Episode 281 Show Notes- Government is Not the Solution to Our Problem, Government is the Problem
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Episode Description
The failures of the government are numerous and obvious. People should be asking themselves about the proper role of government and whether the bureaucracy has become too large to manage. This episode examines several failures of the government, including the border crisis, the economy, student loans, and funding dangerous experiments that cross all ethical and moral boundaries.
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Show Transcript- Government is Not the Solution to Our Problem, Government is the Problem
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Welcome to The P.A.S. Report Podcast.
One of the biggest problems in this country is that we focus on gossip and superficial stories that have no impact on our lives, and the media also feeds into this beast. Last week, so many in the news industry spent an enormous amount of time covering the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard saga.
I’ll admit, Johnny Depp is a walking trainwreck and it is interesting, but the reality is that it has no impact on our lives so
What does matter, and greatly impacts our lives, is what President Ronald Reagan warned about.
Sound Clip- Ronald Reagan
Unfortunately, too many older Americans have forgotten those words spoken by our 40th President, and sadly, too many younger Americans have no idea who Ronald Reagan is and never even heard the phrase “government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem.”
We now live in a time where many believe that the government is the solution to every problem we face. It’s why they constantly turn to the government for every little thing, and it’s why nearly every issue has become a national issue.
The left has done a very good job of portraying the government as an all-powerful, all-knowing, all-competent entity. In fact, to the left and many of those in power, government and politics have become their religion, and they want to push that religion on the rest of us. They believe that the government is the highest deity. They don’t like the idea that there is a higher authority than government, and it’s why they want to replace organized religion with the government.
The left has also done a very good job trying to eliminate the idea of personal responsibility, placing all burdens of success and failure on the government. If you succeed, then it’s because of the government, and you must bow down and give thanks to the alter of government. If you fail, then it’s a failure of the government, and therefore, you must give the government more power to guarantee success.
It’s a two-pronged approach, and they want to destroy the idea of individualism to build out a society that’s wholly dependent on the government apparatus. A government run by a powerful elite that truly believes they know best, and you are nothing more than just a cog in the wheel. Part of the ignorant peasant class.
But let me ask you, what problems has the government actually solved. See, the government is not the solution, and while our federal government has ever-expanding power and authority all in the name of solving problems, they’ve done very little to solve the problems we face.
The federal government has passed an enormous amount of legislation on every single issue- literally- education, healthcare, infrastructure, agriculture, the economy, energy. You name it, and they’ve passed numerous pieces of legislation, and it’s not just legislation. How many executive actions have also been done regarding these issues?
And what’s the result? Have things improved? Have the problems been solved? Are we better off?
For God’s sake, just taking something simple. We passed a $1.2-trillion infrastructure bill, and how are our roads. I’m here on Long Island and have to drive on the Long Island Expressway. The number of craters, they’re not potholes, they’re craters, is insane. There’s not a single day that goes by that I don’t see multiple cars on the side of the expressway with a flat tire. The other day, I counted 10 cars in a 15-mile stretch.
Fixing a friggin’ road is one of the simpler tasks of government, and we can’t even do that right. It’s a disaster, but I warned about the trillion+ dollar infrastructure bill. Most of the money didn’t go to repairing roads, and even when the money is allocated to repair our roadways, it takes years for those jobs to get off the ground because of all the bureaucratic red tape. Ridiculous. It is frustrating, but it highlights that the government is not the solution.
In this episode, I’m going to talk about a few issues that highlight the point that government is not the solution, rather, government is the problem. I will provide five glaring examples, and the last one is extremely important where government bureaucrats want to play God. Trust me, you’ll want to hear what I mean by that.
Before I jump in, make sure to click the follow button for this podcast so you never miss an episode, and don’t forget to visit The P.A.S. Report website and sign up for the newsletter.
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Border Update
The first issue I want to highlight is the border crisis because it’s really getting on my nerves, and I would guarantee that many of you feel the same way. I would guarantee that if the media actually reported on what’s happening at the Southern border, most Americans would be horrified, regardless of political party affiliation.
Take what happened a few days ago, that many within our pathetic industrial media complex have intentionally ignored, when a Texas National Guardsman, who is now presumed dead, after he jumped into the Rio Grande to rescue two people crossing the Rio Grande illegally. (Texas) Even worse, it’s now come out that these two are alleged drug smugglers.
So not only did we lose a great American, Specialist Bishop Evans, who selflessly sacrificed his own life, but we lost him for two people pushing poison here in the United States thanks to the failed policies of this administration.
