Episode 213 Show Notes- Sick and Tired of the Corruption: General Milley is the Latest Example
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Since the start of The P.A.S. Report Podcast, one of the main focuses is corruption and abuse of the bureaucracy. Many within leadership have been infected with corruption, and they justify the abuses by saying it’s for the greater good. In the name of preserving Democracy, they violate norms, procedures, and the Constitution. Even worse, they have used the tools of government to target those with whom they disagree. General Milley is simply the latest example of this corruption, but who do we really have to blame. Perhaps, it’s time we look internally to understand how we got to this point.
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Show Transcript- Sick and Tired of the Corruption: General Milley is the Latest Example
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Welcome everyone to The P.A.S. Report Podcast.
I hope everyone is doing well. I have another great episode lined up for you. Today’s topic is certainly a nonpartisan one. When I talk about the issues, I don’t shy away from my conservative point of view, but today’s episode should be concerning to every single American regardless of political ideology.
Obviously, we all know we have a major problem in the United States. When it comes to the current state of America, the sirens are going off. The corruption and the abuses of power are staggering, and if it continues unabated, it will destroy us. Honestly, your political beliefs are completely irrelevant. Once we destroy this country, do you think it will really matter if you’re Republican, Democrat, Independent, or any other ideology? Do you think it’s going to matter?
I’m not talking about your run-of-the-mill corruption. It’s not the corruption of the building inspector taking a bribe. It’s not the corruption of trying to cover up an affair. It’s not the corruption of the greedy politician greasing their palms.
While those things are bad, and those engaged in any corrupt acts need to be held accountable, this corruption is far deeper. This corruption is by those who believe they are the guardians of democracy. This corruption is by those who believe they are more virtuous than ordinary Americans. This corruption is a corruption of power and those who believe they are the noble holy warriors of the 21st century.
This corruption is far more dangerous. General Milley is simply the latest example of how our institutions have become rotten to the core because many of the leadership within these institutions, not all, but many, have become thoroughly corrupt. I’ll briefly touch on what the General did and why it’s so dangerous, but understand, this problem goes far beyond General Milley.
Over the last few decades, we witnessed unelected bureaucrats exert enormous power and influence. We’ve seen them routinely violate democratic norms, rules, policies, and procedures. They routinely violate the Constitution. When they’re caught, they always say it’s for the greater good. That it’s about preserving democracy. Yet, in the name of preserving democracy, they are really destroying democracy, and that may be the point.
Since I began this podcast in June of 2019, I have focused heavily on the abuses within the bureaucracy. I’ve spoken out about the corruption of the officials. It’s been at a crisis point for some time now.
In this episode, I want to examine this further. I want to break down this corruption further. I also want to examine it from a different perspective. A perspective that shows how we are all complicit in how we got to this point.
Before I jump in, make sure to visit The P.A.S. Report website, sign up for the newsletter, and follow the podcast so you’ll never miss an episode.
General Milley Shows Just How Deep the Corruption Goes
I’m going to start off with the whole General Milley incident because it truly epitomizes how many bureaucrats within the senior leadership of government think that they can do whatever the hell they want. These people are so warped in their view. They believe they’re the protectors of democracy, yet they can’t even see how they’re destroying democracy.
They believe they can violate all norms for what they perceive is the greater good, but who gave them the power to make these decisions. The answer is nobody. They took it upon themselves, and they don’t really care that they’re violating the rules and procedures. They don’t care how they are destroying the Constitution. Ultimately, these people think they are so virtuous, and since they’re never held accountable, they do whatever they want.
According to reports, following the 2020 Presidential election, General Milley began to question then-President Trump’s sanity. He perceived the President as such a threat that he took it upon himself to tell other people in the administration that if President Trump gave an order, it must flow through him before any actions are taken.
He also worried that President Trump was going to launch an attack on another country in order to stay in power, and according to the reports, he was worried that our adversaries may perceive President Trump’s actions as hostile and threatening, and so he decided to call our biggest adversary to warn them. (The Hill)
I’m going to take this in two parts. First, I’ll focus on the idea that General Milley can go around the chain of command. Then I’ll focus on the whole China thing.
