Episode 150 Show Notes- Exposing the Real Agenda: 5 Policies You Need to Know About
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The American people are being distracted with nonsense and the real agenda of the Biden administration is not being discussed. We have seen the most radical policy agenda in American history, and there are no signs of this slowing down. The elected officials have decided they will push policies that benefit their special interests to the detriment of the United States. In this episode, Professor Giordano will breakdown five policies you need to be aware of and how these policies should outrage every American regardless of political ideology. He wraps up the episode by explaining what we can do in order to start winning over the moderate and blue dog Democrats, as well as those who are apolitical.
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Show Transcript- Exposing the Real Agenda: 5 Policies You Need to Know About
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast.
It’s another week, and I wonder what the propaganda press will distract us with this week? Especially now that the impeachment is over and former President Trump has been acquitted. Maybe this week we will start to hear calls of using the 14th Amendment to ban the former President from running for office. Or maybe it will be some other asinine story.
They can’t let the former President go, especially considering President Biden comes out for five minutes a day to sign some executive orders, and then he goes back to the White House basement.
Whatever they decide to distract us with, understand that they don’t want to talk about real policies. They don’t want Americans to focus on their real agenda.
For those of you that may be a new listener of The P.A.S. Report Podcast, I started the podcast because I was sick and tired of a media industrial complex that dictates how and what people should think, rather than report the facts and let people decide for themselves.
I was also sick and tired of how the media focuses more on gossip and innuendo than it does on exploring the complex issues that impact each and every one us. They focus on things that have no real impact on our lives and understand that in most of the mainstream outlets, they don’t focus on the actual policies for a number of reasons. Some of the reasons are innocuous. They believe that if they focus on the policies, Americans will be bored and tune them out.
However, there are more nefarious reasons. Many in the media class view us as the peasant class. They believe we are too dumb to understand the complex political issues, and we cannot possibly determine what’s in our and our family’s best interest.
Another reason they hide the real policy agendas is that they know if these policies are exposed, the American people may begin to wake up and there would be a huge backlash.
Many, not all, but many of the elected officials have sold us out. They’ve abdicated their responsibilities to the American people. We are the ones who these elected officials took an oath to serve, and they have violated that oath time and time again.
In this episode, I’m going to breakdown some of the insane policies coming out of this administration. I’m going to expose the real agenda, and it should outrage each and every one of us regardless of political ideology. This is the most radical administration the country has ever witnessed, and many of the policies coming out of the White House, and being proposed in Congress, don’t do anything to improve the lives of Americans. In fact, these policies are to our own detriment.
Before I expose the radical agenda, go to The P.A.S. Report website. Sign up for The P.A.S. Report Newsletter and subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode.
With that plug out of the way, I’m going to get right to it. The first policy I want to discuss has received virtually no attention. There’s been a few outlets that have reported on it, but not many, and it’s not like it’s been covered in depth even by the outlets that have reported on it.
I’m talking about the International Monetary Fund, known as the IMF. Congressional Democrats, along with the Biden administration, are pushing legislation to require the IMF to issue special drawing rights, known as SDRs, to the tune of $3-trillion in hard currency. I’ll explain what SDRs are in a minute, but this $3-trillion would go to foreign countries. (Wall Street Journal) Congressional Democrats say that it’s so these countries can defend against the pandemic, but that’s not really the case.
Now understand, the IMF doesn’t create its own money, and so the money has to come from somewhere, and that’s where the United States comes into play. The IMF consists of 190 member states, and the wealthy countries are the ones that fund the IMF. The United States accounts for 17.46% of IMF’s funding, and then we provide additional funds to the IMF to supplement. (Congressional Research Service) That’s about $155-billion.
Now, getting to the special drawing rights. The SDRs. When SDRs are issued to a country, it’s essentially a loan to stabilize a countries economy and help the “long-term global need.” However, Democrats are looking to change that. They want this money to be used for short-term emergencies. What’s worse, foreign countries have broad discretion in what they spend the money on, and these SDRs won’t have to be repaid.
Congressional Democrats want to give a blank check to these countries. While Democrats may want the funds to be used for the pandemic and emergency preparedness and response, the reality is that these countries would be able to spend the money however they see fit. Mind you that some of these countries are notoriously corrupt.
So, the question becomes, if $3-trillion of SDRs are issued, how much would the United States be providing? If it’s at the standard rate we currently put in, the 17.46%, that would equate to over $500-billion. The second question would be how do these countries spend this money.
