Episode 119 Show Notes- The Best Election Analysis Without the Media Propaganda
Episode Description
With less than a week left until Election Day, Professor Giordano provides his analysis of the state of the Presidential election. Do you believe the polls are accurate? Will the Biden campaign tactic of playing it safe work? What are Americans thinking as they go to the polls? Are the political pundits right or are they relying on flawed election models? The propaganda press outlets and big tech have pulled out all the stops in their attempt to interfere and influence the election. Will their efforts be successful? Professor Giordano provides the answers to all these questions. He will also provide his election prediction in this bizarre election year where anything is possible. Tune in to find out who the Professor believes will win the 2020 Presidential Election- President Trump or Joe Biden.
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast.
It’s here. We are less than a week out from the Presidential election. That’s 50% of the turnout in 2016. If we use the same voter turnout numbers from 2016, we had a total of nearly 139 million Americans turn out and vote, and we already halfway to that number.
We may be witnessing the largest voter turnout in the history of America. The members of the propaganda press have already declared this election over. They declared former Vice president Joe Biden the winner. They are now in full-protection mode of Joe Biden, and the only question that the press wants to focus on is whether President Trump is going to accept the results of the election and if he will willingly leave the White House.
But are too many counting their eggs before they hatch? Are the polls accurate? Will the Biden campaign tactic of playing it safe work? And are the pundit class taking all the variables into account when they give their election prognostication?
In this episode, I’ll provide answers to all these questions, and I’m going to provide an update on a number of fronts that all have the potential to impact the Presidential election.
I’ll also give you my prediction on who wins next Tuesday, and I’ll explain why I think this candidate will win.
Before I get started, go to The P.A.S. Report website, sign up for the newsletter, and know that the big tech censorship minions are out in full force, be sure you subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode.
The Last Presidential Debate
It’s pretty evident that no matter what the propagandists in the press tell you, it’s clear Joe Biden lost last week’s debate, and he failed on a number of levels.
Here we are a week later and Joe Biden’s position on fracking and energy is still being discussed. Democrats are trying to defend Joe Biden, and it’s never good when you have to go out and try to clarify your position several times.
I think another area where Biden made huge mistakes was when the debate focused on the Coronavirus. Obviously, the Democrats, Joe Biden, and his allies in the press want to make the election about President Trump’s personality and the coronavirus. That’s apparent.
However, the constant doom and gloom of the Biden campaign simply doesn’t work. Joe Biden is talking about how we will have dark days ahead, and the only way to prevent or limit the dark days will be through national lockdowns and a national mask mandate.
What he doesn’t realize is that the majority of the American people have no stomach for another lockdown. The Biden plan is not realistic. You know, as a country, we have to decide. We have to decide whether we want to go bankrupt as a country. Destroy lives and livelihoods. Destroy whatever businesses that are left. How long do people really think we can keep things locked down for? How long do we think the government can artificially prop up the economy? There are too many people out there who think government can solve all the problems. They think government is the solution. Sooner or later reality hits.
And take a look at Europe. Europe had far more restrictive lockdowns and Europeans were far more willing to wear masks and comply with all government decrees. Now the virus is surging in Europe. What good are lockdowns when lockdowns will not eradicate the virus, which begs the question are we just delaying the inevitable? Should we live in a perpetual state of lockdowns? It would be nice if people asked when will normal return? When will power that was usurped by the government get returned to the people? We are already 6 months in, and you have morons like Dr. Fauci saying that this may last until 2022. Can you imagine living like this for another 2 years under a Biden administration?
And sorry for all those who are offended by me calling Fauci a moron. Yeah, he may be book smart, but the guy lost all credibility when he said we should never shake hands again, but feel free to use tinder and have sex with strangers all you want. To me, he has no credibility.
