Episode 166 Show Notes- How Bad Ideas and Disregard for Our Constitution Are Reshaping America
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We are witnessing the reshaping of America and not in a good way. Unfortunately, some of the dumbest people America has to offer are the ones with the loudest voices. Their ideas are not only bad, but destructive. As many in power continue to disregard our Constitution and push a false history, the reshaping of America is at a pivotal moment. Will the insane continue to run the asylum or will common sense prevail? What can we do to stop the madness infecting all aspects of our society?
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Show Transcript- How Bad Ideas and Disregard for Our Constitution Are Reshaping America
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast.
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I have to say we are living through some bizarre times here in the United States. It’s a time that many of us probably never thought we would see, yet here we are.
Why is it that the dumbest people America has to offer are the ones in power and controlling the narrative?
As we speak, we are witnessing the reshaping of America and not in a good way. We are seeing the American Political Philosophy be rewritten. We are witnessing the complete disregard for the United States Constitution as if it no longer matters or exists. We witness lies and propaganda being normalized. And where does it get us? What does it lead to?
I’ll tell you what it leads to, it leads to an America that’s unrecognizable. It leads to an America that our founding fathers wouldn’t even recognize. It leads to the reshaping of America.
I was a child during the Reagan administration, and it was such a different time. It was a time when people appreciated the United States and all of our accomplishments in our short history. It was a time when the idea of American exceptionalism wasn’t taboo, it was the norm. People had a certain pride in the idea of America and what it meant to be American. There was an appreciation for the core American values like liberty and freedom.
Sadly, we have seen a complete change in the mindset of many. There is no longer pride in America or American. Instead, there is disdain. There is no longer an appreciation for the core concepts of liberty and freedom. Instead, people are allowing the government to usurp all authority. In fact, some are openly stating that they want the government to have more power in all aspects of life. There is little talk about America’s accomplishments. Instead, we ignore our accomplishments and focus on the negative aspects of American history. Now if you utter the words American exceptionalism, you’ll be labeled as a racist, or even worse, a white supremacist.
It’s amazing how far we’ve come. This weekend, I stumbled across an old folder on my computer with my College research papers. I was reading one paper I wrote in 2003, and the conclusion really stuck out at the minute, and I just want to quickly read it to you. It was a paper about finding a balance between Freedom vs. Security.
I closed out the paper saying, “The United States and the American people must tread carefully in this unexplored territory. If U.S. citizens begin to give up their rights in order for a guarantee of safety and security, the foundation of the United States will be lost forever, the U.S. Constitution would be worthless, and everyone who has fought and died for this country would have done so in vain. Everything our founders believed in and fought for would be undermined and completely destroy the system they created. The control of government by the individual and the rights of the individual is what has made America the greatest civilization in human history and the beacon of hope throughout the world. The more rights relinquished to the government, the more powerful and authoritarian the government becomes. A free society always comes with risks. Our founders understood the risks and would never trade our freedoms for security.”
My, my. Talk about the young visionary I was. Almost prophetic and look at where we are today.
This leads me to an article written by Victor Davis Hanson. He wrote a great article a couple of weeks ago titled, The Ten Radical Rules That Are Changing America. I have the link up at The P.A.S. Report so be sure to check it out.
I want to examine 5 out of the 10 radical rules Dr. Hanson brings up and provide more depth because I think they are so important and it goes to the heart of what I’ve been saying on this podcast. The reshaping of America has begun, and where we end up is a scary thought.
Money is a construct
The first argument Dr. Hanson makes is that money no longer matters. Just look at how much money we’ve been spending over recent years and look at the exploding national debt. And the exploding debt is not mutually exclusive to one party over the other. Both Republicans and Democrats are equally guilty, and while the Republicans talk a good game when it comes to our national debt, they dole out just as much as the Democrats.
Just to put it into context, here are the last five administrations. When President Clinton took office in 1993, the Debt was $4.4-trillion, when he left office, the debt was $5.6-trillion. So, even though President Clinton and the Republican-led Congress were able to balance the budget in the last couple of years of his administration, the debt still increased by 27%.
When President Bush came into office in January 2001, the national debt was at $5.8-trillion, when he left office, the debt was at $10.6-trillion. This is an increase of 83%.
