Episode 274 Show Notes- Is Parental Authority Being Usurped in the New Culture War?
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The culture war has expanded, and the public virtue signalers and the phony moral holy warriors believe they, and the state, get to decide what topics are introduced to children and what they must think. Rather than teach children the fundamentals within education, including the ability to think critically, how to be a good citizen, and just let children be children, they have embarked on a campaign of indoctrination in an effort to advance their agenda.
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Show Transcript- Is Parental Authority Being Usurped in the New Culture War?
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Welcome to The P.A.S. Report Podcast.
Every week I talk about important issues. Issues that shape our country and have real impacts on our lives. This week I want to talk about an issue that is probably one of the most important out there. It’s an issue that will determine the future trajectory of this country.
Every one of you has heard about the culture war. It’s been raging for decades. The culture war is a battle between maintaining traditional values within our society with an appreciation and understanding of our founding, our Constitution, and our way of life versus those who want to instill leftist values changing the dynamics of the country, and remaking an America that many of us wouldn’t even recognize.
While the culture war has raged on for decades, it has mostly been targeted at teens, young adults, and grownups. However, we are now seeing a full-throated effort to target children. It’s shameful and disgusting. The phony outrage over what they’ve deemed the “don’t say gay bill” is the perfect example of how they want to brainwash and indoctrinate children to push their radical agenda.
Rather than teach children the fundamentals of education, including teaching them the ability to think critically, how to be a good citizens, and just let children be children. They have decided that they get to determine what their children think when it comes to the issues and the positions they must hold.
They want to destroy a child’s innocence by introducing controversial topics that should be left up to the parents to introduce and discuss with their children. It’s one thing when you target young adults and grownups, but it’s a whole different story when it comes to teens and children.
See, they’ve realized that by the time people are young adults, it’s too late, and so they want to force-feed a social agenda, essentially beginning at birth. This is designed to indoctrinate and brainwash children on what to think and to create an army of future activists to push their radical agenda.
The public virtue signalers and the phony moral holy warriors believe that it’s the government and their allies that get to determine how your children are raised. They believe that parents should have a say or be the ones to decide when their children are introduced to controversial topics.
Essentially, they view our children as nothing more than products of the state that should be molded in their image of what a just society looks like, and that’s what this episode is going to focus on.
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Different Groups Pushing Indoctrination
There are three different types of groups that want to push this indoctrination on our children, but they all intersect with each other in this culture war.
The first group is those who want to brainwash children to be obedient and compliant products of the state and the ruling class. This group doesn’t like questions. They don’t like pushback. They want to push their decrees, and the people to mindlessly obey. They want the state to be the most powerful entity.
Basically, they denigrate the founding of the country, our history, and the founding fathers, because if you understand how and why this country was built, you will know that our founders were skeptical of government and had real concerns about government power and authority.
They call the founders old and outdated, but the founders wanted the ordinary people to hold the government accountable and ask questions. They didn’t want an ever-expanding government that would get involved in all aspects of our lives. They didn’t want us to constantly look towards the government to solve problems.
They understood the nature of government and the nature of human beings, and that’s why they provided many warnings to us in their written works and implemented a number of safeguards to protect us and the system. Unfortunately, those safeguards began to buckle nearly a century ago.
The next group of people is just as dangerous as the first. They believe they are morally right on all the issues, and those who dissent on the issues are not people that have a simple disagreement, but people who are subhuman, unevolved, and even evil.
These are your public virtue signalers that believe they are the moral holy warriors. They define morality and ethics. Remember, to them, facts don’t matter if you are morally right. They are the ones that use words like “purge,” “deplorable,” “deprogram,” and “reeducate.”
These people don’t like the concepts of freedom of thought and freedom of speech. It’s why they seek to control what we say and think. It’s why they try to destroy and cancel anyone who dares to challenge them. It’s why they constantly use labels like racist, bigot, misogynist, and of course Russian propagandist.
