Episode 121 Show Notes- Election Update and What Happens Next
Episode Description
In a divided America, we see divided results of the 2020 elections. As millions of Americans turned out to vote, we still don’t know the outcome of the election. In this episode, Professor Giordano will give an election update to determine who will likely win the presidential election. He will also provide his analysis on what happens next. As the unholy alliance- the far-left, Democrats, the bureaucracy, the news media, and big tech- begins to call for and organize demonstrations throughout the country, have they already decided that they will not accept anything less than a Joe Biden victory and a President Trump defeat?
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast.
So, election day has come and gone, and we still don’t know the outcome of the election. Unfortunately, this is one of the worst-case scenarios. While the worst-case scenario would have been a clean sweep by the Democrats empowering the far-left, the situation that currently exists isn’t much better.
In this episode, I will give you an election update. I’m also going to explain where I got it wrong because my prediction was way off, and I will talk about what happens next. Unfortunately, what I outlined in the September 15th episode, Undermining the Integrity of the Election Igniting Chaos, Crisis, and Revolution, is now coming to light and we are in for a bumpy road.
Before I get started, go to The P.A.S. Report website, sign up for the newsletter and subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode.
Election Day Unfolds
Yesterday was interesting. I started the day pretty optimistic that my prediction was going to be close to right. After my kids got on the bus, I went to the polling station and I’ve never seen a line like that in my life. Every election day, I go to vote and I’m in and out within 10 minutes. The line was over an hour-long wait.
We were getting reports like this throughout the country, and so it looked like everything was coming together for the President. Then around 8 o’clock, I started to get an uneasy feeling. The race was tight. While President Trump was over performing in some areas, he was also underperforming in other areas.
You have to understand, when results are coming in, I go all the way down to the county level of the states and begin to compare trends. I have a 2020 map up, I have a 2016 map up, it’s a lot of work, and I realized early on that it was going to be a long night and this would be a very close election.
Here is an update of where we stand as of this recording:
As of now, Joe Biden is leading in the popular vote and the electoral college vote, and these are the states that matter:
- Georgia- President Trump is leading
- Michigan- Joe Biden has the lead
- Nevada- Joe Biden leads
- North Carolina- President Trump leads
- Pennsylvania- President Trump leads
- Wisconsin- Joe Biden leads
- Arizona- Joe Biden leads
Be aware, these are the latest numbers at the time of this recording so the numbers could be different. Now, if President Trump wins Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania, he wins reelection. If he loses any of those states, he loses the election. Now, because of the close margins in some of these states, it’s going to trigger automatic recounts. Also, don’t forget in some states, ballots are being accepted until next week.
It’s going to be chaotic that’s for sure. Add to that a lot of shenanigans as results were unfolding. Why did several counties in some of the key swing states simply stop counting votes? And these were all Democrat areas. Were they waiting to see how many votes are needed to catch up? You are talking about some major shifts that don’t make any sense. In a few counties, we see more people voted than were registered to vote. There are polling irregularities in a few critical counties that don’t make sense. So, there’s a lot to be figured out before we know who wins, and we have to be patient. But I do want officials to come out and explain themselves and the irregularities, especially considering I warned about the mail-in-voting crap in September. Take a listen.
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I’ll get to where I went wrong in my prediction in a minute, but remember, nearly every single polling outfit were showing a huge Biden victory. They had Biden up 15 in Michigan, 13 in Pennsylvania, 4 in Florida. Remember, Biden had a 90% chance of winning the presidency, and Democrats had a 75% chance of winning control of the Senate.
Nearly every poll was wrong, and we have to begin to question these polling outfits.
It’s not like they missed the mark by a point or two. They were way off. So are these polling outfits completely incompetent or is it more nefarious? Were they putting out these polls as a way to demoralize Republicans?
My Prediction
Now I am not afraid to admit that my prediction was completely off. I predicted that President Trump could win upwards of 350 electoral votes, and he would win the popular vote by 1.2 million.
So here we are. I still believe my logic was sound. President Trump did overperform in a number of areas. However, he fell short.
So where did I get it wrong?
The first area I missed the mark on is that I underestimated the impact of mail-in-voting. Mail-in-voting changed the dynamic of this entire election. While I did expect a large number of people voting by mail, it is larger than I anticipated.
I also had more faith that the American people could cut through the BS. That they would rebuke the abuse of power by the bureaucracy. They would rebuke the propaganda press. That they would reestablish themselves as the gatekeepers of the Republic.
Another area where I really screwed up was that I underestimated the power of the media and the big tech giants. Let’s be honest here, 93% of media coverage consisted of constant attacks on the President and negative story after negative story. Even worse, the media suppressed any negative information on Joe Biden. They failed to ask any real questions, and when the Biden corruption email scandal emerged, the media did everything they can to protect Biden. They didn’t report on it at all, and when they did report on it, they reported that it was Russian disinformation even though that was thoroughly disproven.
