Episode 286 Show Notes- Are You a Radical Extremist? President Biden Thinks You Are
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Are you a radical extremist? Well according to President Biden nearly half the country is now part of an extremist organization. He stated that any American who supports the idea of America First or utter the words Make America Great Again is part of the “most extreme political organization that’s existed in American history – recent American history.” This was not one of the usual gaffes President Biden is prone to make. Rather, this is an attempt to target political opposition to marginalize and silence the opposition. Professor Giordano warned that the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism was designed to go after political opponents, and we are seeing that strategy come to life.
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Show Transcript- Are You a Radical Extremist? President Biden Thinks You Are
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Welcome to The P.A.S. Report Podcast.
Before I even get into today’s episode, I want to play a brief clip from Monty Python. This skit was done 40-50 years ago, and it’s so relevant today. Take a listen.
Sound clip- Monty Python
Wow. 40-50 years ago, that was satire. Mocking cultural Marxists and using the Marxist language- imperialists, struggle, oppression, and oppressors. Notice the words used in this skit. Today, this is reality. Who would have thought a comedy skit from a half-century ago would be so relevant today. Most of the time, we say you can make this stuff up, but Monty Python did just that and it was hilarious. Now it’s just sad that we even have to have this debate, yet here we are.
When it comes to today’s political environment, there are a whole host of issues that really shouldn’t even be issued. There’s also no shortage of hypocrisy. Many of those in power have made a very good living off their hypocrisy.
We see the constant attacks on anyone who dares to ask questions. I routinely criticize our institutions and the abuses of power we are witnessing. I am someone who believes in a small, limited government. I believe that we need to speak up and speak out to make sure our officials are held accountable and to uphold the principles of the United States Constitution.
A few weeks ago, I argued that people like me can differentiate between the government and America as a country. That criticizing one doesn’t mean we are criticizing the idea of America and our founding principles.
Others believe the country and the government are one and the same. That the government is the all-powerful entity that reflects what America is about. To them, it’s not about the people. It’s about the government and government power. They want to centralize this power so long as those institutions are implementing their policy agenda. If you criticize them or go against their policies, they won’t debate. Instead, they throw bombs. They demonize. They call you names. It’s all to silence and marginalize political opposition.
And the second a policy goes against their agenda, they want to blow it all up removing all safeguards, including the checks and balances, and they seek all power in the drive towards authoritarianism.
Unfortunately, you have a pretty good percentage of the population that has no problem with this as long as they are ideologically in sync with those in power.
This has now reached dangerous new heights and that’s going to be the basis for this episode. I’m going to piggyback off last week’s episode where I focused on the new Ministry of Truth and the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism.
Last week was astonishing, and like always, so many are missing the bigger picture, but what President Biden said should frighten everyone.
Before I jump in, make sure to click the follow button for this podcast so you never miss an episode, and don’t forget to visit The P.A.S. Report website and sign up for the newsletter.
Don’t Burn This Country: Surviving and Thriving in Our Woke Dystopia
Mexican Drug Cartels
Before I get to the main topic, I briefly want to talk about an article I read last week.
Last week, it was reported that former Secretary of Defense, Mark Esper, is releasing a new book where he says former President Trump is unfit for office.
Now, this is a former official, another swamp creature, trying to make a buck off of their time serving in the Trump White House, but there is a part of the book that reflects how deep the cesspool of the DC swamp is.
It reflects how these people, in all of their infinite wisdom, really don’t care about the American people or what’s in the interest of the United States.
How the powers that be believe they are the ones who are right, and they get to determine what’s in our best interest, and the best interest of the United States.
So, what am I talking about? And how does this show that the DC swamp has little regard for the American people?
The former DOD Secretary recalls that on two occasions, President Trump brought up the idea of using covert military action on the drug cartels in Mexico. (DNYUZ)
According to Esper, this left him speechless. He dismissed the idea as ludicrous, and he said if he hadn’t heard it directly, he would have thought it was a joke.
To him, this idea was crazy, but it epitomizes the priorities of the DC swamp. Understand, these are the same people who have no problem getting us involved in useless foreign wars, costing an enormous amount in blood and treasure, in places where most Americans can even point to on a map. Where, at best, you can argue that our involvement didn’t make much of a difference. You can also make the argument that our foreign adventures have made things worse.