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Chain of Command Exists for a Reason
The chain of command and civilian control of our military and government is one of the most important safeguards to this Constitutional Republic. Our founding fathers understood history quite well. They understood that the military is the main entity with the wherewithal to overthrow their own governments.
You don’t have to be a genius to figure that out. You also don’t have to look all that far back in history as this continues to this day. Just look at Venezuela or Egypt, and it’s fairly easy to see.
That’s why the founding fathers believed that civilians must be in control of the system. George Washington warned, “The Army is a dangerous instrument to play with.”
At the Constitutional Convention, James Madison argued, “A standing army is one of the greatest mischiefs that can possibly happen.”
In Federalist 29, Alexander Hamilton argued that “if standing armies are dangerous to liberty,” a power over the army is necessary and that the military arm should be under the control of civilians. (Federalist 29)
I can go on and on. Obviously, the reason I am focusing on the military aspect is because of what General Milley did, but this would be just as bad if it came from a bureaucrat outside the military.
As Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Milley serves as an advisor to the President. He has no decision-making capabilities. The idea that General Milley can tell others that all Presidential orders must go through him threatens the very premise of civilian control and circumvents the entire chain of command.
First of all, there are people a hell of a lot higher up than General Milley, including the Cabinet secretaries and the Vice President. Even if I take Milley at his word, that President Trump was out of control, which I’ll get into that in a minute, he should have brought his concerns to the Vice President and the Cabinet.
Had the Vice president and the Cabinet felt the threat was that grave, they could have invoked the 25th Amendment or they could have increased scrutiny over presidential orders. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs does not have the authority to usurp the power of a duly elected President. He doesn’t even have the authority to usurp the Secretary of Defense’s power, and even the then-Secretary of defense is saying that if these reports are true, General Milley committed an “unprecedented act of insubordination.” (Fox News)
General Milley Calls China
This brings me to the second point, and that’s General Milley’s calls to China. According to reports, General Milley made calls to a number of countries after the January 6th riots to “reassure” that the U.S. government was strong and in control. Now we have to wait for General Milley to be called before Congress and asked what he meant by the U.S. government is in control because that statement is troubling in and of itself.
I want to know what he specifically meant. Was he telling foreign countries that the duly elected President was no longer in power? Was he telling these countries that bureaucrats essentially committed a coup?
But more importantly, he made two calls to his counterpart in China, on October 30th and one following the incident on January 6th.
In the October 30th call, General Milley told his Chinese counterpart, “the American government is stable, and everything is going to be okay. We are not going to attack or conduct any kinetic operations against you. If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise.” (CBS News)
Now, this is several days before the election so there is no excuse for General Milley to go behind the President’s back. The reports say that China was worried we were going to attack them. If that really was the case, why didn’t General Milley go to the President and explain why it’s important to reach out to his Chinese counterpart to assure them we weren’t going to attack. Why the need to go behind the President’s back?
I also don’t think people understand how dangerous this was. What if, because of these phone calls, the communist government of China misinterpreted these statements, and they believed the government was without any real leadership? What if they believed the U.S. government was growing more unstable and determined it was in China’s interest to exploit and destabilize the situation further? Understand, nations tend to take advantage of instability, and if China misread the General, they could have made the calculation now was a time to act.
Even worse, what if they didn’t believe the General and interpreted the statement that the U.S. was really gearing up for a conflict with China? What if they would have interpreted Milley’s statement and thought an imminent attack against China was possible, and in order to protect their interests, they must launch a preemptive strike on America? Throughout history, there have been many conflicts that have begun because of miscommunication and miscalculation, and this had all the potential to go horribly wrong.
And imagine, an American General talking to our biggest adversary and telling them that if we do intend to strike, he’ll tip them off ahead of time? Think about that one for a second.
And we don’t need to sit here and wonder if General Milley made these calls. He’s admitted as much and said such calls are “routine,” and “perfectly within the duties and responsibilities” of his job.