Unfortunately, many in the press and in the Democrat party want to instill fear and panic throughout the population. They understand that fear is a great motivator. And what better way to instill fear than by making it as if everyone is going to die by the virus if draconian measures aren’t taken. Every day, the headlines are about the coronavirus. That there is a record number of cases. What they don’t tell you is fewer people are dying from the virus. Most of the new cases are from younger Americans who have a 99.98% survival rate.
It’s time to wake up. You are being controlled and manipulated in order to push an ideological agenda.
It’s not that we don’t take the virus seriously or protect people in order to save lives. It’s about figuring out a way to live with the coronavirus by being responsible. Think about a national mask mandate, and let me remind people, the Biden plan would require masks both indoors and outdoors. This is illogical. If I’m outside and no one is near me, why do I have to wear a mask? If I live in a jurisdiction that has virtually no coronavirus cases, why should I have to wear a mask? If a child is attending school and the desks are socially distanced and have a plastic partition, what the hell is the point of a mask? Let our children breathe, especially considering that this virus poses little risk to younger individuals under the age of 12.
By washing our hands, covering our noses and mouths when we cough and sneeze, staying home if we feel sick. By protecting the old and those with preexisting conditions. By allowing individuals to exercise their God-given liberties. We will be better off as a society.
Once again, do you really want to live like this for another year, two years, or perhaps even longer? Live life. Appreciate life.
However, it’s evident that the powers that be want you to be very afraid. They saw how quickly Americans are willing to give up liberty in the name of saving lives, and to them, it’s about power. Remember what Benjamin Franklin said, those willing to give up liberty for security deserve neither liberty nor security. Let’s cut the nonsense.
Another thing that our failed media didn’t cover from the debate is the fact that Joe Biden said that he would create a pathway for citizenship for all illegal immigrants in the country. This is far beyond the DACA kids.
Propaganda Press
The media is in full-blown protection mode and refuses to cover any issues of substance. They refuse to ask Joe Biden any tough questions. And they refuse to cover any major stories.
Just take Middle East peace. Middle East peace has been the Holy Grail of diplomacy for the last 50-60 years. Creating a piece with the Arab world and Israel has been one of the most difficult challenges when it comes to diplomacy. President Reagan tried and failed. President George HW Bush tried and failed. President Clinton tried and failed. President George W. Bush tried and failed. President Obama tried and failed.
Now you have President Trump. The first President in over 40 years to create a peace agreement between 2 Arab countries, Bahrain and the UAE, and 1 African country with Sudan, and it looks like many more are going to follow. In fact, rumor has it, the White House will announce more agreements later this week. Criticize this President all you want, but it’s foolhardy not to recognize this accomplishment.
In fact, if this was any other President, there would be wall-to-wall coverage, and Time magazine would be announcing the President as the Person of the Year. The President negotiated a ceasefire between Azerbaijan and Armenia, yet our media is silent. I mean these are some serious accomplishments that are being all but ignored.
For years, the press has been hurting their own credibility by trying to force an ideological agenda on the people, rather than just provide people with information and let the people come to their own conclusions. It shows what little respect they have for you and me. And I believe the press will not be able to restore their image as trustworthy purveyors of the facts and news for decades. They have done enormous damage to themselves; they just haven’t realized it yet.
I don’t pretend to be a journalist. I’m pretty open about the fact that I provide my opinions and analysis. I base my opinions on evidence, but you the listener are free to come to your own conclusions. You are free to disagree with me. However, if you are going to challenge me, be prepared to defend your arguments.
The press, however, wants to brainwash you. They are manipulative. They hide information when it doesn’t conform to their ideological agenda.
Once again, just look at last week’s debate when Joe Biden said that the emails that show extraordinary corruption, is nothing more than the Russians. On Monday, Biden came out of his dungeon and stated that anyone who alleges corruption is lying to you.
Now, let me ask you something, why hasn’t Joe Biden stated that these emails are lies? Why hasn’t he denied these emails are real? Why hasn’t he stated that the emails are taken out of context?
