Episode 249 Show Notes- How Those In Power Exploit The Growing Division in America
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As a nation, we continue to witness the growing division in America and within the American political system. While some of this division is a natural part of the Republic and democratic principles, there’s something bigger at play. The bonds that link us together are weakening, and the philosophies that unified the American people are slowly disappearing. At the same time, we continue to those in power playing the divide and conquer strategy and exploiting the growing division in America all in an effort to continue empowering the state.
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Show Information- How Those In Power Exploit The Growing Division in America
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast.
I hope you had a good weekend. The clip I kicked off with is from an episode of The Twilight Zone. It’s from an episode titled The Obsolete Man, and this is one of my favorite episodes. Rod Sterling was a genius. He understood government, politics, and human behavior. Like Orwell and Huxley, he was a visionary and understood that the authoritarian state is always right around the corner.
It’s easy to go from democracy, or a republic infused with democratic principles, to a dictatorship, and it’s much more difficult to reverse that trend.
I don’t pretend that we are in a dictatorship just yet. We haven’t gone full-blown authoritarian, but to pretend that the warning signs aren’t flashing would be illogical and dangerous.
With everything we’re witnessing, as Rod Sterling warns, “it leads to the future. Not a future that will be, one that might be.”
And that’s what I want to explore in this episode. Have you noticed that the little Mussolini wannabes are getting madder and madder all because people are asking questions? Have you noticed the increasing rhetoric about how democracy is in danger? Have you noticed how some are hyping that America is on the verge of a civil war?
Everything we are witnessing should be eye-opening. It should be revealing, and some can keep their heads buried in the sand, but that can only be done for so long. The lies, the deception, the manipulation, can only go on for so long.
In keeping with the Twilight Zone theme of The Obsolete Man, we see those who warn about the divisions in one breath are the same people who routinely bash what they deem as the undesirables of society. The deplorables.
That those deemed undesirable by the State must be reeducated because we are too dumb to realize the State knows what’s in our, and our families, best interest. That those deemed undesirable must be deprogrammed as if we are nothing more than automatons that should be incapable of having our own thoughts, our own opinions. Some have gone so far as to call for the undesirables to be purged from society.
So, what has happened in the United States? What has changed? How did we get to this point where there is so much division?
But are we really that divided, and I want you to think about that? Is there growing division in America that will ultimately tear us apart? Is this the end of the Republic? Are we about to witness a second civil war?
You may be surprised at what I say about the growing division in America, but I’ll explain it all. Before I do, make sure to go to The P.A.S. Report website, sign up for the newsletter.
Laptop from Hell: Hunter Biden, Big Tech, and the Dirty Secrets the president Tried to Hide
Lies and Deception
When trying to understand how we got to this point, it’s pretty clear when you look at all the lies and deception, and I want to make this very clear, it’s not just lies and deception throughout the coronavirus, it’s everything we’ve witnessed over the last 20-years.
Over the last 20-years, think of the lies. There were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Lie. We were told that the American people weren’t being spied on. Lie. We were told that the Benghazi massacre, where Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone Woods were all savagely murdered, was because of a YouTube movie that no one watched. Of course, any person with two brain cells knew it was a lie, and the attack was executed by Ansar-al-Sharia which is closely aligned with al-Qaeda.
What about Afghanistan? Remember, for 20-years we were constantly being told that we were making progress. We were told that the Afghan military and police forces were making great strides. We were told that the Afghani government was stable, and the country wouldn’t collapse. Obviously, that was all a big lie, and the country crumbled within a week or two.
The Taliban is back in power, and they are better armed than they were over 20-years ago all because we left behind tons of military equipment. Even worse was the Americans that are still in Afghanistan and have been unable to get out. Remember when President Biden said he wouldn’t leave Americans and those that helped us behind? Yeah, that was nothing but mere words.
Yet, our pathetic media hasn’t even covered those left behind. There is a media blackout when it comes to Afghanistan and our failures. And to date, not a single person has been held accountable and lost their job over this spectacular failure. Not a single general in our military. Not a single person in our State Department. Not a single person in the intelligence community. This was perhaps one of the biggest failures, and blunders, in our history and there has been no accountability.