Ironically, he should ask General Flynn about that who as the incoming NSA Director had a routine call with his Russian counterpart, and for that, the FBI justified in an investigation ultimately forcing General Flynn out of his position and setting him up in a perjury trap even though they knew he wasn’t lying. And before all the lefties try and criticize that, all you have to do is read the handwritten FBI notes yourself to see that.
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The Real Truth
But here’s the real truth. General Milley operated based on his own perceptions and that’s not how the system works. He can voice his concerns, but he cannot circumvent the chain of command especially based on his own feelings.
In addition, according to Article 2, Section 2, the President is the one that makes foreign policy. The Constitution is pretty clear about this, and the founding fathers were also clear about this. They believed that America needed to speak with one voice. That’s why they gave the President wide latitude when it came to foreign policy. They believed it was important to project strength and a unified voice. Well, General Milley completely undermined that.
And understand, that Milley’s defense is nothing short of a CYA. He’s trying to cover himself. Was President Trump mad about the election? Absolutely. Was he aggravated? Definitely. Did he feel betrayed? It’s clear he did.
Does that mean the President was unstable? Absolutely not. Does that mean the President was about to launch a military strike on another country, especially China? If you believe that, I’m sorry, but you’re a moron.
All you have to do is look at the evidence. For four years, President Trump talked about wanting to bring soldiers home and put an end to our foreign entanglements. For four years, President Trump talked about only going to war if it’s absolutely necessary, and in defense of American interests. For four years, the President was very careful when applying American military force.
Also, whether you liked President Trump or not, he was one of the few Presidents in the 20th and 21st century that did not get us involved in new foreign conflicts or expand existing conflicts.
So according to General Milley, a President, who was extremely wary of foreign conflicts, was so incensed by the election results that he was ready to pull the trigger on China and potentially start World War III that could have easily escalated into a nuclear war?
Is that what General Milley really believes and wants us to believe?
This guy is a fraud, and this shows the corruption within our institutions. And while many are calling for General Milley to be fired, we all know that accountability is rare when it comes to government bureaucrats. If we had any accountability, he would have been fired a long time ago.
This guy has a history of repeated failures. He stonewalled investigators who were looking at some of our failures in Iraq. He developed the Army Combat Fitness Test program that was a spectacular failure and had to be stopped. He was in charge of overseeing the training, arming, and equipping of the Afghan military and police. He repeatedly lied to the American people and the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction. He oversaw the disaster of the withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Only in government does someone fail repeatedly, yet they still get promoted. As Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer said, we promote people based on a measure of performance as opposed to a measure of effectiveness.
General Milley isn’t the Only One Who Should be Questioned
While I focused a lot on General Milley, he isn’t the only problem. There are others that need to be questioned, especially the Speaker of the House, Queen Pelosi, and to a lesser degree, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. From the reports, it appears as Queen Pelosi was colluding with General Milley to usurp the powers of a duly-elected President.
According to Woodward’s book, “What I’m saying to you is that if they couldn’t even stop him from an assault on the Capitol, who even knows what else he may do? And is there anybody in charge at the White House who was doing anything but kissing his fat butt all over this? You know he’s been crazy for a long time.” (NY Times)
So, you have the Speaker of the House conspiring with a sitting General conspiring together to figure out ways on how to undermine and remove power from a duly-elected President. Of course, they are using the excuse that President Trump was crazy, and they were worried he would launch a nuclear attack. If the concerns were that grave, why did he only speak to President Trump’s political opponents? Why didn’t he reach out to Republican leadership? Of course, their excuse would be that the Republicans are Trump stooges. But that’s BS.
Again, you have to be a moron to believe this cover story. Perception is different than evidence. If they truly were worried about this, what is the evidence that justifies their perception? Shouldn’t they have to provide that? Sure, the President was mad about the election, but this isn’t North Korea where the President can just push a button and fire off some nukes. There are procedures that have to be followed. Launch messages need to be decoded and authenticated, and codes need to be inputted. I’m assuming General Milley, and the Speaker would know the procedures.