Let’s take each of these questions separately. Just so everyone is aware, the United States currently has a national debt of nearly $28-trillion. We are spending nearly $400-billion a year just to service the debt. We are now considering a COVID stimulus package that would increase the debt to $30-trillion. I want you to think about that for a second. Now I blame both Democrats and Republicans for our debt crisis. They are all responsible. How long can we possibly sustain this growing debt? And what happens when the interest rate increases, and we are spending more on the interest servicing the debt each year than we do on our entire Defense Department.
I want someone to explain to me how it would benefit America and Americans to provide over $500-billion to the IMF to cover these SDRs? At a time when our economy is in shambles, and American families are suffering, particularly those who have been deemed nonessential including the small business owners and their employees, how does this benefit us? It’s estimated that between 30-60% of small businesses are never going to reopen. We already are at the 30% number where at least 100,000 small businesses are permanently closed. (Washington Post)
So again, I’ll ask the question because I really want it to stick with you. I want it to marinate in your mind because it’s the perfect example of our elected officials working harder for other countries than they are for the people of the United States. If you’re struggling. If you’ve seen your life and livelihoods being destroyed before your eyes. How does a policy like this help you?
Now if I look at the second question, how would these countries spend the money, it’s like pouring salt on a wound. While Congressional Democrats say they want this money to be spent to deal with the pandemic- buying PPE, vaccines, enhancing healthcare facilities, etc.- the reality is these countries would be free to spend the money any way they wanted with zero accountability. Even worse would be the countries that would benefit from this money.
One of the countries that would have access to these funds is Iran. Iran has already made a $5-billion emergency request to the IMF. Now Democrats and the partisan fact-checkers would push back against this notion. They would say they are not giving the money to Iran. They are giving it to the IMF where the United States holds veto power. But does anyone seriously believe that the Biden administration, who’s begging to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal, would veto Iran from receiving that money? And what would Iran spend the money on? I can almost guarantee that Iran would purchase military hardware from China and Russia. So, I’ll ask, how does increase the strength of Iran’s military, while providing billions of dollars to enrich Russia and China, how exactly does benefit the United States?
And China won’t just get money from Iran. They would get money from scores of other countries as well. How many of you are aware that China has lent over $5.5-trillion in loans to more than 150 countries. That’s 6% of the entire world’s GDP combined. (SCMP) Once countries are distributed to these countries, how quickly will the Chinese debt collectors come knocking to get some of the money they are owed? Once again, we see the shortsightedness of American politicians who aren’t steeped in any sort of reality. We see a policy that directly benefits our adversaries and does nothing to help the We the People or to strengthen our own nation.
Russia is another country that would also benefit. But wait, aren’t the Russians the biggest threat to America? I mean that’s what we heard for the last five years. However, if these countries do get the IMF funds, and they do decide to spend it on the coronavirus, how many would use it to purchase the Russian coronavirus vaccine as opposed to the vaccines we developed? Also, some of the more nefarious regimes out there, besides Iran, would also purchase military hardware from Russia using these funds.
There are other adversarial countries that would get this money as well, but I want to move onto a few other policies. However, I think this is probably one of the biggest stories out there being completely ignored on purpose, but here at The P.A.S. Report I’m going to expose it.
Planned Parenthood
Another policy that isn’t getting any coverage is that in the Congressional Democrat’s COVID stimulus bill, they give one of their biggest allies, Planned Parenthood, tens of millions of taxpayer dollars.
First of all, why are we even debating abortion funding in a coronavirus stimulus bill? Of course, Planned Parenthood says that it’s not for abortion. That it goes to cover things other things outside of abortion.
However, this is a bait and switch. Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the United States, and they are quickly becoming the largest transgender transitioning organization to exist. The Trump administration took executive action by redefining Title X in an effort to prevent Planned Parenthood from receiving taxpayer money. The Biden administration has moved quickly to undo this. And remember, President Biden, and a number of Democrats have stated that they would like to repeal the Hyde Amendment which bars taxpayer money from going directly to abortion services.
Under the current stimulus bill, Planned Parenthood would now be eligible to reclaim nearly $60-million taxpayer dollars. Once again, at a time where people are suffering. Where lives and livelihoods are being destroyed. How does giving Planned Parenthood millions of dollars help the person who is out of work? How does it help the small businesses deemed nonessential? How does it help the businesses- who have to abide by authoritarian decrees making it impossible to even keep their doors open- how does it help them? How does this help parents get kids back into school? And how does it help those parents who have had to leave the workforce because their kids are learning remotely?
