Episode 294 Show Notes- Build Back Broke and January 6th Commission Goes Primetime
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President Biden continues to refuse to reverse course as Build Back Broke appears to be the goal of this administration. From surging energy and food prices to the continued supply chain issues, this administration has decided to target low-income students, threatening federal funding for the school lunch program, to push a deranged agenda. Also, we continue to see January 6th being used as a political weapon as the J6 Committee goes primetime.
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Show Transcript- Build Back Broke and January 6th Commission Goes Primetime
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Welcome to The P.A.S. Report Podcast.
Okay. It’s clear. It seems like we are officially living in a parallel universe. One where up is down, left is right, and forward is backward. One where progress is actually regression.
The President keeps touting progress on a variety of fronts, but there is no progress. There is only regression. Not for nothing, but I want to play a clip of Ronald Reagan. It’s a short clip, and when listening to it, replace 4 years with a year and a half because that’s how long Joe Biden has been the President. Take a listen.
Sound Clip- Reagan Are You Better Off Today
Talk about relevancy. The ship is sinking, people and families are struggling, the economy is on the brink, and war may be on the horizon, yet the administration continues to double down on failed policies. Not only do they double down, but they also get visibly angry when they get questioned about their policies or criticized in any way.
The Build Back Better agenda has failed, and this administration is going full steam ahead with their Build Back Broke agenda. Not only is he pushing forward with his Build Back Broke agenda, but his administration would also like to dismantle the Constitution piece by piece as he talks about no amendment is absolute. These people forgot what “shall not be infringed means.”
Today, I’m going to talk about the Build Back Broke agenda and some of the struggles ordinary people are facing, especially considering that as people and families are facing enormous challenges, this administration has chosen to waste time, money, and effort on issues that have nothing to do with the problems we’re facing.
I also want to discuss the fraud of the January 6th Commission. Once again, we witnessed the two-tier justice system at play, and those that continue to weaponize government departments and agencies for political purposes.
In a way, both these topics will dovetail with each other because it speaks to the massive cultural shift currently underway. A shift that certainly doesn’t strengthen the United States.
I’ll explain it all, but before I do, be sure to visit The P.A.S. Report website, sign up for the newsletter, and subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode. Also, I want to give a shout-out to John Solomon and Amanda Head to thank them for having me on their program to talk about the issue of mass shootings, guns, and culture. I have the link to the interview in the show notes so check it out. (Click here to watch the Interview)
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Build Back Broke
So, what does the Build Back Broke agenda mean for you and your family? It means high gas prices. Higher food prices. Higher interest rates. Run away inflation. Supply chain shortages. A summer of potential rolling blackouts as if we are a third-world country. Utter devastation this upcoming winter if the home energy prices don’t come down. A surge in violent crime. A failing public education system. An open border. A feckless foreign policy, and who knows, we may be on the brink of a major war due to this administration’s failures.
I don’t have to go on and on about this. You know what’s impacting you and your family. Nearly all Americans, except for those in the elite circles, are worse off today under the Build Back Broke agenda. Sadly, the upcoming generations will be worse off than previous generations for the first time, perhaps, throughout our history.
But we aren’t also regressing individually. Our society is also regressing, and we have been regressing culturally for decades.
However, there are two things I find bizarre. The first is that you have some that will still support this administration’s agenda even though their lives are worse off. It’s not that they’re satisfied with the way things are going. They’re not. They’re angry too. But it’s their unblinding loyalty to ideology and the party.
While they acknowledge the challenges in their lives and the country as a whole, they will do one of two things when you talk to them. They will either immediately use one of their popular go to’s, and that’s the “…but Trump was worse” argument. Sorry, but Biden has been in office for nearly two years at this point. You can’t play the Trump card.
Also, while you may not have liked President Trump, there was no doubt that things were better under his administration, and the policies were working for America. Remember, under the Trump administration, the media industrial complex pushed a crisis of gossip and personality. Under the Biden administration, we have a crisis of policy.
