Episode 83 Show Notes- Aunt Jemima, Rice Krispies, Teddy Roosevelt: Where does it end? Communism
You were warned in previous episodes about the socialist and communist push in an attempt to bring down the United States and our Constitution. This week, Professor Giordano focuses on the coordinated and targeted trend to attack corporations, products, and American symbols. As corporations rebrand their products, and as statues and monuments continue to be removed, Professor Giordano warned that Washington, Jefferson, and others, would be targeted. This is nothing more than an attempt to socially engineer society. Social engineering is part of the Communist 101 playbook. Perhaps the most important question is where does this end?
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Welcome to another episode of The P.A.S. Report Podcast. This is your host Nick Giordano.
I am going to continue the focus on this socialist and communist push we are seeing in the country, and for that matter, around the world. The deafening silence by our cowardly political leaders has emboldened these people who want to destroy America and silence anyone who disagrees with them.
Two weeks ago, I explained how the protests have morphed and are no longer about George Floyd’s death and race relations. I explained how this is a push towards socialism, that will ultimately end in communism.
Last week, I exposed the groups involved. I explained how the media is trying to portray these groups as mainstream and their fight is for racial equality. I used these organizations’ own words. I read their charters and illustrated that there is nothing mainstream about these organizations, and their ultimate goal is to tear down America and our constitution. They hate everything we stand for and see this as their opportunity to tear down the system.
In this episode, I will point to the tactics they are using in an effort to bring down our way of life. If you don’t think that can happen, you better listen to this episode in full. Stop being complacent. Don’t say communism or socialism will never happen here. We are witnessing a transformation before our eyes. Yet, many remain silent.
Before I jump in, go to The P.A.S. Report, signup for the newsletter, and after this episode, take 30-seconds to write a good review and share it with others.
Destruction of property & businesses
This is a much bigger threat than most realize. While the tactics of economic destruction through rioting and destroying property are easy to see and identify and watch on television screens, there is something much more dangerous happening.
The destruction of property is simple to explain. You notice these individuals rarely target government buildings. Instead, they go after private property and private businesses. The reason they do this is very calculated.
First, most of these cities already face enormous debt burdens due to fiscal mismanagement over the last several decades. These debt burdens have only gotten worse because of the lockdowns from the coronavirus.
Targeting private property and businesses hurts much more than destroying government property and there are four reasons they do this. First, they view private business and private property as a symbol of the Capitalist structure. In order to destroy capitalism, you have to take away the ability of private ownership.
Remember, under communism and Marxism, private property is not allowed. Everything must be shared and the powers that be will determine how it’s shared and who has access. Of course, if you dare criticize those in power, you will be punished and prevented from accessing some vital services.
The second reason is to destroy the income producers within a jurisdiction. If a store is destroyed, it’s a major revenue loser for the city and state. Just think about how much tax revenue cities and states receive from the local business regardless if it’s a major corporation or a small business. This loss of revenue ultimately results in further debt to a city and state. It creates major challenges to fund city and state-run programs that people rely on. It’s also designed to have major corporations leave jurisdictions for good because corporations may decide it isn’t worth rebuilding in an area that’s been systematically destroyed.
The third reason is to put privately owned small businesses out of business. These socialist and Marxist groups understand that most small business owners operate in debt. They understand that these small business owners may not be able to rebuild especially if they don’t have insurance or if the insurance company denies the claim. IN many cases the insurance claim will be denied because many policies have exclusions for riots, revolutions, an act of war, etc. Many small businesses will not be able to be rebuilt and those owners will lose everything they worked so hard for.
The final reason is to displace workers. Not only do you lose the tax revenue from a business closing down, but you also lose the tax revenue from all the workers that will now be unemployed. Only, this is a double whammy because the state will provide unemployment benefits. So not only is the state losing tax revenue, but it’s also going to have to spend more in unemployment benefits.
The irony is that these groups always say they are fighting for the workers of America. Yet, they have no problem destroying the livelihoods of these workers. The theory they use is clear. Create enough desperation amongst the masses. As desperation grows, these people continue to blame the capitalist structure of the United States and continue will push the narrative that it’s unfair. Once the people are desperate enough, they will be more open to the message of socialism. Terms like redistribution of wealth, equitable livelihoods, and doing things in the interest of the collective society will be much more appealing as it’s very easy to pit those that have against those that have not.
The Bigger Threat
However, there is a much bigger threat. Many underestimate the potential of these groups. And I’m here to tell you that these groups are smart and know how to manipulate crises. They understand Lincoln’s old adage “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” They know the divide and conquer strategy.