What about Russian collusion. All turned out to be lies. There was no collusion. Well, I shouldn’t really say that. There was collusion, but it wasn’t with Russia, it was in the senior leadership ranks of the FBI where evidence was fabricated and even manipulated in order to obtain warrants. The FISA court was openly lied to on several occasions. Talk about the growing division in America, this tore our country apart.
What about Bountygate where Putin was paying the Taliban for every U.S. soldier killed. Yeah, that was a lie too, but it didn’t matter to the media industrial complex. They still pushed the false narrative, and they did it to take down former President Trump and because so many still have the old Cold War mentality and they want increased hostility with Russia.
What about the Biden family corruption and Hunter Biden’s laptop? The tech giants completely censored the story. Most in the media served as President Biden’s own personal cover-up and clean-up crew. You had former senior intelligence officials stating the laptop was part of a Russian disinformation campaign. As I discussed with Miranda Devine last week. These were all lies, and if you haven’t listened to the Miranda Devine interview, I suggest you do because it was an extremely informative interview. (Miranda Devine Interview)
What about the idea that police are going out there hunting down young Black men? That the biggest threat to Black people is the cops. Yeah, that’s a lie and the numbers are pretty clear on that. These same people virtually ignore the riots and destruction that took place over the course of months in 2020 all based on a lie and contributed greatly to the growing division in America.
Then these same people go on to implement the worst possible policies, empowering criminals and hurting ordinary Americans.
What about inflation being transitory or that inflation is really a high-class problem as you sit there struggling to make ends meet because you’re paying more for food. More for gas. More for oil. More for just about everything.
Think about all those lies I just mentioned, and those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. Imagine if I actually sat down and really thought about it. I probably would have ten shows of material. And most of the lies I mentioned were major contributors to the growing division in America.
Watch The Plot Against The President
More COVID Lies
But many of the biggest lies and the major contributors to this push towards the authoritarian state is with the coronavirus. Some intentionally turned the pandemic political from the very beginning in order to increase the growing division in America.
Remember when we questioned hospitalization and deaths? Remember when we were called conspiracy theorists. Well, it turns out we were right, but we weren’t allowed to talk about it until Lord Fauci acknowledged that children’s hospitalizations are overly exaggerated, but it’s not just happening with the children. It’s happening with adults too.
Or what about the COVID death. It’s another area where if you raise a question, you’ll be viciously attacked. However, Rochelle Walensky made a stunning admission the other day. Take a listen.
Sound Clip Rochelle Walensky
I mean is she really serious? I wonder where all the big tech fact-checkers are considering anyone who dare alluded to this over the last two years got one of those nice, censored stamps on their posts. Some even got suspended or thrown off the platform for saying such blasphemous things.
What about masks. The biggest lie of all was how we’ve cruelly forced children to wear masks for 6-8 hours a day all based on a lie. There is now universal agreement amongst the “experts” that cloth masks do nothing to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, and surgical masks are limited at best.
So, what changed? Why did the most ardent “follow the science” crowd do a complete about-face when it comes to these masks? Was there a major study released showing the science changed, and these masks were no longer effective?
The fact is nothing changed. The science and data have always been there. In fact, the science about cloth and surgical masks was well established prior to and throughout the pandemic.
And just look at a place like New York and California where cases are surging, yet we’ve had the strictest mask requirements since the start of the pandemic. The only time New York slightly relaxed its mask mandate was over the summer, yet here we are.
Knowing this, the real question becomes why did these “experts” lie to us for two years even though all the science and data showed otherwise? Imagine if we had a press that actually asked that question. Many of these same “experts” are now routinely contradicting themselves. On one hand, they say cloth masks provide no benefit, but in the same breath, they say that cloth masks are better than nothing in order to save face.
