Episode 30 Show Notes- Calling Out Comey and The Unaccountable Bureaucracy
Episode Description
The self-proclaimed savior of the Republic, James Comey, has declared the Inspector General’s scathing report vindicates the FBI, and the only thing senior leadership is guilty of is “sloppiness.” While the advocacy news media, and the political activists, continue to misrepresent the IG’s report, The PAS Report calls for accountability of those who violated the public trust of the American people. In order to restore credibility to the system, bureaucrats who committed the abuses must face repercussions. As more people continue to disengage from the political process, the abuses are more rampant and grow bolder by the day. We the people must step-up and demand answers from the elected officials who are responsible for oversight.
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Weekly Roundup Podcast. This is your host Nick Giordano.
We made the big announcement on Monday that The PAS Report is introducing more content on the podcast. I want to thank all of the listeners out there because I would not be doing this had there not been a demand for it. Our audience growth has doubled every month since we started, and thank you for sharing this podcast with others, as well as your comments and feedback.
The new content will include episodes where I interview elected officials, media personalities, and influencers who have an impact on our society. We kicked off the new segment on Monday with an insightful interview with Congressman Lee Zeldin. If you haven’t yet listened, I suggest you do so.
Each week, you will still get my regular commentary offering insights on the current issues that impact each and every one of us. However, we will kick off regular interviews starting in January, and I plan to release these episodes every other week.
For those that are new to The PAS Report, I started this podcast as a result of feedback I received from my radio and television appearances, but more importantly, at the encouragement of my students. People are hungry for an in-depth explanation of some of the critical issues we face. Many are tired of the 3-4 minute news segment that fails to explore an issue with any real depth.
More importantly, people are tired of the advocacy news media trying to force their audience to come to a particular conclusion rather than let the audience decide for themselves. Here at The PAS Report, you are smart enough to come to your own conclusion.
I will present you with the information and explain why I feel the way I do. I present a common-sense approach in an easy to understand format. I also provide references to the founding documents of the country and bring in perspectives from the founding fathers. What you do with that information is up to you.
For today’s episode, I want to examine James Comey’s interview with Chris Wallace. He epitomizes everything that’s wrong with Washington and the Swamp. The bureaucracy and elected officials show little regard for We the People, and believe we are too dumb to cut through their BS.
As always, if you want to see the show notes go to thepasreport.com. Also, don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter.
The Inspector General’s Report
Last week I discussed the abuses in the Inspector General’s FISA report. I broke down the 17 omissions and pointed out that the word omission is simply lies and deceit.
Many in the advocacy news media, and those who despise the President, seized on the IG’s conclusion that he found no “documented” evidence of political bias.
Now those same morons are using that to vindicate the senior leadership and those involved. They claim people like James Comey simply made mistakes, and any attacks on the senior leaders is an attack on the FBI itself. But here is the Inspector General himself saying no one is vindicated here.
Take a listen- Play Clip 1
Also, the Inspector General explained how these people were all supposed to be the best of the best. They served the Agency for years. They should be aware of all policies and issues. They have worked these types of cases before and should know all the rules and regulations. Remember, these are the people that when they retire, private consulting firms hire them as subject matter experts. Yet, we are now supposed to believe that they are simply incompetent and didn’t understand the rules? You can hear the suspicion in the Inspector general’s voice. While he didn’t find any documented evidence stating, “We are going to set up the Trump campaign or let’s target these people to bring down President Trump,” he believes this was not the work of incompetent leaders.
Take a listen- Play Clip 2
Sorry, but I’m not going to let the advocacy news media or elected officials lie. It is perfectly fine to call out the FBI for the abuses committed against innocent Americans. This is not an attack on the rank-and-file of the FBI who go to work every day, and are committed to following the rules, policies, and procedures.
This is about 20 high ranking individuals that broke every rule they swore to follow.
James Comey
So that brings us to James Comey, the self-anointed boy scout who wrote the book a higher loyalty. Here is what James Comey said in April of 2018. Listen closely to the words he uses and you will see why he is such a weasel.
Take a listen- Play Clip 3
See how he said “to my recollection” three times. That’s how people like James Comey attempt to justify his actions. Remember, he is someone who is a trained Prosecutor and knows interrogation tactics. This is Comey trying to cover himself.
He was in charge of the FBI. A case of this magnitude would be seared into his memory. For God sake’s, he wrote a several hundred-page book. Amazing how he can recollect all these things, but in the biggest case of his lifetime, he expresses uncertainty and has to go with his “recollection.”
When the Inspector General’s report was released last Monday, James Comey claims it vindicates him, his decisions, and his team.
Take a listen- Play Clip 4
Once again, listen to the words he’s using. He is basically saying an attack on him and his team is an attack on the FBI. No one I know has attacked the FBI as a whole. I have attacked the senior leadership within the FBI that is rotten to the core. I still believe it is mostly rotten, and the current FBI Director should step down because he is either clueless or feckless to recognize that these were not just simple mistakes that happened. They were malicious omissions designed to make sure the FISA court issued the surveillance warrant.