My friend Gene, who I worked with in Emergency Management, sent me a YouTube clip. The video was probably done in the 1950’s, maybe early 1960’s. I tried to get the exact date but couldn’t.
The speaker, G. Edward Griffen, explains the tactics socialists and communists will use in order to achieve power. Now, Griffen is an author and filmmaker. In full disclosure, he is also someone that engages in conspiracy theory. However, when you listen to what he is talking about in this clip, he is spot on when it comes to the tactic that will be employed by socialist and communist all with the design of tearing down our system.
I am going to play a little clip of it. While listening, it should send down chills down your spine. If you want to hear the full clip, just go to https://pasreport.com and click on the show notes. (YouTube)
Play Griffen Clip 1
Now once again, this is from 60-70 years ago, and it’s so appropriate for what’s going on today. These groups understand that if they can divide us, we will tear each other apart. Identity politics is one of the most dangerous games you can play, and that’s exactly what these groups are doing.
So, this all started with George Floyd’s death. As I will always state, there was universal condemnation of Mr. Floyd’s death regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, or political ideology. Americans were united regardless of the color of our skin.
Now think about everything that has transpired up to this point. Think about everything you are hearing or seeing. If you look at it, you would think that we made no progress on race relations in our history. Because of horrible people and horrible media, you would think that racism is worse today than it ever was.
In fact, there are polls showing as much. According to Pew, 65% of Americans say it has become more common for people to express racist views, and 45% say racism has become more acceptable. (Pew)
A Rasmussen poll shows that 56% of black voters believe America is more racist today than 10 years ago. (Rasmussen)
An NBC News/Survey Monkey Poll found that 64% of Americans believe racism is a major problem today and has increased. (NBC/Survey Monkey)
And a Gallup survey captures the dire state of race relations. They use 20-years of polling starting in 2001-present day. The trends are troubling and since 2014, we have been seeing Americans have more negative views about race relations in the United States. (Gallup)
Are we really going to pretend that America is more racist today than it was 10, 20, 50 or 100 years ago? This would be a joke if it wasn’t so dangerous.
Now, I am not saying that racism and discrimination don’t exist. I acknowledge they do and we still have work to do. However, racism has not increased within our country. That’s reality. Anyone who believes we are more racist today is a fool. Americans are much more open and tolerant today. We are much more accepting.
As I always tell my students, if someone is walking through the college quad in a KKK outfit, they wouldn’t survive 5 minutes on their feet before that person gets pummeled.
So, polls are indicating that it has become more common for Americans to express racist views. Are you friggin’ kidding me? In this day and age, people are petrified about what they say when it comes to race and that’s why we cannot have an honest conversation.
But it becomes the self-fulfilling prophecy and that’s what Griffen was warning about. The media and these organized socialist and Marxist groups I explained last week continue to promote the idea that America is nothing more than a racist country because it was built and founded on racist principles.
This makes people believe that racism is worse today. It also creates division and suspicion between the races. This is all by design. Many of these people claim they are fighting against racism, but their real goal is to foster racism. If different races and ethnic groups are at war with each other, America cannot survive. We are all in this together.
Now I want to play more of the Griffen Clip. Take a listen.
Play Griffen Clip 2
This clip goes exactly to what I was discussing before. Americans have become a highly materialistic culture. We place stuff over all else. We have grown weak and soft because of all the gadgets and distractions we have today, and we have no stomach for what we are witnessing.
As Americans grow more and more fatigued and desperate, they will be more open to the idea of change. These groups understand human nature. They understand that people are willing to give up a lot in order to have a semblance of safety, security, and stability.
Now in the next clip, Griffen speaks more about this. He also talks about how communist organizations were well-funded at that time. I explained last week how there is little transparency about how much money these organizations are taking in, and what they are spending the money on. Take a listen.
Play Griffen Clip 3
As I explained before socialism is a means to an end. In this case, the end is communism. They are taking incremental steps. They are increasing the divisions in this country, and they are playing off this division to divide, We the People.
Systematically replace products
And now a new battlefront has opened where these organizations have been attempting to push their influence and force companies to bow down. Last week, we saw the announcement from Quaker that they are replacing Aunt Jemima. Now I’m not going to go into a long history of Aunt Jemima, but while the syrup icon originally was based on the Mammy slave image, it has evolved since it’s founding.
Miss Green was the product ambassador and became the face of the product. Now the only reason I know this is because of Quaker’s announcement. Now, I really don’t care if a company wants to change its branding and packaging. They’re a private corporation and they can essentially do what they want to their products.
What I do care about is bowing before the mob. I can guarantee that 99% of the people that use Aunt Jemima products have no clue how the product was founded or the image used. I’ve been using Aunt Jemima since I was a kid and my grandma would make me pancakes in the morning. In all the years of using Aunt Jemima, never once did I look at the pancake box or the syrup bottle and think of slavery or racism. I just thought, damn my grandmother makes some great pancakes.
