If we are saying Black lives matter, isn’t this an important issue to discuss? We can talk about police brutality, but let’s face reality, as a young black person, growing up in a high crime area, you have a greater chance of getting killed by another black person, not a cop. The same holds true for a white person growing up in a high crime neighborhood. The stats show they are more likely to die because of another white person as opposed to a cop.
Now I’m speaking to the loudest voices, to the mob. Because I guarantee many in the black community know we can do both. Stop being dishonest and disingenuous. If you really care about Black lives, we can address both.
If Black lives matter, where are the BLM leaders and protests about David Dorn? This man spent his life in public service and helping others. This man, by all accounts, was a man of the community. He was a good citizen, a good husband, a good father and grandfather. He should be elevated to.
I’m not questioning whether people should protest. What was done against George Floyd was an injustice? Some are trying to bring up Floyd’s background, but to me, that’s irrelevant. He should be alive today, and anyone watching that video knows that it was an injustice.
But all the people I mentioned in the beginning of the show matter too. Yet, I don’t see people like Al Sharpton recognizing them or their lives. I don’t see people like Al Sharpton talking about the injustices against minority-owned businesses who have had their livelihoods destroyed by rioters and looters. I don’t see people like Al Sharpton talking out and explaining how the lives of the people in these communities just got much more difficult because their grocery store or pharmacy burned down or was looted.
What’s Really Going On
So, what’s really going on here? You actually have several groups with their own motives. The first group is the legitimate protestors, many of them black, who have a legitimate gripe. Now, these are the people I want to speak to and work with to figure out viable solutions going forward. These are the people that can help to improve race relations and fight against racism and discrimination.
Your second group is the known race hustlers. People like Al Sharpton are nothing more than race hustlers. They exploit these situations in order to enrich themselves. People like Al Sharpton swoop in and feign outrage, increase racial division, raise money, and leave. People like Al Sharpton should be ashamed of themselves. They make race relations worse. They feed off the racial divisions. Think about how Al Sharpton become so wealthy, although I wonder if he paid all the taxes he owes. But open your eyes. If Al Sharpton doesn’t get called, how does Al Sharpton make money? Always question how much money these people make.
The More Dangerous Groups- Socialist/Leftists
While the race hustlers are in it for the money, there are far more dangerous groups out there. These are groups that know how to exploit instability, and they are the leftist socialists. They see it as an opportunity to silence and censor anyone who dissents from their point-of-view. These are the people that want to destroy capitalism and seek power by any means necessary. They want to reinvent America into a vision they deem equitable and just. They talk about working in the interests of the collective as opposed to any personal responsibility.
These people are dangerous. Have you seen an increase in the racist being hurled about? Have you seen an increase in the mob shaming those who present alternative points of view?
Just look at Drew Brees. He said he doesn’t think anyone should kneel for the flag and he finds it insulting. He was savagely attacked and forced to apologize for stating what he believes. He was threatened, and instead of standing up to the mob, he apologized. By all accounts, he is a good guy that has done great things. Yet, none of that matters because he said what he believes in and so he is shamed, ostracized, and silenced out of fear.
What happened to Freedom of Speech? What happened to Freedom of thought and expression? I guess it only applies if you parrot the leftist narrative. Think about how dangerous that is.
If you dare say anything that they deem offensive, they will do whatever it takes to destroy your life and livelihood. They will post on social media. They will protest at your home. They will try to get you fired. That’s scary stuff. This is the difference between these people and conservatives. If you disagree with me, you are entitled to your opinion. If you say something, no matter how dumb, you have that right, and no one should try to take that away from you. I would never try to destroy someone because they disagreed. And everyone out there needs to realize, once you give in to these people, it emboldens them more. It makes them come at you ten times harder. Never bow to the mob because they will never be satisfied. If you think I’m kidding, just do a quick Google search about people being forced into termination because of a tweet, a comment or a headline.
These are the same people that are calling for defunding the police. Do you really think that people who live in the most vulnerable communities, which are high crime areas, want to see the police defunded? Why don’t their voices matter? Why doesn’t the media, or anyone else for that matter, go talk to them and see if they think that’s a good idea. Remember what I said last week, the useful idiots that are jumping on this are the same ones who could hire their own private security and don’t have to worry. It’s you and me that will be the ones to get screwed.
Also, why do you think they want to defund the police? Do you think that no one will fill the void if you don’t have police? These groups will fill the void, and they will extort businesses and people for money. It will be nothing more than mob shakedowns. Also, those with power will begin to target their opponents. This will be a partisan police force not really looking to stop or prevent crime but looking to silence anyone who disagrees.
This is not me exaggerating the situation. Just look at the groups involved, which I’m going to breakdown who is really behind these groups in a few weeks, but these groups include Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and The Democrat Socialist of America.
