Episode 23 Show Notes- Exploring the Deep State & the Concept of Nationalism
Episode Description
Will the Deep State please stand up? In this episode, Professor Giordano explores the concept of the Deep State. Is there a shadow group of people attempting to thwart the President and undo the 2016 election? Professor Giordano also explores the concept of nationalism. There are those, including the advocacy news media, that seek to undo nationalism by associating the concept with hate, racism, and ethnocentrism. It is time to dispel the myths especially when it comes to nationalism in the United States. Visit The PAS Report.
Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Weekly Roundup Podcast. This is your host Nick Giordano.
I want to thank all of you for listening, and because of you, The PAS Report will be making an exciting announcement in a few weeks. I’m not going to tell you what it is now because I want to keep you in suspense so stay tuned and remember to share the episode with others.
Our message is getting out there and we have to continue this trend. We are taking this message of the forgotten men and women in an effort to fight back against those who want to remake America and destroy our institutions.
As for today’s show, I want to focus on two important topics. First, I want to explore the idea of the Deep State. Let’s examine the idea that there are these forces within government that are looking to take down the President of the United States.
Also, I want to focus on the concept of nationalism. Over the last few years, there are those that push the idea that nationalism is akin to racism, xenophobia, and ethnocentrism. I am going to explain what nationalism is and dispel some of the myths surrounding nationalism, particularly when it comes to American nationalism.
As the concept of globalization and the idea of the nation-state continue to collide, I’ll explain why some want to do away with nationalism as a political concept.
As always, if you want to see the show notes go to thepasreport.com.
Breaking News Alert
Before I delve into the impeachment process, we have some breaking news.
Over the weekend, Bet O’Rourke announced he was ending his Presidential campaign. I guess he finally realized, after polling at 1-2% for the last several months that he had no chance at being President.
Now when it comes to the political candidates, you know I try to focus on the issues rather than individual candidates, but I can’t help myself. Beto is one of the biggest losers I have ever seen, and here is some free advice to future candidates:
- Don’t eat dirt after you lose a Senate race. It just makes you look dumb.
- Don’t Livestream dental visits. Nobody wants to see inside someone’s gross mouth. It is disgusting.
- Don’t Livestream going to get a haircut at the barbershop, especially when the barber has to trim your ear hair. Once again, that’s gross and certain things remain better left unknown and unsaid.
- Don’t fantasize about killing people and don’t make that public.
- Don’t threaten to take tax-exempt status away from religious institutions because they disagree with your ideological beliefs.
- Don’t threaten to confiscate guns.
Out of all the candidates, I couldn’t stand him the most. He’s a phony and tries to hard to be accepted by the far-left. He tried to exploit the El-Paso mass shooting for political gain. Goodbye and good riddance.
I know this isn’t really breaking news, but I can’t stand this loser. He is one of the worst people and I understand I’m pouring salt in the wound. There are very few politicians I despise, but he is one of them.
The Deep State
Moving onto a more important topic, I want to examine this idea of the Deep State. There is an entire community of bureaucrats that are actively trying to take down a sitting President and undo the results of the 2016 election.
When we say Deep State there are some who think there is an entire shadow government really running things in the United States. Some believe there are a handful of elitists that get together and decide all policies.
Trust me, these people are not that organized, and they are certainly not that smart. Most of them are morons, and if they really were that smart, they would not need to hide in the shadows.
While they may not be smart, they are dangerous as they show complete disdain for you, the American people. They truly believe the people are ignorant and to dumb to understand what’s good for them. These morons think they know what’s best for you and since you screwed up by voting for President Trump, they must correct your wrongs.
They have little regard for the will of the American people. While they say they care about our institutions and our Constitution, they have completely disregarded and usurped our institutions in what they believe is a pursuit of justice and necessity.
More importantly, they try to justify violating department procedures and breaking the law for the greater good. Everything they accuse President Trump of doing, they have done themselves.
Who is the Deep State
So, who are these Deep State actors? Well, most are not your rank-and-file employees of the intelligence, law enforcement, and homeland security communities. Most of them are career bureaucrats sitting in appointed positions. The people like James Comey, John Brennan, Andrew McCabe, James Clapper, etc.