So, what did our illustrious border Czar, Vice President Kamala Harris have to say about the southern border? This was her a couple of days ago when she was on the tarmac with Air Force 2, and she was asked about the war in Ukraine, as well as the southern border. Take a listen.
Sound Clip- VP Harris Comments 1
Sounds like something you would expect to hear from someone who has been tasked with getting the border crisis under control. Well, I hate to disappoint you. She wasn’t talking about the United States and the southern border. She was talking about Ukraine. Here’s the rest of the statement.
Sound Clip- VP Harris Comment 2
How insulting is that? Being asked a question focusing exclusively on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and Ukraine’s borders. These are our officials, who we elected to represent us, completely ignoring the crisis on our southern border. It seems everyone else’s sovereignty and territorial integrity matters, except ours of course.
These people are such frauds, and every single one of them, from the President, the Vice President, DHS Secretary Mayorkas, are all responsible for 22-year-old Specialist Bishop Evans. It’s disgraceful.
To add insult to injury, in the last two years, we provided over $800-million for border security measures in Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Israel, Tunisia, and Oman, just to name a few. (House of Representatives)
I’ve said it a million times, the ruling elite don’t care about the border, and they don’t care about the people coming over. They claim they do, and that everyone should get an opportunity, but let’s be honest, they don’t care about human trafficking. They don’t care about the rape and sexual assaults the migrants face on their journey. They don’t care how many migrants are dying on the journey. They don’t care how the cartels are being enriched. They don’t care about the unending flow of illegal drugs, particularly fentanyl, crossing over the border.
The fact is, the government is complicit in the largest human trafficking operation ever witnessed. Understand, while they claim that they are simply showing compassion and that these migrants aren’t illegal immigrants, let’s be clear most of those granted access to the United States will likely never show up to their immigration hearing thereby making them illegal. As of 2021, only 13% of them will show up to their asylum hearings. (Newsweek) And we don’t know what the updated figures are because after that 13% was released, the Biden administration stopped releasing numbers.
It’s not just the border, take a look at the economy. The idea that the government can artificially manipulate the economy without consequence is laughable, and they’ve been doing this for decades- both Democrats and Republicans.
Capitalism works, but what we have isn’t capitalism. It’s a hostile takeover by the government and the woke mob.
Just take the current inflation and supply chain issues. This is a direct result of government intervention of the powers that be who think they know best.
I warned about this at the beginning of COVID where I said that Congress lacks any real creativity when crafting stimulus policies. I mean why was I, someone who never stopped working or lost a paycheck, why was I getting a stimulus check? Now, if the government sends it, I’m going to take it, but certainly, it should have been more targeted to those in need.
I warned that giving people making $4 or $500 a week, a $1,000 a week made no sense and would be a disaster.
I criticized the government lockdowns and the government dictating what businesses are essential and which ones aren’t. Essentially picking winners and losers. I also stated that those big corporations who were deemed essential and making record profits should be the ones that have to fund the PPP loans, not the taxpayer.
Oh wait, the taxpayer didn’t fund those loans, we just printed more money. And we are still on the hook for the massive printing of money because it simply got added to our total national debt.
And listen to what these geniuses say now. Here is the head of the International Monetary Fund, the so-called experts. Take a listen.
Sound Clip- IMF
Did you hear that? She said, “Maybe we printed too much money without thinking of the unintended consequences.”
Gee, ya think? And these are the so-called experts we must listen to and we aren’t allowed to criticize them.
I’m no economist, but unlike our new Supreme Court Justice, I understand the basics of life. When you simply print money out of nothing and add it to the money supply, the value of the currency is going to drop.
This was easily predictable, and I, along with many others, warned about this at the start of all the stimulus spending that was approved by both Democrats, Republicans, and the previous administration. The Biden administration and Democrats compounded the problem with two more rounds of stimulus, which were completely unnecessary, and a nearly $2-trillion infrastructure package that wasn’t paid for and doesn’t really go to infrastructure at all.
Look at the results of all this fiscal irresponsibility. We are paying more for just about everything, and the inflation we are witnessing shows no signs of stopping. Just think. All that stimulus we received, all that extra money, and we are paying it back now, and some. But it’s a double whammy. Not only will we be paying back much more than we received, but we as taxpayers are also on the hook for all the money added to our national debt and the interest we have to pay on the debt.
Again, it’s disgraceful.
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Energy Companies
It’s a triple whammy because, under the current administration, we are witnessing a surge in gas prices, not because of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine as they want you to believe, but due to the artificial manipulation of the economy to push a green energy agenda that isn’t ready for prime time. Perhaps one day it will be ready, but rather than let market forces dictate when that happens and the technology is a cheap, affordable alternative, we just aren’t there yet.
