Episode 142 Show Notes- Big Tech and Corporate Giants Begin the Ideological Purge
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Episode Description
Big tech and the corporate giants have begun the great ideological purge, censoring anyone who deviates from a particular political narrative. This is a chilling warning for everyone regardless of political ideology. While many are cheering, this is the antithesis to American values and the concepts of liberty and freedom as defined in our bill of rights. For those who believe this major censorship push is simply about combating false and misleading information, hate, or violence, think again. The growing alliance between the giant corporations, the tech giants, and our political class, represents an existential threat. What can be done to push back against this form of tyranny? Tune in to find out.
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Show Transcript- Big Tech and Corporate Giants Begin the Ideological Purge
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast.
Obviously, today is a big day for President Biden as he gets sworn in as the 46th President of the United States, and I’ll focus on the Biden administration’s agenda next week. I want to give it a few days, but from what I’ve seen so far between the rhetoric and talk of policies, his agenda is anything but unifying. But like I said, I want to see what actually gets introduced the first few days so I can actually go through the policies and provide an analysis.
Today, I want to focus on the power of big tech, giant corporations, and the targeting of anyone who deviates from a particular political narrative. The power they possess is dangerous. How they have politically weaponized that power is even more dangerous, and is the antithesis to American values, and the concepts of liberty and freedom.
Unfortunately, there are some applauding these efforts because of their short-sighted, ill-begotten political gain. What these people don’t get is sooner or later, it will be them and their ideas that become marginalized and censored. I can guarantee they won’t like it then.
This is an episode that everyone should listen to regardless of political ideology. While the tech giants say they are only censoring posts and people that provide false and misleading information, hate or encourage violence, I want you to think again because it goes far beyond that, and I’ll provide the evidence.
The growing alliance between big tech, giant corporations, and the political class, represents a growing threat to all of us. While it begins as what we classify as tech tyranny, it will quickly morph into political tyranny if we don’t rein in their power.
Before I break this all down, go to The P.A.S. Report website. Sign up for The P.A.S. Report Newsletter and subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode.
Championing Freedom of Speech and Thought
I’ve also considered myself a champion of free speech and freedom of thought. I don’t care if you’re a progressive, liberal, Democrat, Republican, Conservative or Libertarian. Freedom of Speech, short of violence, is absolute.
You have the right to believe and say what you want, and don’t ever let anyone tell you differently. Our idea about Freedom of Speech is essential to our core values of America and makes the United States a unique and exceptional nation. It’s a core tenant of the American Creed as defined in our Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights.
Unfortunately, we are in a weird place where many try to declare opinions they disagree with as hate speech, offensive speech, or even violent speech.
The whole point of Freedom of Speech is not to protect speech that is innocuous or speech you agree with. That would be easy. The whole point of the 1st Amendment and Freedom of Speech is to protect the speech that you don’t like. That you disagree with or find distasteful.
Since I started this podcast, I’ve always championed freedom of thought and speech. In fact, the fourth episode I did was called In Pursuit of Power and Control: The Dark Clouds of Censorship Increasing. It was on this exact topic, and since then, I’ve constantly promoted these American values, and interweave them in most episodes.
While we were all aware of Big Tech’s biases, and their tendency towards authoritarianism, and while the giant corporations have become much more political over the last decade, they have now moved with lightning speed to target anyone or anything that deviates from a particular narrative.
It’s frightening, and their actions illustrate how powerful they’ve become. Some would argue they are now more powerful than governments and nation-states. It’s something that should alarm everyone, and it shouldn’t matter what your personal political beliefs are. While they may be targeting conservatives and republicans today, I can assure you that sooner or later they will be targeting you as well.
Breakdown of What’s Transpired Over the Last Two Weeks
Over the last two weeks, we have witnessed the power of Big Tech to silence a sitting President in an instant. The most powerful man in the world, who many on the left accused as a dictator, was removed and isolated, unable to communicate with his supporters and his opponents alike.
Now that should tell you just how serious this is. Love him or hate him, President Trump used social media as an effective tool to get around and pushback against the mainstream media narratives. And if they can do this to the President, what can they do to us? Well, we are witnessing that, and I’ll get to that in a minute.
Last week, Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey, came out and stated that banning President Trump “sets a precedent I feel is dangerous: the power an individual or corporation has over a part of the global public conversation.”