They hide behind the fact that they have worked for several administrations, both Republican and Democrat administrations. They say it is not about politics or political parties. Rather, it is about upholding the oath of protecting America.
These are individuals that have been institutionalized in the system. A system that fails to hold bureaucrats accountable. A system rarely providing oversight. They believed that they can get away with anything they want.
But let’s just take a look at James Comey and John Brennan. The self-anointed defender of Democracy, James Comey, admitted that in his twenties he considered himself a communist and then a Reaganite (The New Yorker). He said, “I voted for Reagan — I’d moved from Communist to whatever I am now. I’m not even sure how to characterize myself politically. Maybe at some point, I’ll have to figure it out.”
John Brennan also admitting to supporting Communism and admitted to voting for an ardent communist, Gus Hall, in the 1976 election (Center for Security Policy). Alarmingly, John Brennan was hired by the CIA just 4 years later.
Interesting that these two find their roots in Communist ideology. They certainly learned from the old KGB style given their attempt to try and take down a sitting President.
You see, President Trump doesn’t meet their standard of what it means to be Presidential. They believe the President is unworthy of the office, and so they must do what they can to assist in his removal. They don’t like how President Trump talks. They don’t like how President Trump goes against the status quo and the norms. They don’t like that President Trump won’t listen to the so-called experts and will make his own decisions regarding policy.
Essentially, President Trump represents the biggest threat to the bureaucracy. Imagine if these politically appointed people are deemed irrelevant? Imagine if someone challenges their advice on policy positions? How dare anyone who questions 30 years of failed foreign policy. How dare anyone that goes against the institutionalized norms where there has been little deviation from one administration to another, both Republican and Democrat.
Acknowledging the Deep State
Listen to former acting CIA Director John McLaughlin acknowledging the existence of the Deep State.
Play Clip
I played the whole clip so no one can accuse me of trying to distort what he is saying. He says that an “intelligence officer” blew the whistle. He says that the CIA is “institutionally committed to objectivity and telling the truth.” He claims they are not partisan.
That’s a bunch of BS. These appointed people are political animals. Don’t forget when the CIA was exposed for spying on Senators that were elected by the people, and were secretly monitoring Congressional committees responsible for providing oversight over CIA activities (NY Times).
James Clapper openly lied about the intelligence community monitoring American citizens.
Saying that these appointed bureaucrats are not political is like saying that Adam Schiff is a smart and honest person. They believe they know better than the people or the president.
The most concerning aspect
Here’s the most concerning aspect. Ideology has infected the intelligence community. The whistleblower/leaker, depending on your point-of-view, worked for Brennan. He worked with then Vice President Biden, and there are rumors he volunteered for his campaign. The truth will ultimately come out, and he will probably be the first-person republicans want to call.
It was Chuck Schumer who warned about the intelligence communities’ ability to strike back against the President. Senator Schumer warned the President about what happens when you cross the bureaucrats in power. Take a listen.
Play Clip
You have the Senate Minority Leader, an elected member of Congress who is supposed to be watching over the intelligence community and prevent abuses of power, openly warning the President of the power the intelligence community has.
Check out this tweet by Congressman Tom Massie, “Many career employees at the State Department and National Security Council are passionate about what they do, have a strong sense of purpose, are committed to their mission, and are artful at preventing US election results from stopping them.” (Twitter)
Here again, we have another sitting member of Congress who is saying that these individuals “are artful at preventing U.S. election results from stopping them.”
I mean these are the morons that we elect who are supposed to be watching over the Intelligence Community? This is what Congressional oversight is responsible for, but instead, they want to waste three years on a Russia investigation that went nowhere. They wasted time on payments to Stormy Daniels, on tax returns, on the Trump Organization, on the family’s financials.
Yet, not one investigation on the abuses of the bureaucracy. Not one investigation into leaks. Not one investigation into the FISA abuses. So, the elected officials we sent to DC, who are supposed to be holding the bureaucracy accountable, have decided to abdicate their responsibilities. Does anyone think this is a good thing?
Dangers lie ahead
So you have this abuse with senior political appointees that is now trickling down to the civil servants who have decided that if they don’t like a particular policy, they will defy implementing that policy.