But they have handcuffed the oil and gas industry, and then try to blame everyone else for the high gas prices, except for the real cause- the government’s policies.
And since the Putin price hike hashtag didn’t work, now they want to accuse the energy industry of colluding to drive up prices. Basically, they say these companies are engaged in price-fixing and gouging.
Let’s put on our thinking caps for a minute. Price fixing and gouging are illegal. There are several federal statutes regarding this. You have all these politicians lobbing accusations without providing any evidence and demonizing the energy industry.
Do you really believe that this administration wouldn’t bring charges against these companies if they had evidence of price gouging? Have you heard of the government, whether it’s the DOJ or the Democrat-led Congress, issuing any subpoenas to investigate whether these companies are engaged in price gouging?
Basically, let’s accuse others instead of the government’s failures and the failures of their reckless policies. Unfortunately, members of Congress can’t be sued for liable and slander because of Congressional immunity, but that’s exactly what’s going on.
Student Loans
Another example of the government’s failure, clearly illustrates that government is the problem is the student loan crisis.
In 1993, the government passed the Student Loan Reform Act. This act allowed the government to take over the student loan industry by creating a system where the government would directly lend to students, and everyone who applied would be guaranteed a loan.
Once the government did that, just take a look at how higher education institutions jacked up tuition rates much faster and larger than normal cost of living adjustments.
Throughout the last 30-years, the cost of college has increased eight times faster than wages. That’s not a coincidence. It is the direct result of government policy. Tuition costs at private universities have jumped 144% in the last 20-years, and 211% at public universities in the same timeframe. (US News)
Since the student loan crisis has reached epic proportions, you have there’s a lot of talk about canceling student debt. Take a listen to Senator Warren.
Sound Clip- Senator Warren
Now, I want people to really understand this, especially the younger people who listen to this podcast. First of all, do you notice how Democrats dangle the idea of student loan forgiveness in literally every election cycle? You notice how it never happens. You’re being taken advantage of. They use this to gain your support, and they never follow through, not that they necessarily should, but you should remember that when it comes time to vote.
Secondly, does debt ever really get canceled? Debt doesn’t just vanish and disappear. Someone is responsible, and it would be the taxpayers. The colleges already got paid by the government that issued the loans. So, in any case of debt forgiveness, those forgiven student loan debts will be added to our national debt, and the taxpayer is then responsible for paying that debt, plus interest on the debt.
Thirdly, most of these institutions are far-left, constantly preaching about equity and a universal college system paid for by the taxpayer. If these institutions really wanted to see what they deem as equity, why have they raised tuition rates so dramatically and forced students into debt? Understand, that they are frauds themselves, and only care about enriching themselves.
But if we simply wipe away debt, what are we teaching people and what about those who did the responsible thing and paid off their student loans? What about those families that sacrificed, never living in excess, forgoing vacations, simply so they can save money and pay their kid’s tuition? What happens when someone can’t pay a credit card bill? A mortgage? A car loan? Will they now expect that those loans should be forgiven?
The only thing we will do is feed into the entitlement culture that’s been a large reason we’re in this mess. A culture that doesn’t realize that the government is not the solution.
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Science Experiments
Moving on to the last example, I want to focus on those bureaucrats who believe that the government is the all-powerful entity, more powerful than God, and in their pursuit of replacing God with government, they are knowing crossing all ethical and moral boundaries. To say it’s disturbing is putting it mildly.
The reason I want to talk about this is that I don’t think that this issue gets enough attention. In fact, I don’t think most Americans know about the dangerous experiments our government funds.
I’m going to bring it to China for a second. I was reading an article the other day, and it was an old article published in 2019, where Chinese scientists were inserting human brain genes into monkeys to make them smarter. (NBC News) Didn’t these idiots ever watch Planet of the Apes? It didn’t work out well for us humans, yet some believe that there are no consequences with these types of experiments.
So, the country that gave us the coronavirus from the Wuhan laboratory, literally destroying lives and livelihoods, is now working on creating human-animal hybrids. Some of you may be wondering why I’m bringing China into this. How is this relevant to the episode?
Remember what I said at the beginning. We have those who believe the government should replace religion. That to them, the government and their politics are their religion, and you have government bureaucrats who believe they are their own deity.
Take lord Fauci, one of the biggest narcissists on the planet. Just look at his offices where nearly every inch is covered in pictures of himself.
The other day lord Fauci said this in regard to the court order striking down the CDC’s mask mandate on federal transportation systems. Take a listen.