He went on to say, “Offline harm as a result of online speech is demonstrably real, and what drives our policy and enforcement above all. I believe this was the right decision for Twitter.”
I have two problems with that. The first is glaringly obvious. Dorsey wants to have his cake and eat it too. He’s just providing cover to himself by basically saying that censorship is dangerous, but we are going to censor you anyway.
And this is underscored by the fact an internal video of Dorsey was leaked to Project Veritas. In the video, Dorsey was talking about how this is just the beginning, and the censorship minions will begin to go after anyone who deviates from a specific narrative. As Dorsey states in the video, “this is going to be much bigger than just one account.” (Project Veritas) I have the link up to Project Veritas in the show transcript on the P.A.S. Report website so go check it out.
But secondly, and more importantly, what Dorsey is saying is that these tech companies are the ones who have to serve as the moral arbiters of what can be said and what can’t. They will be the gatekeepers of speech on these platforms.
And it’s not just Twitter, we are witnessing this across social media platforms.
How Big Tech Censorship Works
We are now witnessing a purge across social media outlets, and it pretty much goes one way. Twitter, Facebook, and other tech giants state the current censorship push is targeted towards eradicating false and misleading information, hate, and violence. However, this is far from the truth and they are full of you know what. I’ll take it one by one to prove my point.
Now, I will state right off the bat, I have no problems with these companies removing posts that specifically call for violence. It’s something they should do. You don’t have the right to scream bomb on a plane. You don’t have the right to call in bomb threats. You don’t have a right to threaten people’s lives. These types of things are clearly illegal as defined in the penal code, and this type of speech is not protected under the 1st Amendment as adjudicated by the Supreme Court.
Hate speech is the next area I want to cover. As much as we might not like hate speech. As much as we might detest hate speech. Hate speech is protected under the 1st Amendment. But there are two problems when it comes to censoring hate speech. First, what defines hate speech? Secondly, when does something cross the line into hate speech?
This is a major part of the problem. It’s subjective, and the left has defined simple disagreement on policy issues as hate speech. If you oppose illegal immigration, you’re racist and a bigot. If you bring up Islamic terrorism, you’re an Islamophobe. If you oppose transgendered individuals in girls’ sports, you’re transphobic. They label a whole group of people, white supremacists in order to squelch any debate.
We all know many involved in the tech industry lean to the left, and they are the same ones that determine community standards and what defines hate speech and they have deemed anything that goes counter to their narrative is hate speech.
What I find interesting is how quickly they can censor accounts for what they define as hate speech, yet when it comes to kids and the issue of online bullying, that they don’t define as hateful or violent. This illustrates how they define hate in political terms, but when actual hate and cyberbullying plague kids and teenagers. When they are being tortured and harassed, these social media companies drag their feet in stopping it.
The reality is that most of what they define as violent or hateful tends to be politically motivated. Just do a quick social media search and you’ll find a number of posts that talk about committing violence against President Trump and his supporters. You’ll see tons of posts calling for purging, cleansing, and death to Trump supporters. The Ayatollah of Iran will tweet out death to America. The communist regime of China can push their propaganda freely through these platforms, and they don’t get censored.
The excuse these social media giants will use is that it’s too difficult policing everything, yet when it comes to purging and censoring Republicans and Conservatives, it seems like they can just flick a switch and boom, accounts are suspended, deleted, or censored in an instant.
Just the other day, I got a message from Facebook stating that an indefinite ban has been placed on me preventing me from creating groups and events. Interestingly enough, I never created an event or a group on Facebook, so why the ban? They also banned me from posting in groups.
When I click on the Your Violations tab, I have zero violations. Anyone who follows me knows I don’t spread misinformation. I never post anything hateful or violent. I don’t even curse in my posts. My posts usually center around raising questions to start a dialogue and criticizing the politicians, the media, and the powers that be. Other posts are on issues and articles that I find interesting to raise awareness, and I promote The P.A.S. Report podcast.
So, why the restriction? Well, I couldn’t really tell you. I wrote a lengthy appeal but still haven’t received a response. When I click the learn more tab, it states the length of the block depends on the severity of the violation and your history on Facebook. It talks about acceptable behavior.
So, I have received zero warnings about any posts. Not one of my posts were tagged as violating Facebook policy. I never had my account suspended. Yet, here we are, and I am being restricted for the sole purpose of expressing Conservative thought.