If they don’t use the “but Trump” argument, then they bend themselves into a pretzel trying to justify the President and say it’s not his fault, and there is nothing he can do.
It’s very strange because I can tell you that if this was going on under Republican leadership if this happened under the Trump administration, I’d be like “okay. I’m out.”
Let’s just be honest out there, at least I’ll be honest, and I think most Americans are on the same page as me to a certain degree, but my individual economy is the most important issue to me as it is for a lot of people. If your individual economy is suffering, how can you still support this administration?
I’ll be interested to see what the numbers look like in November. There are three things I’m going to pay close attention to. The Republican turnout, and how much it increases. How many independents or non-affiliated voters jump ship and vote Republican, but more importantly, how many Democrats either jump ship or just stay home. That’s going to be interesting to watch.
And I am not saying that Republicans are all that great either. I have routinely criticized the Republican party and I will continue to do so, but they are certainly better than what we currently have even though they are incompetent too.
And listen, a Republican win in November could potentially be the greatest thing that happened to the Biden presidency. If President Biden and his administration have more than two brain cells, which I’m not that confident they do, but if they do, they should take a page out of the 1994 Clinton playbook.
Biden Administration Out of Touch with Reality
But I think what I find most bizarre, and stunning is this President and his administration keep doubling and tripling down on the Build Back Broke agenda. That there is no reversing course. Not only is there no reversing course, but they seem despondent about what ordinary people are facing.
They come out there and push this message that everything is going great. That the challenges we’re facing are only due to an economy that’s on fire. That these challenges will somehow magically disappear. Just two weeks ago you had the President touting high energy prices as a good thing. As he said, “And when it comes to the gas prices, we’re going through an incredible transition that is taking place that, God willing, when it’s over, we’ll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over.” (Newsweek)
Geez, even if he really believed that you don’t say it out loud. It’s politics 101. This President, his administration, and a whole bunch of people throughout the political world and the pundit class, show absolutely zero empathy for what the American people are going through. I know I’m a conservative, but if I was advising this administration, I would explain to them that empathy matters. The majority of Americans aren’t political junkies, and most Americans don’t expect a magic wand to be waved and the problems are solved. What they do want is an acknowledgment that their concerns are real. That their problems are real.
When people are going broke filling up their gas tanks, I don’t believe they’re thinking to themselves that this is a wonderful transition to green energy, especially those on the lower end of the socioeconomic scale.
Just from a purely political standpoint, someone should be screaming to the Democrats and this administration that they have to reverse course. That the high prices of everything will destroy them in the election. That the increasing crime is a major problem and to start putting pressure on local DAs to prosecute crimes and get the criminals off the streets.
Listen, economics and crime impact just about everyone. It’s not like only those who oppose Biden are paying the high gas prices. I know some Democrats are saying this, but not nearly enough.
This problem will only get worse for the Democrats and this administration because they should have been working on lowering the gas prices a year ago, and now there’s not enough time for them to lower energy prices before the election. Just wait until the end of October, when people start to get their home heating oil delivered. If we’re shocked when we fill up our cars, imagine paying $6, $7, or $8 a gallon for home heating oil. It will be devastating, and as I stated before, it’s unsustainable. Imagine a home heating oil bill comparable to a mortgage?
You would think this would wake up the administration. Instead, they are warning of potential rolling blackouts this summer as if we’re some kind of third-world country. Did you ever imagine a time when we would see empty store shelves and rolling blackouts? I was born in 1980, so I’ve been spoiled for the last four decades where we’ve lived with abundance.
What has happened to the United States? I’ll tell you what’s happened, it’s the Build Back Broke agenda. This administration and many of the Democrats will claim it’s because we haven’t invested in our infrastructure, but that’s a lie. Why didn’t we face these problems a year or two ago? All of a sudden, our infrastructure just happened to collapse?
The truth is that it’s due to the ever-expanding regulatory state. People in California have experienced rolling blackouts. It’s why former Governor Gray Davis was recalled 20 years ago, but we never faced this problem on a nationwide scale. It was simply the insane policies of California. Another thing they’re not admitting is that all the additional people coming into the United States are placing a greater demand on the grid system in key areas.