But Comey just keeps on making things worse. He appeared this Sunday on Chris Wallace’s show, Fox News Sunday. Listen to this weasel
Play Clip 5
I can’t stand this guy, “Well it depends on the meaning of vindication.” What a jerk. He claims that the FBI has been accused of treason, illegal wiretaps, illegal spying, yada, yada, yada. He says that the IG report vindicates the FBI.
So many problems with this. First, the FBI was never accused of treason. President Trump may have accused you and some of your team of treason. People that support the President may have accused you and your team of treason. But everyone I know separates out the FBI leadership from the rank-and-file agents.
Secondly, you claim the report vindicates that you didn’t illegally spy or wiretap the Trump campaign. This is just a lie. Why is it a lie you ask? Just look at the 17 omissions, I don’t wordsmith like bureaucrats do so I’m going to just say lies and deceptions. Also, keep in mind the email that was doctored by the FBI lawyer. How would the FISA court have ruled had they had the information that Comey and his team decided to keep from the court? Would the FISA court still approve the surveillance and wiretaps?
It would be speculation on my part, but I’m not sure how open the FISA court would be to grant the surveillance warrants if they had all the information. We need to hear from the FISA court and see how they feel about being misled and if having this information would have altered their ruling. If it would have, then we consider what Comey and company did as illegal.
Then this moron chalks it all up to sloppiness. I would call him other words, but they wouldn’t be appropriate for this podcast. To chalk this up to sloppiness is not only implausible but just idiotic. Sloppiness is when my kid rushes through his homework and so I make him do it over because it isn’t neat. This was a malicious deception designed to hurt the Trump campaign and damage the Trump Presidency. He refuses to take any accountability.
Listen to this clip Play Clip 6
Comey keeps trying to deflect blame and makes it as if it is a flaw within the system. I do believe there are flaws in the FISA process, but the abuses here were self-inflicted. It wasn’t the procedures that were necessarily the problem, it was the bureaucrats blinded by their hatred.
As he attempts to deflect blame, remember, this boy scout had to sign off on three of the FISA applications, and he does so. When signing off on these documents, he is certifying that the information had been thoroughly vetted and corroborated. He has no excuse.
Listen to this Play Clip 7
He makes it as if he took a hands-off approach in this investigation and had limited involvement. He is diminishing the role he played. He says it’s unusual for a Director to get involved in an investigation being handled “several layers down” through career agents. First off, that’s just nonsense. It was senior leadership handling the investigation, not some local field office.
Secondly, a case of this magnitude would require that the Director is updated at least twice a day, and that’s at the very least. We are talking about investigating a presidential campaign and then a sitting President. There is no way the FBI Director is going to tell his staff to just fill him in when necessary.
If I were McCabe, Strzok, Priestap, or anyone else in this case, I would start to get very nervous that James Comey is looking to throw them in front of the bus and make it as if he simply trusted these individuals and they were the ones that screwed up. While they are all culpable, make no mistake that Comey was heavily involved and he is trying to diminish his role.
He is also trying to muddy the waters.
Listen to this Play Clip 8
Here he claims that the IG found no misconduct. What the hell am I supposed to say to this? Am I on another planet? Is there something I am missing? Please, our audience is pretty smart so if there is something I’m getting wrong or missing, let me know. Send me an email because I am not understanding Comey trying to do verbal gymnastics. I warned you last week about how the bureaucrats love to wordsmith. This isn’t even wordsmithing, it’s sheer stupidity.
The literal definition of misconduct is “unacceptable or improper behavior, especially by an employee or professional person, and mismanagement, especially culpable neglect of duties.”
James Comey’s higher loyalty is to himself and no one and nothing else. He claims he is just an innocent patriot trying to preserve the Republic from the menace known as President Trump.
I hate to break it to Comey, but he’s delusional. This guy’s ego is far bigger than the President’s, and sadly you have imbecile’s like Congressman Schiff defending Comey and company.
There are only a handful of people that the IG’s report vindicates.
First is Carter Page. Carter Page’s name was dragged through the mud. They tried to destroy his reputation, and brand him with a scarlet letter. Meanwhile, this is a guy who was working with the CIA providing valuable intelligence on Russia and Russian intelligence officers. What was done to him was a disgrace, and he is owed more than an apology.
Another person vindicated is George Papadopoulos. He was set up by an overzealous bureaucracy looking to damage a campaign and destroy a presidency. Just because he was associated with the Trump campaign, he became a target. He too is owed an apology.
Congressman Devin Nunes is also vindicated. It turns out the FISA Report he issued over a year ago was correct. He was right on every point. Yet, Congressman Schiff and the advocacy news media savaged him. They said he was lying, and misrepresenting the facts. They called him a puppet of President Trump. I challenge anyone out there that disagrees to point out where Congressman Nunes was wrong.
