Episode 253 Show Notes- How American’s Are Suffering Due to President Biden’s Failures
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America is suffering and world instability is increasing due to President Biden’s failures. On nearly every metric, the American people are worse off due to the failed leadership of this administration on both the domestic and the international front. One year into President Biden’s administration, Americans are paying more for gas, food, and just about everything else. Americans are still forced to comply with anti-science policies. Parents are labeled if they criticize school boards. And now the world awaits Russia’s next move and whether conflict is on the horizon.
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Show Transcript- How American’s Are Suffering Due to President Biden’s Failures
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast.
We are now a full year into the Biden administration, and I want to know, how’s it been working out for you? Has your life improved under this administration or has your life become more difficult?
We do have some good news. The narrative is changing. I’m hearing more and more people from across the political spectrum criticizing this administration. You now have people on the left harshly criticizing COVID policies. Some on the left are now openly speaking out against the authoritarian mandates. Many are complaining about the high prices and the empty store shelves. Many are criticizing this administration’s handling of foreign policy.
We are constantly told how divided we are. That our politics are toxic. That we are on the verge of a civil war. President Biden was supposed to be the uniter-in-chief. He was supposed to heal the divisions, and when you actually think about it, maybe he is. Maybe America is becoming more united, not because the President is uniting us, he is extremely divisive. The unity we’re seeing is because of his policies.
And that’s the bad news. On nearly every front, we are witnessing failure after failure. On every front, the American people are struggling. Many Americans are now viewing this administration as completely incompetent, and as an American, I don’t want our President to fail. This goes beyond Democrat and Republican party politics. When the President fails, the American people suffer and that’s what we’re witnessing today.
Presidential failures can result in catastrophe much deeper than many of us can imagine, and that’s what I want to focus on in this episode. I’m going to rate the President’s first year in office on the issues. I’ll briefly go through the domestic front, but then I want to shift to the international front because I am extremely concerned about where the international community is headed, and it’s only gotten more dangerous as everyone witnessed last week’s disaster of a press conference. Remember, when the President gives a televised address or press conference, he’s not just speaking to the American people. It’s not just a domestic audience. He’s also speaking to a foreign audience, and every single adversary is watching.
Before I get into it, make sure to go to The P.A.S. Report website, sign up for the newsletter, and don’t forget to rate and review The P.A.S. Report Podcast on any podcast platform that allows it, especially Apple Podcast.
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The Domestic Front
Looking at the domestic landscape, the President gets an F across the board. He’s failed, and that’s not just me being partisan. Granted I don’t like his policies. I think his policies have been a disaster, but even if you’re a Democrat ask yourself, has your life improved under this administration? Has your personal economy improved? Has the overall economy gotten better or worse? Do you think America is stronger today than we were a few years ago?
Here’s my rundown.
When you look at the economy, he gets an F. Inflation is through the roof. Supply chain issues continue throughout the country. Americans are paying more for just about everything. People are struggling economically just to keep their heads above water, and they are struggling financially. Those in retirement are watching as their retirement earnings dwindle.
When you look at education, another F. While education is mostly a state and local issue, this administration has made clear that parents shouldn’t play a role in what their children are learning. That parents shouldn’t be able to make their own healthcare decisions for their own children. Instead, students must shut up, obey, and continue to mask up in a lot of districts even though they do nothing. This administration is more interested in labeling parents as domestic terrorists all because they’ve dared to speak up. The policies implemented by the bureaucrats and many Democrats, throughout the country, have destroyed an entire generation of kids, and we’ll be dealing with that for decades.
Students were socially isolated for over a year leading to tons of mental health issues. They missed out on really important milestones. Many lost over a year of education because of the remote learning BS. They remain behind and will find it increasingly difficult to catch up. We increased the educational achievement gaps, especially those on the lower socioeconomic scale who paid the biggest price. Ironically, these are the people that Democrats claim they’re fighting for, yet it was Democrats who cheer-leaded the lockdowns, and in certain cases, coordinated with teacher unions to keep schools remote even though there were many teachers who wanted to get back into the classroom. What has been done to children, teenagers, and young adults is borderline criminal in my opinion.
When you look at our healthcare infrastructure, another F. Because of unconstitutional decrees, we’ve seen staff reductions nationwide, in a variety of industries, but the healthcare industry has been hit particularly hard. You have people who have dedicated their lives to helping and serving others. They worked tirelessly throughout the coronavirus. Many of them caught the coronavirus because they were on the front lines. And what was their reward? Well, if they refused to get the coronavirus vaccine, they were terminated. That’s right. People who worked for 5, 10, 20, 30-years were let go as in the blink of an eye, all because of a bunch of little-Mussolini wannabes. This has led to healthcare shortages throughout the country. Understand, when you hear those hospitals are overwhelmed, it has nothing to do with the increase in admissions and it has everything to do with personnel shortages.
