Rant or Rave Wednesday
Damning Report Indicates Large Numbers of Criminal Migrants in U.S.
Last week, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) released a report detailing that as of July 21st of this year, 662,566 criminal noncitizens are freely roaming the interior of our country. Keep in mind, this does not include the millions of gotaways, which are illegal immigrants who have snuck into the country unbeknownst to law enforcement. Of those millions, one can assume that there are certainly a substantial number of criminals among them.
The report shows that more than 62,000 of the migrant criminals were found guilty of assault, over 13,000 have murder convictions and nearly 16,000 were convicted of sexual assault. These numbers do not include those with pending charges. So, when President Trump explains that other countries are emptying their prisons, jails, and mental institutions, rest assured he’s speaking the truth. Many countries, including Venezuela, have seen a decrease in their crime rates. I wonder what the correlation could be.
The report also exposed that there are 7.4 million illegal aliens who have orders of removal or are in the process of removal proceedings but are not in ICE custody. In other words, law enforcement has no idea where these individuals are. Just for perspective, when Trump left office that number was approximately 3.7 million.
Sanctuary policy further complicates the issue. If a criminal alien is caught in a sanctuary city, local law enforcement cannot hand them over to ICE, making the already difficult task of apprehending these people much more complex. ICE agents are put at greater risk trying to locate and capture the criminal, rather than having the individual directly handed over to them from a secure location. Proponents of sanctuary cities say that this policy protects those here illegally who commit no further crimes, but is that really true? We know that these criminals prey mostly on immigrants from the same ethnic community.
Where’s our Border Czar when you need her? The media still denies that Kamala Harris is responsible for dealing with this issue, but we have the video. During a press conference in 2021, Biden clearly said he was putting Kamala in charge of leading “our efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle.” By including Mexico in this mandate, Biden, whether wittingly or not, included all the individuals from other countries that pour into our nation through our Southern Border with Mexico. Biden also spoke of giving money to these countries as part of the solution, but The United States has already provided billions of dollars to Northern Triangle countries, and that money never reaches the people. It is, instead, gobbled up by their greedy leaders. To be fair, both Republicans and Democrats are guilty of indiscriminately giving these countries money over the years.
With the immigration crisis exploding and the upcoming election, VP Harris finally went to visit the border this past Friday evening. She spent about 20 minutes speaking with a few border agents for a photo op. I presume these weren’t the same agents she depicted as racists. This was followed by a short speech that offered no solutions. She said we need more resources. So, what does that mean Madam Vice President? More agents to more quickly process the millions of people flooding our country with no valid asylum claims? What about our overcrowded schools and hospitals? Our infrastructure and our social safety nets cannot handle the incessant influx of people. That is an obvious truth.
She went on to say that she wanted a system that was “orderly and secure.” Well, where the hell have you been for the past four years? She, along with other foolish democrats, like AOC, screamed about children in cages during the Trump administration, which were actually present during Obama’s term, but who cares about facts? She makes no mention, however, of the human and sex trafficking of so many migrants, including thousands of children, occurring right now, right under her nose. This is certainly not orderly or secure.
Kamla Harris has completely ignored the immigration crisis. It’s as if she is not and has not been our Vice President. She spent the remainder of the speech speaking in circles, repeating the word “solution” but never offering anything tangible and attacking Donald Trump. How can this woman be taken seriously?
If Donald Trump is elected for a second term, the removal of millions of illegal immigrants in our country will not be easy. Criminals should obviously be the first to be deported, but as the problem gets fixed, liberals will complain about deportations. The only way to quell this is to require that any illegal migrants not deported can only stay if they are placed in America’s richest zip codes. Enough with bombarding cities like Chicago and New York, where the schools and infrastructure are already struggling. Put them in areas that can afford them. You’ll witness those who claim to care about migrants quickly change their tune.
Don’t miss Professor Giordano’s interview with Dinesh D’Souza
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