I mean if this was me, and my family’s reputation was at stake, I would be furious. I would be holding a press conference to forcefully pushback. I would emphatically deny the allegations. But Joe Biden hasn’t done this and it’s because he can’t. They are what they are and it’s clear that the Biden family was enriching themselves off the backs of taxpayers. So, instead, he tries to blame Russia to try and discredit anyone who brings up the emails. If you dare bring up the emails, they will say that you are doing the bidding of Vladimir Putin.
Not for nothing, but Biden’s whole campaign message is about restoring honor, dignity, and character to the White House. Do we really believe that someone who enriches themselves off the backs of hardworking Americans restores honor and dignity to The White House?
It’s amazing how they accuse the president of being corrupt and enriching himself while in office, yet when you look at the President’s net worth, he has actually lost a significant amount of money since becoming President.
But facts don’t matter anymore especially to the press. The media’s excuse for not covering the Biden emails which alleges massive corruption is because they can’t validate that the emails are authentic. I’m serious. That’s their excuse even though the FBI has come out and stated these emails are legitimate and the laptop is Hunter Biden’s. Even though the Biden’s haven’t denied the laptop and contents of the emails.
Even though we have a paper trail and now we have a witness, Hunter Biden’s own business partner, who is providing more documents and validating these emails.
Yet, the press will do whatever they can to protect Joe Biden.
Where’s Joe
Once again, it speaks volumes about what they think of ordinary Americans. Listen, you don’t have to take my word for it, just go online and read the emails yourself and draw your own conclusions.
And while the media has little regard for you, so does Joe Biden and his campaign team. President Trump is crisscrossing the United States, doing 3, 4 sometimes 5 rallies a day. Whether you like the President or not, he is doing every he can to garner as many votes as he can possibly get. He’s trying to earn the votes of the people by speaking to them directly. He isn’t taking anything for granted.
And then there’s Joe. Where is Joe? He sits in his dungeon in Delaware. If you’re lucky, he may make one campaign appearance every couple of days. In fact, Joe Biden had to be shamed into making an appearance and hold a brief press conference on Monday. And even then, he got a bunch of softball questions by his media allies, not about any of his policy proposals. All the questions centered around President Trump. It was pathetic.
It’s clear he doesn’t appreciate the American voter. He thinks he is entitled to your vote simply because he isn’t President Trump.
Let me ask you something, Joe Biden says he wants to be President of all Americans. If he’s not willing to meet with the American people, and earn their votes, what does that say? What does it tell you?
It tells you a lot about him, but it’s also infuriating, and it should be to every Biden supporter out there that he has no regard to even meet with his supporters even though his supporters may be putting their time and effort in by volunteering for Biden. They may have contributed money to his campaign. You should be mad.
Once again, I’m a simple person asking some simple questions. Being President is the hardest job in the world, and if a person is unwilling to put in the time or effort to win over voters, do they really deserve the job?
But there’s a reason we aren’t seeing much of Joe Biden, and there’s a reason there is no real pressure on Biden to make any real campaign appearances. It’s because they believe the election is already over. They believe Joe Biden has it in the bag.
They don’t want to trot Joe Biden out there because they worry, he will screw it up and make a gaffe that can destroy his candidacy. And everyone should ask themselves if Biden is not capable of holding at least one campaign rally a day, how do we expect him to manage the day-to-day activities of the United States?
Once again, think about that for a minute. We are electing a person to be President of the United States. We are electing a person to represent the United States. What does it say when we have to hide the potential future President because we’re worried that he is going to screw up? Is that the person you really want to be President? Is that the person you really want to be negotiating with foreign leaders?
For all President Trump’s faults, he is willing to say exactly what he thinks.
Election 2020 Prediction
The press, the Democrats, the Never-Trumpers, and big tech are all-in on Joe Biden, and they believe the election is over. They believe that Joe Biden is far enough ahead and so why risk it. They have decided that playing it safe is worth the risk.
