Episode 72 Show Notes- Don Bathurst ║ P.A.S. Report
Episode Description
Don Bathurst, retired Executive Director for Emergency Preparedness at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, joins The P.A.S. Report podcast to discuss the response to the Coronavirus. In this episode, we also discuss emergency management within the system of federalism, from the federal government providing resources and support all the way down to the local responses. What will it take to get the country reopened? Listen to Don and Nick discuss the issue.
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Welcome to The PAS Report Podcast. This is your host Nick Giordano.
Week 10 of the lockdown in New York is here. Two and a half months into this and the country is beginning to reopen slowly. It’s clear that people are tired of being locked up in their homes, and the protests are continuing to go. If you have been listening to The P.A.S. Report, I stated that you can only keep lockdowns in effect for so long before people begin to pushback.
People are growing more aggravated, which is a direct result of the politicians continually moving the goalposts. You can’t say that we are locking things down for a few weeks to flatten the curve and prevent a medical surge, only to change the reason for the lockdowns once the goals were achieved.
People also get aggravated when the Emperor announces that New York State will allow horse racing to begin again, yet churches, car washes, barber shops remain closed. So we can get drunk because of all the liquor stores that are open, and now we get to bet on the ponies because the Emperor is realizing the government coffers are dry, but God forbid you attend a church service that implements social distancing methods. This further illustrates that there is no rhyme or reason to what is deemed essential and what’s deemed nonessential.
That’s why I’m glad to bring in Don Bathurst on The P.A.S. Report podcast. Don is a retired Executive Director for Emergency Preparedness at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. He retired in 2018 and brings over 45 years’ worth of Emergency Management experience including emergency risk management, fire protection, safety, business continuity, organizational leadership, and strategic alignment. With his experience as a Chief Administrative Officer with DHS and FEMA, he is someone that understands the issues.
He also received the Presidential Rank of Meritorious Executive, and currently serves as a Fellow for the National Academy of Public Administration and the Society of Fire Protection Engineers.
Before I bring Don in, don’t forget to go to https://pasreport.com and sign up for The P.A.S. Report newsletter.
I’m glad I was able to bring in Don Bathurst. His knowledge and experience bring a great perspective to the issues we currently face. You can connect with Don on LinkedIn.
As always, if there is a topic or issue you want me to discuss, send me an email at podcast@pasreport.com.
I’m putting together a great show for Wednesday’s episode. I’m getting sick and tired of the hypocrisy and double-standards of the media, the political class, and the bureaucracy. So, I’m going to get in-depth and call these losers out. You’ll definitely want to tune in.
As always, thank you for joining us and stay safe.
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