These people believe that in order to advance a political agenda you must radicalize people as they are growing up. They believe that in order to create a just and moral society and the world, they must force people to think a certain way. That we should give everyone the same ideas and the same opinions. See, if everyone thinks the same way, then you eliminate all challenges, and no other faction would exist.
It’s unrealistic and not worthy of human beings because what makes human beings unique and special is that we are all different. We all have different ideas and opinions. Different talents and abilities. Different desires and passions. But to this group, those differences are a threat. These are the same people that preach tolerance and acceptance, but if you dare dissent from their narrow-minded point of view, watch out.
Then you have a group that is generally good and decent people. They believe the government is operating in good faith, and they want to help others. They don’t necessarily realize they are pushing a political agenda, and they don’t realize that they are engaging in indoctrination.
These people have empathy and compassion for those who have been disenfranchised and those that they feel are marginalized. They believe that they are fostering change to improve society. While I disagree with this group, my gripe isn’t with them. It’s the other two that are far more dangerous.
It Wasn’t Good Enough Targeting Teens and Young Adults
Getting to the point, in this day and age, we need to recognize that children already have it hard enough. We live in a time where things are far more complicated than they used to be. There are so many more distractions. So many destructive forces exist today than previously. There is so much out there poisoning the minds of children, and it’s hard to keep them shielded.
We do the best we can, but because of how complicated life has gotten, and how much has changed, parents don’t have nearly the influence they once did. And I want to make it clear, I am not saying that everything in the past was perfect. I’m not saying that families didn’t have their own personal problems. I’m not naïve to believe that problems didn’t exist. However, we live in a Brave New World. A world where 1984 becomes more real with each passing day.
It’s no secret that leftists have infiltrated the ranks of academia, particularly college, and want to push an ideological agenda. And it’s no secret that Hollywood and the entertainment industry have been pushing toxic messages for the last few decades.
Just think, my generation had shows like Growing Pains, Charles in Charge, Saved by the Bell, and so many others. The generation before me had shows like Different Strokes, Threes Company, The Brady Bunch, and Happy Days. The generation before that My Three Sons, The Partridge Family, Leave it to Beaver, and others. There was some overlap, but all these shows had a commonality, and the subject material all dealt with human flaws.
Each episode was based on a moral shortcoming, and by the end of the episode, the characters learned the error of their ways and overcame their shortcomings. The shows were entertaining, but there were also life lessons and takeaways from these types of shows.
Then we began to see a shift speaking to the worst aspects of human beings. A shift where it was no longer about moral shortcomings and correcting our failures, there was a shift to embracing the moral shortcomings and indulging in selfishness. To glorify things like sex, drugs, alcohol, and raunchiness. It’s not to say that there aren’t good programs today. There certainly are, but they are far outnumbered compared to the shows that blur the lines.
In many of today’s programs, they blur the lines between the good and the bad. In fact, in a lot of shows, the good guys have to do bad things in order to bring about justice. Sometimes it’s hard to tell who the good guys are and who are the bad guys. In other shows, they glorify vices and promote overindulgence.
It’s not that everyone is susceptible to these messages, and many of us can distinguish between real life and entertainment, but when you target this stuff on younger and younger age demographics, it is a completely different story.
The same thing holds true with video games. While it’s not all video games, there are many that promote bad behavior. Games like Grand Theft Auto. Again, it’s not to say that teenagers and young adults can’t distinguish a video game from real life, but there is no doubt that we have been desensitized during this culture war.
And when you begin to look at our society, just think about how the debates have shifted throughout, and how the centrist positions have all shifted further left as the culture war has raged on.
However, there are some that have made the determination that if they wait until college to push this agenda, it’s too late. You can’t wait until they’re teenagers. That’s too late. They’ve decided that they need to get to these people when they are children.
They Now Set Their Sights on Children
Children are like sponges, and they can easily be manipulated and molded. There is a reason that we are seeing this radical push to indoctrinate and brainwash our children when it comes to controversial topics. What better way to create an obedient and compliant society?
