Episode 251 Show Notes- Will the New DOJ Domestic Terrorism Unit Target Political Opposition?
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Episode Description
Under the guise of combatting domestic terrorism, the Biden administration continues to expand the surveillance state with the new DOJ Domestic Terrorism Unit. As President Biden becomes increasingly divisive and unpopular, there are many within the Democrat party and the media industrial complex who are looking to change the narrative away from the failures of this administration. With the Department of Justice announcement creating a unit focusing on “domestic terrorism,” we are witnessing the expansion of this administration’s National Strategy which can easily target political opposition and is ripe for abuse.
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Show Transcript- Will the New DOJ Domestic Terrorism Unit Target Political Opposition?
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast.
Happy Wednesday and I hope your week is going well. The idiocy out there is at epic proportions.
A few days ago, a post began circulating where screenshots of Wikipedia were taken, and Wikipedia described journalist Glenn Greenwald as a far-right American journalist. Some of you may not know who Glenn Greenwald is, but he’s the journalist that broke the Edward Snowden story and revealed how our government had a mass surveillance program and was capturing information on every single American.
Now, if you know Glenn Greenwald’s history, you will know he’s far from “right-wing.” Here is someone who is openly gay, in an interracial relationship with mixed adopted babies, who has championed liberal causes throughout his career. He used to be celebrated on the left and by the progressives.
In fact, Mr. Greenwald and I would disagree on a lot of political issues. However, something that unites the Glenn Greenwald’s of the world and people like me, is our suspicion of government power, and how we believe that government power should always be limited and checked especially when it comes to things like law enforcement, investigatory powers, and intelligence gathering.
In all fairness to Wikipedia, the page relating to Glenn Greenwald now describes him as an American journalist. Far-right has been taken out, and it’s easy to edit Wikipedia pages, but the sentiment is there, and Glenn Greenwald has been savaged throughout far-left circles and the media industrial complex.
All because he is an outspoken critic of the surveillance state because he dares to challenge this administration and the absolute corruption within the system, he is now persona-non-grata among the same groups and people that used to celebrate his work. He is no longer welcome in the progressive circles, and he is being smeared in an effort to delegitimize him.
See, if you deviate from the nuts at all, you will be labeled as a right-wing extremist. You will be banished. Exiled. It’s either you completely submit and toe the line, or you will be destroyed. Don’t believe me, listen to longtime Democrat Strategist Paul Begala.
Sound Clip- Begala Democrats Bad Followers
Those damn Democrats that have a mind an opinion of their own. How dare they! These people always show their true authoritarian colors. These are the same people that call Trump supporters cult-like. Yet, these same people demand 100% purity to the leftist platform.
Deviate at all and you run the risk of being labeled a domestic terrorist, and that’s what this episode is going to focus on.
Many of you who listen to this program know that I was one of the few voices warning about the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism since the report was issued. We are now starting to see others finally cover the dangers of this document, and the more coverage this document gets, the better off we are.
Democrats are constantly trotting out that democracy is in danger, but the real threat to the Republic is when the government and those in power have the capability to target political opposition and classify them, and ordinary Americans, as potential domestic terrorists.
Before I get into it, make sure to go to The P.A.S. Report website, sign up for the newsletter, and don’t forget to rate and review The P.A.S. Report Podcast on any podcast platform that allows it, especially Apple Podcast.
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President Biden’s Extraordinarily Divisive Speech
It’s a new week, and I wish I can say that this administration, and the Democrat party as a whole, recognizes the need to recalibrate their policies due to the increasing failures of this administration and Democrat policies.
While some Democrats are beginning to push back against the far-left of their party, others are doubling down on the failed policies, and this administration has shown no willingness to readjust. In fact, not only are they doubling down, but they are also openly advocating targeting their political opposition under the guise of domestic terrorism.
To most normal people, if the policies are failing, you change course, but not this administration. Given President Biden’s speech last week, I, and many Americans, are done.
This so-called man of unity is an abject failure. He and his ilk don’t care about unity. Instead, they want submission. From “our patience is wearing thin” to the dark winter of death and illness for the unvaccinated and blaming them for the pandemic, he continues to divide.
But last week he went well beyond his already divisive rhetoric when he stated that anyone who disagrees with him or his policies, anyone that supports enhancing voter laws, is a racist, a domestic enemy, on the side of Bull Connor and Jefferson Davis who was the president of the Confederacy.
It was revealing, but it actually shouldn’t have been because the true face of President Biden was revealed long ago. This is the same President who said this in 2012 when speaking to a Black audience.