But you know the answer to these questions. And just so you are aware. In 2018, Planned Parenthood had $1.63-billion in gross revenue and reported a profit of over $250-million. (FRC) Explain to me why they need taxpayer money again? But once again, the elected officials like to pour salt on the wound. In addition to the enormous profit they’re generating, they announced in 2019 that they will be contributing $45-million per year to elect candidates that support abortions.
Think of the genius behind that. Congressional Democrats want to give $60-million dollars to Planned Parenthood, and then they give $45-million back to Democrats in the form of supporting candidates including advertisements on their behalf. So basically, the taxpayers are funding the campaigns of Democrats and helping them get elected.
For all of you that are suffering out there because of the draconian decrees, keep policies like this in mind.
Foreign Workers and Asylum Seekers
Now I want to move onto one of the most destructive policies. A policy that should outrage every single American regardless of political ideology. The Biden administration along with Congressional Democrats, and even a few Republicans, which is a disgrace, are pushing to permit more foreign workers outside of the H1-B visa program.
H1-B visas are designed to import foreign workers, particularly for jobs that would be high-paying American jobs. (USCIS) Each year approximately 85,000 H1-B visas are issued. (Foreign Policy) Here’s the dirty little secret, actually I’m not sure it’s a secret, but the tech industry imports these workers because they can pay these workers at a lower rate, and don’t have to offer all the benefits. When you compare it to their American counterparts, these tech giants save thousands upon thousands of dollars per every foreign worker they import. It adds up.
And we have all heard stories about how American workers train their foreign counterparts only to be laid off after the training. Once again, this is something that should outrage us all. And two major companies leading the initiative to get more foreign workers are Google and Facebook.
This drives me nuts. Now the argument these companies make is that Americans don’t have the technical skills to do these jobs. Now I disagree with that completely, but even if that is true, why wouldn’t we encourage Google and Facebook, two companies that have an enormous amount of money, why don’t we encourage them to train vulnerable populations from vulnerable communities to do these jobs? Wouldn’t that benefit Americans? Wouldn’t that lift Americans in the lowest socioeconomic communities out of the depths of poverty and government dependency, and provide them with good-paying jobs where they could sustain themselves and their families?
See, the elected officials don’t care about those in vulnerable communities. They’ll pay lip service to get their votes, but they don’t care. If they cared, they would do exactly what I said.
And it’s not just H1-B visas. That’s 85,000 foreign workers. We also issue 140,000 employment-based green cards each year. Now the Biden administration wants to increase the number of foreign workers in the United States. Apparently, 225,000 Americans getting shafted isn’t enough.
This policy is controversial during normal times. Now factor in the economic devastation from the authoritarian decrees by the little Mussolini wannabes out there. Factor in how many Americans are unemployed and ignore the unemployment numbers. It’s far higher than what we are being told. Those who exhaust their unemployment benefits are no longer counted in the unemployment numbers. Factor in how many Americans are struggling to make ends meet. Factor in how many Americans are losing their businesses.
Do these policies sound like they make sense especially with the harsh economic realities we face?
The scary part is, it goes deeper than that. I spoke about how President Biden undid President Trump’s “Stay in Mexico” program a few weeks ago. Basically, asylum seekers had to wait in Mexico until their asylum hearing. President Biden undid that and beginning this week, the Biden administration has announced it will begin processing 25,000 asylum seekers for entry into the United States while they wait for their asylum hearings. (BBC)
I wonder how many of these asylum seekers will show up for their hearings now that they are allowed to settle in the United States until their hearings?
And I want to make it clear that refugees are different from asylum seekers. On average, we grant about 50,000 people refugee status and we grant asylum status to about 25,000 individuals. Think about that. In less than a month in office, the Biden administration has already started the process for allowing in 25,000 asylum seekers with plans to allow thousands more.
Now, I get why people are fleeing their native countries. They face homelessness, desperation, and in some cases, extreme violence. If I came from some of these countries, I would flee to. However, we need to recognize that when people are coming to the United States, and seeking asylum, they are usually coming with the clothes on their back. They don’t have thousands of dollars in bank accounts where they will be able to sustain themselves.
Many will use government subsidies to survive. Another problem, many come to the United States lacking education or any technical skills. This low-skilled working foreign working class will be competing with the low-skilled American working class coming from some of the most vulnerable communities. This depresses wages, and it’s the low-skilled American worker that suffers the most. Once again, it clearly illustrates how the elected officials don’t really care about us. It shows how they have abdicated their responsibilities to the people they have sworn to serve especially during a time when millions of Americans are suffering.
