Episode 93 Show Notes- Grammar is Racist and the Current Cultural Revolution
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The loons are at it again, this time declaring grammar is racist. The English Department at Rutgers University has declared that proper English grammar is racist, and they will change its standards of English instruction in an effort to “stand with and respond” to the Black Lives Matter organization. Silly me, and I always thought academic institutions were a place for educating students. Professor Giordano discusses the failures of academic institutions, and he also explores the current Cultural Revolution gripping America. The “Woke” Cultural Revolution is eerily similar to Mao’s Cultural Revolution. As America is under siege, the news media continues to lie and distort the truth.
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast. This is your host Nick Giordano.
I hope you enjoyed the interview with John Yoo on Monday, and if you haven’t listened to it yet, I suggest you do. We covered a lot of topics, and I want to expand on one of these topics today.
So, today’s episode is going to focus on two things. In the first part of the episode, I want to discuss what’s happening on college campuses throughout the country. You would think these universities are trying to put themselves out of business.
The second part of the show, I want to focus on the Cultural Revolution that is currently underway, and how this revolution is being encouraged and aided by an activist media. We are at a crossroads in America, and at this point, I’m not sure what the endgame looks like.
Before I jump in, go to The P.A.S. Report website and sign up for the newsletter while you’re there.
Grammar is Racist
I don’t need to go through the litany of problems with academia in higher education institutions. I did an episode a few months back discussing the four categories of ideological intolerance on college campuses, including academic freedom for students, leftist indoctrination, censorship and speech codes, as well as safe spaces.
Over the last few years, people have begun to question the idea of spending extraordinary amounts of money for a college degree and then not being able to find a job. Imagine going a $100,000+ dollars into debt, you earn your degree, and you can’t find a job.
Imagine a parent spending that kind of money, only for their kid to tell them that they want to get a degree in Caribbean Studies.
As 4-year universities offer more and more wasteful degrees on things like gender studies or white privilege, people have begun to pushback.
Factor in the coronavirus and there is a perfect storm brewing for 4-year universities, especially the private universities where tuition, room, and board, can easily run well over $100k.
When we think of academic institutions, we think of education, but what happens when the institution is not filling that goal? What if they are actually doing the opposite?
That brings me to Rutgers University. Rutgers is supposed to be a well-established institution. For an in-state resident, tuition costs $28,482 a year. For an out-of-state resident, Rutgers University costs $45,264 a year. That’s a lot of money.
So, you go to this university in hopes of getting an education. Invest an extraordinary amount of money, in hopes of finding a job. Only to find out that they’re not really providing an education.
The English Department at Rutgers has announced that proper English is racist and that the department will change standards of English instruction in an effort to “stand with and respond” to the Black Lives Matter movement.
They say this new “Critical Grammar” approach challenges the standard academic form of the English language in “favor of more inclusive writing experience.” According to these geniuses, accuracy and correct grammar no longer matters.
See, silly me here. All this time I thought being able to speak, read, and write properly is one of the most important aspects of obtaining a career. I thought these were necessary components to succeed in the academic and professional environment. But according to Rutgers University, this is the new norm.
On top of that, the English Department has announced more reading on the subjects of racism, sexism, homophobia, and related forms of “systemic discrimination.”
Now they argue that the point of doing this is because they don’t “want to put students from multilingual, non-standard ‘academic’ English backgrounds at a disadvantage. Instead, it encourages students to develop a critical awareness of the variety of choices available to them [with] regard to micro-level issues in order to empower them and equip them to push against biases based on ‘written’ accents.”
And it’s not just Rutgers University. Several months ago, I went on Tucker Carlson to talk about how schools are dumbing down standards once American University in Washington, DC declared math racist.
This, in and of itself, is racist. You are basically telling the student body that learning proper English isn’t important and that minorities cannot comprehend the English language or succeed in mathematics. How insulting is that? As I’ve stated for the last several weeks, this is coming from the same idiots that push this white privilege crap. They look at anyone who is a minority as inferior. This should be insulting to anyone who is of minority descent.
