Episode 434 Show Notes- Are Democrats Making Moves to Oust President Biden?
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Episode Description
Are certain Democrats and segments of the media orchestrating a strategic move to oust President Biden? With his poll numbers plummeting across the board and growing scrutiny surrounding allegations of corruption within the Biden family business, a narrative emerges that suggests Biden may have served his purpose and is now viewed as a liability. Professor Nick Giordano dissects the political calculus behind this potential shift and the unfolding dynamics within the Democratic Party.
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Show Notes- Are Democrats Making Moves to Oust President Biden?
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Welcome to The P.A.S. Report Podcast
Welcome to The P.A.S. Report Podcast. I’m your host, Nick Giordano. As always, follow and subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode.
I have a great episode lined up for you. When it comes to the economy, the Biden administration keeps telling all Americans that they are imagining all the problems we face. That everything is perfect. That we shouldn’t believe what we see and hear. They tell us that a border crisis isn’t really happening. That the border is the most secure it has ever been and to ignore the reality of illegal immigrants being transported throughout the country. Don’t believe that there’s a drug epidemic and over a hundred thousand Americans are dying each year from drug overdoses even though many of those dying have no history of substance abuse issues. Don’t believe that the cities are becoming more violent and dangerous. Ignore all the incidents of people being randomly beaten, stabbed, shot, and thrown off subway platforms. Don’t believe those videos you’re seeing where people walk into stores and take whatever the hell they want.
Don’t believe your bank accounts, your credit card statements, the bills piling up, and your grocery receipts. The economy is perfect.
Stop complaining peasants. If you complain, you’re the problem, not the Biden economy. You just don’t realize how good your economic livelihood. Just take a listen to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen.
Play Janet Yellen Clip
She says all the indicators are good. Don’t complain about the high gas prices, you can afford them even though you’re trying to figure out what bills you can afford to pay and which ones you can’t. They keep saying inflation is down, but how many of you that made a recent trip to the grocery store, feel like inflation is down?
Of course, the answer is none of you feel that way because you’re the one paying for the groceries. You don’t have the luxury of being an illegal immigrant and getting your food, clothing, shelter, and healthcare, paid for by us the taxpayers.
The truth is that inflation isn’t down. Inflation rose by 7% in 2021. 6.5% in 2022. And it’s up nearly 4% this year. So, while it decreased slightly from the previous year, inflation isn’t down, it’s still up. Since President Biden took office, it’s up about 17%, but that’s not the whole story.
Certain purchases you can put off. You can delay those purchases, but the essentials like food and energy, you can’t live without that. If we just look at the essentials, energy prices have gone up 37.2%. On food, prices are up almost 20%. And at the same time, household income has declined since Biden took office. It’s a perfect storm.
We are paying more, and making less. That’s why you’re seeing the United Auto Workers go on strike. They can’t afford to live under the Democrat economy. You would think the Unions would wake up and stop being an extension of the DNC. To all my union members listening out there, let me ask you, how have your contracts been under Democrats, and yet most Union leadership pledges unwavering support for the Democrat party? I support unions. I support the UAW. I don’t agree with everything they’re asking for, but this economy has been a disaster for everyone, except for the righteous green energy industry that’s reaping billions from the government coffers.
And as energy prices are now creeping up again, so too is the inflation. Then you look at home mortgages. Mortgage interest rates are hovering at 8% and continue to rise as well. It’s amazing, even if you can afford a home, it’s unaffordable as the rates keep ticking up.
Some say it’s a return to the 70s and 80s, but don’t forget, homes were $50k at the time. You can afford an 8% interest rate on a $50k home.
Consider today that the average home price is $410k. Pre-Biden when you factor in a 30-year fixed mortgage rate on $350,000. You would have paid a total of $469k for the life of the loan.
Under Bidenomics, you are now paying $679 over the life of the loan. That’s $210k more.
That’s Bidenomics for you. And then factor in the decline in the value of 401k’s and IRA’s.
Factor in how we are about to see a collapse in the commercial real estate market. Factor in how credit card defaults and mortgage loan delinquencies have increased several percent.
Bidenomics and the Democrat economy are not working for the American people.
Of course, there are some of his defenders out there who will scream it’s not his fault. That it was the pandemic. It was the supply chain issues that created the inflation even though it was dumb government bureaucrats throughout the world determining what businesses are essential and which ones aren’t, including in our own country. They’ll scream that it’s not Biden’s fault and the entire globe faced crushing inflation. They’ll claim we fared better than anyone else.
But that’s all lies. The main drivers behind inflation are printing money and high energy prices. Two things firmly in our control. If we stopped overspending and started pumping oil and gas out of the ground to bring down energy prices, we would see inflation decline dramatically, but that doesn’t jive with their virtue-signaling policies.
However, something is going on, and Democrats may be looking to oust President Biden. I’ll explain that when we get back from this quick break
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Click here to read Professor Giordano’s latest piece at Campus Reform
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