When President Obama came into office in January 2009, the national debt was at $10.6-trillion. When he left office, the debt was $19.9-trillion. An increase of 88%.
When President Trump came into office in January 2017, the debt was at $19.9-trillion, and when he left office, the debt was at $27.8-trillion. This is an increase of 39.6%. Now had it not been for COVID, the debt would probably be sitting at $24-trillion, but COVID did happen, and we spent an extraordinary amount of money. (U.S. Treasury)
And forget President Biden, and this goes to the heart of what Dr. Hanson is saying. While the previous administrations and Congresses have spent money, they all recognized that the debt was real. The money was real. But no more. Now the debt is irrelevant to these fools.
Just look at how they’re spending money with no regard for the debt whatsoever. In fact, they openly state the debt doesn’t matter. We are a fiscal train wreck and there’s no let-up. We are spending nearly $400-billion a year just to service that debt. It’s insanity.
And they’re not done yet. The Biden administration is now talking about another COVID stimulus bill. The President wants to eliminate student loan debt anywhere from $10,000 to $50,000. You can’t just erase debt. The money has to come from somewhere. So we will all be paying that.
We’re spending $60-million dollars a week to just care to take care of all the kids crossing over the Southern Border because essentially, we don’t have a border, and I can assure you that number is going to increase dramatically.
He’s proposing a two-part infrastructure plan that will cost $4-trillion which’s little more than a wish list of far-left social programs like universal daycare, universal community college, $400-billion for elderly care which someone has to explain to me because I thought that’s what Medicare is for.
And you know they want universal healthcare. It’s almost a matter of time before they begin pushing that golden cow.
Remember when you were growing up, and your parents told you money doesn’t grow on trees. Apparently, it does in the banana republic we’re living in. And I want you to consider this. If the debt is meaningless, and if we can continue printing money without consequence, why not just eliminate everyone’s debt and give everyone a million dollars? Why not just erase the federal debt and start from scratch?
Unfortunately, the reality is the debt does matter, and sooner or later, and probably sooner, this entire house of cards is going to collapse, and the American people will be the ones who have to suffer at the hands of our irresponsible elected officials. But the officials don’t care. And they don’t care because they believe that by the time this all goes south, they won’t be there anymore.
There’s no one talking about this, with the exception of Senator Rand Paul, and I don’t see this getting resolved anytime soon. Even when they do talk about fiscal responsibility, they talk about balancing the budget in 10-years. That simply doesn’t fly. First of all, in order to begin tackling debt, we need to generate budget surpluses. Secondly, how the hell can you project a budget 10-years out? Anything can happen in any year and there is no way government can create a 10-year path to fiscal responsibility. Just look at the Coronavirus.
See, what we need to do is have a Convention of States, and push through a Constitutional Amendment that ties Congressional salaries to the annual deficits they run. Each year, if Congress runs a deficit, their pay gets cut by 10%. So if they’re making $175,000 a year, run a deficit, their pay drops to $157,000. If they run a deficit the next year, their pay drops to $142,000, and so on. You watch how quickly Congress would become more fiscally responsible going forward. It’s easy to spend other people’s money. It’s much more difficult when you have a financial stake in the debt.
Understand that both Democrats and Republicans have sold us out. They transfer our hard-earned taxpayer dollars to their pet projects and to other countries. It’s an outrage and needs to stop, but it won’t until we really stand up and speak out.
But many of us are just as guilty as the elected officials who represent us. I want you to consider this. Let’s say you have two candidates. Candidate A says they will take the path of fiscal responsibility. Candidate A says that they will cut spending across the board by 15-20%, defense, education, healthcare, infrastructure, everything. No exceptions. Candidate A is honest and says certain tax increases may be necessary. Candidate A explains how we will all feel some pain in the short term, but our fiscal health will improve dramatically in the long term.
Candidate B states that Candidate A hates kids and wants to cut money from their education. I’m going to invest more in our children’s future. Candidate B says that Candidate A hates the military and doesn’t care about keeping you safe. I’m going to invest more to keep America and Americans safe. I’m going to invest more in the men and women who volunteer to make the ultimate sacrifice. Candidate B says that Candidate A hates the veterans who’ve sacrificed so much for this country. I’m going to invest more so veterans can get the help they need, and so they can be rewarded for protecting this great land. Candidate B states that Candidate A hates people, particularly the middle class where he wants to increase the tax burdens. I’m going to cut your taxes, so you get to keep more of your hard-earned money. And on and on it goes.