Congress is the one who makes laws. The bureaucracy exists to interpret and implement those laws. The President issues directives to the bureaucracy and the bureaucracy is tasked with carrying out those directives. Members of Congress and the President are elected by the people.
The bureaucracy is not, and they have determined they don’t care what the lawmakers have to say. They don’t care if the President gives an order. If they disagree with the policy, they are not going to carry it out.
Someone needs to tell these rejects that they weren’t elected, and no one cares what they think. They are not in these positions to determine if a policy is right or wrong. Who they hell do they think they are. If you don’t like the policy, you shut up and do your job or resign. It’s that simple.
When I worked for the NYS OEM, there were plenty of directives that I didn’t like that came from Governor Cuomo’s office. I could voice my objections, but in the end, if they wanted the policy carried out, I carried it out because he is ultimately the boss, and as long as he isn’t directing me to do anything illegal, I follow the chain of command.
I can understand that people in the EPA may not like President Trump’s policies, but to bad. The people elected him, and he gets to decide on what regulations get implemented and which are done away with, not you.
I can understand people in the State Department might not like President Trump’s style of diplomacy, but guess what, he is the Chief Diplomat and he makes foreign policy. Not you. And another thing, it’s not like many of these career diplomats have done such a bang-up job.
If you work for the IRS, you can’t just try to access and leak the President’s tax information or those close to him.
You have this whole bureaucracy that has become rotten to the core. They believe they can just inject their ideology into their work. It started at the top and now is systematic and widespread.
The bureaucracy has abused its power for years, but now you are seeing this growing resistance movement within the bureaucracy and Congress is impotent to stop it. Partly, because they are glad, he is targeting President Trump, and partly because they don’t want to be the next target.
This cannot stand, and if we don’t stand up to the bureaucracy, they will become further emboldened. Even if you hate President Trump, do you really believe it’s acceptable for bureaucrats to violate every procedure, every rule, and several laws, in order to get rid of a politician you don’t like? Do you not realize how this can backfire? Do you not see the bigger picture?
I am tired of those who say that these are patriots looking out for the country. These are nothing but a bunch of criminals. A patriot fights the system but also abides by the law. A patriot doesn’t violate every rule just to try and dig up dirt, and when they don’t find anything, they dig deeper.
A real patriot accepts the results of the election process and does not seek to redesign the way we hold elections. A patriot respects the decision of the American people even if they disagree with their choices. This is bigger than President Trump. It is bigger than the office of the Presidency. If successful it will be a dagger through the heart of the Republic.
What is nationalism
With that being said, I want to talk about the importance of nationalism. Where it is not about loyalty to one person or one office, rather it is about loyalty to the country.
Over the last two decades, the concept of nationalism has gotten a bad rap. We are allowing the far-left to redefine important political concepts so that they can usurp power and control. They call nationalism racist, bigoted, xenophobic and ethnocentric. They constantly point to Hitler and associate nationalism with his rise.
The lies and misinformation are truly staggering, but it is all intentional. In order to understand nationalism, you have to understand how nationalism formed.
Prior to the concept of the Nation-State, loyalty was to a particular leader or to a particular tribe. Once the modern-day nation-state emerged, the concept of nationalism began to emerge.
In fact, the founding fathers understood the importance of nationalism, and they also understood the difficulties of instilling the sense of nationhood and nationalism with a country, consisting of people from all different backgrounds that come from somewhere else, with little to no shared history.
The nation-state fosters a sense of nationalism based on people’s desire to control themselves.
Nationalism is the concept of traditional political orientation that makes people feel patriotic and loyal. As a nation-state, we differentiate ourselves from other countries.
There are those who say we shouldn’t use the word nationalism, that we should use patriotism instead, but once they are successful in redefining nationalism, how long before they begin calling patriotism racist and bigoted. How long before they start saying patriotism leads to xenophobia and ethnocentrism.
Set of related ideas
Nationalism is a set of related ideas where we
- Establish the values in our society about what is good and bad. What is acceptable and unacceptable.
- We direct the idea of patriotism and what it means to be American.
- It links us together in our acceptance of the Tenets of the American Creed
- And distinguishes from those who believe to those who don’t believe.
