Episode 85 Show Notes- Dismantling the Socialist Scheme & Russia 4.0
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It is time to dismantle the socialist agenda in the push toward communism/Marxism. As we head into this July 4th weekend, we must reflect and remember what our great country stands for. America is the place of hope and opportunity. We are a country that values liberty and freedom, and many have paid the ultimate sacrifice protecting and defending the American political philosophy. Today, we are witnessing an all-out assault on these principles by those wanting to abolish the American system. And unfortunately, these groups are being aided and abetted the public relations wing of the DNC, aka the media, and the corporate giants.
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Welcome to another episode of The P.A.S. Report Podcast. This is your host Nick Giordano.
I hope you got something great planned for this weekend as we celebrate our independence. And while we are celebrating our independence, it is important to reflect our history, and where we are today, and that’s going to be the focus of today’s show. How the hell did we get to this point, and how can we begin to dismantle this radical socialist push to overthrow America and replace it with a socialist system, ultimately leading to communism
Before I jump in, go to The P.A.S. Report, signup for the newsletter, and be sure to listen to Monday’s episode where I interviewed Dinesh D’Souza. He had a lot to say, and I was thankful that he would come on the program.
Russia 4.0
Before I get into the main topic, I briefly want to touch on a report from the NY Times that broke over the weekend. So, over the weekend the NY Times printed a story about how a Russian intel unit offered Afghani militants bounties to kill U.S. troops. I have a link up at The P.A.S. Report website so if you want to read the article, just go to the show notes and click on the link (NY Times).
Of course, the media goes apoplectic and everyone’s heads begin to explode on all the Sunday shows. Everyone begins to savage the administration from the DNC agents, aka the media, the Democrats, although I expect nothing less from them at this point, and weak-kneed Republicans. They are outraged that the administration did not respond to this new Russian aggression.
Now, if the report is true, we should be outraged. We should ask the question when did the administration know? When did the President find out? What countermeasures were developed? And what actions did the President take? And if he didn’t take any actions, well why not?
However, the feigned outrage over the weekend was routine and it’s getting boring. I know how Democrats respond to these sorts of things, and I expect it from them. Listen, if this was a Democrat President, you know Republicans would be doing the same thing over this report.
But what I can’t stand is this knee-jerk reaction by Republicans that gives the media the slightest bit of credibility. The proper response from any normal official out there would have been to say that the report is troubling, but I will not comment until I can verify the accuracy of the report.
The fact is, I am skeptical of anything the media reports because let’s face it, they are not unbiased observers just reporting facts, and they haven’t done that in quite some time. It’s clear that the media is nothing more than an extension of the DNC.
And they put themselves in this position where there needs to be skepticism in anything they report. Just think about how many stories and articles have had to be retracted, corrected or completely wrong over the last three years.
Many of these so-called journalists are horrible people who have no regard for truth and accuracy. They are Democrat activists looking to push a political agenda and nothing more. I’m sorry, I am not going to believe a story, based on an anonymous source, with no other evidence presented. Just because the NY Times says it’s true doesn’t make it so.
Here’s why I’m suspicious of this story. This is now Russia 4.0. For the last four years, we have gone down the Russia rabbit-hole, and the whole thing has fallen apart. See, the Democrats need this story to be true because they created a narrative that President Trump is in cahoots with Vladimir Putin, or that somehow, the Russian President is blackmailing President Trump.
At every step of the way, the politicians and the media activists knowingly lied to the American people when it comes to Russia. You have former Ambassador and IG Director Rick Grenell who has denied this report. You have the current IG Director John Radcliffe also denies this report. President Trump has denied it, and so has the Vice President.
So, are you really telling me that I’m supposed to believe an anonymous source and the NY Times, which received a Pulitzer Prize based on their Russia reporting which turned out to be outright lies, yet they pathetically get to keep the Pulitzer? I bet most of you are unaware that Since President Trump has been in office, the U.S. military has killed over 500 Russian soldiers and mercenaries in Syria. I bet you never heard that. If President Trump was really a stooge for Putin, why would we target those Russians?