Sound Clip- They Want to Put You Back in Chains
Or what about this.
Sound Clip- Our Patience is Wearing Thin
Or this.
Sound Clip- Biden Dark Winter
Then there was President Biden’s January 6th speech which was extremely dark, and anything but unifying. Take a listen to this one.
Sound Clip- Biden President Trump & Supporters Subvert Democracy
You would think he couldn’t get any more divisive, but then he went down to Atlanta and threw down the gauntlet. Those who run this administration revealed their true feelings towards 50% of the country. Take a listen to this gem.
Sound Clip- Biden Enemies both Foreign and Yes, Domestic
All enemies. Foreign, and yes domestic. He was giving this speech trying to push Senators to pass a bill that would usurp the authority of states and federalize elections. Now I don’t know about you, but I would rather have the states run elections than the federal government, especially given all I know about how government operates.
But according to President Biden and the Democrats, if you oppose the Biden and Democrat agenda, you are a domestic enemy. Not only are you a domestic enemy, but you’re also a racist, a segregationist, and even worse, a traitor.
Sound Clip- Biden Compares Opponents to Racists, Segregationists, and Traitors
He really is the unifier in chief, isn’t he? And I wish someone would tell him how the Senate actually works. This is another gem from that Georgia speech.
To protect Democracy, we need to change the Senate rules, whichever way they need to be changed to jam through Biden’s agenda. But even worse was how he talked about a minority of Senators blocking his unconstitutional voting rights bill. Not sure if President Biden has forgotten how to do the math, but at last count, there are 52 Senators against this bill. Last time I checked, 52 out of 100 Senators constitute a majority.
Also, President Biden talks about majority rule never pointing out that the bipartisan vote is actually against his agenda. After spending, nearly, a half-century in the Senate, you would think he would know this.
Even more, it’s not always about the majority. The founding fathers consistently warned about mob rule and the tyranny of the majority. It’s why we have a Republic and not a democracy. In fact, while the founding fathers did believe in democratic principles, they had disdain for democracy.
But it’s not really President Biden that concerns me. We all know that he’s not all there. What concerns me more though, is the President’s administration and the slimy weasels within the leadership ranks of the bureaucracy.
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The Expansion of the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism
When it comes to the bureaucracy, the abuses are well-known by now. From spying on Americans to the attempt to take down a sitting President. We have various people within the leadership positions who truly believe they are the guardians of the Republic. That they can do whatever the hell they want as long as they qualify it by saying they are trying to preserve democracy.
This brings me to the continued expansion of the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism. I’ve brought this document up a lot because we need to know about it and how easily it can be used to target political opponents and ordinary Americans.
And this isn’t me being partisan. If Republicans released this document, I’d be covering it the same way that’s how dangerous it is, and I’ll get into the republicans in a few minutes.
Finally, there is more attention being paid to the Biden administration even though it’s still virtually ignored by the media industrial complex. However, while this strategy is being released under the Biden administration, understand, that this policy has been in development for years.
It’s impossible to know who the direct authors of the National Strategy were, but it wouldn’t surprise me that out of the dozens of people who worked on and created this strategy, the overwhelming majority have probably been in the bureaucracy for decades serving under both Democrat and Republican administrations.
Some of these bureaucrats are registered as Republicans, while others are registered as Democrats. But getting to the point. I really want you to think when it comes to the idea of domestic enemies, while the word has been in the lexicon for quite some time, it wasn’t really used with impunity like it’s being used now.
However, all that changed with the Trump administration. Once he became President, we saw more and more headlines using this phrase. We heard more and more pundits using it. Then, in August of 2020, 3 months before the election and 5 months before January 6th, Speaker Pelosi said this.
Sound Clip- Speaker Pelosi Calls Republicans Domestic Enemies
And it didn’t end there. Several months later, she said that the enemy is within the House of Representatives when referring to her Republican counterparts.
Sound Clip- Speaker Pelosi Says the Enemy is Within
Do you think this is a coincidence that Speaker Pelosi uses this word, and then it starts to become normalized, and less than a year later, an entire strategy is developed to combat “domestic enemies?”
Is the threat of Domestic Terrorism on the Rise
And last week, the Department of Justice announced that it was creating a domestic terrorism unit. Now it’s not to investigate the organized and coordinated effort of an anarchist group like Antifa. Remember, the FBI Director and the FBI Deputy Director of Counterterrorism stated this is a movement so they don’t really follow it.