This is where the Biden administration is partly correct when he says that we haven’t invested in our infrastructure. With the increase in demand in certain areas, the system becomes overloaded, and there is a ripple effect that begins to impact other areas. Just think back to the 2003 blackout where a tree branch in Canada disrupted power supplies to the entire eastern seaboard of the United States for 24-hours.
Instead of tackling this problem, this administration, and Democrats and Republicans in Congress, pass a $1.2-trillion infrastructure plan that doesn’t really go towards infrastructure, and fixing this problem.
But they don’t care. It’s about an agenda. An agenda that increases the power of the government, while hurting ordinary people and families.
The Biden Administration Priorities
Just look at their priorities. One of these issues on its own would create a major problem for an administration. All of these issues combined are creating the perfect storm. While the administration wants to tout the economy, the economy is going to hit a brick wall in the next few months once people max out their credit cards.
Something no one is talking about is the increase in credit card debt over the last six months. Also, no one is talking about the increasing number of defaults on credit cards, loans, mortgages, etc. I’m not an economist, but this tells me that people are running out of money. They are trying to juggle the financial hardships they’re facing, but sooner or later, the balls drop.
With everything going on, what has this administration decided to focus on? Well, they’ve decided to target the federal school lunch program. They are threatening any school that doesn’t push this gender theory crap. Any school that doesn’t allow boys to use girls’ bathrooms and girls to use the boys’ bathrooms. Any school that doesn’t allow boys to compete in girls’ athletic programs will lose its federal funding that covers the school lunch program.
Who do you think that hurts? Does it hurt the students that come from wealthy families, or does it hurt the students that come from low-income families? The ones Democrats claim they care about and let’s be honest about it, most of these families are Democrat voters.
Do you think the Democrat voters in low-income areas care about this issue? Do you think they would rather their child go hungry so that some boy can compete on a girls’ team?
What I don’t understand is why is this even an issue? We shouldn’t even have to debate this and call me crazy, but I would guarantee you that ordinary people care far more about what they’re paying for gas and food, as opposed to bathroom usage. However, this administration has made it one of their top priorities.
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How our Culture Continues to be Poisoned
Jumping back to my earlier point about how some will still support this administration even though their lives are becoming more difficult. This is what happens when you no longer have standards and simply live in an ideological bubble where the only thing that matters isn’t logic, it’s emotion.
Our entire society has been stupefied. Dumbed down. Just look at the billboards going up in every major city regarding drug use. When I was growing up, we had the whole “This is your brain, this is your brain on drugs” campaign going on. There were constant public service announcements about not using illegal drugs, and the impact it can have on your life. These messages were routinely beamed out on radio and television.
I’ll admit they were corny, and who knows the overall impact they had. We did witness drug use decline in the 1990s, but it was obviously due to several factors, not just this.
But the point I’m making is that today there are no standards. Just take a listen to some of the billboards going up in Democrat-run cities.
“Don’t be ashamed you are using, be empowered that you are using safely.” As if drug addiction is empowering. It’s anything but. Any person who has been addicted to drugs will tell you that you are not empowered. Instead, you’re a slave to the addiction. Yet, in New York City this is their new campaign.
Another billboard, this one in San Francisco, “Do it with friends. Use with people and take turns. Try not to use alone, or have someone check on you. Let’s take care of each other, San Francisco.” In the picture, the people are smiling and having a good time. Anyone who has seen someone with a substance abuse issue knows that when the addiction takes hold, there are no more smiles. Whether you’ve had a substance abuse issue, a family member, or a friend, just about every single person knows someone, and this billboard makes it as if substance abuse is fun. Disgraceful.
Or another one, “Fentanyl test strips can save your life. Let’s prevent overdose. Keep yourself and your community safe.” As if drug addiction is safe so long as you aren’t doing fentanyl.
But you can’t say anything about this. If you do, you are passing a judgment on those who use these illegal narcotics.