You even see people like lord Fauci distance himself from the cloth masks now even though he was one of the biggest cheerleaders for cloth masks. Of course, that was after he said masks don’t work and give a false sense of security. But he was being interviewed by Dana Bash from CNN, and she flat out asked him if cloth masks work, and he stated that cloth masks are part of the CDC’s guidance, so yes, people should still be wearing masks. Think about what he’s saying. He’s saying because the CDC still lists cloth masks as effective, we should still follow the guidance. Think about how masks and vaccine mandates fast-tracked the growing division in America.
Yeah, because the CDC hasn’t been wrong at all. Remember, when numerous officials, including lord Fauci and President Biden, said that they would never mandate a vaccine. Another lie. Remember when we were told that if you get vaccinated, you wouldn’t get covid? Yeah, that was a lie too.
So, in the name of combating the coronavirus, we’ve seen numerous lies. We’ve witnessed those politicize it, and we’ve watched as the government usurped an enormous amount of power and authority.
Even worse is how divided our society has become all because officials pitted us against each other. American vs. American. Vaccinated vs. unvaccinated. Masked vs. unmasked.
And they still keep pushing their nonsense. Unfortunately, there are so many who still believe this nonsense, and we are not talking about your average person. You have Supreme Court Justices like Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Justice Elana Kagan, and Justice Steven Breyer, all making false claims during oral arguments last Friday. These are not dumb people, and I do not believe they were intentionally lying. While I have a host of disagreements over some of their rulings, I don’t question their integrity. I believe that they actually believe what the so-called experts and the media propaganda machines have been putting out there day in and day out.
You had Justice Sotomayor making several claims like 100,000 kids are in critical care and many on ventilators. That number is actually nowhere close to 100,000. I believe it’s 3,500 and most of them are non-covid related. She also said that COVID deaths are at an all-time high, when in fact, they are a lot less than a year ago. While cases maybe 3-4 times what they were last year, and increased dramatically, deaths, on the other hand, have dropped dramatically and are three times less.
You had Justice Kagan who said it’s “beyond settled” that vaccines and masks are the best way to stop the spread, which would actually contradict what Justice Sotomayor claims. We have far more cases now than prior to the vaccine, and in many of the places we are seeing surges, they have some of the strictest mask mandates. She also said that the vaccines stop the transmission of the virus.
Then you have Justice Breyer who said the vaccine mandate would prevent 100% of cases here in the United States, and hospitals are only filled with unvaccinated people. Of course, because like Biden said this is the pandemic of the unvaccinated and the unvaccinated would face a dark winter of illness and death.
So, you have really smart people buying into the BS lies being propagated by some officials, and the media propaganda outlets.
2020 Elections
Then we saw lies all over the place when it came to the 2020 Election. Now, some of you won’t like this, but whether you like it or not, pay attention because there were lies on all sides. I am someone that warned about what would happen in the 2020 elections long before election day, and if you’ve been listening to this podcast, you’ll remember when I did the episode on the unholy alliance that was looking to unseat President Trump.
I warned about mail-in-ballots. I warned about potential fraud. Yet, you have many who go out there and parrot the line that this was the most secure election in America’s history, which is a flat-out lie.
But there were also lies coming from various corners of the right, and I called out these lies in episodes following the election. In fact, I was heckled during a speech because I was blunt and told it how it was going to play out. Some of them didn’t like it. They wanted me to blow smoke and make it as if everything was going to be fine and President Trump would remain in office.
I dismissed the idea that former Vice President Pence could simply reject electoral college votes, sending them back to the state legislative bodies. I explained Title 3 U.S. Code 15, and how it was a myth to think that this could be used to overturn the election.
Some talked about Executive Order 13848, foreign interference, and declaring martial law. Again, all lies and myths and I told you then they were lies and myths. I warned you to watch all those people who were raising millions upon millions of dollars by telling ordinary Americans, Trump supporters, that they are going to be the ones to prove the fraud and get the election overturned. I warned about how these hustlers were lining their pockets.
Remember, the lies don’t just come from one side of the political aisle.
A Plague Upon Our House: My Fight at the Trump White House to Stop COVID from Destroying America
January 6th
But the most disgusting lie of all is January 6th, and it’s something that has advanced the growing division in America.