You notice how these same people constantly tell minority communities they can’t succeed. That they can’t perform at the same level of their white peers. That they must have standards dumbed down in order to achieve. That they aren’t good enough and so they be victims forever. When you actually take a step back and look at the woke message, just think about how offensive it really is, and how racist this is because it perpetuates the idea that minorities are inferior.
Now imagine spending nearly $200,000 to go to this college. I warn every single parent out there, be careful where you send kids. The reckoning to these 4-year institutions is coming. It’s like these institutions are figuring out a way to go out of business. If the school isn’t even providing a basic education, what value does that school have, and the answer is NONE.
Do yourselves a favor, send your kids to a community college for the first year. It will be an enormous benefit and it will ultimately save you a ton of money. Why spend $45k a year for this crap?
We are already sending kids into the marketplace who aren’t prepared because they don’t have experience. Experience is far more important than academics. But at least if you had the degree, and can speak and write properly, you still had a chance. If we are sending young adults into the workforce without any of these, they are doomed.
The Cultural Revolution
What many people don’t seem to realize is that a cultural revolution is underway. Many actually try to deny this, but it’s been brewing for some time, and there were three major events that served as a catalyst for where we are today.
Election of President Trump
The first event was the election of President Trump. President Trump’s election shattered the establishments stranglehold of power.
The establishment was so comfortable with the status quo, they never thought someone like President Trump could win. They took advantage of the American people for so long, and they never thought their gravy train would come to an end.
See, to the establishment, it doesn’t matter if it’s a Democrat or Republican in office, as long as it’s one of their people. The 2016 election was supposed to be between Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton, and either one would suit the establishment just fine as they would continue the status quo. However, President Trump disrupted their hold on power, and they don’t like that.
That’s why amongst both Democrat and Republican elites, they made it their mission to destroy the President. The establishment Republicans don’t like the fact that President Trump is a disrupter. They don’t like the idea that President Trump doesn’t play by their rules or follow their orders. They will ally themselves with anyone that is on board with defeating the President.
While the media bashes Republicans for not speaking out against President Trump, ask yourself how many establishment Republicans have come out to defend the President? Just think about a few weeks ago when I talked about how many Republicans came out to criticize the President when the Russia-Bounty Gate scandal was reported in the NY Times. I told you then that no one should make a judgement until more is known and that the story had all the hallmarks of fake news. And I was right. Think about how quick Republicans were to criticize the President. Have any of them come back and explained how the whole story was BS.
And the media lost their collective minds. While they were eating their walnut-cranberry arugula salads, they couldn’t understand how Americans can vote for such a buffoon. He’s crude. He’s brash. He name calls. He doesn’t act Presidential. So, they decided it was up to them to right the wrongs of a population that they believe is dumb and inferior. While the media has been far-left for quite some time, this was too much and so now they decided they would go on a seek and destroy mission at all costs.
The activist’s media has become obsessed with the attempted takedown of President Trump, and it’s actually bizarre because they need President Trump. President Trump is ratings gold for the media outlets, and he provides a rapid news cycle. Also, President Trump talks to the press far more than any previous President in my lifetime, and perhaps ever. He holds regular impromptu press conferences, and when reporters shout questions, the President will usually respond. You would think they would love him.
Oh wait, they once did. Remember that President Trump has been in the limelight for over 40-years. The press would clamor over. In fact, most Democrats did as well. He was invited on all the shows. He was invited to weddings. Candidates and politicians begged for his money, support and endorsement. So, what happened? Well, it’s pretty clear. It’s not that the press really despises him, they despise anyone who voted and supported him. And since they don’t like those people, how could they possibly like President Trump?