In a truly stunning move, the shortages have gotten so bad that many hospitals are now requiring those who are vaccinated, test positive for COVID, and are asymptomatic, to report to work, even though it is well-established that those who are vaccinated and boosted, can still get and transmit the coronavirus. Yet, if you had natural immunity, which has been proven to be more effective than the vaccine, and you test negative for COVID, you can’t work. You’re expendable. It’s truly disgusting and shameful.
Not for nothing, but these hospital CEOs, the medical groups, and the bureaucrats, should be publicly shamed for their asinine policies that have no basis in science. They should be publicly humiliated because that’s what they deserve.
The Border
When it comes to the border, it’s been a catastrophic disaster, and this administration certainly has earned their failing grade. Not only have we lost all control over the border, and trust me, it’s by design, but our policy has become so insane that the TSA is now accepting arrest warrants as a form of ID. Now, if you go to travel, and you don’t have a photo ID, you’re not getting on that plan, but if you come here illegally, apparently, you’ll get special treatment. Even worse, many municipalities are allowing those illegally here to vote. Why do think these municipalities are doing that?
President Biden comes out and touts his infrastructure bill, but it’s another failure. We do need to upgrade our infrastructure, but his premiere piece of legislation does little when it comes to actual infrastructure. Out of the $1-trillion in infrastructure spending, less than 10% goes towards actual infrastructure. There’s a lot of BS that they try to pass off as infrastructure, but most are more wasteful spending. Even the money allocated towards actual infrastructure, what good is it when President Biden has reimplemented a ton of regulations where most of these infrastructure-related projects won’t break ground for 4, 5, 10-years, if at all.
Looking at Crime, President Biden certainly gets an F. This one is interesting because normally I wouldn’t put crime as a category under the president because local crimes are not the responsibility of the President. It’s the responsibility of state and local officials. Now, the local officials have certainly failed, but the reason I’m putting some of the responsibility on the President is that if this administration can take the time tracking parents at school board meetings, they can certainly take the time to focus on the surging crime that’s costing real lives. In addition, many people within his administration have been largely irresponsible in their rhetoric, including President Biden, when it comes to the police. They are the ones who keep perpetuating the myth that police are hunting down Black men, and they have largely marginalized local law enforcement.
When it comes to the energy sector, the President and his administration have failed. When they took office, America was the largest energy producer in the world. Now, we are once again reliant on foreign oil. Even worse, Russia has become the number two exporter of oil to the United States. So, we are enriching Russia as we cut our energy production. The frustrating part is that we can cut our energy production down to zero, and it wouldn’t make a damn difference in demand. Even more frustrating is that he’s only cutting our production so he can get the green energy pat on the back when in reality, we haven’t become any greener. His own Energy Secretary laughs when asked about high gas prices and tells everyone to get a Tesla as if everyone can afford a $70,000 car.
Race Relations
When it comes to race relations, we are in a far worse place than we were just a couple of years ago. The Democrats have chosen to racialize everything and have proactively worked to pit Americans against Americans by race and ethnicity. Rather than focus on improvements of race relations, and actual policies that would help minority communities, they have chosen to indict the entire system and knowingly push lies to divide us along racial lines.
The President certainly gets an F for the inflammatory racial rhetoric with the real big lie being that voter laws are akin to segregation. Saying that Jim Crow 2.0 is upon us. Comparing his political opponents to notorious racists and segregationists like Bull Conner and George Wallace. He openly compared his political opposition to Jefferson Davis, the president of the Confederacy. It really is disgusting when you actually think about it. Listen, for all our sins, we have made great strides when it comes to race relations. We have advanced as a country. Maybe we’re not where we want to be. Maybe things aren’t better, but we have constantly improved in this society, and we now have the most open and tolerant generation to exist, but they’ll never tell you that.
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Foreign Policy
Now, I want to turn my attention to foreign policy because the situation doesn’t get much better. Again, we see repeated failures all over the globe, and these failures are extremely consequential.
As of now, Afghanistan remains the biggest failure. The debacle of the withdrawal had far-reaching implications. Now it’s not all President Biden’s fault. There have been so many within the bureaucracy telling the American people that we’ve been making progress for 20-years when obviously that was a big lie. The fact is the country collapsed in a week or two. But President Biden does deserve a large part of the blame. The way we withdrew was reckless. Even worse, the president said he wouldn’t leave Americans behind, and he did just that. He said he wouldn’t leave Afghan allies behind, and he did. He forced them to fend for themselves.