Does anyone else find it weird that these Democrats are normalizing the poison flooding into their communities? Again, it’s a parallel universe. If someone is smoking a cigarette outside, they’re viewed as a leper. But here are New York health authorities telling you not to be ashamed of drug addiction.
What kind of message does that send to addicts and those with dependency issues? You should be ashamed. Empowerment is overcoming the addiction not surrendering to it.
The amazing part is that these are the same people who tried to shame others for not wearing a mask. These are the same people who shame anyone who refuses to get the jab and want to destroy their livelihoods.
But hey, if you want to smoke crack or inject heroin, don’t worry about it. Think about that, and then some wonder why our culture has become so toxic. And think about the impact this messaging has on teenagers who already think they’re invincible and are susceptible to peer pressure. Instead of preaching illegal drugs are a poison that will destroy their lives, they are saying, “yeah, the drugs may destroy you, but just don’t use them alone. Don’t be ashamed.”
Stop normalizing this crap because it’s not normal, and perhaps shame is a good motivator to assist in getting someone to overcome their addiction.
But more importantly, every single Democrat voter in these democrat strong urban centers should be pissed as hell. Do you think you’ll ever see one of these billboards in wealthy suburban communities? Of course not. It shows what they think of their own voters, and how little regard they have for them.
The same goes for homelessness. We can’t judge. We can’t say anything even when they’re shooting up on the sidewalk. See, if you complain that they’re defecating on the sidewalk or in the middle of the park, then you’re a horrible, intolerant human being. If they try to attack you, it’s not their fault. It’s not the city’s fault. It’s your fault.
But let me ask everyone out there since the Democrats have taken this lax approach to homelessness, has homelessness increased or decreased? Is the homeless population better off today? Are the residents of the community better off today?
Again, this shows what little regard they have for their own voters because it’s the democrat strongholds that have seen this problem metastasize, and everyone in those democrat-led areas are the ones who have to deal with the effects.
Lack of Personal Responsibility
However, there is a clear strategy here. The destruction of personal responsibility will lead to the downfall of society. As things continually get worse, more and more people will look to empower the government further to solve the problem they created.
It’s designed to create complete dependency on the system. See, you are no longer responsible for yourself, the decisions you make, the life you live, etc. Instead, it’s about blaming others with no accountability for your own actions. You’re nothing more than a cog in the wheel.
They use words like community, but understand, just take a look at countries that push this message of the community. Look at the countries that destroy the concept of individualism and personal responsibility. Just look at communist China.
I always say it, President Nixon opened the door to China, and the thought process was if China opens up, they’ll gradually become more like us. Instead, we’ve become more like them.
And when there are no standards, where does that lead us. Well, we’re finding out because apparently there are a whole host of people that simply don’t care. Just look at the Durham investigation and the Sussman trial.
Anyone that was following the case knows that Durham proved Sussman knowingly lied, and he did so beyond a reasonable doubt. The fact that Sussman stated to the FBI he wasn’t working on behalf of a political campaign, and he was simply acting as a concerned citizen was a joke.
We now know that the not guilty verdict wasn’t because Durham didn’t prove the case. How do we know this? The jury foreperson admitted as much when she said, “Personally, I don’t think it should have been prosecuted because I think we have better time or resources to use or spend to other things that affect the nation as a whole than a possible lie to the FBI. We could spend that time more wisely.”
See, the jury didn’t care that Sussman lied. It’s what happens when you have a corrupt bureaucracy, and that corruption begins to infect society. It’s what happens when there aren’t standards, morals, and virtues. It’s what happens when there is no accountability.
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The Bill of Rights
Rather than take on the real issues plaguing this country, this administration is too busy trying to continue down this path, and at the same time, they want to figure out a way to dismantle your fundamental God-given liberties, rather than tackling the issues that are creating enormous hardship for people and families.
President Biden has made it clear on several occasions that no Amendment is absolute when it comes to the Bill of Rights. These people have no regard for the concepts of freedom of speech, freedom to peaceably assemble, freedom to petition the government for redress, and the right to bear arms.