The tech giants believe that as long as they can censor conservatives and the press can avoid any negative stories about Joe Biden and focus exclusively on President Trump’s personality and the coronavirus, they can insulate Biden as much as possible. That’s why they keep pushing the polling that shows Biden ahead. That’s why they keep touting that Joe Biden has better than a 90% chance of winning the election. That’s why they keep reporting that Democrats are leading in early voting.
That’s why the press parades an endless number of so-called experts in the punditry class who declare the Trump presidency dead, giving President Trump little to no chance of winning reelection. Understand that these are the same pundits who have been wrong time and time again when it comes to policy and elections.
These are tactics they are using they demoralize those that support President Trump. They want to depress the Trump supporters, so they won’t go out and vote. If the election is already decided, why go out and waste time voting?
Here’s the problem, these people are so insulated in their bubbles and continue to use old and outdated models to try and predict who will win the Presidency.
Now, I will give you my prediction on what I think will happen in this election. Not only do I predict President Trump will win the election, but I predict that he will overwhelmingly win reelection. I believe President Trump will surpass his 2016 Electoral College victory where he won 306 electoral votes.
According to my analysis, I can see the President winning upwards of 350 Electoral Votes. I also predict the President will win the popular vote as well by as many as 1.2 million votes.
I know this is a bold prediction, and I know it’s exactly the opposite of what most people are predicting so let me explain why I am making such a bold prediction.
Something that very few people look at is the polling data from the primaries. Many believe what happened in the primaries is irrelevant in the general election. I tend to disagree with that. I think primaries are actually a pretty good metric. If we really look at what happened in the Democrat primary, most will recall that Biden struggled mightily. In fact, he did horrible at the start. He did badly in both Iowa and New Hampshire. Biden placed all his eggs in South Carolina as the make or break, and with the help of Jim Clyburn, Biden pulled it off. But it wasn’t like he had this overwhelming and crushing victory.
In fact, had Bernie Sanders went on the attack and went negative against Biden’s corruption because that was Bernie’s central point to his campaign, Bernie probably would have won. But Bernie made the dumb decision not to attack Biden. Not to go negative. Now, you may not like negative politics, but the fact is, it works, and that was Bernie’s failures.
Also factor in that the coronavirus began to become a major issue, and a couple of weeks after South Carolina, major lockdowns started where people’s focus turned away from the democrat primaries, and their attention was glued on the virus. Who knows what would have happened in the primaries had it not been for the coronavirus or lockdowns? However, one thing is for sure, and it’s the tepid support that got Biden over the finish line.
Now if you look at the Republican primary, President Trump was breaking records for turnout number during a primary for an incumbent President. Think about it logically, if you have an incumbent President, that candidate is going to win their primary. It’s not even going to be close. So why waste time going out to vote in a primary when it’s already a foregone conclusion that President Trump would get the Republican nomination? This shows the dedication of the people who support the president. More importantly, if people come out to vote in a worthless primary, I can assure you they will come out and vote in the general election.
Outdated Polling Models
Many are going by outdated polling models that led to the flawed calls of 2016 where the polls indicated Hillary Clinton would win. The polling is inaccurate for a variety of reasons. First, they are oversampling Democrats, and in some cases, you have 5-10% more Democrats being polled than Republicans. Naturally, if you are sampling more Democrats, it means Joe Biden will win in nearly every poll.
Also, how many people are lying to pollsters. Now, this cannot be quantified, but there have been some Trump supporters who said they have been polled and told the pollsters they will be voting for Biden. They are knowingly lying to the pollsters. Once again, it can’t be quantified, but I think it matters and does have some impact. While the impact may be minimal, understand that a one percent difference can be a big deal.
Then you have other people that don’t want to identify they are voting for President Trump. Being a Trump supporter, many keep it to themselves out of fear of backlash and so are they to lying when they speak to pollsters. Difficult to quantify, but we know that’s happening.