Chinese Espionage
The fourth policy I want to discuss received little attention last week. The communist government of China has strong intelligence capabilities due to our own negligence. They have infiltrated nearly all aspects of society, particularly the education sector.
Let me explain how it works. China sends over intelligence agents to the United States to infiltrate college campuses. Their main focus are research institutions and universities that focus on engineering, math, science, and the medical field. Now while our K-12 system has collapsed, we still have some of the best universities around.
These agents are required to get good grades so that they can graduate from these institutions, and ultimately get jobs at the defense contractors like Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and others. They also get jobs at some of the most important scientific institutions like Brookhaven National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Los Alamos, Plum Island Animal Disease Center, and others. These are all major national security institutions.
But another thing they do is cultivate relationships with other students. If you’re in the same program with someone for 5, 6, or 7-years, you begin to develop close relationships with other students. Those students will then graduate and get jobs at those places I just mentioned. Ultimately, these people will be promoted into supervisory roles and will be granted access to more classified programs as they advance in their careers.
When you understand the art of spy craft, you begin to see how sophisticated their intelligence capabilities are. They’re not looking for an immediate return on investment. They know that it may be 10, 15, or 20-years before their financial and relationship investment pays dividends.
The friends they make are unknowingly becoming intelligence assets, and the Chinese intelligence agents begin developing profiles on these potential assets. For instance, if they do something really dumb or embarrassing during college- things like drugs, cheating, or anything potentially illegal- those incidents will be categorized and can be used in the future for blackmail purposes. Getting married, having children, and any other life changes, are also categorized because you never know when you can use those.
But it’s not always about blackmail or extortion. A great intelligence agent gets their asset to give up information without the asset ever realizing it.
And it’s not just students they target. Over the last 10-years, a number of professors and research workers have been arrested for feeding information to the communist regime of China.
The problem has gotten so bad that President Trump imposed a rule that requires American universities and K-12 schools with foreign exchange programs to disclose any financial ties or other connections to Chinese state-run Confucius Institutes.
The communist government of China says these Confucius Institutes are for people to learn about the Chinese language and culture, and they are fully funded by the Chinese government. I look at these institutes as intelligence and influence hubs, and China sets them up in collaboration with universities. They don’t exist just in America, but throughout the world. At one point there were 90 Confucius Institutes throughout the United States. (Inside Higher Ed)
Their purpose is two-fold. Gather intelligence, but also serve as a Chinese propaganda outfit promoting communist ideals within free societies. Ask yourself would China ever allow Thomas Jefferson or Benjamin Franklin institutes in their country?
So, after a number of high-profile arrests, and realizing the influence operations they were running, the Trump administration wanted any university or K-12 school to disclose their work with any of these institutes.
Well, that’s now changed. The Biden administration withdrew the rule on January 26. (Washington Examiner) Why? Why would they do away with this rule especially knowing that our education sector has been completely infiltrated?
Now the Biden administration will counter and say that the rule never took effect because it hasn’t been submitted to the Federal Register. Before it can be submitted to the Federal Register, the Office of Management and Budget had to conduct a review of the draft rule, and they’re right. It didn’t take effect yet, but so what?
This is a good rule, and just because it didn’t take effect yet, doesn’t mean that it’s not necessary. I mean if these idiots don’t see the threat China poses to our power and influence around the world, we’re doomed.
Or maybe it was withdrawn because of all the special interest groups, particularly big business and big tech, who want access to China’s 1.3-billion-person population.
Or maybe it’s even more nefarious than that. If you look at a good number of individuals appointed, these are either the same appeasers that have been part of the swamp for decades, and many of them have direct ties to China- things like paid speeches, business ties, etc. We also can’t dismiss Biden’s own family connections and the $2-billion given to Hunter Biden for investment, even though Hunter never had experience in investment funds.
So, as with the other three policies I have discussed so far, how does this benefit America and the American people? Once again, this is a policy everyone should be aware of, yet our compliant state-run media outlets continue to distract us.
The last thing I want to talk about is the coronavirus since we are heading up on the one-year anniversary of the draconian lockdowns the little-Mussolini wannabes put in place.
Our lives have been dramatically altered and changed. The powers that be want to institute a new normal, The Global Reset.
Consider this.
Remember when we were told 2 weeks to flatten the curve? I do.
Remember when we were told masks don’t work? I do.
Remember when we were told a couple more weeks to prevent a hospital surge? I do.
Remember when we were told once a vaccine is out, things will return to normal? I do.