I want you to consider this, and while I’m not advocating for an attack on a sovereign country to target drug cartels, why do people like Esper, and all the other DC power elites, laugh off such an idea? I can certainly make the case that destroying the Mexican cartels is much more in our strategic interests than most other engagements we’ve been in. And if you want to scream that Mexico is a sovereign nation, so are many other countries that we got involved in militarily.
How many Americans die each year from drug-related overdoses directly because of the drugs flowing through our Southern border at the hands of these cartels? Last year, 100,000 Americans died from opioid-related overdoses, and much of the synthetic opioids come directly from the cartels trafficking them. The reality is that this is equivalent to a 9/11 every 33-days.
Also, how many tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of human beings are being trafficked by the drug cartels resulting in an enormous number of rapes, death, and human suffering?
Maybe you think we should attack the Mexican cartels, maybe you don’t, but one thing is clear. The Mexican cartels are responsible for an enormous amount of human suffering and are making billions off of that suffering. It has an enormous direct national security impact on the United States, and it’s clear that the Mexican government is unable to take down these cartels.
Consider that eight of the most violent cities in the world are all in Mexico. (Mexico Daily Post) a Mexican investigative journal, Contralinea, posted a map given to President Obrador which shows that 57.5% of populated areas are controlled by the cartels, and 23.3% are seeing some level of cartel violence. (Contralinea)
While you may disagree with President Trump’s suggestion, it’s not something that should leave the Secretary of Defense speechless, and it shows just how little he thinks of the hundreds of families that have been ravaged by the opioid epidemic.
Those who criticize the former President like Esper, and many within the DC swamp, at least the former President worries about actual issues that are impacting our lives every day and in every community. At least instead of getting involved in another endless war, he wanted to use the United States military to protect the people. Also remember, many of these same people who mock and ridicule him have advocated for forever wars that have proven to be utter disasters.
The second thing that Esper recounts is when former President Trump advisor, Stephen Miller, suggested putting 250,000 troops on the border as a way to prevent the migrant caravans from crossing the border.
Esper shot back at Miller saying, “The U.S. armed forces don’t have 250,000 troops to send to the border for such nonsense.” Having a secure southern border is nonsense? To people like Esper, we don’t have a right to ensure the sovereign integrity of America.
His attitude is reflective of a lot of people in the highest powers of government. The public virtue signalers don’t care about the Southern border because these migrants won’t be going into their communities. The secret flights in the middle of the night are transporting these people to communities that are already suffering. Communities where the education system has completely broken down. Communities where the infrastructure is being stretched to the brink.
It is telling when you listen to these people and it’s not like they try to hide what they think. But I can guarantee that if they were going to the elite communities, I would bet we would have 250,000 troops at the border. I would bet that the unending flow of migrants would stop almost immediately. We would have an impenetrable wall. We should do that. Any Republican campaigning for the presidency in 2024 needs to say that they are going to sign an executive order saying that all migrants will be transported to the wealthy elite zip codes. To communities that could sustain this population. The immigration problem would be solved almost immediately.
The Uniter-in-Chief! Well, Maybe Not So Much!
Not for nothing, but you ungrateful peasants don’t know how lucky you are to have President Biden in office. Remember when he was running for President. Remember what he said during his inauguration. The Uniter-in-Chief. Well, if you forgot, take a listen.
Sound Clip- President Biden, The Uniter-in-Chief
All praise to the Uniter-in-Chief. What a joke. This has been the most divisive President that I can recall. He hasn’t made any effort to unite the country. He continually has tried to divide the nation. Like everything else, those were just words.
The President and the entire ruling elite, as a whole, can care less about unity. What they want is submission. Submission to their policy agenda. Submission to their point-of-view. Submission to them.