Instead, this new division is going to focus on the shadow domestic terrorism that we know nothing about. Have you realized that yet? I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. You take any major terrorist or criminal organization, and the government can provide you with the names of the organizations are. They release the hierarchy within these organizations, and the entire command and control structure. They have flow charts. They know what the operational capabilities are. You can take al-Qaeda or ISIS or look at criminal enterprises like the Italian mob, the Russian mob, the Mexican cartels, and the feds can provide a whole host of information.
However, the so-called domestic terror organizations remain nameless, faceless, and in the shadows. There haven’t been any press conferences demanding that the American public knows more about these organizations or the threats they pose, but if we really are going to create a new division focusing on domestic terrorism, shouldn’t we demand more information before blindly granting thee new powers? Shouldn’t we know what the true level of threat these organizations pose?
It would be nice if we had lawmakers on both sides ask real pointed questions about this increased threat of domestic terrorism.
And pay attention to the words bureaucrats use. Remember, these people are wordsmiths.
Here’s Matthew Olsen, the Assistant Attorney General, explaining the nature of the threat.
Sound Clip- Increase in Domestic Terrorism
He says domestic terrorism is on the rise. He doesn’t explain how it’s on the rise. He doesn’t provide any specific information with the exception of that FBI domestic terrorism investigations have doubled. I wonder if it’s because they’re busy threat tagging parents at school board meetings.
And did you catch what he send at the end of that clip where he said that communities have been the victims of domestic terror and hate? Now that’s important. First, he doesn’t explain or provide examples, but more importantly, they are blurring the lines between what we would consider terrorism and what we would consider hate. Now, neither should be tolerated, but there is a difference between terrorism and hate crimes.
Terrorism is usually defined as the intentional targeting of innocent civilians in order to instill fear and change government policies.
Then he talks about the assessment of the intelligence community. Take a listen.
Sound Clip- Growing Domestic Violent Extremism
Now I don’t have an issue with what he said until the end of that clip where he talks about anti-government, anti-authority ideology. The FBI has working terminology when it comes to domestic violent extremism. It’s defined, specific, and well-established.
However, the vagueness of anti-government and anti-authority is extremely concerning, and this goes back to the National Strategy where they use the phrases anti-government and anti-authority sentiment. According to the national strategy, anyone who expresses these sentiments can be classified as a domestic terrorist because they can incite domestic violent extremism.
Think of how open-ended that is, and how it can apply to anyone. It can apply to me who routinely criticizes the government, especially as it grows more authoritarian governing through executive decrees throughout the coronavirus. But it can also apply to the climate change activist. It can also apply to those who speak out against any government law, action, or policy.
So, we have these ill-defined words that are driving the National Strategy and usurping the power from the American people, and that has driven the Department of Justice to create this new domestic terrorism unit.
Sound Clip- DOJ Announces Domestic Terrorism Unit
Is The Threat Real
Now, I will tell you right now, I do believe we are seeing an increased threat of domestic terrorism, but it’s not for the reasons they’re saying. Sure, social media has entrenched us deeper into factions, and we are politically polarized, but that’s not the reason the threat has increased. We’ve been polarized for quite some time, but most Americans never resort to any type of violence.
The great is growing because our entire system has become politically weaponized.
We face this increased threat of domestic terrorism because of the irresponsible rhetoric of our government officials, including the President. Because of the constant attacks and demonization of anyone who doesn’t conform to a particular narrative. Because people are being marginalized and their concerns are dismissed. Because people may be growing economically desperate.
Not for nothing, but this is a sound clip from over a year ago where I warned that the same people pushing this BS are creating the next Timothy McVeigh. Take a listen.
Sound Clip- They Will Create the Next Timothy McVeigh
Even with the increased threat, we don’t need a domestic terrorism unit. When the Oklahoma City bombing happened, law enforcement agencies at the local, state, and federal levels successfully pieced together what happened, gathered evidence, and prosecuted those who were responsible. The system worked, and Timothy McVeigh got the death penalty and Terry Nichols got life in prison without the possibility of parole.
The system worked without expanding the powers of the federal surveillance state so why do we need to grant new federal powers to a bunch of people who have shown they have no regard for the rules or safeguards.
FBI Can’t Say it Wasn’t Engaged in January 6th Crimes
And if you don’t believe me. Just think Russia. More importantly, think about January 6th. Senator Cruz grilled the FBI looking to get information on what role the FBI played in January 6th. What did they know prior to January 6th? What did they know the day of? What was the FBI doing at the time? But the most eye-opening line of questioning was this.