The American people did their part. We did everything that was asked of us, and we did it a little too willingly with little to no pushback.
So, it’s now a year later, let’s take a look at where we stand.
Nearly 30-60% of small businesses will never open their doors.
It’s no longer one mask, now they’re pushing to use two masks.
Many kids are still not attending school in person.
Depression and anxiety rates have increased by 50%
Suicides, domestic abuse, and alcohol/opioid addiction have all increased.
Now we are told the vaccines don’t matter and we still can’t return to normal. In fact, even with the vaccine, we still must mask up, socially distance, & live under decrees.
Now Saint Fauci & other government bureaucrats are saying normal won’t return until 2023, 2024, 2025 & beyond. Remember when this moron said Emperor Cuomo and NYS were the models for the rest of the country. Maybe someone should ask him if he still thinks that as Emperor Cuomo has been exposed for the fraud he is. Talk about narcissists.
And the new boogeyman is the COVID variant. The media is already stepping up their fear campaign, and the government is floating the idea of new lockdowns, domestic travel restrictions, and God knows what else.
Nearly a year ago, I asked, what if the coronavirus never leaves us? I asked why more people aren’t raising questions about government usurping enormous authority? I asked why people are blindly accepting something called a new normal without having that new normal defined? I asked why people were so eager and willing to give up Constitutional rights & God-given liberties?
The government now has more power & authority than ever before in history, & they have shown no willingness to return the power back to the people allowing them to decide how best to live their lives, run their businesses, raise their children.
The destruction of our society due to the virus, & the shaming of anyone who raises questions is disturbing. Even more disturbing is how many are burying their heads in the sand & pretending like this is nothing out of the ordinary.
Nothing we are witnessing today is normal, nor should it be acceptable. I’m just wondering if those who advocated for the government takeover of all aspects of our lives will ever ask at what point does the government give up all these newly acquired powers, we so readily gave them?
I’m sorry, but I fear an all-powerful government much more than I do a virus, and I find the complacency of so many to be highly disturbing. It goes against everything we stand for. It goes against the core American concepts of liberty and freedom.
This is why they distract us. They don’t want us questioning these horrific policies that do nothing to benefit the American people or the United States. In fact, these policies have all had the opposite effect. This is the most far-left radical agenda in our history.
They are to our detriment, and to the detriment of our great country. So be suspicious of what the mainstream propaganda outlets are putting out there. Unfortunately, we keep falling for the traps. The media throws out something to get us outraged, and we go to the social media platforms to post our shock and outrage.
What they’re doing is showing the shiny object that grabs our attention to take our attention away from what’s really going on. We’re busy chasing our tail that by the time we realize what’s happening, it’s too late.
Stop wasting time arguing with trolls and the far-left. You’re never going to change their minds.
We need to start winning people over. And when I say winning people over, I mean ordinary Americans who aren’t political. I mean moderate and blue dog democrats. The forgotten middle class. Trust me, these people don’t support this radical agenda.
My advice to each and every one of you out there. Start talking to people but do it in a way that’s non-confrontational. For everyone out there, especially those who may be seeking a run for office, nobody wants to be dictated to.
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Think logically, if I start talking to someone and immediately go into how they’re wrong about politics or how they made a horrible choice in voting for President Biden, they’ll quickly become defensive and try to justify themselves because no one likes to be wrong.
Consider this approach. Instead of dictating to someone. Just ask them questions. I’m from New York so when I talk to Democrats, I just ask questions. I ask if they’re happy with the high taxes. I ask if they’re happy with the condition of the roads. I ask if they are happy that schools still aren’t open, and if they are it may only be for 1-2 days a week. I ask if they notice that more and more storefronts have for rent signs in the window. I ask if they’re satisfied with the overall condition of the state.
When I’m talking to them, I already know the answers to these questions, but as I ask and they answer, something begins to click in their minds. And I’ll always remind them that New York State is a unified government. That Democrats control the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, and they don’t need to rely on a single Republican to do anything.
If you just speak to moderate and blue dog Democrats, just ask whether they think these policies are a good idea. If they say yes, ask how they benefit from these policies and ask how the country benefits from these policies. Don’t do it in an angry or arrogant way.
If you take this approach, you’ll be surprised by how many minds can be changed. It’s this type of approach that we need to start taking if we want to win this country back.
Alright, I think that’s enough ranting for today. Be sure to subscribe and share this podcast with others, and if you’re listening on an Apple device, Podchaser, or any other podcast platform that allows reviews, please take 30-seconds to provide a 5-star rating and write a quick review.
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