And it’s not just me. I’ve heard from a wide variety of people telling me the same thing. Over the last two weeks, I’ve also lost about 5,000 followers on Twitter. Those are people who have been caught up in the Friday night digital massacre, and others who closed their accounts. My tweets are now getting 1/3rd of the engagement they normally receive.
Besides what they deem as hate and violence, is the censorship push against what the censorship minions deem false and misleading information. This is the biggest joke of all, and it’s not really targeting false and misleading information. Just take a look at these platforms, and you will see constant false and misleading information from all sides- right, left, center.
And misinformation is a big problem when it comes to social media platforms. However, it’s about selective misinformation. Once again, the left is in charge of these platforms. They develop the algorithms. And misinformation is whatever they deem it, and the left has successfully labeled any accusations of election fraud, of the deep state, of anything that runs counter to their narrative as false and misleading.
Just to illustrate how selective these censorship minions are, the communist government of China stated that it was the U.S. military that unleashed the coronavirus on the world. This is patently false and promotes BS propaganda. Yet, they still allow China to push this crap. Or what about all the Russian collusion misinformation.
The whole Russian collusion narrative has been proven completely false, yet the people that promoted this crap. People like the weasel, Congressman Schiff, who said he has more than circumstantial evidence. The entire media class, most of the political class, all pushed this false narrative. Yet, not one has been censored. None of their posts have been deleted. None of their posts have been labeled as false or misleading.
Also, if it’s about so-called conspiracy theories that get censored for false and misleading information, just do a search on these platforms about 9/11, the moon landing, the JFK assassination, and you tell me how many posts have been censored. You tell me how many accounts have been suspended.
I just gave a couple of examples. I can go on and on, but we don’t have the time.
Nefarious Ways The Tech Tyrants Censor
It goes deeper than what the tech tyrants say when it comes to censorship. It appears that anything challenging the narratives of the ruling class will get censored. Sometimes overtly, but other times it’s so subtle you won’t even notice you’re being censored.
Overtly, they put warning labels on posts, delete posts, suspend accounts, and can ultimately throw a user off the platform.
However, when a post doesn’t cross a line. When it can’t be classified as false or misleading. When it can’t be classified as hateful or calling for violence When they can’t justify censoring a post or a user, the big tech giants take a more nefarious approach to silence and censor people.
Shadowbanning, also called stealth banning or ghost banning, is the most popular used method to silence people. Shadowbanning is where these tech tyrants block a user or a post from being displayed in the social media community. The user or the post will be virtually invisible. Your posts won’t show up in the feeds, and if people search for you, they won’t be able to find you.
Everything will appear normal on the user’s end. They will still be able to post. They won’t see any warnings. The only thing they may notice is a drop in engagement.
They use shadow banning for several reasons. First, they can’t provide any justification for overtly censoring the post, so they use the shadowban technique for messages they don’t like. Secondly, they are being stealth because they don’t want to raise the eyebrows of other users, or the government who would have the power to create laws and regulate the industry and that’s why they will use the under the radar technique. Another reason for shadow banning is that if the user isn’t getting any real engagement on their posts, these companies hope the user will become bored and frustrated leading to fewer posts going forward. The tech tyrants understand the power of clicks, likes, shares, and retweets.
Throttling is another stealth technique these companies use to censor users and posts. This is where they will quickly move your posts or videos down the feed, so you receive far less engagement. This is a way for them to manipulate the information you are seeing in your feeds.
Companies that engage in these practices are your usual suspects, and many of the mainstream media outlets have come to their defense saying the concept of shadow banning, particularly shadow banning Republicans and Conservatives, amounts to nothing more than a conspiracy theory. In fact, whether the censorship is over or covert, the media continually denies that these platforms target Republicans and Conservatives overwhelmingly when compared to the number of Democrats and Progressives being censored.
My question is, how does the media know this to be true? Well, simple. It’s because they contacted Twitter, Facebook, and other social media companies, and they said they don’t shadow ban and they don’t target Conservatives or Republicans.
If this is true, it would be easy to prove. Understand that all these social media companies are doing is data mining. They are experts in data. So, if these companies are being honest, if they really aren’t targeting Republican and Conservative voices, then there is an easy way to prove it. Release the data. Release the data with the number of accounts that have been censored in some way. The reasons they were censored, and what the political leanings of the posts were. From there, you would see exactly who is being censored and what their political leanings on. And trust me, they have the data at their fingertips. It shouldn’t take more than a day to compile this list.