Then you have the bureaucracy. The bureaucracy is similar to both the media and the establishment. Similar to the media that the bureaucrats couldn’t understand how Americans voted for this Neanderthal. They couldn’t believe it. And so the bureaucracy, in the interest of what they perceive as justice, decided to revolt and try and take down a duly elected President by pushing a false Russian collusion hoax. They believe that they know what’s best for the American people, and since the people were dumb enough to vote for President Trump, it’s up to them to correct our mistake. The bureaucracy is also similar to the establishment in that the establishment relies on the bureaucracy to make the decisions. The top-level bureaucrats will tell the President and the political elites what course of action needs to be taken, and many of those same people will blindly follow the bureaucrat’s advice. With President Trump, the bureaucracy lost a ton of power because while the top-level bureaucrats will still provide advice and the President will still listen, this isn’t a President that’s going to just simply follow their guidance.
As the President once said, he operates mostly at gut level and intuition. Whether that’s good or bad, that’s how he operates. And this infuriates the bureaucracy because the bureaucrats liked the status quo just as much as the establishment. Now their power is marginalized, and the status quo has been destroyed.
So, the election of President Trump was the first event.
The second event was the coronavirus. Crises are great tools you can use to usurp power, and boy they sure did. Almost instantly the left weaponized the coronavirus. When President Trump declared a travel ban on flights from China to the United States, it was declared racist. In fact, the left actively criticized the travel ban throughout the month of February and as late as March 8th as you had Governor Cuomo, Mayor DeBlasio, Speak Pelosi, and others all talking about as if the Coronavirus was no big deal.
As President Trump and the administration began to take some measures at the start of the virus, many in the media and many of the political elite were downplaying the virus. Now, you can certainly criticize whether the administration did enough and that’s fair game. However, people like Speaker Pelosi also get high-level intelligence briefings so why didn’t she say anything? Why didn’t she speak out?
Then came the lockdowns. With little regard for any constitutional protections, governors throughout the country, and many without any input from their legislature, decided that they were going to govern through mandates. They completely disregarded the Constitution. These lockdowns had a devastating economic effect. But they also had a devastating impact on mental health as well. I told everyone when the lockdowns first began that you can only keep human beings locked down for so long. We are social animals and it’s unnatural for us to have extremely limited social interaction with other human beings.
Once the coronavirus was in full swing, many on the left, and many of those seeking a push for socialism decided they were going to weaponize science and that’s exactly what they’ve done. As I point out last week, their mantra is you have to believe in science and the experts, but the caveat is that you can only believe in the science and experts that fit their narrative. This is not relatively new. They’ve been doing this for quite some time. First, it was global cooling. Then it was global warming. Then it became climate change when they realized their messaging was falling flat.
But their messaging still fell flat even with their argument that 99% of the experts agree that climate change is happening, and human beings were the cause. It never gained traction because predictions have constantly been wrong. And because climate change is not something that people see and feel instantly. It’s something that’s gradual and doesn’t represent the here and now that people focus on.
So the coronavirus was the perfect opportunity to push government power. To push for the idea of control, and to manipulate people based on fear. As they weaponized science, it wasn’t about Constitutional rights, it was about shut up, obey, and comply. A compliant society is much easier to control, and if we are doing it in the name of saving lives and protecting people, it makes it even easier to get this compliance.
The leftists and the media saw this as an opportunity to damage the President and his supporters. The constant drumbeat of bad news. The constant increase in fatalities, and the destruction of the economy, would be vital to destroying the Trump presidency. It didn’t matter that the President is not the be all end all. It didn’t matter that the state and local governments are in charge of the response to emergencies, including public health emergencies. It didn’t matter that whatever the state and local governments requested, the federal government quickly fulfilled those requests. What matters is that it created an opening for socialism. As people become more and more desperate, they will be more open to the idea of socialism.
And think about how well they did it. In a certain way, you have to give them credit for their ability to manipulate science and the people.
So, the coronavirus is the second event.