Here we have evidence that the potential next President is fully corrupt. Has taken money from foreign governments all for influence over U.S. policy, and yet the media hid it all from the people. They knowingly lied to the people. Imagine what the election would look like had the media reported on this scandal when it first broke three weeks ago as early voting was getting underway? And here is how nefarious they are. Just give it a few months. If Joe Biden wins, they will begin to report on Joe Biden’s corruption because at that point they won’t care. If Biden has to step down, Kamala Harris becomes President.
The big tech giants are just as bad, if not worse. Literally three weeks before the election, these rats went on a massive censorship push against anyone who dared to question Joe Biden or big tech themselves. The censorship minions were eagerly locking accounts. They were shadowbanning users. They were hiding user profiles, and many of the President’s supporters were trapped in an echo chamber with people who think the same. Their posts were not being seen by those who may have been persuadable. Censorship only went one way. In fact, I call on the tech giants to release a list of how many accounts were censored of those who supported the President or Republicans vs. how many accounts were censored of Joe Biden and Democrat supporters.
We really need to do something about the press and the big tech giants. They yield far more power than they should and have proven themselves to be political operatives pushing an ideological agenda. Brainwashing people by telling them how to think. Determining what information people should and should not see. For all you out there that have been screaming about the integrity of our elections, when are you going to call for an investigation into the press and the social tech giants, as they influenced this election more than every single foreign country combined.
Culture Change
The next area I actually was spot on. I stated that this is a center-right country and that we still remain that way. I think the results validate that. If you look, President Trump and Republicans overperformed in a variety of areas. It now looks like the Republicans will remain in control of the Senate. Republicans were supposed to lose seats in the House of Representatives, but it looks like they may actually gain 5-6 seats in the House.
President Trump increased his voter share by nearly 10%. So, while Biden may win the election, it’s clear, the American people are against the socialist agenda.
I break down Biden supporters into three camps. You have the far-left. They wanted Biden to win because they saw him as a vehicle to push a far-left agenda. They understand that Biden is extremely weak, and the far-left was hoping for a clean sweep.
The second type of Biden supporters are standard Democrats. Now, I never want to hear these people complain about President Trump and corruption again. These are people who have been screaming about Russia for the last four years. Yet, now we know it was a fake investigation designed to oust a duly elected President. There was never anything there, and yet Russian collusion was the main narrative prior to the coronavirus. These people could care less about the accusations of Joe Biden, and they despise President Trump.
The next group of Biden supporters are those who voted strictly on emotion and personality. Now, I am not a fan of these voters. I look at accomplishments. I get people may not like President Trump’s personality. However, I’m about results. The results of the wage gap declining were those on the lower income levels saw an increase in their wages at the fastest pace since the 1950s. The wage gap closed under this administration. I think peace agreements in the Middle East, the holy grail of diplomacy, something nearly every previous President in modern times failed on, yet, this President was able to get it done and it got completely ignored.
Other accomplishments like killing leaders of ISIS and al-Qaeda and significantly diminishing their capabilities. Getting NATO members to contribute more to defense. Something every previous President tried to do but failed to do. Renegotiating trade deals to make them more favorable to the United States. And this administration did far more. See, the thing is, regardless of who wins, President Trump has had one of the most consequential administrations in modern history.
Yet, according to these voters, accomplishments aren’t important. Instead, they care more about the President’s tone. When you think about that, it’s actually illogical.
I’m not going to lie, it bothers me. When you look at your standard Democrat and those who voted simply on emotion and personality, these are the same people that say they want honor and dignity restored to the White House. These are the same people that have no qualms voting for a corrupt politician with 47-years of no real accomplishments. Basically, these people just said, we as the American people, don’t care about corruption. We will accept corruption as long as the politician pays lip service and says that they will unite us.
As long as a politician makes us liked in the international arena. I’m constantly hearing how foreign leaders hate the President. You know what, I don’t care that they hate the president. They may hate the president, but they also respect him and tread carefully. You think China is going to respect Biden? You think the European governments are going to respect Biden? They may personally like Biden, but they do what’s in their own self-interests, and they know under a Biden administration, they are going to be able to do what they want as Biden panders. Just watch how quickly they cutback on NATO spending. Watch.
What Happens Next
That’s enough of me complaining. I want to move on to what we should expect as we move forward. How this plays out. While I can’t tell you who will be the next President, I can tell you that there are nefarious forces out there looking to sow chaos and unrest.
While I may have been wrong in my prediction, I was spot-on when I predicted the unholy alliance would look to undermine the election as a way to foster unrest because they won’t accept anything less than the ouster of President Trump.