I would guarantee that 99% of people that use Aunt Jemima products think like me, and I’m talking about all of America, black, white, Asian, Hispanic, etc. That’s the thing. Most of us do not look for racism in every little thing. And when I say something like this, the white leftists come out of the woodworks and scream that’s because of your white privilege. That’s why you don’t see racism in Aunt Jemima.
And I’m like no you idiots. I don’t see racism because it’s friggin pancakes, and plenty of Black Americans have stated the same thing. I tell you what, if you can find a picture of a bunch of Klansman having a huge breakfast meeting, and are using Aunt Jemima because it represents slavery, then I’ll accept changing the product branding. However, I don’t think you will find a bunch of Klansman using Aunt Jemima because of slavery.
We have come to a point where a bunch of losers are going through a grocery store finding products to get mad at. Since then, we have seen multiple products get rebranded. Uncle Ben’s, the Cream of Wheat guy, Mrs. Butterworth, and more are now gone being rebranded as something that’s supposed to be non-offensive. Land O’Lakes replaced the Native American image before Aunt Jemima.
Rice Krispies is getting major blowback for having three white elves, and I can guarantee Kellogg’s will capitulate. And mark my words, it won’t end there. Soon, Mr. Clean, Brawny, and the Quaker guy will all be symbols of white supremacy and white entitlement culture.
Everything will have to be replaced with a non-binary gender symbol and cannot be deemed offensive in any way.
We are witnessing a point in our history where movies are getting removed or disclaimers are being put on. I asked a liberal friend of mine where it ends. I said how far does it go? He says if people are bothered by something because of race and ethnicity, it should then be fair game. I explained I’m Italian so if I have a problem with mob movies because they make it as if all Italians are gangsters should we remove all those movies. He said yes.
At a time when we are banning movies and books. At a time when we are putting disclaimers on movies that have any controversial depictions in them, a new show comes out called Cracka advocating the killing of whites. Now the premise of the show is a white neo-Nazi sent back in time where Africans enslave whites and rule America.
First, it’s really not that creative considering every group of people, at one point or another, have the sins and blood on their hands from slavery. In fact, it was many African tribes that sold African people to the Europeans during the slave trade. Getting back to this show. The writer and director of the show despise white people.
According to articles, the series “depicts grotesque violence of white people including graphic scenes of rape.” The trailer for the show asks white viewers, “what if we raped your white daughters?”
The shows creator even hyped that the series may inspire real violence on white people.
Of course, the leftists will say the only reason anyone cares is because it depicts white people as slaves. No, it would actually be an interesting premise if it was done with no ill intent, but it is designed as a type of revenge. It is designed to inspire hatred rather than uplift or to learn a lesson. It would be just as bad as a movie that reverses the holocaust where Germans were in concentration camps and Jews were the ones committing genocide. How does that heal the wounds?
But it’s not really about the products themselves. This is about power and exerting power to make the corporations bow down. Corporate boards are no longer in charge of their branding efforts. Instead, they will be controlled and that’s what it’s about. Power and control. It goes to the social engineering of our society.
The destruction of historical monuments
This brings us to the most disturbing aspect of all- the erasing of our history. As Confederate statues were being targeted, I warned that it was erasing history. And they said it isn’t erasing history. I warned that this isn’t going to end at confederate statues. Soon they would target Washington, Jefferson, and others.
Yet, the media and the leftists said that’s crazy. It’s conspiracy. It’s only symbols of hate that are being removed. Sure, enough since then, well over 2 dozen statues of Washington, Jefferson, and other American icons have been pulled down.
For God sake, a statue of Ulysses S. Grant was torn down. General Grant. The same General who comes from an abolitionist family. The same General who owned one slave for less than a year that he freed before the civil war, and the only reason he had it is because that man was inherited from his wife’s side. The same General who led the Union Army to victory over the Confederacy. Yes, that same general apparently is now a symbol of racism.
Lincoln statues have been defaced around the country. Yes, the same President Lincoln that gave the Emancipation Proclamation speech which was the defining moment when President Lincoln declared that slavery is abolished. The same President Lincoln who fought to make sure the Union stays whole.
Once again, this is not about race relations. This is about wiping away history. Erasing history. These communist and socialist believe that America is rotten to the core, and so everything within America needs to be destroyed. They look at it as a rebirth.
These morons are clueless as to the complexities of history. Remember, these same people couldn’t even pass a basic American government. And they have infiltrated all aspects of society.