Then you consider the fact that not a single person was fired or demoted. That’s all on Biden. Only in government do you get to be a failure, and not only keep your position, but you may get a promotion. Completely ridiculous.
20-years. 20-years of blood, sweat, and treasure, and what did we get out of it? A Taliban that’s better armed today than before we went in. At least we got bin Laden and many of the senior leadership within al-Qaeda. But overall, the Afghan withdrawal was a disaster. Even worse, it made the United States look weak and pathetic. We alienated our allies and partners. In fact, members of the British Parliament excoriated the failed withdrawal and were openly questioning America. I don’t think I’ve ever heard members of the British Parliament harshly criticize America so publicly.
And think about our adversaries? Do you think our adversaries and enemies have more fear of American power and might because of what happened in Afghanistan, or do you think they have less fear? Be honest with yourselves. All we did is emboldened them.
Australia and France
Then you look at how we screwed over France when it comes to an Australian submarine deal where France had the contract to build the subs, then we came in, and, essentially told the Aussies to ditch the contract with the French, and we’ll build them nuclear-powered subs. Now, business is business, but we could have at least told France and given them the heads up. As much as I mock France, the French are our oldest ally, and they’ve backed us up consistently.
It was a scummy move, and the French deserved better treatment. Instead, this administration alienates our oldest ally.
Do you think our allies really respect President Biden?
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North Korea
Take a look at North Korea. They’ve launched off several missiles, and now reports indicated that they even tested a hypersonic missile. Why do you think Kim Jong Un is resorting to these missile launches? Just think how President Trump was savagely criticized for meeting with Kim Jong Un. They said he was giving the Kim Jong regime legitimacy. And I’ll readily admit that the main policy goal was to get North Korea to denuclearize, and President Trump failed at that, but guess what? The missile launches stopped.
This administration has pretty much gone back to the failed policies of previous administrations, and of course, North Korea starts to become more aggressive again.
Let’s turn towards Iran, and you have the Biden administration practically begging the ayatollah and the Iranian regime to rejoin the Iran nuclear agreement since President Trump pulled out. Who knows what concessions this administration is offering to Iran, but the last time, we gave Iran everything upfront? They got their $130 billion and sanctions lifted. I can only imagine.
At the same time, Iran has become more aggressive and is openly threatening assassination against former President Trump and members of his administration. Now, I will give President Biden’s administration some credit. They did warn Iran about threatening American officials, including President Trump and his administration. Of course, Iran continues to be the largest state sponsor of terrorism throughout the region, and they even tried to assassinate the Iraqi Prime Minister.
Then we can look at Chine, a country that has yet to be held to account for its lies when it comes to the coronavirus. In the last year, they’ve become extremely aggressive in their military posture. Openly threatening Taiwan and warning the United States and Australia to mind our business. Even worse, this administration was thoroughly embarrassed by China when China began criticizing our human rights record and invoking BLM. Then you have our pathetic Secretary of State acknowledging China’s criticism of us. Instead, he should have shot back and said who the hell are you to lecture us about human rights as your sending Uighurs and Christians to labor camps.
Our history is clear. We don’t shy away from past sins, and not for nothing, but our record on human rights speaks for itself. Instead, we aren’t sending dignitaries to the Olympics next month. Wow, we really are getting back at them. I mean that should tell them we mean business. They’re going to close all those labor camps all because we’re not sending dignitaries. This is how dumb the people in charge are. If we really wanted to send a message, we wouldn’t participate, and we would coordinate with our allies, so they boycott the Olympics as well. That would actually have teeth. That would hurt China.
Ask yourself, does China have more power and influence today or less? Even worse is how China is expanding its power and influence in our own hemisphere. There’s been a major push into South and Central America. Right in our own backyard. Yet, how often do you hear about this? How often does the media mention this? This is perhaps one of the biggest national security interests, and China represents the biggest threat to our power. Yet, our politicians, both Democrats, and Republicans, with the exception of a few, grovel at the feet of the communist dictatorship. And our corporations, many run by pathetic human beings, also grovel at the feet of the communist regime all because they want access to the 1.3-billion-person marketplace.
Basically, we’ve been sold out, and so those who sold us out want to continue to distract us with Russia.
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President Biden’s Russia Disaster
Now, when it comes to Russia and Ukraine, President Biden screwed up royally at last week’s press conference, but I want to take a step back. I find the whole coverage of Ukraine and Russia fascinating. If you notice, it was about a month ago that the media started covering Russia and Ukraine. Don’t you find that interesting?