I outlined a number of tactics the unholy alliance was engaging in to undermine our elections because they want to ignite chaos and crisis.
Let’s take a look. Tactic one was the mail-in-ballots. I don’t need to go into that again, but obviously it worked effectively to sow chaos. It made the race much closer than it would normally have been. Don’t forget, many of the people that voted through the mail and voted early did so before the second debate and did so before the Biden corruption scandal broke.
Tactic two was to delegitimize the President. They pushed the narrative that the President cannot possibly win the election. They pushed the narrative that President Trump will steal the election. Well, guess what, they are already accusing the President of that. They want to try and force him to concede. They are now saying that if the President challenges the results, he is trying to suppress votes and steal the election. If the President brings a case to the courts, then he is attempting to steal the election. They are doing this to undermine the system.
On Election Day, Democrats were coming out, and the talking heads on the media stated that President Trump should not come out and speak until all votes are counted. That if the President speaks, he is going to try to declare victory. Apparently, that only applied to President Trump because at 12:30, Joe Biden came out and spoke, he all but declared victory. So it was okay for Biden to come out and speak, but the President was not allowed to. Once Biden spoke, the President had no choice but to come out and speak. They baited the President, and it worked because by Biden coming out and speaking, it boxed the President into a corner.
We are now entering into the stage of the third tactic. Mark my words, by the end of the day or perhaps tomorrow, you will begin to hear the propaganda press outlets, the pundits, and leaks from the bureaucracy on whether President Trump is going to willingly leave the White House. They won’t wait until all votes are counted. They won’t wait for the court cases to work their way through the system. They will start now.
They know this will fire up all the far-left groups who go out and do their bidding. You will hear the word coup more and more, which leads to the fourth tactic- and that’s to reject any outcome except for a Joe Biden victory. Democrats have stated that Joe Biden should not concede the election under any circumstance whatsoever. No matter what happens from now on, that’s the way it will go. Even if the President does win the Electoral College vote, Biden will not concede. If it goes to the court, and the court rules in favor of President Trump, Biden will not concede.
As the fourth tactic unfolds, civil unrest will have already started. As of today, November 4, there are already emails and social media posts going around calling for massive unrest and demonstrations. There are many well-organized groups that will be hitting the streets tonight and for the next several weeks. These demonstrations will quickly descend into violence. We started to see a preview in Washington DC last night before most of the votes were counted, BLM and Antifa already took to the streets causing unrest. That’s even before the votes were counted.
I want you to think about this logically. Businesses in every major city boarded up prior to election day out of fear of unrest. Contrary to what the media tells you, it’s not a bunch of Republicans and Conservatives going around destroying these cities. These are far-left radicals. Ironically, you have far-left groups that are going to cause unrest in far-left cities that went for Biden.
Everything is coming together for this alliance. While they would have preferred an overwhelming Biden victory. The current scenario works just as well.
While these groups all united in their hatred for the President and work to oust the President, they all have very different motives, and this won’t really work out well for them or anyone else.
I will guarantee, even if Biden wins the presidency, the far-left is not going to back down. The protests and violence will not end. They are going to demand a Biden administration moves on a far-left agenda.
The Democrats, while they may win the White House and so they get what they wanted because all they cared about was power. But at what costs? They enabled a bureaucracy to target and bring down their political opponent. They allowed big tech to censor their political opponents. They encouraged the media to push stories that hurt the President and suppress stories that have a negative impact on Joe Biden.
You know have half of America that has no trust in the media. You have big tech to determine what the people can and cannot see. Even worse, half of America has little faith in the bureaucratic institutions and feels as though the bureaucracy has been weaponized.
What Democrats fail to realize is sooner or later the bureaucracy will turn against them. They have emboldened the bureaucracy, and this will come back to haunt them. When you have unelected bureaucrats that believe they know better than the people do. When you have unelected bureaucrats believing they are the guardians of the system. When you have unelected bureaucrats thinking they have more power than Congress, mark my words, they will continue to abuse their power, and it will only get worse.
And what happens when the big tech giants begin to censor their views? Big tech has exerted enormous influence over this election. Do you think it stops there? Do you think they won’t do this to Democrats sooner or later? The Democrats have unleashed a monster for political purposes and it’s going to be very difficult getting that genie back into the bottle.
What Should Happen Next
And there are so many other consequences that will continue to unfold, but I want to focus on what we need to do moving forward regardless of who wins the presidency. For far too long, the people have been disengaged from the political process. For far too long, we have allowed the left to control the narrative and the terms of the debate. For far too long we have been passive
One of the most important things we need to do is start having a discussion on whether the media and the big tech giants should have to register as political organizations. It is abundantly clear that the media are no longer purveyors of facts and news. They are pushing an ideological agenda. Once again, people talk about influencing the election, well look at how the media and the Biden campaign colluded throughout the election. When media outlets are simply pushing an ideological agenda to help one political party over another, they are nothing more than political action committees.
