Episode 201 Show Notes- Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer on the Colossal Failures in Afghanistan
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Episode Description
Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer returns to The P.A.S. Report Podcast to discuss the colossal failures in Afghanistan. The United States has been engaged in Afghanistan for nearly 20-years, spending an enormous amount of money, blood, and treasure. It took the Taliban less than a week to recapture most of the country. Throughout the years, the American people were being lied to by top military brass, bureaucrats, and politicians. They continually talked about progress, and after years of training and investing billions of dollars in an Afghan military, the Afghan military has proven to be nonexistent. Will any of these leaders be held accountable for their failures?
(You can listen to the entire episode by clicking the play button above or go to any podcast platform)
Show Information-Interview w/Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer Afghanistan
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