Do you really believe that President Trump would just say fire off the nukes, and people would just blindly obey?
And while there may be some people that despise the President’s personality, he is not some homicidal maniac. Let’s get real. So, the Speaker certainly has questions to answer because this is clearly a violation of all norms and safeguards within the system.
TDS Causing Those to Defend Milley’s Action
The hatred for former President Trump is so deep, Trump Derangement Syndrome runs so deep, that there are actually people who are defending these actions, especially General Milley. They completely ignore Speaker Pelosi’s culpability.
But they say that General Milley was serving the greater good. That while his actions were unprecedented, we were facing an existential crisis where normal procedures, where the rules, could not be followed. That these unprecedented times were justification for violating the Constitution.
You notice that everything to them is an existential crisis, and do you notice that when it comes to existential crises, they feel they can do whatever they want? Doesn’t that give you any concern? Even if you despise the former President and Republicans, shouldn’t that give you pause that these people basically state that they can do whatever they want in a crisis? I mean damn, just look at what they’ve done throughout the coronavirus.
People really need to get over their hatred of the former President because if we allow this to go unchallenged, and if we don’t hold people accountable, what do you think is going to happen?
See, they are so short-sighted, they are so blinded, that they can’t see the damage this does in the long-term. If we are going to justify this, essentially, we are justifying the usurping of a duly-elected President’s authority based on people’s perception. Not actual evidence. Just their perception. If this is the new norm, then the President doesn’t have any real power. Then the President is nothing more than a figurehead, and the power really resides in unelected bureaucrats who are accountable to no one. What can possibly go wrong?
See, I’m smart enough to know that I can’t predict what this country will look like 5, 10, 20, 30-years from now. What I do know is that precedents set today will usually be expanded upon in subsequent administrations. That’s the danger. Think about how that can be used against any President going forward.
But we don’t even need to look at the long-term. Just take a look at the short-term. The White House, and President Biden himself, have come out and stated that they have full confidence in General Milley and that he did nothing wrong. This is how dumb these people are.
They don’t even realize how this new power can be used against the current President. Or maybe they do, and that’s the point. Maybe President Biden is just the fool.
If you are someone who justifies what General Milley did, can’t I use that same logic to usurp the authority of the current President based on his obvious cognitive decline?
That’s exactly what they’re saying. Wake up, people. This goes far beyond Democrats and Republicans. It goes far beyond ideological differences over policy. This goes to the very core of our Republic.
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It’s Not Just General Milley or the Leadership Within the Military
But it’s not just General Milley or the leadership within the military that’s the problem. He is merely a symptom of a much larger problem that infects nearly every one of our institutions where the powers that be believe they can do whatever they want Constitution and consequences be damned.
The corruption runs extremely deep just look at how the CDC essentially has become nothing more than an ideological institution. Look at the fraud Fauci
Not just the Military or the CDC, just think it’s nearly every institution from the FBI, the CIA, the IRS, the State Department, and others. The Corruption of Fauci the Fraud who we now know was calling for gain of research experiments, and he was knowingly funding such experiments at the Wuhan lab. Again, that’s a fact. We also know that Fauci lied when he testified that he never authorized, and the NIH never engaged in, gain of function research. (Fox News)
And now you have people within the FDA, the ones responsible for looking at the data and approving medications and vaccines, openly stating that there is no scientific basis for vaccine boosters in healthy, young populations, yet Fauci the fraud is pushing for boosters. How the hell is this guy still in his position and why are people listening to him? In fact, two top FDA officials have resigned over the booster shots. (Business Insider)
But over the last two decades, we’ve witnessed increasing abuse and corruption from those within the bureaucracy. Just think back to the Lois Lerner IRS scandal where they were knowingly targeting political groups they disagreed with.
What about when it was released that the NSA was spying on ordinary Americans. It’s not that they accidentally captured some American data. They were intentionally capturing all of our data. Metadata from phone calls, emails, social media posts, and much more. Of course, it was all in the name of protecting us and for the greater good.