It is literally as simple as that so how come they haven’t released the data? I think we know the answer to that.
Another problem is how the tech tyrants have moved to demonetize individuals on platforms like YouTube, Google, Facebook, and more. There are many who make money off their content. You have companies and individuals whose whole life depends on the money they make from their subscriber base, views, and their website. Well, if you can’t make money, how much longer will people provide content? So, we are now witnessing the tech giants punishing people monetarily, and once again, it seems the overwhelming number of people are from the Conservative/Republican ideological spectrum.
These are Private Companies and They Can Do What They Want
I’m constantly hearing the argument that these are private companies and so they can do what they want. I’m constantly hearing that if Conservatives and Republicans don’t like it, they should start their own platforms.
Now I’ve heard this from people on both the left and the right of the political spectrum. It’s ironic when it comes from those who espouse socialism and despise the idea of capitalism.
First, I’d just point out, as I have said before, that constantly speaking to the echo chamber just continues with the groupthink mentality and divides us further. When we are only talking to those who agree with us on all the issues, what are we really accomplishing? That’s not dialogue or debate. That’s simply a validation of our opinions and divides the factions further.
But aside from the obvious observation of groupthink, we have now witnessed that we can’t just start our own platforms. Parler showed the world the domination that Google, Apple, Amazon, and other tech tyrants have. Literally, within two days, they were effectively able to completely shutdown Parler, a direct competitor of Twitter.
It shows how these aren’t honest brokers, they are the captains of their industry. The robber barons of the 21st century. Not only do they have the power to prevent startups, and basically neuter them when they are most vulnerable, they also have the power to threaten any vendor that if they do business with a company like Parler, they could cease to exist as well. No vendor can withstand the power of the big tech companies.
It’s sad, pathetic, glaringly obvious, yet the government has done nothing to begin to rein in these companies.
It’s Not Just the Tech Giants
But it’s not just the tech giants. The big corporations now have more power than ever, and they too have been weaponized for political purposes. Over the last year, I’ve pointed out how corporations have become weaponized for political purposes. Now, corporations have always been involved in politics, but it used to be limited to whatever industry they were in. They would lobby the government on certain laws or regulations that impacted their industry. It was obvious where they stood so it wasn’t nefarious like we’re seeing today.
About 10-15 years ago, I began to notice that more and more corporations were getting involved in social issues. Corporations would take stances on things like abortion, guns, the environment, social justice. Just about any issue, you can think of.
Why would corporations begin to get involved in issues that have nothing to do with their industry? The answer is two-fold. First is because you have groups like George Soro’s Open Society Foundation, Media Matters, Think Progress, Sleeping Giants, and more, that will apply pressure to the corporations to take positions. When a corporation remains silent, these organizations will scream and threaten boycotts. Most companies capitulate in the blink of an eye because they’re cowards.
All they are doing by capitulating is feeding the beast which has gotten us to where we are today. These major corporations don’t even wait for the threats of boycotts to begin. Instead, they have an entire PR wing dedicated to being proactive when it comes to issues, and they inject their political ideology into the messaging of the corporation.
And so, the problem has gotten even worse. Major corporations like Airbnb, Amazon, American Express, AT&T, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Disney, Dow, Marriott, Verizon, and so many more, announced they would no longer provide political donations to Republicans, especially those Republicans who voted to object to the Electoral College vote. In essence, they are saying that they don’t like what these politicians did, and since these politicians raised questions, they must be punished.
We’ve seen companies like Mailchimp drop accounts that express any support for President Trump, or accounts that go against leftist interests like gun rights. We’ve seen Citigroup stop offering loans and credit card services to any business selling guns to those younger than 21 regardless of what state law says. We’ve seen companies like Bank of America stop lending services to detention centers and threaten any gun manufacturers that make what Bank of America deems “military-style rifles.”
Now I didn’t elect any of these corporations to run the social policies of the United States. I didn’t vote for them. Yet, they are exerting their power and influence on issues that have nothing to do with their business.