Comey is in good company
I don’t want to just criticize Comey and the senior leadership of the FBI for lying and misleading the public. I have to go to my usual punching bag of Congress.
Congress is abusing their power with this impeachment nonsense. People can come to their own conclusions on whether the President did anything wrong on the phone call. Personally, I don’t have a problem with anything the President said and I’ve given the reasons why in previous episodes.
Schiff and other Democrats are overtly lying and misleading the American public. Every time they bring up the conversation, they say the President said, “Do me a favor.” The President never said that. He said clearly, do us a favor. Also, when they say do me a favor, they immediately bring up that the President asked for Ukraine to dig up dirt and investigate Biden.
That is simply a lie and you can read the transcript yourself to come to your own conclusions. In the Do us a favor part on the top of page 3, the President never even brought up Biden. See they won’t tell you that the President brought up Biden much later on and never once did the President ask for Ukraine to fabricate or makeup stuff in regards to the Biden’s.
Giuliani started his investigation in Ukraine in order to defend the President from the Mueller probe. That’s what a good lawyer does. Giuliani began digging up dirt in Ukraine in 2018 before Biden announced he was running for president.
And to all those who say President Trump should not be calling for investigations into political opponents, what if Giuliani uncovered wrongdoing and illegality in Hunter Biden or Joe Biden? Are you really saying that shouldn’t be investigated? I know Schiff and company have shown no interest in any potential wrongdoing.
Also, if I use the leftist logic, it’s not okay to request a legitimate investigation into potential corruption, but according to these people, it’s perfectly fine to contract a foreigner in order to dig up dirt and really makeup stuff about a political opponent using other foreign sources. Imagine that.
I’ve been listening to the House Rules Committee debate, and I want to bash my head through a wall. Many of the House Democrats are complaining that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is politicizing the potential Senate Trial. Seriously, that’s what they’re saying. Talk about a lack of self-awareness.
You politicized the impeachment process from the start. What the hell did you think was going to happen? I warned Democrats not to weaponize the impeachment process. To look at the big picture and what will happen after President Trump, but they are so blinded by hate, they didn’t listen.
Once again, I don’t care if you like the President or hate the President. This is much bigger than just this President. The abuse and nonaccountability in the bureaucracy are a clear and present danger to the Republic. I am so sick of people constantly screaming about Russia and the threat they represent. Russia is a hostile actor, but at least I can predict what they will do. At least I know Russia’s goals and objectives. Russia’s motivation is to seek more power and influence in the world, and in order for them to do that, the United States must lose power because power is a zero-sum game.
So whether you love or hate the President, I have to ask. What do you think is a bigger threat to the Republic- an adversary of America who is easily predictable like Russia with their weak economy, aging society, and decaying military? Or an all-powerful bureaucracy where you generally place some trust and give them enormous power over our lives. Where we don’t necessarily know what the motivations are except that they have little regard for the American people and are destroying the fabric of this system.
Let’s put this in a real-world perspective. Accountability means you accept the consequences of your actions. In the real world, normal people would suffer serious consequences had they done something similar to what the senior leadership of the FBI did.
If a business executive omitted important facts during a business merger, they can be criminally prosecuted by the FEC.
If a lawyer did this in a courtroom or to a client, they would be disbarred and possibly put in prison.
As a college professor, I have a beautiful thing called tenure. If I manipulated the grades of 17 students because of personal preference or bias, I can tell you that Suffolk Community College wouldn’t tolerate that and I would be out of a job.
If a delivery driver fails to deliver packages, they will be fired.
If a doctor has a pattern of misdiagnosis, they can potentially lose their medical license and would at the very least be fired and sued.
I can go on and on. In the real world, there are real serious consequences. Yet, in the bureaucracy what have been the consequences thus far? According to the IG, several of those who committed these abuses is still employed by the FBI. Others resigned or retired and are collecting pensions.
If no one is held accountable, these abuses will get far worse. I can only hope Durham’s probe brings accountability. Congress should be doing its job of oversight, but as Congressman Zeldin said during his interview with The PAS Report, the House hasn’t even had discussions on the IG’s report and no hearings are on the horizon. I will continue to call out those who violate the public trust.
I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays. We will probably release episodes on Thursday for the next two weeks considering the Holiday. During this holiday season remember what Christmas is really about. While the gifts are nice and spending time with friends and family are important, give thanks that you live in the greatest country in the world. For all our defects, there is no other country that comes close to matching the United States. The founding fathers were onto something when they talked about Divine Providence.
As always if there is a topic or issue you would like me to focus on, send an email to podcast@pasreport.com, and I am extremely grateful for all of the positive reviews. If you haven’t left a review yet, please take 30-seconds, and write one.
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Thank you for joining us, stay safe, and I’ll be back next week.
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