Children shouldn’t be forced to learn about or accept controversial ideas when they can’t possibly understand the complexities of these issues and have yet to develop the abilities to think critically. They haven’t developed the ability to think critically. They haven’t developed the ability to use reason when it comes to issues. They don’t know how to analyze information and formulate logical conclusions. They don’t have the capability to debate and push back.
But that’s the point. It’s all designed to get to the kids before they have these capabilities. It makes it much easier to get them to do what you want and to take the positions you want.
Is the Progress of the Left Really Progress?
One of the best illustrations of this new modern-day culture war is happening in Florida with the complete mischaracterization Florida House Bill 1557. This is the bill that the public virtue signalers have dubbed the “don’t say gay” bill, which is a complete mischaracterization of the actual bill.
This bill doesn’t say that you can’t mention the word gay or talk about LGBT issues. What the bill does is try and restore parental rights when it comes to complicated issues. That it’s up to the parents to determine when and how they should talk about these issues with their children.
That it’s not the school’s job to talk about these complicated issues with children in grades kindergarten through third grade. Now, I really want everyone to know the age group we’re talking about. This bill prevents teachers and schools from promoting concepts of sexual orientation and gender fluidity to children ages 4-9.
The culture war and the attempts to indoctrinate children go far beyond this one topic, but this topic does encapsulate the culture war and the forced social engineering we are witnessing. I mean should teachers in kindergarten through 3rd grade really be discussing sexual orientation and gender fluidity. As I said before, children have it hard enough in this day and age. Do we really feel these topics are appropriate for kids this young?
I mean we don’t push concepts like straightness on children. This crap has no business in the classroom. More importantly, it has no business being pushed on children. It’s up to parents to decide when to expose their children to these topics. It’s not up to the politicians. It’s not up to the schools. It’s not up to Hollywood or the entertainment industry. It’s up to the parents.
Not for nothing, but I constantly tell my children that it’s my job to raise them to be decent human beings. To treat everyone with dignity and respect regardless of our differences, but I’m not going to go into depth with my 7-year-old about topics like transgenderism.
Education goes beyond reading, writing, and arithmetic. Teachers and schools should be educating kids as young as four to treat everyone with respect. To know the importance of manners. To be kind. These are valuable lessons. However, when you are introducing them to topics that talk about gender fluidity and sexual orientation, they are crossing a line.
Cue the Leftist Outrage
Of course, the leftist outrage machine quickly swung into high gear labeling anyone opposed to their indoctrination efforts as homophobic and transphobic. They tagged this as the “don’t say gay” bill, but remember, the bill forbids schools from pushing straightness as well so should we call it the “don’t say straight” bill? I would bet 90% of these people didn’t even read the bill.
And if you really want to get a taste of how these losers, who never read the bill, think they are morally superior, take a listen.
Sound Clip- Oscars Gay, Gay, Gay
Aren’t they so brave? These Hollywood elites, who never read the bill, are taking such a brave stand in front of a room that I would safely guess is about 90% extreme leftist, 9.9% far-left, and .1% of everyone else.
I would love to be able to quiz them on what the bill says and what it doesn’t say.
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Are Teachers Really Pushing Woke Ideology
The problem is that teachers want to usurp the authority of parents and force this down children’s throats.
Take a listen to this clip.
Sound Clip- Teachers Pushing an Agenda
Now does that subject material sound like it’s appropriate for preschoolers? Do you think it’s appropriate that this is what’s being pushed on our children?
Of course, those pushing this crap will accuse me of instilling fear. They’ll say, oh, Professor Giordano, you’re exaggerating this. This is just a few teachers and a few schools. You want to make it about a culture war that doesn’t really exist. You’re just mad we are making progress in society, and you just want to take us backward, so you use the idea of a culture war to instill fear.
Well, here’s a clip of another teacher who never read the bill, but is upset because now he can’t talk about his personal life with his students. Take a listen.