They don’t understand what “shall not be infringed means,” and they view the Constitution as an inconvenience, a document that stands in their way of what they deem is progress.
To them, free speech is a “design flaw” of an archaic Constitution. The right to bear arms is only reserved for those who are deemed important, the elite within society because their lives are more important than yours or your family. The peasant class does not need to possess firearms.
Another one of their priorities is to target political opposition under the guise of domestic terrorism. I’m not going to rehash it now because I have spoken about this at length over the last few weeks so if you missed an episode, be sure to listen to it because they are extremely important and informative. But this administration is hellbent on continuing to grow the surveillance state, rather than tackling the real issues impacting Americans.
I would guarantee that Americans would prefer to keep their electricity on and not have rolling blackouts, as opposed to the government targeting ordinary parents shouting at school boards because they’re upset at what their children are learning. Maybe we should focus on why the schools are failing so abysmally and why so many that go through the education system know absolutely nothing. Maybe we should examine that because it seems a tad more important than trying to silence political opposition.
J6 Committee Takes it Primetime
This brings me to the January 6th Committee. It is amazing how I can loop and relate all these issues to the bigger picture. Over the next couple of weeks, the January 6th Committee plans to do live hearings in primetime.
This committee has so far conducted over 850 interviews. Why were done behind closed doors away from public view, and none of them conducted in primetime? Why do you think that is? Do you think it’s because maybe they wanted to hear what these people have to say, and now that they know, that’s why they want them in public?
See, it wouldn’t have worked out well if they held public testimony, and those testifying said there was nothing there. So, I want to see the closed-door transcripts. I also want to see any meetings between those testifying and the staff of the January 6th Committee members, particularly those meetings that were before the testimony.
I have other questions too. Do you think they’ll call our law enforcement and intelligence apparatus and ask what they knew prior to January 6th? What briefings were held? What information did they share with each other?
Do you think we will see the FBI called in to testify and asked what they knew about the event? How many agents and informants were in the crowd?
Do you think Speaker Pelosi is going to be called to ask what she knew prior to January 6th? Why she rejected calls for the National Guard to be deployed prior to the protest?
I won’t hold my breath, but these are important questions that need to be asked and answered, but they won’t. They won’t because it may damage the narrative that this was the biggest attack on our democracy since 9/11 and Pearl Harbor, which is the dumbest thing I ever heard.
This was a one-off riot. Those that engaged in any violent behavior deserve to be arrested and charged, and many of them have. It’s been the largest law enforcement case ever investigated. However, this doesn’t give the government the right to violate people’s Constitutional rights with indefinite detention and keeping some in solitary confinement, including some who didn’t engage in any violence whatsoever.
But they don’t care. Just take a listen to Congresswoman Liz Cheney, a neocon and advocate for the growing surveillance state. Take a listen to what she had to say.
Sound Clip J6 Broad Threat
Notice after nearly two years, they keep talking about the January 6th riots as an ongoing threat, but we haven’t seen an incident since. More importantly, they never actually explain what the threat is. They throw around vague phrases that don’t mean anything, but they never define the nature of this threat.
I’m not naïve to think there aren’t people out there that want to harm the government, both left and right of the political spectrum, but these people are a minority, and rather than ease the tension, people like Congresswoman Cheney, President Biden, and so many others ratchet up the tensions. It’s almost as if they want to see something happen so it validates what they’ve been saying and justifies the ever-expanding powers of the surveillance state.
The same people pushing the January 6th is a threat to the democracy narrative, are the same ones who ignored the Antifa and BLM violence that went on for months. How many businesses were looted, set on fire, and destroyed, many of which were small businesses? How many assaults occurred? How many people were murdered?
They keep using the phrase deadly when referring to January 6th. Deadly for who? There was only one person killed in the January 6th riots, and that was Ashlee Babbit, a Trump supporter. The other four people died of medical episodes, and I believe one was an overdose, although I may be wrong on that. This isn’t to justify what took place, it’s to make a mockery of the double standards.
Why is the Capital any more important than everything else. I mean if it’s your small business that was looted and burned down. If you and your employees lost their livelihoods, shouldn’t that be just as important as the Capital Building?