The George Floyd Death
The death of George Floyd served as the third catalyst that would prove to be the last spark needed for the all-out socialist push we are seeing. See, while the cultural revolution started years ago, it would now move into hyperdrive as those groups believe this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to tear down the American system. Tear down the system of liberty and freedom. Tear down the system of capitalism that leads to empowerment.
After the first two weeks, George Floyd was nothing but an afterthought. This would be the powder keg needed to bring the United States to its knees and to usurp the power these groups so desperately want. Instead of protesting against police brutality, organized groups come in and cause destruction and mayhem. Why? Because destruction forces for change. Sometimes the groups succeed, and sometimes they don’t. But these groups realize that they won’t get another opportunity.
And pathetic politicians and activist media outlet sare aiding this movement. They are deceiving their audiences and are completely lying about what’s really going on. I broke down the groups behind some of these riots several weeks ago, and I used their own words and their own charters. Yet the media still hasn’t reported on these groups’ charters. They haven’t explained what these groups stand for. Why not? Why do you think that is? Do you think maybe, just maybe, that if they told the public the real goal of these groups that support for these groups would stop? That money from the woke corporations would probably dry up.
Also, take the riots happening in major cities throughout the United States. If you listen to the activist media and many democrat politicians, you would think that all these people were coming out and peacefully protesting. In fact, Speaker Pelosi has called federal law enforcement officers storm troopers. Congressman John Conyers compared them to the Gestapo. Throughout the media circles and Democrat elites, I keep hearing references to President Trump’s secret police forces.
What’s crazy is how these politicians have lost their minds. That they are willing to take the side of thugs and criminals all in an effort to destroy the President. And this isn’t the first time. Remember when Speaker Pelosi criticized the President for saying that members of MS-13 weren’t humans and he called them animals. She said his remarks were “inhumane” and that the President did not understand the “dignity and worth of every person.” Remember when Emperor Cuomo called ICE agents thugs and said conservatives weren’t welcome in New York State?
Look at what these people are defending. Just google a picture of City Hall with graffiti all over it. Cities are collapsing, violence is increasing, yet you have the media, Democrats, and even a lot of Republicans silent. You have Congressman Nadler who is saying the violence, the riots, the destruction, it’s all a myth. It doesn’t really exist. This is insane. You can just Google the devastation. It’s not like videos and pictures don’t exist. It’s clear as day as to what is going on.
Also, just a small little caveat here. The President has a constitutional duty to protect all federal property and to enforce federal laws.
These are anything but peaceful protests. If they were, I would be defending them under the 1st Amendment that states, “the right of the people to peacefully assemble.” The keyword being peacefully. You are hearing constant lies in the media about vans pulling up and throwing “protestors” inside and taking them away. You have politicians defending the violence and chaos.
The truth is they are violent and will do whatever they can to cause destruction and sow chaos. You don’t believe me, then look at the videos because I don’t think your eyes would lie to you. Setting a building on fire is not peaceful. Shooting fireworks at local, state, and federal law enforcement are not peaceful. Destroying property is not peaceful.
This is a well-organized, coordinated, and well-funded revolution. And their cultural revolution is dangerous.
Shades of Mao
Let me know if this sounds familiar. A movement begins against a political system. You have radical youths who believe the system is unjust and unfair. They believe the system is violent. These radicals perceive anyone who disagrees as an enemy and a threat to their movement. And they must be dealt with. Those who say anything that goes counter to their narrative are viciously verbally, and sometimes physically attacked, and persecuted. They try to get their opponents fired. They engage in class warfare and create class enemies. Those with any ties to European descent are declared as racist. Those that support the concept of nationalism are deemed white nationalists and declared as racist.
These large groups target their political enemies and seek to abuse and publicly humiliate their opponents. Widespread destruction of historical sites and cultural relics begin. Movies are banned. Products are repackaged. Certain literature is stigmatized. People begin to lose their jobs because they said the wrong thing, and others are silenced out of fear of retribution.