What about the CIA spying on duly-elected members of the United States Senate? That our premier intelligence agency, one that is not supposed to conduct operations on U.S. soil against U.S. citizens, was actually spying on elected officials. But it didn’t matter that they were spying on those who are supposed to be providing oversight over the organization. What happened to those engaged in the spying? Of course, nothing. Rather than arresting those involved, the CIA said sorry for this gross abuse of power. No harm, no foul.
Just look at the senior leadership within the FBI who started a fraudulent investigation into a political candidate who became President. They never provided the President with a defensive briefing, which is the norm, and instead decided that Donald Trump is unworthy of the office of the Presidency, and it’s their job to take him down. See, they believed the American people got it wrong, and it was up to these guardians of the system to correct the peasant class’s mistake. Again, it was for the greater good. It didn’t matter that Comey, McCabe, and company, leaked classified information to the press. It didn’t matter that they lied in their testimonies before Congress.
I can go on and on about how unelected bureaucrats are now more powerful than elected officials. That they have been corrupted by power and lost sight of their missions. That they’ve become drunk with power and think they can do whatever they want so long as they qualify their wrongdoings as for the greater good.
They’ve Turned the Powers On Us
And see this is the danger. If this was just about the former President, it wouldn’t have occurred long before the President took office, and we wouldn’t see these incidents today. It goes far beyond the President.
The Washington Post did a piece on the Woodward book. In this piece, it stated, “And here the book is most illuminating: Biden regards the -ism, not the man, as the real threat; Trump put the nation in peril because he evoked and organized a darkness that was already there.”
And that’s it right there. It’s not Trump that’s the problem. It’s you and always has been you. You are the darkness that was already there.
That’s why they’ve been hyping the idea of domestic terrorism. Over the weekend, we heard officials throughout the government warn of massive protests. They raised all the alert levels. Put the fences back up around the Capitol Building. Deployed the National Guard.
They were hyping this event and said it was going to be a January 6 repeat. That there was a lot of chatter about violence from all these different groups. They never really named the groups, and it turned out that there were more reporters there than protestors.
But there is something even more important. See, they needed this to be a January 6th repeat. They continually talk about domestic terrorism and domestic enemies. For the last several years, but especially over the last several months, they’ve talked about these massive internal threats that we have to turn our attention to.
They need this threat of domestic terrorism to justify the further consolidation of power within the government and the usurpation of our rights. They need to be able to provide justification to turn their enormous power and use it against ordinary Americans.
Many Who Advocated for These Powers Are Now Worried
Many people who advocated for giving the government these extraordinary powers following the 9/11 attacks are starting to see how those they’ve entrusted these powers to have far more nefarious and sinister motives.
I’m not talking about Republicans or Conservatives. I’m talking about people I know. People that have been in the defense and intelligence community for 20, 30, 40 years. People that helped build out Homeland Security over the last 20-years.
I got an email from a former colleague of mine. Someone who I admire and respect. Someone who taught me a lot when it comes to homeland security and the intelligence field. He was reflecting on the 20th anniversary of 9/11. He is someone who has always advocated for a robust and strong intelligence community and military when it came to countering foreign threats.
However, he now believes he may have been wrong. Not that he was wrong about protecting the homeland from foreign threats. But wrong in the sense that he never recognized how the unelected bureaucrats, and even the elected ones, would one day unleash this monster on ordinary Americans expressing their own political beliefs.
He, and many like him, believed they were protecting us from the evils around the world, and they operated in good faith that was the mission. He explained to me that over the course of the last decade and a half, the lines started to become blurred and how intelligence apparatuses throughout the country, from the federal level to the state level, were working on the fringes of what is legal and what’s not. What’s Constitutional and what’s not.
He was told not to put things in writing and not to work with certain administration officials, and the leadership within the bureaucracy was more committed to hiding the government’s efforts, rather than document them for transparency.