Consider there are so many within the media and the pundit class, within the political and establishment class, that argue the reason we can’t have unity is because of you the peasants. You just don’t realize that the Dear Leader is working so hard for you. You just don’t appreciate the high gas prices. The cost of food. The insane inflation that’s starting to take a toll on families where credit card debt is at an all-time high, and credit card delinquency rates increased from .16% to 5.32%. (CNBC)
You just don’t appreciate the empty store shelves. Don’t you realize that if there are fewer products on the shelves, you don’t have to waste time deciding on which brand to buy you, ungrateful peasants? You don’t appreciate the debacle of the withdrawal in Afghanistan or how his feckless leadership gave the green light for Russia to invade Ukraine. Or the trillion dollars plus infrastructure plan that didn’t really go to infrastructure. You don’t appreciate the open border where the border patrol is being overwhelmed, and where we now have the cartels scheduling human trafficking drop-offs.
You just don’t get it. He’s doing it for you. Then remember when the Uniter-in-Chief said this?
Sound Clip- Our Patience is Wearing Thin
Remember that gem. Our patience is wearing thin. I still wonder who is our? Is he talking about many of the frauds in office? The one’s building out the all-powerful, all-encompassing surveillance state?
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Are You A Radical Extremist? National Strategy is Fully Operational
But now he has taken it to a new level. Last week, I talked about how the Ministry of Truth is part of the framework for the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism. I broke down where the National Strategy alludes to this new Disinformation Governance Board.
Now, I want you to take a listen to what I warned about nearly one year ago when this National Strategy was announced and released. Here is what I said on Tucker Carlson’s show.
Sound Clip- Tucker Carlson National Strategy Discussion
A few days later, I followed up by doing an in-depth episode going page-by-page explaining the playbook and how it works.
So, the National Strategy was released in June of 2021. Fast forward 4-months later, and the Merrick Garland Department of Justice issued a DOJ memo essentially targeting parents that speak up at school board meetings as domestic terrorists.
See, the school boards don’t like parents shouting at them so in coordination with the U.S. Department of Education, under the direction of Secretary Miguel Cardona, encouraged the National School Boards Association to write a letter requesting that those parents who complain about mask mandates and CRT be investigated under the Patriot Act and are engaging in a form of domestic terrorism. After the backlash, the National School Boards Association pulled the letter, but the damage was done. They only rescinded it because they were losing members.
Following the DOJ memo, the FBI Counterterrorism and Criminal Divisions Unit created a new “threat tag” system. A whistleblower revealed the email explaining the threat tag system. In the official email, it states, “The purpose of the threat tag is to help scope this threat on a national level, and provide an opportunity for comprehensive analysis of the threat picture for effective engagement with law enforcement partners at all levels.”
The email directs FBI personnel to apply this new threat tag to all ‘investigations and assessments of threats specifically directed against school board administrations, board members, teachers, and staff.”
And it attempts to identify if there is a federal nexus, are there potential federal violations that can be investigated and charged, and what is the motivation.
They will try to accuse me of exaggerating this. They’ll say that the government’s own documents only target those that are engaged in harassment or actual violence but think about how open-ended that word harassment is, and how it can be used against anyone unless you are throwing a Molotov cocktail at a pro-life group or if you are protesting at the homes of the Supreme Court Justices or if you are rioting, looting, and burning down buildings in the name of social justice. That’s not harassment. Harassment only goes one way.
Fast forward to two weeks ago when the administration announced the Disinformation Governance Board, aka the Ministry of Truth. Again, they’ll accuse people who have taken it out of context. You notice that as the National Strategy continues to get built out, and we learn about the increasing power of the bureaucratic state, they always say it’s being taken out of context. What they’re is saying, don’t look over here. Instead, look at the dangerous domestic terrorist that we won’t define.
President Biden Takes it to a New Level- Are You a Radical Extremist
Recognize that the vagueness of these documents allows anyone to be labeled an extremist, and we have to ask the question- are you a radical extremist?
The other day, the President revealed just how he really feels about nearly 50% of the country. Take a listen.
Sound Clip- President Biden MAGA Extremism
“The most extreme political organization that’s existed in American history – recent American history.”
This was not one of the normal Biden gaffes. This was intentional and put into his speech, and you will begin to hear this message over and over. He is sick and tired of the political opposition. He is now blaming them for his own administration’s failures.
President Biden is so pathetic. He tried blaming Putin, the oil companies, the meat producers, the farmers, the truckers, and the railway industry. He’s tried to blame everything and everyone else except his policies, and since none of those excuses worked, he is now blaming ordinary Americans and those who support an America first agenda.