And a smaller company, New Mexico business, 1st In SEO, has openly stated that they will no longer do business with Trump supporters, and they actually threatened their employees stating, “ If you are a Republican, voted for Donald Trump or support Donald Trump, in any manner, you are not welcome at 1st In SEO and we ask you to leave our firm.” Think about that a minute. It’s not saying that any employee engaged in criminal behavior and stormed the Capitol Building. They are saying if you voted for President Trump or are even just a Republican, that you are no longer welcome to work there.
So, these companies all have workplace harassment rules of conduct, but what happens when those who are in charge of resolving workplace harassment disputes are the ones harassing employees.
And it’s not limited to just this company. Just do some research of how many have been terminated because of political beliefs. Not because they violated any company policy or were engaged in illegal activity. It’s simply because they supported a candidate the powers that be didn’t like.
The Media Goes All In
The media has gone off the deep end as well, and they are now trying to have their competitors de-platformed. You have CNN and others calling on cable companies to stop distributing Fox News, OAN, and Newsmax.
You know we are in a bad place when there’s a number of people on the right who are angry at Fox News because they feel Fox has moved too far left, yet the mainstream press outlets believe Fox News is too far right. It’s complete and utter insanity.
Frankly, it’s disgusting. Never once have I ever called for any press outlets to be de-platformed. And let’s be honest, these press outlets spew nothing but political propaganda aimed at supporting one party over the other. I have called for media outlets that present themselves as hard news, yet they constantly push political propaganda, they should either have to register as political organizations or they should call themselves opinion/entertainment covering news, but they should not be de-platformed.
When you look at what the big tech, the corporate giants, and the media, are doing, it’s not only frightening, it’s irresponsible.
I ask everyone out there, does anyone really think this is a good idea? Does anyone think that practices like these won’t come back to haunt every single American? Does anyone not see the threat this poses to us?
Moral Authority
What amazes me is how these entities present themselves as moral beacons. They are constantly touting a sense of morality and ethics.
Let’s be honest, they are all full of crap. They have no moral or ethical compass. Their goal is money and power. It’s the same thing that’s driven human beings since the beginning of recorded history.
And the saddest part is how they probably truly believe they are morally superior, but their actions tell a different story.
I want you to consider this. China is, perhaps, the most heavily surveilled nation-state. Since the Great Leap Forward and Mao’s Cultural Revolution, control over the Chinese people has been the key to the communist government’s power.
China has the largest population on the planet at 1.3 billion people, and they have a large landmass. If we go back to the late 1980’s/early 1990s, China was considered a 3rd world country, but a powerful police state. What no one seems to ask is how China was able to build the Great Firewall? A firewall that controls what information the Chinese people have access to. What they can see and what they can’t. And when a Chinese person posts anything perceived a threat to the communist regime, the authorities will quickly swoop in, eliminating the threat either by jail, torture or in many cases death.
China was also able to build out the social credit system. In China, your social credit score is similar to how our credit score works but goes much further. How you behave determines what your social credit score will be. What you look at online, what you post, how well you do at work or school, how loyal you are to the communist regime, all have an impact on your social credit score. The better the score, the more perks you receive in society. You’ll have access to subsidized healthcare, better jobs, salary increases, subsidized education are just a few examples.
The worse your score, the more you are shunned in society. You won’t be able to receive a passport for travel. You’ll pay more for education and healthcare. You won’t be allowed to participate in social or community events.
Do what the communist regime wants. Shut up, obey, and comply. Obedience and loyalty equal rewards. Questioning the powers that be equals punishment. It’s all about social conditioning.
Knowing all this, how was the communist government able to get such power and control to build out the Great Firewall and also put in place the social credit system. Well, it was the American tech companies that served as the impetus for these systems, and some of the tech giants knowingly aided the communist regime in exchange for access to the 1.3-billion-person Chinese marketplace.
There are many tech companies complicit in the Communist regime’s effort to censor information. Microsoft, Apple, Google, and other tech companies have all acquiesced to the communist regime.
Giant corporations like the NBA, Walmart, Nike, General Motors, Boeing, and many more all do business with the communist regime. They have no qualms. They have no hesitation.
So, while they preach about morality and ethics, understand they don’t give a crap about morality and ethics. They will do the communist regime’s bidding even though the communist regime of China is one of the biggest human rights abusers on the planet. For God sakes, they have reeducation camps for the Uyghurs, which are really concentration camps were the Uyghurs are routinely tortured, and many will be murdered in the process, in order to get them to renounce their Muslim faith and pledge loyalty to the communist regime, to the State, as the highest entity. They are notorious for making any Chinese citizen disappear for simply being critical of the regime.