Sound Clip- Teacher Talks Personal Life With Students
I’m not sure that you caught what he actually said. He teaches kindergarten, and he wants to discuss his personal life. As someone who has been in education for a long time, it’s totally inappropriate to talk about your personal life to your students, especially kindergartners.
Listen, I may make passing references about an experience I had in my personal life when it comes to government and politics and it’s relatable, but I don’t discuss what I like to do, where I go, my likes and dislikes, or any other personal details about my life. It’s none of my student’s business. I may make a passing reference about my kids. Monday, I told my students that I was canceling class because my son had to get surgery to get the rod out of his arm, but that’s about the extent.
Maybe this teacher should just focus on the ABCs and the 123s. Maybe this teacher should focus on teaching his kindergartners to treat everyone with respect. To mind their manners and say please and thank you. To not call out and have self-control. To be a good citizen and help people. To clean up your community and don’t litter. Those would be more appropriate lessons for kindergartners. Not that you went on a hike with your partner regardless of whether they’re male or female.
But again Professor, you’re just bringing up one out of the tens of thousands of schools and teachers out there.
No. I’m picking the ones we know about. How many others are pushing this type of stuff, brainwashing the children, and we don’t even know about it?
This next clip I’m going to play is extremely disturbing. It’s mother ripping apart a school board for what they did to her child and her family. Apparently, two teachers in a California school district are being accused of coaching a student to come out as transgender. Reportedly, staff at the school changed the student’s name and pronouns. Even worse, when the parents objected to a gender transition, the school called child protective services. How old was the child? 12. Take a listen to this.
Sound Clip- Mother Rips School
How many others has that happened to that we don’t know about? How many parents have been bullied into silence, especially when CPS gets involved, out of fear that they’ll lose their children? Not only should those teachers who were doing this be fired, but that entire school should be investigated.
And it’s not just about controversial issues. There was a case a few months ago where the school was bribing students with pizza to get the covid vaccine without their parents knowing. It’s an all-out effort to remove the authority of the parent where the schools, and by extension, the state, the government, will be the authority and determine how your child is raised.
The fact that a parent doesn’t get to have a say in something as consequential as transitioning is insane. Consider this, a 12-year-old can’t get a tattoo, even with parental consent. Let’s say by chance your 12-year-old wants a tattoo and you agree to it and find a tattoo artist willing to give a 12-year-old a tattoo (which you won’t), but if you do, both you and the tattoo artist will go to jail.
Yet, we’re supposed to be okay with children being given hormone therapy and puberty blockers without parental approval? Are you kidding me? The officials that push this, and the doctors willing to go along with it, should all be in jail. It’s child abuse.
Organized, Coordinated Effort
Do not be fooled. The culture war is real, and there is an organized and coordinated effort to brainwash children with leftist ideology.
If you think this isn’t an organized effort to brainwash kids, you haven’t been paying attention. Last week, Christopher Rufo got videos of Disney employees explaining how they push propaganda on unsuspecting children. See, when you think of Disney, you think of Mickey Mouse and the happiest place on Earth. This is the place where dreams are supposed to come alive.
But Disney is no longer about a place where you can escape reality and dream big. Now it’s becoming a place that wants to push an ideology on children. Children who don’t know or understand what nonbinary means. Take a listen to these Disney employees.
Sound Clip- Disney Employees Expose an Agenda
But it’s not just Disney. Nickelodeon isn’t any better. Remember who the target audience is of Disney and Nickelodeon. It’s not adults, it’s not teens. It’s children. Take a listen to this clip.
Sound Clip- Nickelodeon Propaganda Song
And that’s not all. In honor of Transgender Day of Visibility, Nickelodeon pushed this on their audience. Take a listen.
Sound Clip- Transgender Day of Visibility
It really is amazing how much has changed. Again, think about the target demographic, and if you really want to see the ages they are targeting, this is a clip from Blues Clues. Take a listen.