Sounds familiar right? This sounds like the present day, doesn’t it? Here’s the scary part, what I just explained isn’t the current state of American affairs. What I just explained was the beginning of Mao’s Cultural Revolution. This is why the current situation in the United States should concern the hell out of you. In fact, I could have picked any despotic revolution and used it as an example because they virtually all start the same way.
And while there are some differences, mainly Mao already had power and was the figurehead of the revolution, almost all these episodes follow the same lines. What’s even worse is what happens when these radicals are successful and do gain positions of power. Because if these radicals are successful, the worst is yet to come.
Unfortunately, whenever these people get into power, they use that power to eliminate any threats that exist, but they do it through purging society. Just look up the end result of Mao’s cultural revolution. Look at what happened during the Reign of Terror in France or the Red Terror with the Bolshevik revolution.
As always, history is our guide and the warning signs are there. The one thing this leftist push is missing is a leader. A single unitary voice that these people rally around. I can assure you that it ain’t Joe Biden. He’s just an empty vessel that the leftist can use to manipulate and use in their rise to power. These radicals know they can’t win a general election.
Just look at Bernie Sander’s failures. He didn’t even come close to beating Biden. Well then, what’s the only other way to get to power? How’s about you nominate a 77-year old man who is clearly suffering from some mental health issues, most likely dementia. Force him and his handlers to adopt far-left positions. Force him to nominate a far-left Vice President who will be one heartbeat away from the presidency. Appoint radicals like Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez in charge of the environment, Beto O’Rourke in charge of guns, and Bernie Sanders playing a key role in his economic policy and the broader Democrat party platform.
People keep saying that Joe Biden is moderate, and I tell them that Joe Biden doesn’t exist anymore. He is a shell of himself. First, Joe Biden was never a solid moderate, and always leaned left. Not batshit crazy left, but certainly left of center. Second, anyone who studies politics knows that you play to your base in the primaries and you moderate positions for the general election. Since Biden all but secured the nomination, he has actually moved further to the left and has proposed the most progressive policies than any general election candidate that I can recall. So, it’s either he is being controlled and manipulated or he himself has become a leftist. Which is it? It has to be one of those two options because there is nothing about his platform that says moderate or centrist.
As I said before, this is a well-organized, coordinated, and well-funded revolutionary movement.
Look at the equipment. Look at the communication pieces in their ears. Look at their helmets and the black-clad uniforms. Look at the gear they carry with them.
I’ll say it time and time again even though there are a lot of people who don’t have the cojones to say it. Groups like Antifa have made it clear what their goals are. They have stated it loudly. These groups have openly stated that it’s not about fighting against injustice, it’s about destroying a system. They believe that America is rotten to the core. As Maghdalen Rose put it, they believe they are the moral holy warriors that will destroy the United States.
Who else has the same goals? When you actually think about it, don’t groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS have the same goal? Aren’t they intent on destroying the United States? Sure, their endgame is different. Al-Qaeda and ISIS want to destroy the United States to usher in a one-world government ruled by a Caliphate. While these losers want to usher in their socialist utopia that will ultimately lead to communism and Marxism.
Obviously, al-Qaeda and ISIS are far deadlier than these groups, at least for now, and obviously they are far more barbaric, but the goals are the same.
Now if these groups like Antifa currently have the same goals as radical Islamic terrorist organizations, why is no one saying it out loud and why haven’t we heard of any investigations into these groups.
Now maybe there are investigations going on, and we just don’t know because only investigations into the President leak out. But seriously, these groups need to be investigated and broken up. There is big money behind this and as John Yoo said on Monday, the second these groups coordinate activities by phone across state lines or the second money is transferred from one account to another, it becomes federal and so the federal government can launch an investigation into those who are openly calling for the collapse of the United States and committing revolutionary acts to make that happen.
This is something we have to pay attention to and we cannot let these people come anywhere close to power. They already have proven that they have no regard for the Constitution or the United States. And as I stated before, after the revolution, the purging of society begins. So, let’s hope people are paying attention, and let’s hope that these groups are being investigated.
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