These companies preach about ethics and morality. When they talk about the rights of people. When they talk about social justice. Remember, they are full of crap. When these same companies are asked about China or any authoritarian regime they do business with, they respond by saying it’s complicated. They say we wouldn’t understand, and that tells you everything you need to know.
What’s scary is that they don’t even see their own hypocrisy. They look in the mirror every day and really believe they are the moral holy warriors of the 21st century.
Combating Big Tech and the Corporate Giants
There are ways we can fight back, and I’ll mention a few of them. Three of those ways are relatively easy, and We the People are in control.
Obviously, the first way is through government legislation to regulate the industry. You know, it’s pretty interesting how the tech industry is the most powerful and influential industry. They have the power to shape minds and political beliefs. They control the flow of information. Yet, they are the least regulated industry so think about that a second.
Legislative action would be the fastest way to rein in the power of big tech. Whether that’s through redefining section 230 or other measures. But what if we went a different route? If these companies are forced to release the data of whose been censored, and it proves that Conservatives/Republicans are overwhelmingly being censored compared to Progressives/Democrats, it would illustrate that these companies are actually political organizations and should have to register as such.
If they register as political organizations, they face a whole slew of regulations they would have to follow. I believe this route is something that shouldn’t be dismissed because it’s clear that disproportionate targeting exists. I get this is a longshot especially when you look at the dollars being transferred from Silicon Valley into the coffers of the elected elite. So, what can we do?
One of the easiest things we can do is to block every single advertisement that pops up on your social media feed. Every time you see an ad, block it. If millions of people began blocking ads on these social media platforms, it would have a significant impact on their bottom line. We can show them the power we possess using their own block feature.
Another thing people can do is begin to divest from these companies. If you hold stock in any of these companies, sell it. Once again that hurts their bottom line. However, if you don’t want to do that, then participate in shareholder meetings and introduce shareholder resolutions to change corporate policies.
There are some calling to just close their account and leave these platforms. While that would certainly hurt these companies, I feel like they win when we do that. Why should we have to close our accounts? Why should we have to be silenced and marginalized? Instead, how’s about we start sending hundreds and thousands of tweets to these tech companies and the corporate giants and tell them we’re not taking it anymore.
Why not use their own tools against them. These are just some of the simple things we can do to begin to pushback and in future episodes, we can explore these ideas further.
For now, wake up. Understand that you are being played. You’re looking all over the place instead of what’s right in front of you. Realize China’s social credit system has been imported into the United States.
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Put out a tweet and you can get fired. Express support for a particular candidate and you can get canceled. Show support for the wrong ideas or the wrong politicians, and you will be shunned or doxed. Express an idea and you will be labeled a white supremacist. See what’s really going on.
That’s why I implore everyone to open their eyes. It doesn’t matter where you stand on the issues. It doesn’t matter if you are a progressive, liberal, democrat, republican, libertarian, or conservative.
No one should be celebrating the silencing of anyone. What you do to one group of people today, will be done to you tomorrow. Remember, big tech and giant corporations may be pushing policies and programs you support. They may be silencing your political opponents, but what happens when they turn against you? Because I assure you, sooner or later, they will use the same tactics against you.
I will always defend everyone’s right to speak freely, regardless if I agree with the message. No one should be silenced, shamed, or punished because they expressed a thought or may have said something unpopular.
It’s time we stood up to these unelected corporations. It’s time we show them the power we really possess.
But we also have to be informed. We have to strengthen our arguments. We have to be smart, and we have to pay attention to what’s going on. Over the course of the next few weeks, and as President Biden is sworn in as the 46th President of the United States, I’m going to be doing some pretty important episodes. Next week, I’ll be focusing on the President Biden agenda. In subsequent weeks, I’ll be talking about the state of the political parties, the morphing of the concept of equality to equity, the new power paradigm, and much more so you want to make sure to tune in.
Even though they are now talking about going after podcasts, and I’m sure the censorship minions won’t like this episode, I will continue to speak up and speak out. I will not be silenced. I’ll have it up on all the platforms. I’m on Twitter, Facebook, MeWe, Clouthub, Gab, and Telegram. You can follow me on any of these platforms.
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