It’s because of nationalism that we become sentimentally attached to America, and we gain a sense of identity and self-esteem through our national identity. It discourages blind loyalty to a leader because the country is bigger than one person. It eliminates tribalism and promotes the idea that political power resides with the people.
Most importantly, it motivates us to help our country and help our fellow citizens in times of need.
When I talk about nationalism in my classes, I use natural disasters as the greatest examples. Whenever a disaster strikes, we see the greatness of America.
Hurricane Harvey is a testament to the positive impact nationalism has. Regular civilians, who lost their homes in Harvey, took their own personal boats to rescue their fellow Americans. These individuals did not question the political ideology of those they were rescuing. They did not say they were only going to rescue white people, Hispanic people, black people, Democrats or Republicans. Rather they helped their fellow countrymen and women in a time of despair and desperation.
We should not be confusing nationalism with ethnocentrism, the belief in the superiority of others, or xenophobia, the irrational fear or dislike of others. We should celebrate nationalism.
Hitler and the Nazi party rose to power based on poor economic conditions. Once he was able to secure power, then he abused the concept of nationalism for his own gain.
But nationalism isn’t based on a particular color or religion. It’s not based on a particular ethnicity or race. Yet, those that are seeking to do away with nationalism are trying to make it as if it’s about the individual characteristics of people.
America is the one place where people from all different backgrounds can come together and peacefully coexist together under an American identity.
America is an exceptional nation, and America is a positive force in this world. We need to stop focusing on the petty differences and recognize that we live in the greatest country the world has ever seen.
There is a reason that people from all over the world want to come to the United States and become U.S. citizens. The United States has freed more people from oppression and has provided more for humanity than any other nation in the history of the world.
The United States single-handedly cutting the newly infected HIV/AIDS rates in Africa from 3 million new cases to 1.25 million per year.
The U.S. is ranked the most charitable country in the world. In 2017, the we gave over $410 billion dollars in charity. As a country, we give more in foreign aid to other countries.
People why to take away the concept of nationalism and exceptionalism, but why? I’m sorry, why do I have to pretend that the world is on a level playing field. I recognize the United States is not a perfect nation. We are a flawed nation that has made mistakes and committed some atrocities, but what makes us great is that we learn and grow.
I’m not going to pretend that we are morally equivalent to a country that throws homosexuals off rooftops. I am not going to pretend that we are morally equivalent to a country that has reeducation camps where they routinely engage in torture or where people torture their pets and the longer the pet stays alive, the better fortune you have. I am not going to pretend that we are morally equivalent to a country that will starve its own people.
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We are the greatest country, and I always knew it, but it was reinforced during my emergency management days. I worked for a great company with great people and we had a big contract in Missouri. On one of the trips, I was going to be stationed in Poplar Bluff, MO. Being from New York, I thought I was going to red-neckville. I had a preconceived belief that between the costs, there was nothing but a bunch of white people.
When we got to Poplar Bluff, every night we went to dinner, and I was shocked to find that you had Italian restaurants, Spanish restaurants, Chinese restaurants, Japanese Hibachi restaurants, German restaurants, etc. As we went to these places, they were owned by Italians, Hispanics, Chinese and Japanese Americans.
That’s when I realized the greatness of this country. I had lived in this country my whole life, and never heard of Poplar Bluff, MO. Yet, there are people that came from other countries and said Poplar Bluff, MO is where I’m going to make my American dream. It truly is amazing when no matter where we go in this country, the people are different, yet we are the same at the same time. Where we may have different histories, but we have the same ideals and values. Where we all coexist together. How many other countries can say that.
We are an exceptional nation because we don’t sanitize our history. In fact, we overemphasize it so that we never forget, and continually work to correct past mistakes and atrocities.
It’s important to remember who we are and what makes us great. Don’t let the deep state or far-left radicals divide us into factions. Don’t let them tear us apart. Fight back. If they win, we will become a failed tribal state like Libya and Afghanistan. We have to stand up to these people as we will not be silenced.
Please share this episode with others because our message is so important. Also, don’t forget to leave a review on iTunes.
As always if there is a topic or issue you would like me to focus on, send an email to podcast@pasreport.com.
Thank you for joining us, stay safe, and I’ll be back next week.
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