Watching the coverage was astounding, and they only make things worse. Talk about being over-the-top. You had members of Congress hold a candlelight vigil for God’s sake. It was embarrassing. Who was this vigil for? The only person that lost their life was Ashley Babott, and I can assure you they weren’t honoring her with the vigil. I wonder if these same idiots are going to hold a candlelight vigil for the 13 soldiers who were killed during Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Unfortunately, I know the answer to that and so do you.
How many times did you hear comparisons to 9/11, Pearl Harbor, the Holocaust, and even the Civil War?
Any logical person knows that these are ridiculous comparisons but understand that these words and comparisons were chosen for a reason. See, if they admit it was a one-off event and not the insurrection, they made it out to be, then they couldn’t use it to further usurp the authority of the people and empower the State.
It seems the Democrats spent the entire weekend exploiting the January 6th riots and claiming that democracy is in peril because of these riots. Riots that I’ll remind you lasted a few hours over a year ago. Congress was able to go back to their jobs, and there hasn’t been an incident since. Think about that, and then think back to the comparisons they made. How many people were never able to go home because of 9/11, Pearl Harbor, the Holocaust.
And then you have President Biden giving perhaps the most divisive speech a President has ever given. Rather than unify a nation they say is so divided, he alienates nearly 50% of the country as if they are a scourge on our society. It shows that not only do they not care about the division, but they actually want the division. They push the divide and conquer strategy by design.
It’s as if they want to keep pushing people, baiting them, into doing something so they can justify their actions. It would validate granting the government these extraordinary powers. It’s why they’re pushing this idea that democracy is in danger.
I know why Democrats are exploiting it. It’s obviously all about politics and power. What I don’t understand is how anyone buys into this crap. As I stated when January 6th first happened. Those engaged in any criminal behavior, prosecute them. I don’t care who you are. You don’t have a right to vandalize, destroy property, or steal. In fact, nearly every single Republican and Conservative quickly came out and condemned what happened on January 6th. I also warned how about exactly what we are witnessing today. That the Democrats would attempt to tie January 6th to all Republicans and Conservatives except those who beg for forgiveness and grovel at the knees of the Democrat party.
To Democrats and the media industrial complex, it’s not enough to condemn what happened on January 6th. The only way to be absolved is to completely repudiate former President Trump and those that support the America First agenda.
However, I find it very telling, that this imperiled democracy so much, yet not a single person has been charged with insurrection or sedition. And with this so-called insurrection, not a single person was charged with a weapons offense. It’s not about the people who engaged in criminal behavior. It’s not even about those who were arrested for things like trespassing. The Democrats, and their media enablers, carefully crafted a narrative that what took place on January 6th reflects the entirety of the Republican party.
Not only have they made it about the Republican party, but they’ve also made it about the system itself. Follow me here. For the last few years, we’ve been told that America is an evil nation because it was founded for evil purposes- racism and slavery. That the founding fathers were all wicked men. That our institutions were created to institutionalize this vague notion of systemic racism.
Because of our founding, and because of what happened on January 6th, Democrats are saying that we have to reinvent our entire system. They’re talking about changing the make-up of the Senate to make it a more representative body. They want to do away with the filibuster. They’re talking about adding seats to the Supreme Court. They’re trying to federalize elections and take the power away from state legislative bodies when it comes to election laws. They want to disqualify over 100 Republicans for reelection and pick and choose who can run for office.
According to the Democrats, in order to save democracy, we have to destroy it first. Basically, we have to destroy the Republic in order to preserve it.
Why do you think the Democrats are proposing these measures? Do you believe they’re proposing these measures because they really appreciate the idea of debate and compromise? Do you really believe they want to make it fairer for both all sides of the political aisle? Do you think they’re proposing these measures to return power and authority back to the people? Do you think they’re proposing these measures to strengthen the Republic, or do you think they’re proposing these measures to strengthen their grip on power? It’s clear it’s all about power.
Again, just use logic. For the last two years, we’ve witnessed all levels of government govern through executive decrees. We’ve witnessed the government dictate when and where we can go. Who can and cannot come into our homes? When we can practice our faith. What businesses are essential and which ones aren’t. What we must wear when we leave our homes and entire any type of establishment.