Who are you going to vote for? Be honest with yourself. Are you going to vote for the person who says life will become more difficult or are you going to vote for the person promising everything? See, that’s why we’re just as guilty. We’ll say the government should cut spending, but the second it affects a program that we may use, then we change our tune. The reality is that most people wouldn’t vote for Candidate A even though Candidate A is right and being responsible. Even though Candidate A is actually doing what’s in our and America’s best interest.
Laws are not necessarily binding anymore
Moving on. The second point Dr. Hanson makes is that laws are no longer binding, and we’ve seen this increasing throughout the last decade. Just look at immigration. Sanctuary cities and states throughout the country have announced that they will not assist federal authorities when it comes to enforcing immigration laws. In fact, some localities have overtly stated that they will disrupt the federal government’s enforcement of immigration laws.
Now it started here, but it’s not limited to immigration. We’ve witnessed the government picking and choosing what laws to enforce and when to enforce them for decades. Look at top-level bureaucrats like McCabe, Clapper, and Comey who perjured themselves before Congress or federal investigators. Now, this isn’t speculation, this is a fact. James Clapper testified before Congress that the NSA doesn’t spy or collect data from ordinary Americans. That was a total lie, and he was never prosecuted. McCabe and Comey leaked information and then lied about it. And what happened to them. Of course, nothing.
What about Hillary’s email server? Think what would happen if you did that? Trust me, you’d be in jail.
But it’s also gone well beyond that as well. The left constantly talks about gun violence, yet if you look at nearly every major city, the local prosecutors aren’t even enforcing gun laws. They’re not charging people with gun crimes even if the person is in possession of an illegal firearm, which in most cases they are. Instead, they want to pass more gun control laws to restrict the rights of law-abiding Americans who are responsible gun owners, and these laws would have no impact on the criminals and inner-city violence.
Just look at President Biden’s recent Executive Orders, which I’ll remind everyone an Executive order is not supposed to be designed to create, change, or manipulate current laws. But his Executive Order would make millions of Americans felons. If you have a pistol brace to stabilize your firearm, and you don’t get approval from the ATF, you will be declared a felon. (Washington Examiner) So, we don’t enforce the gun laws already on the books for actual criminals. Instead, we want to burden ordinary Americans and turn them into criminals.
But I’m not done yet. Just look at what happened last summer. Look at the violence in many cities throughout the United States. You had mayors order their police departments to stand down during the protests. You had criminals destroy property, burn down buildings, loot stores, and commit horrendous acts of violence. How many of those engaging in this behavior was arrested and prosecuted. Even worse, you had innocent Americans who were savagely beaten, and in some cases killed, and the overwhelming majority of those committing these atrocious acts were never prosecuted. You had an NYPD Officer in the Bronx get assaulted, yet the prosecutor dropped the charges on the assailant.
Juxtapose that with what took place on January 6th. An insurrection. We need to charge everyone with sedition. While I’m not condoning what the anarchists did at the Capitol Building, and I’ve called for them to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, it’s amazing how differently they were treated. And why? Is burning down a police station any less grievous than breaking into the Capitol Building? Is looting and burning down someone’s small business, destroying their livelihoods, any less grievous than breaking windows at the Capitol Building. Is assault a person because they’re defending their business or happen to be the wrong color any less grievous than disrupting the day of members of Congress?
So, we clearly see that laws are becoming discretionary. When the powers that be want to enforce laws, they will do so. When they don’t, they’ll sit on their hands. Burndown a building, no problem. Don’t wear a mask or have one person over the authoritarian occupancy limits at restaurants, and the force of the law will come down on you.
Laws have become arbitrary to the ruling elite and it’s a dangerous game they’re playing. When those in power get to decide what laws they want enforced, and which ones they don’t, you have a major breakdown within society leading to a system of anarchy and chaos.
What happens when states or localities declare themselves sanctuaries from any federal gun laws? Do you think that would fly? To the ruling elite, this only goes one way.