But it’s far deeper than that. These are people who believe they are morally superior. That they can right the wrongs of America and Americans. That people must be told what to do rather than people having the choice to make their own decisions. They have infiltrated every aspect of society and are now working to socially engineer society in order to obtain power.
Reading through a June 2016 article, titled “A Summary of Democratic Socialists of America Document” written by the Democratic Socialists of America, it states, “Finally, individual civil and political rights (freedom of speech, assembly, the right to vote, etc.), which are currently routinely violated, would be strengthened, and public resources would be devoted to the development of a genuinely free press and a democratically administered mass media.” (Medium)
This should send shivers down every American’s spine. Public resources, meaning government, would be the ones to determine what a free press is. The government would administer a “democratic” mass media. Meaning that government is the one controlling the messaging and what it deems acceptable and unacceptable. Well, what if they are the government? What if they have the power?
Listen to this. This was a petition signed by 1,200 health professionals. Now I’m going to read a section of this, and you tell me if these scientists are apolitical, “Instead, we wanted to present a narrative that prioritizes opposition to racism as vital to the public health, including the epidemic response. We believe that the way forward is not to suppress protests in the name of public health but to respond to protesters demands in the name of public health, thereby addressing multiple public health crises.”
“However, as public health advocates, we do not condemn these gatherings as risky for COVID-19 transmission. We support them as vital to the national public health and to the threatened health specifically of Black people in the United States. We can show that support by facilitating safest protesting practices without detracting from demonstrators’ ability to gather and demand change. This should not be confused with a permissive stance on all gatherings, particularly protests against stay-home orders. Those actions not only oppose public health interventions but are also rooted in white nationalism and run contrary to respect for Black lives. Protests against systemic racism, which fosters the disproportionate burden of COVID-19 on Black communities and also perpetuates police violence, must be supported.”
Did you catch that? These public health professionals penned a petition that stated the protests are okay in order to fight racism. However, they label those protesting stay-at-home orders, those protesting Governors acting like tyrants and denying people their freedoms in the name of Coronavirus are rooted in White nationalism. Think about that. If you protest the abuse of power by governors, you are a white nationalist. If you protest the abuse of police, you stand in solidarity with the black community and you are a patriot. Throughout the petition words like white supremacy and white nationalism are listed about 7 or 8 times. Really? (WRAL)
If you’re not mad yet. How’s about this one? You want to talk about social engineering. The NY Times ran a piece explaining how you should disown families until they support Black Lives Matter and they provide meaningful support to Black lives.
A girl put a video on social media explaining how she hates her parents because they said George Floyd deserved to die. She said her parents are racist, and Louisiana is racist. Now I don’t know this girl or her parents. Maybe they are racist.
However, if I see post like that, I am going to mind my business because I’m not going to make a judgment on a teenager’s post because she’s a teenager. What I am stunned by is the amount of elitists who have told an impressionable teenager not to have contact with her parents. Instead of them encouraging this young girl to try and educate and teach her parents, they are encouraging her to cut ties. And some of these morons are pushing the notion that white parents love white supremacy more than their children. (Insider) It’s rather disturbing watching kids trying to become social media stars, and those exploiting them.
We now hear growing calls to include the concept of white privilege in education curriculums around the country. Now, if these people really care about Black history, why don’t they teach what I discussed at the beginning of this episode. Instead, they will attempt to indoctrinate entire generations creating guilt and shame amongst one group, and promoting the other group to view the first group with animosity and resentment. Does that sound like a good way to promote racial equality?
I will explore these groups more in future episodes, but I want to touch on the last group.
The Deep State
The last group has nothing to do with the socialists. They don’t support the socialist agenda, and they don’t really care about the protests. This group consists of the political elite who believe that Americans got it wrong in 2016, and they are the noble ones chosen to correct the bad decision the American people made. This is a group that despises the idea that someone like Donald Trump can be sitting in the oval office.
They view the President as unworthy and beneath the office of the President. They don’t like the crudeness or crassness. They don’t like his management style, and they view him as a threat to the country.
Do you think it’s a coincidence that General Mattis came out last week and stated that the President is a threat to the Constitution? Do you think it’s a coincidence that other members of the top brass of the military and former officers have come out against the President?
Now I will state unequivocally that we don’t need active duty military involved in this. I think the President is wrong. If the mayors and the governors allow the police departments to do their jobs, they have the capabilities and resources. The second tier is the National Guard, and they can provide support. So, I think active duty is not necessary.
However, I find the fact that you have former military leaders openly saying that the military should defy a Constitutionally legal order really disturbing. I also find it disturbing that people in top positions within the military have openly stated they would defy an order, even though it would be constitutionally legal and not without precedent.