Sound Clip- Senator Crus Grills FBI
Consider that for a minute and you tell me that you don’t find that troubling. I don’t care what side of the political aisle you come from. Doesn’t it trouble you that the FBI won’t respond to those questions? Particularly when Senator Cruz asked whether FBI agents engaged in any acts of criminal violence. It shouldn’t be hard to answer, and we all know what the answer should be, but the fact that the FBI kept responding, “I can’t answer that” is very telling, and we know what the real answer is.
It should be hard to say- No, none of our agents or informants engaged in any criminal violence, nor did they encourage violence. Instead, she obfuscates telling us everything we need to know, and it reminds me of the plot to kidnap Governor Whitmer where there were more agents egging the plot on than the idiot they took down as the so-called ringleader.
Also, if FBI agents and informants did encourage or engage in criminal acts of violence, doesn’t that go against this administration’s National Strategy. Remember, according to the National Strategy, those who incite can be targeted as domestic terrorists.
FBI Doesn’t Admit Islamic Terrorism
But the FBI says don’t worry. Even though they are focusing on this amorphous threat of domestic terrorism, they won’t drop the ball when it comes to international terrorism. They remain vigilant. Take a listen.
Sound Clip- FBI Remains Vigilant Against International Terrorist Groups
Well, that one didn’t age too well given what we saw this weekend where a British National, and obviously a Radical Islamist, Malik Faisal Akram, stormed a synagogue and demanded the release of Aafia Siddiqui, an al-Qaeda operative who is currently serving an 86-year sentence.
So, the question is what did the FBI and our intelligence communities know about this individual, and when did they know it. We demand answers. This is a person that traveled to the United States two weeks ago. How did he get in? Was he ever investigated? Was he on any watch lists?
Not for nothing, but when you look back at the Boston Marathon Bombings and the Tsarnaev brothers, not only did the older brother come on the FBI’s radar screen twice but they were also warned by the Russian government that he was radicalized.
When it came to the San Bernadino shooters, Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, all the warning signs were there. They were radicalized before ever coming to the United States, or at least she was. She was interviewed three times to get her visa approved for travel to the United States.
Meanwhile, she promoted jihad on her social media pages. Now in fairness to the State Department officials, she was posting under a different name and a burned account.
What about the Orlando Night Club shooter, Omar Mateen, who was interviewed twice by the FBI, and went on to slaughter 49-people?
This is not to say that the FBI has to get it right 100% of the time.
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Threats like international terrorism. Threats like the massive flow of fentanyl across our southern border killing tens of thousands of Americans each year, and that number is quickly approaching 100,000 a year, many of whom are extremely young. I was just reading an article of a 13-year-old Connecticut kid who dies from a fentanyl overdose, but according to our officials, there’s nothing to see here.
Or what about China’s complete infiltration within the United States, particularly college campuses, to commit espionage. What about intellectual property theft to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars?
What about entire organizations being held hostage to ransomware creating a major national security threat. I can go on and on.
Well, ignore all that because the domestic terrorists that they never define are the real threat.
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And I know I’m putting a lot of this on the Democrats, but Republicans are just as culpable in creating this surveillance state and empowering the big government apparatus. Just think back to when they uncovered the FISA abuses, yet they still pushed through extending many of the PATRIOT Act provisions without any reforms. And think about how many of them are silent now. Sure, some of them spoke out against the school board memo, but how many have them have even brought up the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism? How many of them called for hearings?
Not for nothing, but this should be a major campaign issue. If a red wave does happen this November, every single Republican needs to introduce legislation to restructure the FBI and the intelligence communities. These are powerful organizations with the capabilities to ruin people’s lives, and so we must demand that they are held to the highest standards and engage in proper conduct. They need to propose new safeguards to prevent the abuse of power that we’ve been witnessing for quite some time.
We need to clean house. Restructure these organizations, get rid of those corrupt officials in senior leadership positions, and start putting in people with some integrity. And it would be nice to have a media that would start to focus on this. Instead, if you look at all the pundits on CNN and MSNBC, they are mostly former law enforcement and intelligence officials advocating for this BS.
That alone should provide some food for thought. With that being said, don’t forget to share this episode with family and friends. Reviews are always appreciated so if you’re listening to this podcast on Apple Podcast, please take 30-seconds to write a good review.
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I want to thank you for joining me, I want you to stay safe, and I’ll be back next week.
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