Rant or Rave Wednesday
Palestinian Protests Reveal The Ignorance of American Students
The news cycle has been filled with stories about the Palestinian protests on college campuses for the past couple of weeks and rightfully so. The matter is much bigger than just one grievance or one group. There’s so much to unpack and discussion on this issue can be approached from many different angles. For this week, I’d like to view it from the perspective of why so many American students are blindly supporting a group they know so little about.
As always, it is difficult to receive an honest assessment of the political state of affairs in our country because the media is so blatantly biased. On nearly every issue, the mainstream media aligns with the side that opposes America. This has been occurring for decades, but the fervor for which they support anything anti-American has greatly accelerated in the last few years under the Biden administration. Therefore, it is incumbent upon sane adults to protect and educate our children with truth.
It’s not just a biased media that’s the problem – it’s also the fact that the news has become so fragmented with people, particularly young adults, receiving it from a variety of unreliable sources, like Facebook and Instagram. The dissolution of the nuclear family only adds to the problem. There are single mothers working several jobs to support their children, parents who are together but are both in the workforce, or children who are raised by relatives where the primary focus may not be on the child.
Whatever the reason, many children have not been instilled with proper values, nor have they had honest conversations about what’s occurring in the world today. This has led to a severe deficit in principles that guide a young person through both good and tumultuous times. Instead of having a moral compass, they latch onto whatever feels good or whatever makes them feel accepted. Want some proof? Watch this video and try not to cringe. The student in the video, who is currently attending an Ivy League University admits that she doesn’t know exactly why she’s protesting and looks to another student for an answer who also doesn’t have a clue.
Unfortunately, many of the students standing side by side with pro-Palestinian protesters are unaware of what they are chanting for. They are unwittingly supporting the obliteration of an allied nation – Israel. More importantly, however, they are supporting anti-Americanism as they stand by as our flag is burned and, in some instances, protesters scream, “Death to America.” The most ironic thing I’ve seen are the ‘Queers for Palestine’ signs, that demonstrate the ignorance of many of these students. In that country, you’re persecuted or killed for your sexual preferences. That is the truth. That is what our students need to be educated on.
Whether you are a parent, guardian, relative, or friend to a child or young adult, you should speak up. It is critical to teach them the founding principles of this great nation, as they are obviously not doing this in most schools across the board, and we must give them the courage to defend the ideals that give freedoms not found in any other country on this planet. They must be equipped with moral decency to withstand the inculcation of hatred that is constantly being shoved down their throats.
Being a parent is difficult today. We live in a fast-paced, complex society that cherishes instant gratification. We must start from when they are young, and we must be present, and I mean really present for them. There’s nothing more important than our children; they are our descendants, the continuation of humanity, so we need to reassess our priorities and focus on them.
The best we can do is to be honest with them and love them but loving them does not mean buying them a gaming system or letting them do whatever they want without consequences because we want to be their friend rather than their parent. Loving them means discipline and always being honest with them, even when the truth hurts. We are all fallible and will make many mistakes as parents and that’s okay, but if we give them the most valuable thing we have – our time, attention, and the truth – then we form a protective barrier that shields them from the barrage of lies and deceit that constantly get thrown their way.
Professor Stanley Ridgley Talks College Campus Chaos
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