No thanks. I will not jump on this BS report. Unless any evidence comes out that shows this is a valid report, this will go into the dustbin as fake news. It has all of the previous hallmarks where we saw bombshell after bombshell being reported, and ultimately all those bombshells have needed to be retracted.
Labeling political opponents
But that brings me to the topic I want to focus on today. Over the last several weeks, I have illustrated that the movements that started with the death of George Floyd have little to do with race. While it did start with Race, it has morphed into this giant push to bring down the American system and replace it with socialism.
I pointed out that all of the groups organizing these protests, they all have charters that state they want to bring down the capitalist structure of the United States. They want a complete takeover of the system. I read their charters in their own words. I didn’t need to exaggerate especially when their charters state explicitly that they are anti-capitalists.
This is a revolution, and they have weaponized race as the means to get their socialist revolution. Dinesh D’Souza is spot on when he calls it identity socialism. These socialists and communists realized that they were not getting the worker revolts they dreamed of. That Karl Marx dreamed of.
So instead they want to divide us on racial boundaries, and they have been succeeding because anyone who speaks out against them is branded as a racist or bigot. Anyone that chooses to go against this mob mentality is threatened.
And the leftists have been really good at social conditioning over the last several years, both in the public arena and the education system.
You now have what I call the trifecta of a false narrative being pushed in order to socially condition society. You have the groups organizing this socialist push, you have an activist media that aids and attacks anyone who criticizes these groups, and you have corporations, mostly tech giants, that are willing to censor anyone who speaks out. This is the trifecta that looks to silence any opposition through labels.
And now they have gone to even more radical lengths. They are socially engineering society to believe that America as an idea is racist. That anything American is tainted with racism. The official Democrat Party Twitter account put out a tweet that Mount Rushmore and the July 4th celebration are a form of white supremacy. They have gone completely insane. They have since deleted the tweet, but it’s clear where the party stands.
They are doing this for a reason. When they say America is racist, what they are really are saying is that you are a racist. And if you’re a racist you are guilty so you must be marginalized. You must be censored.
The redefining of Racism
And now they are redefining what makes someone a racist. It used to be pretty clear who the racists were. It was anyone who held prejudices toward people on the basis of their race and skin color. It was the neo-Nazis, the KKK, other white supremacist groups. Groups like the Black Panthers, the Nation of Islam, and others.
But see, the leftists, the media, and the corporations are sneaky. They are now seeking to redefine what racism is because the reality is that all those groups I mentioned have been largely marginalized. Groups like the KKK or neo-Nazis are not even a shell of what they once were. At one point you had 14 million members that belonged to organizations like this, and that was when we were a country of 129 million people. Today you have between 4,000-6,000 white supremacists in a country of 329 million people.
These groups are marginalized, and most Americans are hardworking, genuinely good people. They don’t see everything through the prism of color. These are people who want to provide for their families and mind their own business.
Since those groups are marginalized, and the left needs to use race as a weapon, they are reinventing the term what it means to be a racist, and Americans are in a lose-lose position because no matter what you say, guess what, you’re a racist. I’ve been seeing this a lot on social media channels and being pushed through these BS organizations.
Let’s play a game. The game is are you a racist.
Did you ever act overly friendly to a person of another race to make sure you didn’t seem biased? If you had, you’re a racist.
Did you ever say All Lives Matter? If you did, you are a racist
Did you ever say Blue Lives Matter? Once again, if you answered yes, you are a racist
Did you ever say that most police officers are good? You are a racist.
Did you ever say I’m friends with black people? You’re a racist
Did you ever say you worked hard and had challenges growing up, so you didn’t have privilege? You’re a racist.
Did you ever say Americans voted for President Obama? You’re a racist.