It’s sad these cretins are running the show. The mob is in charge. And you have a bunch of feckless politicians that embolden the mob. These democrat politicians are just as bad. They have announced statues of Washington and Jefferson will not be replaced. They are enablers, and some of them are even part of this movement.
The irony is also huge. If we are going to get rid of anything that has any stains of racism, then when is the Democrat party going to abolish itself. They were the party of slavery. They were the party of segregation. They are the party that has allowed cities to be destroyed.
The Museum of Natural History has announced that they are removing a statue of Teddy Roosevelt. He was a man of nature. He was progressive by any stretch of the imagination, but now he’s being erased.
Now the left will say that these are just statues and they are not replacing history. That you can still find them in books and museums. How long before they come for those books? How long before they are removed from the museums? The purge is here.
Unfortunately, for the last 40 years, many went through an education system that taught them America is an unjust nation. An evil nation. They have turned entire generations against the country that has allowed them to thrive. As I say, I don’t want to sanitize our history.
I want the bad things America did to be taught. At the same time, I want them to teach that we are the greatest country in the world. That while the founding fathers were flawed, they were brilliant and intriguing.
Sadly, it’s not just here that we are seeing this movement. We are seeing it throughout the Western World. Statues of Winston Churchill are now surrounded by protective barriers because Churchill has been labeled as a racist and a fascist. That’s how dumb the woke mobs are. They are labeling the guy who fought with everything he could against real fascism, a fascist.
And it’s not just political symbols. Just the other day, this idiot Shaun King said, “statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down. They are a form of white supremacy.”
The reason I am so concerned is because of the changes we have witnessed over the last few years. To the attacks on our God-given liberties where government exists to protect our freedoms. Because I recognize that the difference between communism in the 1950s and communism today is that now these socialists and communists have the support of big business. They have the support of the media and academia. We have giant tech companies all too willing to silence and censor anyone who goes against the mob or this groupthink mentality.
As of right now, our shiny city on the hill is being besieged by the ‘woke’ mobs that are intent on destroying the fabric of the United States and replace it with their communist vision.
To many of us are complacent. We think communism can’t happen here. That it won’t happen here. That the movement will burn itself out. Well, I hate to break it to you. This movement is only gaining steam and gaining more power. It is happening.
They are using race as the vehicle of division. They are pitting us against one another in an effort to destroy our society. They are the ones promoting racism. They are the ones that are promoting hate and discrimination.
To the government officials out there, you have one job. It’s the most important job you have to protect and preserve our way of life. Get a backbone and start speaking out. Do your damn job. If you don’t start speaking out, this won’t end well.
This is bigger than an election. It’s bigger than President Trump and Joe Biden. This is about the survival of America. To me, America is still the land of opportunity. America still is a place where we value liberty and entrust government to protect our freedoms. That America has grown and we have become better as a nation. And while there is room for improvement, we will improve our nation together regardless of race, ethnicity, religion or gender.
These groups believe the differences between the races in the United States is our biggest weakness. I look at the differences between the races as our biggest strength. Because this is the one place where people from all walks of life can come together, and peacefully coexist. This is the one place where you can start off with nothing and achieve the American dream.
America is worth fighting for. I’m not ready to roll over and give up. I’m constantly asked by the people, what can we do? Speak up. Tell the officials you have their backs and you’ll support them. Stand up for your liberty and your freedom. Vote out any politician that remains silent. Vote out any politicians that enable and support these groups. Vote out any politicians that try to play the identity politics game pitting American against American. This is not white America, black America, or Hispanic America. This is America, and she is worth fighting for. For all her people regardless of race, or class, or religion.
Fight back against the organizations pushing the censorship crap. Pushback against a media that’s constantly infected with the Groupthink mentality. Learn about America and teach your children what makes America a great country. Look at your child’s textbook and see what they are teaching about American government. And when you see something, go to the school board meetings and complain like hell.
Many people own some stock whether it’s in a 401k or an IRA. Use that to pushback against these corporations. As a shareholder, you have say and you need to speak up and tell the corporate boards and the CEOs that they are not gatekeepers of social policy.
There are many things we, as individuals, can do to pushback against this communist and socialist movement. If we don’t stand up to the mob, this will end in revolution. That I guarantee and it will be a disaster.
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Within the next few weeks, I am going to be discussing ways we can dismantle this socialist and communist push here in the United States. And I am going to start on Monday with an excellent guest that you are not going to want to miss.
It’s time we do something instead of looking from the sidelines as bystanders. That’s why I implore you to share this episode. Put it on your Facebook pages, your Twitter feeds, Instagram and any other social media platforms you use.
Thank you for joining us, stay safe, and I’ll be back next week.
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