They’ve made medical decisions for us and have dictated what has to go into our bodies, and if you don’t get the vaccine, then you won’t have access to places in your community. Some have gone so far as to say that the unvaccinated shouldn’t be able to get treated at hospitals if they’re sick.
Democracy is in danger all right, but it’s not from a bunch of idiots that rioted and damaged the Capitol Building. Democracy is in danger because we have elected and appointed officials who have no regard for the Constitution or the people they’ve sworn to serve. Democracy is in danger because of the authoritarian decrees. Democracy is in danger because our elected representatives have been bypassed, and the petty tyrants think they can do what they want. Democracy is in danger because our institutions have been politically weaponized to push an agenda. Democracy is in danger because anyone who dissents from a certain narrative runs the risk of being labeled a domestic terrorist.
Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections
They’re pushing these narratives, these lies, in order to continue the growing division in America. They want us to be divided. It’s actually the only they can achieve their goals.
The bonds that unite us are starting to disintegrate all because of a failed education system that would rather bash the United States as a horrible founded in evil rather than an imperfect nation that has committed sin, and while we haven’t fully atoned for our sins, we constantly strive to be better.
That’s the reality. See, when it comes to policy, we can all have our own opinions and respectfully disagree with each other, but what united us was a core love of country. We didn’t look at each other with suspicion the way we do now.
Today, we have seen that you are no longer allowed to have a different opinion. That the second you deviate from someone’s belief, and I’m talking right or left, you’re labeled and banished from certain groups. What we see being pushed today is political purity, but there’s a problem.
Human beings are complex animals. We’re unique and different from each other. We all have different passions, different talents, different desires.
Another obstacle to political purity is the idea of compromise. Our entire system is based on compromise. Hence, the Great Compromise. Had it not been for compromise, the Constitution wouldn’t exist.
You can’t have political purity and a system based on compromise. You can’t have both. You can only have one, and I believe that despite the narrative, most Americans aren’t hardcore partisans. They’re not about political purity, and they are willing to compromise.
I do not believe we are as divided as the powers that be want it to seem. As the ruling class wants us to be. The growing division in America is overexaggerated.
I think most Americans, regardless of political ideology, want America to succeed. They believe America is a great and noble nation. An exceptional nation. I think most Americans just want the government to leave them alone. They want to live their lives.
However, even though I don’t believe we are as divided as they say they are, it doesn’t mean we can’t get there. Surely, over the last couple of decades, the bonds that tie us together are weakening. This gets even more dangerous when you have a failed education system that no longer teaches students how to think, but what to think.
Beware of the groupthink mentality. If the coronavirus has shown us anything, it’s shown how really smart people and large segments within society are susceptible to groupthink. Groupthink represents a major threat to the system because as Rod Sterling says in this potential future “logic is an enemy and truth is a threat.”
We got to this point through a series of lies and deception. Many have fallen prey to these lies and become more entrenched with their faction.
If the standard is that in times of crisis the Constitution gets suspended, then the whole idea of the republic and democratic principles is a myth. It doesn’t really exist. When everything is going great, it’s easy to follow the Constitution and abide by the principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. The real test is when there’s a crisis. The real test is when we face challenges.
But as Americans. As human beings. No matter what, we will never be obsolete. We are not here
I started off this episode with a clip of Rod Sterling. As I close out this episode, I want to play another clip.
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Sound Clip Rod Sterling
I can’t say it any better than Rod Sterling did. He was a giant amongst men. If we don’t figure this out now, the growing division in America will continue, and sooner or later, their realities will come to fruition.
With that being said, don’t forget to share this episode with family and friends. I also want to give a shout-out to Adriana for the great review on Apple Podcast. I appreciate the kind words. Reviews are always appreciated so if you’re listening to this podcast on Apple Podcast, please take 30-seconds to write a good review.
Also, follow the podcast so you never miss an episode.
I want to thank you for joining me, I want you to stay safe, and I’ll be back next week.
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