Did you ever say that Black Lives Matter in the urban areas where entire generations of young people are being killed by black-on-black crime? You’re a racist
Did you ever say you’re not a racist? Well, guess what? If you said you’re a racist, you are correct.
See there is no way to win the argument. In fact, the only thing you can do is to admit you’re a racist. Once you admit you’re a racist, then you must adopt all left-wing positions. Once you do that, you will be absolved of racism and forgiven.
That’s the idiocy of the leftist way, but they are creating this narrative to silence you. They want to redefine racism to mean anything American, everything American, and everyone American, and this is where the social conditioning takes place.
Dismantling the leftist’s narrative
The leftists are now in full control of the narrative, and we have to start dismantling the narrative. The first step in dismantling this movement is to develop counter-narratives.
Not based on lies like the left but based on a certain set of facts. The first thing we have to do is make it clear that it isn’t a system of racism and explain there are racist people within the structure. Whenever you ask someone to define systemic racism, they really don’t provide you with data. When someone says that systemic racism exists, they really can’t point to any government policies.
Instead, they say that young black men die by police, but I disproved that weeks ago. When slavery and segregation were around, systemic racism did exist. It was the bureaucracy openly promoting discrimination. However, the bureaucracy has since changed, and numerous laws were created to kill off systemic racism. And once again, no one can point to a specific policy that we can define as systemic racism.
Some will say that black people are denied mortgages and loans at a higher rate. Now I haven’t gone through the data. However, if this is true, which banks? Why don’t they publicize the banks discriminating against black people? Call attention to them and shame them. The reality is that if all things are the same between a black and white person- income, expenses, home price, down payment, etc.- and black people are denied, that’s clearly discrimination and it needs to be fixed.
But that’s not government policy. That doesn’t show systemic racism. It shows that big banks may practice discrimination and they should be held accountable. As I said, I cannot validate this because I have not appropriately researched it, but if it is true, why haven’t the numerous black organizations that exist filed a civil rights complaint with the Department of Justice? That makes me a little suspicious of the claim. I mean wouldn’t the race hustlers like Al Sharpton be extorting these businesses to make money. Oh, and if they are, what is it say about these so-called civil rights leader.
Also, and this is really important, we need to explain that America as a country isn’t racist, however, there is the issue of hate within our country. People are taught to hate.
The leftists now openly promote hate within the United States and they do it based on opposition to them. They promote hate based on the idea of skin color. By teaching one group of people that they are the oppressors because of their color skin and teaching another group of people that they are the victims based on the color of their skin, the leftists are openly pushing racism.
In fact, when you really think of it, the leftists are racist. Take the concept of white privilege. Now I think you all know where I stand on this idea. But white privilege is a form of white supremacy by promoting the idea that white skin is better than black skin. When you think of it, the concept of white privilege epitomizes the concept of supremacy and gives the illusion that black people are somehow inferior.
These people see nothing, but color and their strategy has changed. They make it binary. If you are white, you are racist whether you recognize it or not. If you are black, you are the victim. How is that not racist. In fact, if you look at the book White Fragility it says that “anti-blackness is foundational to the white identity.” If this is true, then you must accept the fact that you are racist if you are white, and a victim if you are black
It’s a bunch of garbage and I don’t need a guidebook on how to interact with another human being based on the color of their skin. There are people of many races and backgrounds that are good people. There are also people of these same races that are not. They make it as if people of skin color can’t interact appropriately or coexist. These people are dangerous.
Dr. King’s vision about judging someone by the content of their character, not by the color of their skin is dead amongst the left. Now everything must be judged by skin tone.
This is how the left works. They have to keep minority people down in order to gain and retain power.
Once again, we need to focus on this narrative. If the left wasn’t racist, would these cities be in horrible shape today? I mean, for the most part, these cities have been in Democrat control for the last half-century and what have they done to improve the lives of the minority communities? What have they done to improve the lives in the disadvantaged communities challenged by socioeconomics regardless of race?