But the ruling elite doesn’t care what you think. They want to squeeze every mile they can get out of January 6th.
They call it a threat to democracy. Has Congresswoman Cheney ever called the national security apparatus a threat to democracy for illegally spying on the American people? Did she ever call Lois Lerner’s weaponization of the IRS to target Tea Party groups a threat to democracy? Did she ever call the CIA’s spying on duly elected members of the Senate Intelligence Committee a threat to democracy? Did she ever call a phony Russian collusion scam investigation into a presidential campaign, and then on a duly elected President, did she ever say that was a threat to democracy.
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Partisan Justice
Notice how it only goes one way, and if you don’t think this is political. If you really believe this is about justice, then why not have all the hearings out in public view? Why not show the American public all the evidence collected to date? Why hire a former ABC News executive to turn this into a Hollywood production? Think about that. Your tax dollars are being used to produce these primetime hearings, and as far as I know, this is the first time this has been done.
Do you think it’s to manipulate the minds? Do you think they’re going to include documents and testimony that refutes the work the Committee is doing? They have to put out a slanted portrayal to justify the Committee’s work and to increase the power of the national security apparatus. Consider, that if there isn’t a threat, then there is no justification to expand those powers.
And why did the Department of Justice just arrest Peter Navarro for contempt of Congress? Now you can’t defy a Congressional subpoena, so it is an arrestable and prosecutable crime. However, how many people have defied Congress, were issued a contempt citation, and nothing happen.
Lois Lerner was held in contempt and never prosecuted. Former Attorney General Eric Holder was held in contempt and never prosecuted. Bryan Pagliano, Clinton’s top tech was held in contempt and never prosecuted. What do those three have in common, oh yeah, they’re Democrats?
How many Clintonites lied directly to investigators, but were never charged? How many government bureaucrats lied directly to Congress, committing perjury, and nothing?
Just look at good old Hunter Biden, James Biden, actually the entire Biden family.
The reality is that if it wasn’t politically, then you would apply justice equally. The politics of the person should be irrelevant.
Not for nothing, but the FBI still hasn’t turned over documents to Congress related to the Tsarnaev brothers, the Boston Marathon Bombing, and what the FBI had on the brothers prior to the actual bombing. The FBI was issued a Congressional subpoena related to the documents, but people like Congresswoman Cheney don’t care. Instead, they want to target anyone who dares to ask questions regarding the 2020 elections. Liz Cheney says if we don’t do this, democracy will unravel. Take a listen.
Sound Clip- Democracy Will Unravel
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Questions, according to them, that’s the real danger to democracy. Not a corrupt bureaucracy willing to abuse its power. Not corrupt politicians. Not corrupt nonprofit organizations. The real threat to democracy is when people ask questions. If democracy is so weak that it unravels because people ask questions, maybe that democracy doesn’t deserve to stand. It’s insane.
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Everything I’ve said in this episode dovetails with each other. All with the underlying theme of societal and cultural decay.
You would think that given how much they despise the former President that they would do whatever it takes to govern effectively and improve the people’s lives. Instead, they’re doing the exact opposite. They are rolling out the red carpet for Trump to return if he decides he wants to run again.
It really is stunning, and it shows exactly why President Trump was elected the first time. Apparently, the swamp creatures never looked internally and reflected on how they were responsible for 2016, just like they will be responsible for 2022 and 2024.
But even more important is that it’s not about Trump. The former President is one man in time. This country is much bigger than one person, one president, and one office. It’s about We the People. Maybe if the ruling elite would take a second to think about that, maybe they would have an epiphany.
But self-reflection is a foreign concept to these dotes. What America needs most is leadership, and it’s something we are lacking. Someone who can bring together and put the people before the government. Someone who instills hope and optimism. Someone who can empathize with what ordinary Americans are going through.
If you’re in Suffolk County, NY check Blue Collar Barbell out. I have the links up at The P.A.S. Report website and they are great patriots. I also have links up to their Facebook page and Instagram.
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