Another problem with the polls is many of the polling outfits are polling registered voters, not likely voters. Understand that there are over 250 million voting-age adults in the United States with over 200 million registered voters. In the 2016 election, about 135 million Americans voted. That means over 32% of those registered to vote never did. So, a poll that is sampling registered voters as opposed to likely voters is not really accurate.
Another indicator that the polls are not correct is that many are focusing on national polls. While national polls may play a role in trends, we don’t have a national election. We have 50 state elections and an election in Washington DC making it 51 separate elections. Polling data in each individual state is far more important than national polling data. We know that in the swing states, the polling shows a much closer election than the national polling shows. Now if we are to assume that a number of Trump supporters are not being reflected in the national polls, the same can be said in the state-by-state polls.
So polling is not the best indicator.
Another indicator that is important to consider is the campaign rallies. President Trump is drawing 20, 30, 40- thousand people to his rallies. These people will wait in line for hours. They will wait and stand in the pouring rain. That says something. President Trump’s rallies show how energized Trump supporters are, and if they will wait for hours in horrible weather, you can guarantee these people will come to the polls to cast their vote for the President.
On the other hand, on the rare occasion, Joe Biden holds a rally, how many people show up? Biden is lucky to get 50 people at a rally. In fact, at a few Biden events, you have had more Trump supporters at Biden campaign events than Biden supporters. Now, Democrats will tell you it’s because of coronavirus. They’ll say it’s intentional. But everyone knows the truth.
If people truly support a candidate, they will come out to see that candidate. They will line the streets as the candidate drives through with their motorcade. Yet, we see nothing like that at Biden events. It tells you that there is far more enthusiasm amongst Trump supporters than there are compared to Biden supporters. If Biden supporters aren’t motivated to show up to a campaign event, can you really rely on them to show up and vote when it matters? I can guarantee someone like Bernie Sanders would still be able to draw huge crowds even with the coronavirus.
Organic Rallies
But there is something else going on. We are seeing Trump car parades and Trump boat parades pop up throughout the country, and we are talking about hundreds of people. What makes this far more unique is the Trump campaign has nothing to do with these rallies.
These are ordinary Americans at the grassroots level that are coordinating and organizing the rallies through social media platforms. Again, when you have people that dedicated that they will waste their Saturday or Sunday sitting in a car and driving hours waving flags in support for your candidate, these are reliable voters who will get to the ballot box.
Have we seen any Biden rallies that spontaneously were organized and coordinated on the grassroots level? The answer is no. Once again, this points to a major lack of enthusiasm for Joe Biden, and his tepid support is weak at best.
Campaign Posters
Another thing that the so-called political geniuses aren’t paying attention to is the number of lawn signs, bumper stickers, and campaign flags.
I noticed this several weeks ago. Everywhere I went, I was seeing plenty of Trump lawn signs. I was seeing Trump flags all over the place. I was seeing cars with both Trump flags and bumper stickers. Looking around, I saw hardly any signs that said Biden 2020. In fact, the difference was so vast.
Now in my town, the Republicans outnumber the Democrats. However, when I drove through nearby towns, which have more Democrats, I noticed the same thing. Tons of Trump signs, but hardly any Biden signs. It was really interesting to me, so I decided to go on social media and explore a bit. It turns out that this is happening throughout the country in both Democrat and Republican areas. We are even seeing it in solidly Democrat areas, including in and around the Detroit area.
While this isn’t scientific, I do think it’s an important observation and I don’t believe it’s one that we should dismiss.
Inner City Votes in Democrat Strongholds
I also think that something Democrats and the media are overlooking is the inner-city voters in Democrat strongholds. Many of these cities were ravaged by the riots and looting that occurred following the protests of George Floyd’s death. Minority-owned businesses were destroyed. Grocery stores were destroyed. In fact, in many cities, people who were already struggling were faced with new challenges. No longer would they be able to walk to the corner grocery store and get food. They would have to travel further to get groceries and they didn’t have the means to.