They have been preaching for the last half-century, but what have they done? The answer is nothing. The inner cities and economically impoverished communities are in worse shape than ever before. Once again, if we are going to talk about racism, why doesn’t anyone ask the Democrat party why they continue to use minority communities as props rather than actually solve the problems?
If you can’t turn these neighborhoods around in a half-century then either it’s incompetence or the powers that be wanting to keep these communities down. Either way, they should be thrown out of office because they are nothing but bums.
And now the bum mayor of NYC, DeBlasio, has announced that he is cutting the NYPD budget by $1 billion dollars. Who do you think that’s going to hurt the most? Do you think it’s going to hurt the affluent communities? Do you think Bill DeBlasio’s neighborhood is going to suffer the repercussions or do you think it’s going to be the high crime communities these bums claim they care about and are fighting for?
It shows that people like DeBlasio, the Mayor of Seattle, Jenny Durkin, the Mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot, and all these other mayors could care less about the innocent victims in these communities, and they should be called out. If I was advising police departments around the country, I would make a public announcement that due to limited resources they will stop policing affluent areas and they will not be able to respond to calls from these areas. Instead, they will be redirecting their limited resources to protect the most vulnerable communities.
You see how fast all these wealthy elite liberals will start screaming. Their true colors will show just like it did when President Trump announced he was going to send the refugees to the states with sanctuary policies. The Democrat politicians started to scream that it wasn’t fair. That they didn’t want these immigrants. Well, why not? They are constantly preaching that we should have an open border, yet when it comes time to put up or shut up, they show their hypocrisy.
See, the whole point is the narrative works on our side, and we win the arguments because the left can’t defend their record when it comes to race and racism.
So, this is the first step in dismantling the socialist push. We have to begin to reclaim the narrative.
Go into communities
The second step is to go into communities and change the narrative at the local level. For far too long, the Republicans have avoided constituencies that they felt they couldn’t win. The Republicans essentially gave up on the black vote, thereby giving up on black urban communities.
The Democrats created such a stranglehold with their urban political machines that Republicans made the calculation that it wasn’t worth it. Rather than win the black community over in the marketplace of ideas, Republicans surrendered.
It’s pathetic. I believe the black community and conservative thought are a natural fit. Rather than surrender, Republicans and Conservatives need to go into these communities and ask the people of these communities what their biggest concerns are. They need to work with the local church leaders and start talking to the people of these communities.
And they need to listen to members of these communities, not dictate how they should feel. Unfortunately, feckless political officials have allowed the left to define Republicans and Conservatives as the all-white party. As the party of racism. Because of fear of how the media labels them, Republicans and many Conservatives have chosen to remain silent.
Now it’s time to take back the narrative. I read the charter of Black Lives Matter talking about redefining the concept of the nuclear family essentially endorsing fatherless homes. The leftists have had a war on the concept of the family for decades and look at the results. It’s catastrophic.
Once again, the facts and the narrative are on our side. Sorry, but those fathers who abandon their kids should be held accountable, and I bet every mother, every grandparent in these communities would agree with me.
What about the narrative of education? We know how critical education is when it comes to social mobility. Those who have a decent education will be far more successful than those who drop out of school. Ask any member in these communities whether they should have the ability to send their child to the school of their choice if their school is failing. I can’t imagine a single parent that would say they would rather send their child to a failing school than to have the choice. Just say it out loud and think about how stupid that sounds. Republicans and conservatives will talk about school choice, but they do it from afar. Instead, go into these communities and talk to the people.
Talk about immigration. When the United States takes in asylum seekers, we send them to communities that are already struggling. Where the infrastructure is already crumbling. Where the education systems have already collapsed. Why aren’t asylum seekers sent to the affluent communities who can absorb and meet the challenges of the asylum seekers? Why does the burden get placed on the most vulnerable communities?
Once again, you have to go into these communities and start changing the narratives. You as individual people can do this. I’m not saying go door to door in these neighborhoods, but I am saying begin to open a dialogue. Look at the community organizations that exist and consider joining them or speak at the group meetings.