The same holds true for big tech. Google, Facebook, Twitter and the rest of the big tech outlets were designed to be nothing more than information-sharing platforms. What happens when they begin to determine what information we see and what we can’t see? What information is acceptable and what is not? They are pushing an ideological agenda, and they did everything they can to help Joe Biden. When these companies, with enormous amounts of power, begin to weaponize the internet for ideological purposes, we need to wake up.
Outside of the media and big tech, we need to recognize there is a shift in the political alignment. As much as the far-left rails against the wealthy, the powerful, and the elite, understand that the Democrat party has become the party of big money and corporate America. They no longer serve the working class. As Democrats also remain the party of big government, this is a dangerous combination because it exposes Democrats and the far-left as the phonies they are. See, they don’t mind the big money and corporate America as long as it’s coming from the industries they approve of. And the reason they want to expand government is to make people dependent on government. When you become dependent on the government, are you really going to criticize those who control your livelihood? Your family’s livelihood? Are you really going to pushback against the hand that feeds you?
The Republican Party needs to embrace the paradigm shift and needs to be the voice of ordinary Americans. The reason the President has been so successful with the working class is that he talks to them, not at them. He gives them hope. He empowers people to be in charge of their own destiny. I’ve been saying it for the last few years. Republicans need to engage with people and need to go into communities that once made them uncomfortable.
Republicans also need to pushback against the media and the left. They need to begin to control the narrative. They need to go on channels and call those networks out for what they are. They need to challenge the anchors. Put them on the spot. Make them justify their coverage.
Republicans have to start getting a backbone. They need to stop caring about how they are going to be portrayed by the media. They need to recognize that they will not be liked by the media under any circumstances.
The narrative has been controlled by those who are far to the left. Listen, at the end of the day, Republicans are right on most of the issues. Not every issue, but most. They just suck at debating and explaining why their position is right and just. And this is what I mean when I see that Republicans talk at people, rather than talk to them.
Republicans need to export the Governor DeSantis model of Florida to all states, particularly states that aren’t competitive. There is no good reason that New York isn’t a swing state. Most people in New York are extremely dissatisfied with our direction. The fact is the unified government controlled by Democrats has been an epic failure.
Yet, where are the national and state Republicans trying to organize and exploit Democrat weaknesses? From bail reform to lockdowns, taxes, to just about every other issue, the Democrats have failed the citizens of New York, and we need to explain how and why to the voters particularly in the Democrat strongholds.
Now we have grassroots Republican organizations that are starting to make headway. I’m talking about Raheem from the Urban Conservative. You have the Queens Village Republican Club, the Whitestone Republican Club, the Rockaway Republican Club, but these organizations cannot do it on their own. We need better organization and collaboration with state and national Republican organizations.
Go into these communities and talk to the people, and we can win. Ask a simple question, just ask what have Democrats done to improve anyone’s life over the last several years? Ask people if their communities have improved with 50 years of Democrat leadership in these communities? And when they say no, ask why do you vote for the same failed politicians who promise the same failed ideas of the past? Then explain why they have a place in conservatism and how conservatism will improve their lives and communities.
Another thing We need to do is take back academia and get more involved in public service. Republicans have made significant gains over the years, but we need to teach people to rediscover America. Rediscover its purpose. Rediscover our institutions, their roles, and responsibilities. Understand the concept of federalism.
You know, the coronavirus has taught me a lot. After all these years, I’m still learning. I am amazed about how quickly people were willing to give up their essential liberties and allow government to control nearly all aspects of life. This shows the blatant disregard for liberty and freedom. It also shows that most people don’t understand these concepts. People need to learn the loss of a free society is not a long-drawn-out process. It actually happens fairly quickly, and we always need to be on guard.
With that being said, be optimistic. While we may not know who won the election as of this recording, while things may seem chaotic, while some may have lost hope, understand that we are in charge of our own destiny. We can make the change we seek. It’s about organizing and coordinating. It’s about educating and empowering.
It’s easy to bitch and complain. It’s easy to just give up, but we faced challenging times in the past, and we rose up to tackle those challenges head-on. Well, let this be one of those times.
Regardless of who wins the election, I will be putting out episodes designed to rediscover America. To educate people in our country and why America is the greatest country in the world. To better understand our system. More importantly, to understand our role within the system. As I’ve stated before, we are the gatekeepers of this Republic and we are the guardians of our future and future generations.
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As always, thank you for joining me, stay safe and I’ll be back next week.
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