As a P.A.S. Report listener, you shouldn’t have been surprised. I understand international politics very well. I understand why countries behave the way they do. I understand how they operate and why leaders will make certain decisions. In fact, if you listen to this podcast, I warned about the increasing instability, and spoke specifically about Russia in April of 2020 in an episode I called The Post-Coronavirus World Order.
I then warned about troubling things I was seeing in March of 2021, almost a year ago, when I did the episode, How China, Russia, and Other Adversaries are Taunting the United States.
I followed it up a month later with an episode discussing 4 Flashpoints that Can Lead to a Monumental Global Transformation.
So, nothing we are seeing today should be a surprise to anyone listening to this podcast.
Getting to President Biden’s press conference, and it was just stunning. Listen, we can all mock President Biden and his stumbles. We can all question his mental capacity, but last week the President screwed up royally, and where the hell was his staff? Now I know why they carefully choreograph everything. My goodness, they should have pulled him away from the podium. Pull the fire alarm. Do something to make it stop.
The President did enormous damage. The President of The United States is the chief diplomat. He is the one that makes foreign policy. What he say’s matters, and what he said at the press conference did matter big time. See, there are certain rules when it comes to diplomacy. When you send the President out there to speak about foreign issues, a lot of times, you want the President to remain vague and ambiguous in their responses. The reason you want them to be vague is that it leaves all options on the table. It makes our adversaries wonder what our response would be.
Our adversaries are constantly pushing American administrations to see how far they can push. When they can’t figure out what our response will be, they tend to be much more cautious when it comes to how they behave internationally. If a low-level diplomat screws up something, we can easily clean that up and just say they weren’t authorized to say that. However, when the President says something, you can’t do that. What are you going to say, “Yeah, he’s the President, but he wasn’t authorized to take that position?” Are you kidding me?
Part of the rules of effective diplomacy is to understand the importance of language, words, and how they’re conveyed. Understand their implications. Well, I think we can all agree that President Biden failed in that department.
President Biden essentially gave Vladimir Putin to do a small incursion into Ukraine, and maybe they’ll be no consequences. I have to give credit where it is due, and the press actually did their job. Many of them pounced on the state, and the administration tried to issue a bunch of clarifications, but it was too late. It didn’t matter anymore.
And imagine your Putin watching that press conference with staff. He probably had a grin on his face asking if this guy was serious.
President Biden and his staff tried to clarify the statement and said that any incursion would be met with a swift response, but just take a look at the timeline. President Biden makes this statement at the press conference, and three or four days later the State Department announces an immediate withdrawal of family members and nonessential embassy staff. Do you think this happens to be a coincidence? Nothing happens by coincidence. After President Biden made that statement, I will almost guarantee we began to see a change in Russia’s military posture. Pushing more offensive units in strategic areas.
My concern now is that President Biden tries to overcompensate for his failures. I always say conflicts can quickly spiral out of control due to miscalculation, and what concerns me is that because the president is seen as weak and feckless, he tries to make up for that leading to a much larger conflict.
Also, recognize that there are a ton of people that surround President Biden who are encouraging war. These are the neocons, people from the military-industrial complex, those with the old Cold War mentality, and Democrats who still believe the Russian collusion BS>
However, understand that most Americans and I’m talking across the political spectrum- Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Progressives, Liberals, Libertarians- I don’t think that most Americans have the stomach for another conflict, especially after Afghanistan and especially a conflict with Russia.
But we have so many pushing for this, that the potential exists. It’s something that would end in a spectacular disaster, and no one wins. Not us. Not Russia. Not Ukraine. Not Europe. The only one that benefits is China. They get to sit back and watch us destroy each other, and then they lay claim to sole superpower status.
The worst part is that this could have all been prevented. We had a year to deescalate the situation. Instead, this administration chose to focus on monitoring American citizens criticizing government policy and labeling them as domestic terrorists, rather than pay attention to what was happening.
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Now conflict can still be adverted, but we are closer to conflict this week than we were last week. In all honesty, I don’t have much faith in this administration. They’ve failed time and time again. They refuse to readjust, and they continue to double on failed policies.
One year in, and I don’t think an ordinary American can say they are better off today than they were. Listen, I’m a conservative. I don’t hide that, but by every objective measure, this administration is not doing well.
Unfortunately, we the American people are the ones who bear the brunt of their failures. That’s the sad part. Many of the officials and bureaucrats will take no accountability and once they leave the administration, they’ll become a pundit in the media, or they’ll go work for a think tank or special interest group lobbying. Either way, they’ll be fine, and the American people will be the ones left holding the bag.
I want to thank you for joining me, I want you to stay safe, and I’ll be back next week.
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