Racialism is now acceptable
The next category Dr. Hanson talks about is how racialism has become the norm and is acceptable. This is something I’ve been harping on over the last few weeks, and we continue to see the powers that be define everything through a racial lens. And if you didn’t get a chance to check out last Wednesday’s episode, I suggest you do as I show you who the real racists are using their own words.
The Democrat Party has been hijacked by the far-left and the race hustlers. In today’s America, your ethnicity and the color of your skin define the very essence of who you are. To the left, this will determine whether you have a good character or a bad character. Whether you are a moral person or immoral. This is how demented people have become.
Just the other day, I was reading an article where a professor from the University of Colorado Boulder, Professor Jennifer Ho, exclaims that the rising attacks on Asian Americans by Black Americans is a result of White Supremacy. In fact, according to her, white supremacy is the root of all race-related violence in the U.S. (The Conversation)
Now, this professor is a so-called “scholar,” but there is nothing scholarly about this. She lobs this out without any evidence to back her up, and the idiots eat it up. Understand, these are not scholars. They’re morons who don’t have a clue about reality. They have nothing intelligent to say and they have nothing to contribute to society so they just label everything as white supremacy. These are the same idiots that say math is racist. Meanwhile, math is a universal that crosses any and all racial boundaries.
Over the last few weeks, I discussed how the left is normalizing racialization throughout our society by indoctrinating people with toxic ideas like critical race theory, whether it’s the corporate world, the education system, the military, they’ve all been infected.
Now we have overtly racist policies being developed by the far-left zealots. A group in Oakland called Oakland Resilient Families is now going to provide low-income residents $500 a month for 18 months. However, only those of minority decent qualify. (Newsweek) If you’re you are living in poverty and you’re white, too bad. Use your white privilege card.
Now, this is a private organization and is not funded with taxpayer dollars, but just imagine an organization that provided $500 a month to poor white people? What do you think the outrage would look like?
And these types of policies have infected the government as well. Just look at the most recent stimulus bill that provides money to minority farmers that are struggling, but if you’re a white struggling farmer, sorry. Once again, use your white privilege. (The Washington Post) Now I don’t mind helping struggling farmers. I don’t care what color the farmers are. It’s essential to keep the price of food stable but to make this a race-based program is the very definition of systemic racism.
As I’ve been saying for the last few weeks. The leftists are now openly stating that in order to combat racism and white supremacy, it’s okay to create and implement systemically racist policies.
When you call them out, they will respond that this is for the years of abuse against minorities and that if you question them, you must be a white supremacist. Once again, does anyone really believe this is healthy for our society? We should be horrified.
The immigrant is mostly preferable to the citizen
But as they claim they’re fighting for minorities, the next category Dr. Hanson brings up is how the immigrant is mostly preferable to the citizen, and he is 100% spot on. Over the last few years, it seems that elected officials work harder for illegal immigrants than they do for American citizens, and we are the ones they took an oath to serve.
I’m from a State where the Emperor said Conservatives aren’t welcome in the State. And now my state has passed a budget that authorizes illegal immigrants up to $15,000 lump sum for unemployment. I want you to think about this for a minute. Think about the potential fraud and abuse and think about how many American citizens are in a desperate financial situation because of the authoritarian decrees.
Now, this is a state that’s broke and in a dire financial situation that shows no signs of letting up especially as the wealthy flee, and the financial hub of the state, New York City, continues to deteriorate because of the horrible leadership of Mayor Bill DeBlasio, one of the worst mayors in the country.
But it goes deeper than that. Many states and local governments provide a whole host of services to illegal immigrants. We’re talking about everything from legal services to healthcare. On the federal level, they’ll tell you illegal immigrants don’t qualify for federal programs like food stamps, welfare, housing subsidies, and other programs. But that’s not necessarily true. By law, if the children, regardless of their immigration status, those children qualify for these programs because we are a humane nation.
But these same rules don’t apply to you. How many of you have legal services you can call upon when you need at no expense?
And God forbid you criticize these policies and programs. If you do, you know what you’ll be labeled.
And I want to make it clear, I’m talking about those who are illegally here. If you’re a legal immigrant, you’re getting shafted because you won’t qualify for most of these programs, and even if you do qualify, if you use too many government programs, you can get your permanent citizenship revoked.