The fact that they are coming out now raises eyebrows. Now, if they came out a year ago, I would still find it disturbing, but wouldn’t be as concerned. I would say they just hate the President.
What concerns me is that General Mattis, General Milley, and others, are claiming that the President is a threat to the constitution, yet not one of them spoke out during the Coronavirus about governors ruling by decree and essentially taking away people Constitutionally protected liberties. Think about this for a second. They were silent. They didn’t care about Executives ruling by decree with little to no input from state legislatures. And ironically, they are saying the President is a threat to the Constitution by making a completely legal order, yet they see no threat to the Constitution as they openly call for people to defy the orders of the President.
It seems every time they try to accuse the President of something, they themselves are guilty of that exact offense. A disagree with the President about using the active-duty military on U.S. soil, but I am frightened that these people are speaking out now.
Something bigger may be going on here. You can say that it’s a looney conspiracy theory, but remember if you questioned the Russia collusion narrative, you were also labeled a conspiracy theorist.
After seeing what the bureaucracy, the political elite, and the media, has done of the last 3.5 years, nothing shocks me. I am highly suspicious of anything and something does smell right here.
I believe the groundwork may be getting laid to remove the President from office. The military is one of our most respected institutions, and by getting top brass aboard the idea of the removal of President Trump, it would look like this was a nonpartisan effort. That it was so urgent they had to do something. Remember, a couple of years ago where senior leaders did discuss invoking the 25th Amendment. Would this provide them the cover to do that again?
Now, these people don’t want a socialist system. They want to go back to the status quo. They want to go back to the days where the bureaucrats make the decisions and simply inform the President and Congress. I don’t know if they are going to push for removal before or after the election, or if they are pushing to remove the President at all, but it is something I am watching closely.
Part of me says it will be a push to remove prior to the election because they can’t rely on Joe Biden beating the President. With all the chaos currently going on, they will say it was important they act with urgency and they will temporarily postpone the election. But I think that would be a disaster because you have to let the American people decide, and I don’t think the American people would tolerate this 5 months away from an election, but then again, I didn’t think I’d see Americans roll over and give up their liberties without any pushback.
Another scenario could be after the election if President Trump wins, but I don’t see that going well either. How do millions of Americans go to the polls, vote, and then they say, we don’t really care? We are nullifying the vote. That won’t work out well either. In fact, they tried this before in 2016 and I believe that would end in disaster too.
Or I can just be nuts and overthinking things. Maybe I’m the crazy one. Who knows?
I’ve been warning about the power of the bureaucracy for years, and if you don’t see the threat the bureaucracy poses, you are blind.
These are dangerous times, and we have to recognize that. There are many actors and nefarious groups all with their own agendas. We have to stay vigilant. I do believe there is a silent majority out there, and we need to show them our voices matter. We need to vote. We need to hold people accountable. We need to speak up and start defending those who the mob targets. While I do believe that a silent majority exists, the concepts of socialism and communism have taken root here in the United States and we need to start figuring out ways to dismantle this structured, coordinated effort to destroy our institutions and our country.
Everyone should be disturbed by what’s going on. Recognize that this is well-coordinated. If this was just isolated to the fringe players I wouldn’t care or be concerned, but the hardcore leftists are making great strides and they are controlling the narrative. What’s more concerning is the momentum they have behind them. While they are controlling the narrative, they are also winning as more and more bow down to the mob.
The deep state is another area that concerns me. Their hatred for President Trump is conveyed on a daily basis. I thought they would calm down after the whole Russian collusion narrative collapsed. Boy was I wrong. Instead of them taking a deep breath, they only became more fervent and emotional.
Every single one of you out there better make sure you go out and vote. Push your family and friends to go and vote. There are dark storm clouds gathering right now. We need to remind all these groups, the political elites, and the media, that We the People are in charge, and We the People will determine where we go as a country.
Speaker Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Schumer proved this week that the Democrats will bow to the mob so there useless. They aren’t going to fight back against some of these insane policies. In fact, many of them will go along with it and pray that they get to hold onto their power. I hate to break to those Democrats, and the media for that matter, if you let these groups achieve their goals, once they do, you will be targeted next. They have no qualms about eating their own.
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What’s scary is the deafening silence of Republicans who are cowering like chickens because they are afraid of the mob. Many of them have no backbone. Many of them think that ultimately these groups will fizzle out and that the Deep State will back off. I hate to break it to you, but they are not going anywhere, and they are only gaining more power. Republicans need to step up in mass. They need to begin to pushback. You are not safe by remaining silent, and these groups will target you before they target the Democrats.
It’s sad that we had a moment where we all could have come together. Where we could have engaged in real open debate and could have developed solutions. Nearly everyone was on the same page. Hopefully, the opportunity hasn’t been squandered.
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Thank you for joining us, stay safe, and I’ll be back next week.
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