Rant or Rave Wednesday
Follow Up From President Trump MAGA Rally in the Bronx
Let’s follow up on last week’s ‘rave’ about Trump holding a MAGA rally in the Bronx, one of the bluest counties in the country. All eyes (and cameras) were there to witness and scrutinize not only Trump’s words but also the turnout and the crowd’s response to him. The rally has most certainly captured the media’s attention and has forced those in the media to see, with their own eyes, how the electorate, outside of middle America, views the former president. So, how did it turn out?
Let’s start with the crowd size since that seems to be an area of contention, particularly for the mainstream media. The permit at Crotona Park in the Bronx allowed for approximately 3,500 people to attend the event. Some have reported that an estimated 25,000 people came to see President Trump speak, but I’m going to stick with the most reliable source. Law enforcement officials verified that about 8,000 to 10,000 individuals were present for the rally. That’s an impressive number considering that Trump has been wrongfully portrayed as an adversary to voters like those living in the Bronx.
Ceding that he drew a decent crowd, let’s examine who was in the crowd, what he discussed and the attendees’ response to him. Contrary to assertions by liberal pundits that the people coming would not be from the area, Bronx residents and individuals from the surrounding boroughs and suburbs comprised much of the crowd. Well, of course they did! Far-left elected officials have ignored their constituents for decades, failing to listen to their needs or improve their lives. They simply want someone to address their concerns and change the city that leftists have abandoned for their own power and wealth. You don’t have to believe me. Listen to this CNN reporter describe the crowd to Anderson Cooper, substantiating my claim. What did they think – that he was going to fly in thousands of people from West Virginia?
The difference between Trump and Biden is that he doesn’t take the minority vote for granted, something Blacks and Hispanics are waking up to. Rather than spewing insensitive and racist phrases like, “You ain’t black,” if you don’t vote for Biden, President Trump focused on real problems affecting New York City and its majority non-white residents. He spoke about the city’s rich history, a history he had a part in building up. He discussed illegal immigration and its negative impact on legal residents trying to make a living there. He talked about crime and how New York City residents deserve to live in a safe community. President Trump spoke about issues that affect their daily lives, and he delivered his speech with his usual blunt candor – a quality people of the Bronx respect. He did all this to chants of “Trump” and “build the wall.”
During the rally, one resident of the South Bronx, Andrea Pabarue, told a reporter, “My main issues are border, cost of living. I’ve been working 28 years, and I can’t afford to buy a house.” This is who leftists have forgotten about – ordinary people. They speak in platitudes and theories, never addressing the daily lives of their constituents. Although New York is still a long shot for the former president, the progress he’s made in New York is astounding. A recent poll shows Biden has a mere 9-point lead over Trump in New York. To put that number in perspective, Biden won the state by 23 points in 2020.
Campaigning is not rocket science. Candidates need to address the concerns of voters and then – and here’s where Democrats continuously fail – deliver on those promises. The good news is that President Trump has a record to run on. He passed the First Step Act, which was a criminal justice reform law that benefitted inmates who were given unjust prison sentences, 91.3% of whom were Black. He created an economy that was better for people of all ethnicities, and international relations were stable. All the left has to offer is hate and division. If this election cycle reflects real results, Trump will be president once again.
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