Rant or Rave Wednesday
Americans Give Trump a Resounding Victory – Now the Swamp Must Allow Him to Govern
Today is a historic day. Donald Trump is the first president to win two non-consecutive presidential terms since President Grover Cleveland in 1892. He also is the first Republican candidate to win the popular vote since President Bush 20 years ago. This resounding victory presents a strong mandate to Washington D.C. – we want change! We want a president who will give us lower prices and lower inflation. We want a president who will tap into our own natural resources, so we don’t have to depend on foreign tyrants for oil and gas. We want a president who will enforce our border with an immigration policy that does not allow millions of unknown foreigners and drugs to pour into our nation. We want a president who works for the benefit of the people, not for their own power or wealthy elites. Most importantly, we want a president who puts Americans first.
Many Republicans were cautiously optimistic going into election day. Still, nobody was certain if President Trump would win the popular vote, and many did not fathom that he would win all the swing states. Although Nevada and Arizona have not officially been called, (as of this morning) it looks like he will win both. President Trump’s unquestionable triumph sends an important message to all elected officials – you are elected to serve the people, not to enrich yourselves or preserve your own power. Democrats can parade out all the celebrities they want, but we can now say with certainty that this does not sway voters. In fact, it may have the opposite effect. The Biden/Harris administration’s harmful policies have not hurt these affluent entertainers. Higher prices for gas and groceries have little impact on their daily lives. They are not impacted by rampant crime as they live in their gated mansions and walk around with security personnel. They fly around in their private jets, polluting the planet, while lecturing us about air conditioning and gas-powered cars. Celebrities also have a mandate with this election – stay in your lane.
When President Trump was elected in 2016, the D.C. swamp swung into action before he even finished delivering his inaugural address. They undermined and plotted against him immediately, starting with the Russia hoax and continuing with fraudulent impeachments, lawfare, and a constant barrage of unfair and negative news stories, creating chaos in our country. Not only can they not get away with this now because of his resounding victory but also Trump knows who to trust and who not to trust. His cabinet and inner circle will consist of vetted and reliable people who will work to enact his agenda that puts the interest of American citizens first.
Despite the accusations of being a racist and Hitler by many in the media this election cycle, President Trump prevailed. He improved his numbers with African Americans, Hispanics, and the youth vote compared to 2016 and 2020, catapulting him to victory. This proves that the American electorate has tuned out the dishonest media. He was already president for four years, and we know what he’s capable of. Every ethnic group, both genders, and every age group had a better economic status under President Trump during his first term before COVID hit.
Given the Senate will have a Republican majority and the House looks like it will maintain its majority, President Trump is entering the White House in a positive position. Now, he must clean up the mess the Biden/Harris administration has left. If anyone can do it, President Trump certainly can. The man has survived two assassination attempts and an onslaught of vicious lies and name-calling. In this election, America has unequivocally embraced Donald Trump and his agenda. The censorship, corruption, and lies of the past 4 years should now be in the rearview mirror as we look forward and anticipate prosperity, success, and peace.
Lee Smith sits down with Professor Giordano to discuss the war against Trump
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