Listen, I empathize with those who want to come to the United States. I get that some of these people are facing horrendous conditions. For some, it may be an issue of survival. At the same time, we can’t just open the doors and let everyone in. It’s a recipe for disaster.
Oh wait, the disaster is already happening. Just look at the Southern Border. You know, the non-crisis, where some detention facilities are at anywhere between 400-1000% overcapacity. Where children sit shoulder to shoulder. Where kids are sleeping on top of each other. Where Border Patrol has become completely overwhelmed.
In fact, this non-crisis has gotten so bad that the Biden Administration has now offered federal employees 4-months of paid federal leave if they take care of these migrants. Think about how bad the situation has to be that they’re essentially bribing federal employees to help out. We’ve never seen this in our history.
So, we have all these financial magnets driving this immigration crisis, at the same time that President Biden has dangled the citizenship carrot. It’s a recipe for disaster.
Now, these are children, many are being released into the general public without any citation to appear at an immigration court. Ultimately what’s going to happen is they won’t show up to their hearing, either because they can’t be found to be given the citation to appear or the child simply doesn’t show up to the hearing, which makes them illegal. Then the elite ruling class will say they need to be granted citizenship because they’re children. Even if some of them are really 24 posing as a 16-year-old. That won’t matter.
Again, this should outrage everyone, but it should particularly outrage legal immigrants who’ve done everything right, and those blue-collar workers, regardless of color, who will have to compete with the newly imported cheap labor. Their wages will suffer, and this is at a time when the cost of everything is increasing.
Also, where do you think all these kids are going to be sent to? Do you think they are going to be placed in the elite wealthy zip codes, where those are the communities that can afford to take care of them? Or do you think they will go to the already vulnerable communities where the schools are collapsing, the infrastructure is crumbling, and the areas plagued with violence and gangs?
While they give the appearance they care about immigrants, understand, they only care when it won’t affect their communities.
Hypocrisy is passe
Not only do they not care, but it’s worse than that. If I look at number 6 on Dr. Hanson’s list, he talks about how hypocritical these people are. He rightly brings up the climate change fanatics that fly on private jets. He talks about how the social-justice warriors live in gated communities.
And what about how the ruling class tells us to mask up and stay home, while they violate their own authoritarian decrees.
In some weird way, the ruling elite has made it as if they are the victims within society. It’s really stunning. And the left has taken hypocrisy and irony to new levels that’s for sure.
Ignorance is preferable to knowledge
The next topic I want to bring up is where Dr. Hanson talks about ignorance being preferable to knowledge. I’m on the front lines and see this every day. There are many people in America today who are willfully ignorant. They would rather be told what to think as opposed to how to think.
If we look at the education system today, it’s no longer built on thinking. The current education model is based on providing an answer you think the teacher wants to hear. This has had a devastating impact on the system. There are way too many teachers out there who think their opinions matter. They believe they know it all and want to dictate to the students what they need to believe.
Through the teachers’ own ignorance, they are teaching their students to be ignorant. In fact, pushing back and asking questions is discouraged by many, and thereby you create a bunch of mindless bots built on obedience and compliance.
In addition, there are many in the education system who lack expertise in the subjects they’re teaching. When you factor in this lack of depth, along with their far-left ideology, it’s a recipe for disaster, and we are witnessing this today.
It wasn’t always this way. It’s not like far-left teachers are a new phenomenon. They’ve existed for quite some time. But the difference between the previous generations of teachers, and the teacher of today is stark. The previous generation of teachers were experts in their field. While the teachers of today may have more schooling, much of the courses they take are in education rather than the subject they’re teaching in.
This has a profound and is the main reason why fake history like the 1619 Project is being pushed. The 1619 Project is a false history. It’s not real, yet morons buy into it. The reality is our history is extraordinarily complex, and to say that the whole existence of America is based on racism is slavery shows complete ignorance. The fact that so many schools are adopting the 1619 project as fact is rather disturbing and will have a disastrous impact throughout our society, particularly when we look at immigration.
What do I mean by that? Consider this, people from all over the world come to this country because of the greatness of our country. They’ve been told this is the land of opportunity. They’ve been told that this is the most just and fair nation in the world. When the immigrant children would attend school, this notion would be reinforced as we would teach immigrants the uniqueness of America. This would be an important component to the assimilation process where immigrant children would begin the process of becoming Americanized by adopting the core principles of American culture, most notably the core principles of liberty and freedom.