We shouldn’t be intimidated to put out the correct narrative and take the messaging back from the Leftists.
Young People
Young people usually tend to lean to the left, and much of the reason is that they are young and idealistic. Many don’t know the complexities of life. Many don’t know what it’s like to work hard, pay taxes, and struggle to make ends meet. And they don’t know it because they have parents working hard attempting to make their lives better.
Now I know I’m generalizing, and there are many young people that have had many struggles growing up. But as far as a political ideology, younger people tend to gravitate towards socialism because of the simplistic narrative of equity. A narrative that no one should suffer. No one should go hungry. No one should be denied medical care.
When you try to point out that socialism never works and you bring up Cuba, Venezuela, or Nicaragua, they always respond that it’s because it wasn’t implemented right and they would do it differently.
However, we need to show our young that BS with socialism. Just ask them questions. Ask them how they are going to implement socialism differently? Ask them, who is going to own and control the industries? And they will respond, and they will say the community. Well ask them, do all community members get a say in the industry’s policies? I mean does Joe Blow down the street get to determine how many cars are manufactured in a given month? Does the average member of the community get to determine how many fish can be caught and sold in the grocery stores? Does the average member of the community get to dictate what states and airlines can fly to? Does the average person in the community have say over how many hospital and ICU beds a medical center must have? Does the average member of the community get to dictate what you major in for college? Does the average member of the community get to determine how money from these industries will be distributed throughout the community?
The answer of course will be no. That would be ridiculous and would never work. So, keep on top of them, and ask who does determine these things. Sooner or later they will say government. And then just pepper them with more questions. So, a bureaucrat is going to be in charge of those things? Do you think a bureaucrat should determine your healthcare? Do you enjoy it when you have to go to DMV, and would it really be ideal to have healthcare centers run like the DMV? Did you ever fill out the wrong form for DMV? Imagine that with a government run healthcare system.
Once again, control the narrative. Put young people on the spot and force them to answer the questions. Perhaps a lightbulb will go off, and they will begin to think critically. Now I am not saying they would jump to the Republican or Conservative ship, but I can guarantee you that they will rethink their support of socialism. I’ve seen it happen plenty of times.
I said last week that America is worth fighting for and we have to be smart. As we celebrate this Independence Day, we must reclaim the narrative of what America stands for. We need to reclaim the narrative that we are a great country that has achieved great things, and while we have committed atrocities in the past, we are a nation unlike any other to ever exist.
See the narrative remains the shiny city on the hill. And while leftists continually like to bash the United States, they are a fringe minority. The problem isn’t what we stand for. The problem is that we have remained silent for so long. The problem is that we haven’t confronted the leftists, not through violence, but to challenge their narrative. We have allowed them to usurp the debate, and the only way to get it back is to start speaking up.
And now we are in a critical time. If we don’t recapture the narrative, it’s only a matter of time that the powder keg explodes, and that will be a disaster for everyone.
Be proud of who you are and what you stand for. You should not be driven by fear. And I know many of you are thinking, but I’m one person, can I really make a difference? And the answer is yes. Because if you speak up, others will as well. And when you stand up to the mob, you defeat the mob.
Now we have to be smart. Understand the trifecta I spoke about before- the leftist mobs, the media, and the corporations and tech giants. They will try to silence you. They will continue to try to marginalize you. And so, you have to be smart and be responsible for how you craft your message. Remember, the left is looking for anything they can to attack you and target conservatives.
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These are the first steps in dismantling the far-left socialist push to destroy the United States. And in future episodes, I will discuss other strategies.
We can no longer just be bystanders.
Now don’t forget to check out Monday’s episode with Dinesh D’Souza because he provides great insight into the radical left. Also, share this episode with others and post on your social media channels.
I want to wish you a Happy 4th of July. I want you to be safe, and I’ll be back next week.
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