But we have to ask if it goes deeper than that. Is he going to target his political opposition as radical extremists? Is he going to unleash some of the most powerful levers of the government to go after his political opposition?
Understand that the words extremist, extremists, and extremism, are used over 26 times in the National Strategy which only consists of 30-pages.
This is nothing more than a coordinated approach to target political opposition to marginalize and silence the opposition.
And don’t forget, the President is simply sharing the views of his administration, many within the Democrat Party, the media industrial complex, and the guardians of democracy who staff the senior leadership positions within the bureaucracy where they believe they can do whatever the hell they want in the name of protecting democracy.
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We Know Who the Real Extremists Are
But we all know the truth, many reject the truth, but remember, truth does not depend upon human acceptance for its binding force of validity.
The truth is the extremists are the ones who want to teach sexuality to kids as young as four- and five-year old’s. The truth is that most normal people don’t believe that powerful life-altering drugs like puberty blockers should be provided to children that are 11 or 12-years old. Many would say that people who support the idea of providing kids with these drugs or talking about sexuality to young children are rather extreme. Children that can’t go on a field trip without parent consent. Children that can’t be left home alone.
The truth is that those who push the defund the police movement and want to eliminate all bail, short of murder, no matter how violent the crime was or how many offenses the perpetrator may have. Normal people want the police in their neighborhoods. They appreciate the hard work of police officers, and they recognize the thankless job it is. Most normal people don’t want to see rising crime rates or an exploding homeless population.
The truth is most Americans don’t want to pay an enormous amount of money for gas and oil in pursuit of a radical green agenda that isn’t ready for prime time. And most Americans do support efforts to make the country greener and more environmentally friendly, but they won’t support that agenda when the price of energy is destroying household budgets.
The truth is Americans don’t like inflation, and it’s not a high-class problem that some extremists like to portray it as. People are having to make really tough decisions in their lives. Decisions on what bills to pay and which bills will go unpaid.
The truth is that most Americans want to see a secure border, and only a bunch of radical extremists would engage in the largest human trafficking operation the world has ever witnessed. The majority of the American people don’t want Mexican drug cartels scheduling drop-offs of human beings with the Border Patrol. No other country in the world advocated for an open border policy. They’re not dumb, yet here we are where we will shatter all records this year.
The truth is that normal Americans, including the Black community, want stricter voting laws, and support things like voter id. Only extremists would want ballot drop boxes and ballot harvesting where it’s impossible to tell who is casting the ballots. The overwhelming majority of people want secure elections that can’t be questioned. On election night, they want to know who one the election. Now it takes days, weeks, and even months.
The truth is most normal people don’t want their children masked up for 6-8 hours a day. Most people don’t want to wear masks on planes, trains, and buses. Most normal people believe in choice. Only an extremist would force someone to get vaccinated under the threat that they’ll be fired and lose their livelihoods.
Only extremists would advocate for late-term or partial-birth abortions. While a slim majority of Americans support the idea of abortion, the overwhelming majority want it restricted to the first 15-weeks.
Only extremists would say that free political speech is a threat to democracy, and to protect democracy we must do away with our God-given right of free speech.
Only an extremist would call for the abolishment of the Supreme Court or to pack the court for ideological purposes. Only an extremist would talk about doing away with the filibuster and allowing the Senate to have a simple majority to pass legislation. Only an extremist would call to change the makeup of the Senate to be more of a representative body.
What this is really about is reimagining America, and many want to reimagine America without any political opposition. It’s why they want to label their political opponents as extremists. It’s why they look at you as an extremist.
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These are the people who use words like purge, deprogram, domestic enemies, and reeducate, whenever they refer to their political opposition.
These are the people who want to eliminate any checks and balances. They want to blur the lines when it comes to the separation of powers.
As long as they are the ones in power. It shows how authoritarian they are.
I’ll say it time and again, I don’t care which political party is in power, I want that power to be limited and restrained. I know the history of government power and abuse, and we are beginning to see authoritarianism creep into this country.
President Biden should be ashamed of himself, and he owes the American people an apology. Not just those he maligned and condemned as extremists. Those who believe in America First or Make America Great Again. He owes an apology to all Americans. The American people deserve better.
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