Sound Clip- Blues Clues
Now the target demo for Blue’s Clues is for those aged 3-5. Do you think that’s appropriate messaging for 3 to 5-year-olds? I mean alright, you may be able to get past the two dads or the two moms, but do you really think children these young should be getting subtle messages of gender fluidity?
Again, it’s by design and these companies are actively promoting a political message and pushing an agenda that speaks directly to the culture war. Many thought that our corporations believed in the idea of capitalism, but that’s all changed. The days of Milton Friedman are gone. The capitalists of yesterday have been replaced with hyper ideological people who believe it’s their duty to push an ideological agenda throughout every aspect of society. This is a way to bypass the parents and directly indoctrinate the children.
Nothing More Than The CRT/DEI Agenda
Understand that this all falls in line with the critical race theory and the diversity, equity, and inclusion agenda. And I would love to ask this question. If we are going to push this nonbinary gender fluidity stuff on children, particularly those this young, how are we going to teach pronouns when it comes to grammar? What about the basics of biology?
Well, just look up worksheets that are being used in schools throughout the country. Look at books that are being assigned to students and read in classrooms. Look at how curriculums are being revamped in the name of equity and justice.
I want you to imagine what would happen if a teacher brought up Jesus in the 2nd-grade classroom, even if it’s in a historical context, not a religious one. What do you think is going to happen to that teacher? You’ll have all these far-left groups mobilize, and force the school into apologizing, get written guarantees that it never happens again, and probably terminate that teacher.
Consider what a sad state of affairs it is when teaching and promoting the founding fathers and the greatness of America is now more controversial than pushing gender fluidity on children as young as 4-years-old.
The culture war began a long time ago, but social engineering has gone to extreme lengths over the last two decades.
It’s important for us to ask ourselves, are we in a better position today or a worse position? As this garbage is being pushed on impressionable kids, are our relationships with children stronger today than they were when we were growing up or weaker? Are our schools providing a better education where the students are more capable of entering the real world, and becoming productive members of society? Are children today growing up to be more independent and capable of doing things on their own or are they more dependent? Are we generally happier as a society or are we worse off?
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I know these are vague and general questions, but when we begin to look at the evidence as we reflect on the culture war, something has gone horribly wrong.
We are witnessing the complete breakdown of the nuclear family unit where about one-third of children under the age of 18 are living in single-parent households, the highest rate in the world. (The Hill) 40% of children are born out of wedlock with the black population at over 70%, and white and Hispanic populations at the upper 50% and growing. (CDC)
Depression and anxiety are up dramatically across all demographics. (Blue Cross/Blue Shield) Suicides are up dramatically. (CDC) Drug abuse and addiction are surging. (HHS) The lack of sense of purpose is plaguing Americans, especially younger Americans.
You look at nearly every category and we are worse off. Gee, I wonder why. The holy moral warriors continue to say that this culture war, this major social engineering experiment, is a step towards progress, but it seems the exact opposite has happened. We are not making progress. We are headed towards societal breakdown, and if we continue on this trend, it will lead to societal collapse.
As parents, we have a difficult job to do. We have to work and provide for our families which is becoming increasingly difficult given the rise in the price of everything. We have all these distractions ourselves. Kids are in all these activities. It’s easy to get lost in the daily grind, and not have real quality time. There are many who may think on the surface everything is okay, but if we probe our children, maybe we’ll find out what’s going on in their lives and what they are facing.
As parents, we have a duty and obligation to protect our children. The culture war is a war that we can’t afford to lose. This crap has got to stop, especially when they’re targeting children at such a young age. I encourage each and every one of you out there to talk with your children. Look at their work. Look at their textbooks. Find out what they’re being taught. You just may be surprised at what you don’t know.
I’m going to stay on top of this because it’s that important, and I’m hoping to have on Christopher Rufo within the next few weeks because he has done phenomenal work exposing a lot of the indoctrination and brainwashing that’s taking place.
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