Who do you think these voters are going to blame when it was their Democrat mayors and their Democrat governors that sat by and did nothing? That told their police officers to stand down while the mobs pillaged entire neighborhoods. Do you think people in these areas aren’t going to think about that when they cast their ballots? Do you think these people aren’t resentful about how elected officials sat back and watched their livelihoods be destroyed?
I do believe that when you look at these communities that are struggling socio-economically and have a history of voting Democrat, I do believe we are going to see a shift in voting patterns. That’s not to say President Trump is going to dominate these areas, but if he could make inroads and get 10-15% of the people in these communities to vote for the President, I don’t see how Biden wins.
Increasing Support from Minorities
Another thing we are witnessing is increasing support for President Trump’s minority communities. President Trump won about 8% of the black vote and 29% of the Hispanic vote. There are a number of indicators that President Trump has increased his support dramatically amongst minority communities. If we are looking at the black community, there is increasing support of President Trump amongst Black males. There are estimates that President Trump can receive anywhere from 20-25% of the black vote. Also, don’t discount older Black women who have witnessed their communities being destroyed.
There are also estimates that President Trump can receive upwards of 40-45% of the Hispanic vote. If this is accurate, these increases will dramatically shift the election.
And need I remind everyone that 2020 is the year of the unexpected. I mean, it wouldn’t shock me if New York turned red. I don’t think it will happen, but if it did, I would not be surprised. I think many aren’t paying attention to the growing dissatisfaction of all New Yorkers regardless of political party.
Give Voters Something to Vote For
Perhaps the most important thing I look at is candidates must give voters something to vote for rather than vote against. While American politics has evolved over the last 230 years, there are still some things that hold true.
Biden’s whole campaign is he is not President Trump. Well, that’s not the best campaign slogan. It doesn’t really inspire people to support you. Elections are not all really complicated. It’s not rocket science. Most people will vote for the candidate they believe will improve their lives.
Saying I’m not the other guy doesn’t connote that your life will improve. Biden’s campaign is based on negativity, and usually, it’s optimism that wins. When you like at the Biden campaign message, there’s nothing there that says, ‘wow, I need to get to the polls. I can’t wait to vote for this guy.’ And that’s a big problem for Biden.
Especially when you factor in a recent Gallup poll where 56% of Americans said that their life has improved compared to 4-years ago. They stated that they are better off economically than four-years ago. I want you to really think about that for a second. This is something that has not been reported on, but it’s jaw-dropping when you think about it. 56% of Americans are saying that regardless of the craziness of 2020. Regardless of the lockdowns and the coronavirus. Regardless of the protests that devolved into rioting and looting. That they are still in a better position today than they were 4-years ago.
I really believe that many people are going to walk into the polls. And many may not like President Trump personally. They may despise his personality. But when they walk into the voting booth, they are going to look at the names, look over their shoulder, look back at the names, cast their vote for President Trump, and run out of the polling station as quickly as possible. They may not be enthusiastic supporters. In fact, some may feel dirty doing it, but they have seen improvements in their own individual lives.
Voters like to vote for something rather than against something.
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Now I know this is a bold prediction, but I stand by it barring anything major in the last 6 days of the election.
I can be way off base because we live in such unusual times. I can be totally wrong. Also, it’s very difficult to get a read on the American public in this day and age.
What I will say is that if I am wrong, it will mean that we are starting to see the full effect of 50 years of liberal indoctrination on our college campuses.
In any event, we will find out in just six days.
So just a little head’s up for next week. On Monday, I have a great guest coming to The P.A.S. Report. Dinesh D’Souza will return to The P.A.S. Report to discuss his new movie and give us his thoughts on what he sees happening in the election. Be sure to tune in because it will be a can’t miss episode.
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As always, thank you for joining me, stay safe and I’ll be back on next week.
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