He explained how with each new mission, their reach and capabilities have expanded to a point where it’s grown out of control. That the assault on our fundamental liberties is greatly expanding, and now represents the biggest threat. Just think back a few weeks ago when I told you that postal inspectors are now monitoring social media posts for what they deem extremist content.
And he isn’t the only one that’s reached out to me. There are many I know that I’ve worked with or that have reached out, expressing the same exact sentiments.
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Listen, extremists do exist, and I’m not going to pretend that everyone in the United States has good intent. There are nuts on all sides of the political spectrum. But the more the government pushes, the more it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more people are marginalized from the system, the more detached they become, the more likely it spirals out of control.
When government power goes unchecked, corruption and abuse follow, and that’s exactly what we’ve been witnessing over the last two decades.
Initially, there were many who advocated for the strengthening of power. We suffered an enormous attack on our homeland. Some were mad. Some were afraid. Both were willing to grant the government extraordinary power in the name of security, safety, and retribution.
We assumed that the government would operate in good faith, and initially, they did. I also recognize that I’m painting a broad brush. There are still many within the bureaucracy that do operate in good faith. There are decent, noble public servants. Little did we know that this power would lead to ideological corruption infecting all aspects of our government and weaponizing in a way to target political opponents.
Unfortunately, we have to take some responsibility too. Many disengaged from the process decades ago. They didn’t care enough to get involved. They were busy with what was going on in their individual lives, and they just wanted to live their lives with as little interference from the government as possible. Others justified granting the government more and more powers in order to protect our homeland and national security. And then you have those who believe government exists in order to provide for our every need and create an equitable society. They have no problem granting more and more power to the government as long as they get to control it.
We all have some culpability in how we got here. We have to acknowledge that. More importantly, we have to begin to right the ship.
Some simply want to blame the politicians and the bureaucrats, and sure they’re at fault. But we have to take responsibility too.
Here’s the thing. It doesn’t have to stay this way. I’ve been seeing way too many posts about how it’s over. How the system is so corrupt that it’s not fixable. How the Constitution has been disregarded so much that it can never be restored. Some even want to blame the Constitution saying it is responsible for what’s happening which is completely ridiculous.
Others say there’s no point in voting because it’s all rigged. They say that the New World Order is already here and it’s too late.
Do me a favor and don’t listen to these people. I reject the notion that the American experiment is over. I reject the idea that we are too far gone, and the system is beyond repair. These people can shout doom and gloom all they want, but remember, no matter how bad it gets, America has always prevailed. That we always overcome.
Perhaps we needed all this to happen so that we can reacquaint ourselves with the core American philosophies. Maybe we needed this period to give us a greater appreciation of liberty, freedom, and the Constitution.
I can see clearly, ignore the haters. Ignore those who are raking in tons of cash peddling you a bunch of nonsense.
I’m not ready to give up on this country yet. I’m not ready to give up on the American people yet. When you know this country’s history. When you understand the sacrifices made. When you look at where we started and how far we’ve come, just know that this country is worth fighting for. And ignore the people who say it will take an armed revolution to restore the United States. Those who scream the loudest about armed conflict will be the first ones hiding.
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This isn’t complicated and it’s actually fairly easy to restore the proper balance. It’s about getting involved. It’s about no longer passing the buck. It’s about learning your country’s history, the intent, the roles and responsibilities of our institutions, and knowing what institution is responsible for what.
It’s about not placing every little burden at the doorstep of government and expecting them to solve all of our problems. It’s about being brave in during a crisis and understanding that free societies carry risk. That even though you’re afraid, don’t let that fear get the best of you where you allow the government to usurp our power and authority. It’s about self-reliance and taking responsibility in our own lives.
It’s about not making excuses when you don’t vote. It’s about not being ashamed to say what we believe. More importantly, it’s about not being silenced because we’re afraid. Open your mouths. Speak up. Hold the officials accountable. Take back the school boards, the polling stations, the cities.
Be willing to stand up for what you believe in, and don’t ever let anyone tell you that you’re not allowed to have your own opinions.
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I want to thank you for joining me, I want you to stay safe, and I’ll be back next week.
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