Sound Clip- Fauci “This is not a judicial matter”
Apparently, lord Fauci doesn’t believe the courts should have jurisdiction over the CDC and public health authorities. This little Mussolini wannabe believes that the CDC should do what he believes is necessary, Constitution be damned, checks and balances be damned, separation of powers be damned.
This pathetic weasel would probably love to implement the China-style zero-COVID policies in the United States where children are ripped away from their parents. House dogs and cats are brutally murdered. Apartment buildings are boarded up so no one can get in or out it. And anyone who dares to speak out and criticize the communist regime’s harsh measures is whisked away and simply disappears.
The fact that this fool thinks that government mandates, especially one as intrusive on masking, are not a judicial matter shows that he should be nowhere near power, and he should have been terminated a long time ago.
Don’t forget, lord Fauci believes he is the embodiment of science.
Sound Clip- Fauci Embodies Science
So, this is the type of personality we are dealing with among some government bureaucrats in senior positions. Those who believe they can do whatever the hell they want, and consequences be damned.
The reason I brought up Communist China is the fact, that our leadership is deeply entrenched with the communist regime, and they work harder to protect this regime than they do the people of the United States all because they believe that they get to play God.
We already know the U.S. taxpayer dollars went to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. We are now learning that the ties between our scientific community and the Wuhan Laboratory go much deeper.
A few days ago, we learned that the Wuhan Laboratory had an agreement with Galveston National Laboratory to collaborate on scientific research, and get this, as part of the agreement they can ask the Texas laboratory to destroy any secret files upon request during and following the termination of the agreement. (Washington Examiner)
Congress should immediately subpoena those secret files before they can be destroyed if it’s not too late already.
Getting back to the monkeys, just so you know, U.S. scientists and Chinese scientists have worked together to create a human-monkey hybrid embryo. (Newsweek)
It amazes me how so many climate warriors talk about the preservation of the climate but say nothing when it comes to creating Frankenstein’s where we can’t possibly know all the consequences of these types of experiments, but they clearly cross all moral and ethical boundaries.
Understand that lord Fauci is responsible for approving many controversial, cruel, and inhumane studies. Just to give you an example of how cruel these experiments can be, our government, in all of its infinite wisdom, would damage monkeys’ brains to see what effects it would have on a monkey’s response. In some cases, parts of the brain would be surgically removed. In other cases, parts of their brains would be damaged by acid injections.
In another study, monkeys had a custom-designed head post implanted in their skulls to immobilize their heads so that scientists could track their eyes.
They’ve forced monkeys to drink alcohol excessively to see the long-term damage it has on their body tissue.
They’ve induced heart attacks in monkeys. Exposed animals to biological weapons for testing purposes. Drilled holes into their skulls and injected their brains with Ritalin.
They’ve intentionally bred dogs with muscular dystrophy. They’ve given cocaine to Japanese quail. They’ve conducted studies on rabbits only to euthanize them afterward. Drilled holes in alligators and drugged them with ketamine.
These studies are completely unnecessary and barbaric. They say they conduct these studies to advance human civilization but notice how these studies never produce any real-world benefits to human beings.
And understand that we have laws on the books that prevent even worse studies. More monstrous studies than I’ve already talked about. And while we may have some laws to prevent these types of experiments, the powers that be within government are funding these experiments throughout the world.
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Government is the problem
As Ronald Reagan stated best at the beginning of this episode, “government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem.”
I provided you with five real examples illustrating the exact point that the government is the problem. In fact, since I started this podcast, I have highlighted the massive government abuses within our bureaucracy, throughout the government departments and agencies, and in many programs.
As our government has grown, rather than solving problems, it creates more.
We have strayed far from the original intent of government. We didn’t heed the warnings given to us by the founding fathers. All their suspicions about the government have proven to be spot-on, and yet we continually call for the government to be granted more power and authority for problems they already couldn’t solve, and in many cases, problems that it itself created.
We have to bring personal responsibility back and recognize that the government does not exist to solve every little problem. The government exists to provide order within society so that we can exercise our liberty in a responsible way and to pursue happiness.
We need to restore accountability and make sure that we begin the discussion on downsizing government. Eliminating some of the responsibilities that it shouldn’t have had in the first place. Government power is meant to be limited. We all need to take a more hands-on approach and recognize that the government is the problem.
I hope you found this episode informative, and please share it with family and friends. If you enjoy the content take 30-seconds to write a review and leave a 5-star rating on any podcast platform that allows it. Hit the follow button so you never miss an episode.
I want to thank you for joining me, I’ll be back next week, and remember, government is the problem.
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