Fast forward to today. You now have immigrant children going through an education system where they are being taught that the country, they came to is a horrible, unjust place built on nothing more than hatred, racism, and white supremacy. Do you think that’s going to have a positive effect on the assimilation process? Do you think that’s going to lead these immigrants to become loyal, patriotic citizens? Do you think this will benefit our society in any way or do you think it’s to our detriment?
We already know the negative impact this has on our own children. Every year, Gallup does a poll on how proud people are to be American. Between 2001-2013, the number of Americans to be extremely or very proud to be American held steady in the high 80s and a couple of years in the low 90s percentile. Today, only 63% feel extremely or very proud to be American. (Gallup) That’s a huge drop-off, but there’s much more behind the numbers.
If we look at the breakdown of the poll, you will find that for those between the ages of 18-34, only 40% were extremely or very proud to be American. Compare this to those between the ages of 35-54, where 71% are extremely or very proud, and 73% of those 55+ are extremely or very proud to be American.
This same 18-34 demographic went to school when we started devaluing real American history and the greatness of America. There is a direct correlation on the impact this is having throughout our society.
In fact, we have dumbed down society so much that we don’t approach issues with any level of complexity anymore because we now accept complete and utter ignorance. We create simple constructs and oversimplify everything. Take Native Americans, so it was the white Europeans that stole Native American lands. It’s as if Native Americans were one monolithic group of people that lived in peace in tranquility. There’s no discussion of how brutal some of the Native American tribes were to each other. There’s no discussion that some Native American tribes had slaves prior to the Europeans colonizing the Americas. There’s no discussion of how some Native American tribes actually sold their war captives as slaves to the European colonizers.
Take slavery. You would think that all the founding fathers accepted slavery, owned slaves, and justified the morality of slavery when in fact the opposite is true. There were many founding fathers who opposed slavery and spoke out forcefully against it. Slavery was heavily debated at the Constitutional Convention. Even those founding fathers who owned slaves recognized the immorality of slavery. Once again, history is complex, yet we accept its oversimplification because of our own ignorance.
Wokeness is the new religion, growing faster and larger than Christianity
All this leads to Dr. Hanson’s last rule where wokeness has become a religion and is reshaping America. I’ve spoken about this many times, but particularly last week. And if you didn’t listen to last week’s episode, I suggest you do because it was fun, entertaining, and informative.
So what does this all result in? Well, Dr. Hanson comes to the conclusion that Americans privately fear these rules while publicly appearing to accept them. He says the jury is still out on whether Americans will begin to push back or if these rules are becoming normalized, permanent and institutionalized.
He leaves off that the answer to what happens next will determine whether America remains a Constitutional Republic or whether it morphs “into something never imagined by those who created it.” Reshaping America into something we wouldn’t recognize.
Here’s the reality. I do believe the majority of Americans do fear these new rules, and the majority of Americans despise the new woke world. However, there is so much fear that the majorities remain silent. They fear that if they speak up, they’ll be canceled. Their lives and livelihoods will be destroyed.
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I also believe that too many have surrendered. They’re demoralized. I’ve heard so many people say it doesn’t matter. There’s nothing we can do about it. There’s no point in voting because it’s all rigged. It’s logic like this that has gotten us to where we are. And if you continue to do nothing, the reshaping America continues. We all lose regardless of political ideology.
My advice is to be brave. Have courage and pushback. We cannot normalize this in any way. We must speak out against the loons controlling the narrative. More importantly, if the local GOP organizations in your district fail to organize or hold monthly meetings, push them to do so. If they still don’t, we need to do it ourselves in our own local communities.
Reach out to community members with similar ideologies. Reach out to community groups with similar concerns. Hold monthly meetings. Bring in guest speakers that spark interest so that the groups can grow. Open discussions up to the public and encourage and invite blue dog, moderate and reasonable Democrats to those discussions. Join groups like GiantSlayers on Twitter.
It starts with all of you out there. The dynamic is not going to change on its own, and no one is changing it for you. If you don’t like what’s happening, you have a civic obligation to get involved and do something about it.
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I want to thank you for joining me and I want you to stay safe.
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