Episode 137 Show Notes- How President Trump Can Turn the Tables
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When it comes to President Trump, there is little doubt that the fix was in from the beginning. The unholy alliance did everything they can to oust the duly elected President. There were no lines they wouldn’t cross whether it was the Russian collusion scam, the Special Counsel, Stormy Daniels, tax returns, the Ukraine, impeachment, etc. Even down to the election, media suppression and big tech censorship, providing cover to Joe Biden, widespread mail-in-balloting, all the irregularities, and the anomalies. There’s a lot of talk of President Trump using Executive Order 13848 and invoking martial law. Does President Trump have the authority to invoke martial law and is it a realistic and viable option? Tune into another can’t miss episode of The P.A.S. Report Podcast to find out.
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Show Transcript- How President Trump Can Turn the Tables
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast.
2021 is here, and I hope everyone enjoyed the New Year celebrations or lack thereof. It was certainly different this year, but we made it through 2020, and here we are. Right out of the gate, it’s a busy week. We have the Georgia Senate races tomorrow that will determine the fate of the U.S. Senate, and on Wednesday, the House and the Senate will count the Electoral votes and finalize the Presidential election.
I can tell you one thing that hasn’t changed and that’s the propaganda press. They continue to shill for the Democrats and don’t even hide it. The latest example is the complete suppression of any negative stories about Senate candidate Raphael Warnock. From Warnock’s support of communism to his arrest over the coverup allegations of child abuse at a camp he ran to potential domestic abuse issues. The mainstream press hasn’t covered it one bit, and they continue to do nothing more than operate on fear, lies, and speculation. It’s enough to drive me mad.
And ss always. they continue to try and find ways to attack President Trump as they speculate on what the President’s next move is.
As passions are high, there’s a lot of noise and misinformation out there. You know I cut through the BS to explain what’s really going on out there.
I’m here to tell you the truth, as I always do. I don’t sugarcoat things here at The P.A.S. Report. I don’t tell you what you want to hear. I tell you what you need to hear regardless of whether you like it or not, and I already know some of you aren’t going to be thrilled with where we are headed, but it’s important to recognize what’s happening. In this episode, I want to focus on President Trump’s future and how can turn the tables to maintain the America First agenda going forward.
There’s a lot of talk of invoking Title 3 U.S. Code 15 as a way to reelect President Trump. There’s also talk of President Trump using Executive Order 13848 and invoking martial law. This episode will explore whether either of these two options is viable and realistic, as well as whether the President has the authority to invoke martial law.
But before I explain, go to The P.A.S. Report website. Sign up for The P.A.S. Report Newsletter and subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode.
A Raw Deal
When it comes to President Trump, there is little doubt that the fix was in from the beginning and he certainly got a raw deal.
The unholy alliance did everything they can to oust the duly elected President. There were no lines they wouldn’t cross whether it was the Russian collusion scam, the Special Counsel, Stormy Daniels, tax returns, the Ukraine, impeachment, and so much more.
Through it all, the President has weathered the storm. Then factor in things like the coronavirus and I have to say, President Trump certainly had the most challenging of administrations, and that’s why it’s even more amazing how he was able to accomplish so much.
Now, I make no secret about it. This election was rigged at all levels. I’m always careful to say that we do not know the scope and scale of the election fraud that occurred. We know election fraud occurred, and we also know that it was widespread. Whether it would be enough to overturn the election, well, that’s what investigations are for, and it’s scary how many are against a real investigation. You have to ask yourself, “What are they so afraid of?”
The truth is many don’t want to know the scale and scope of the fraud. Some because it doesn’t matter to them. They supported Biden and so since he is their guy, they don’t care to know about the fraud. You have others that despise this President so much that they don’t care about the fraud as long as President Trump is gone.
Then you have those who don’t want an investigation because they are probably worried that they will be implicated or maybe their associates will. They also know that if massive fraud is conclusively uncovered, the Democrats, as well as the unholy alliance, will suffer irreparable damage that will take decades for them to recover. It will also doom a Biden presidency right out of the gate.
However, with or without the fraud, the election was rigged. There is no denying how the propaganda media and big tech censorship provided cover to Joe Biden killing any story that showed the Biden family corruption. In fact, as I outlined last week, many in the propaganda press went so far as to label any dirt on the Biden’s as Russian disinformation. They branded anyone who dared to raise questions and talk about the allegations as conspiracy theorists. They did this, even though they knew full well that the accusations had merit, and that there was no Russian disinformation.
They knowingly lied to the American public, and they deserve to be punished for that. Now, these same liars are the ones saying everything in the election was above board and demanding that you stop asking questions.
But that’s not the only way the election was rigged. We know that the mail-in-balloting was a scam. The idea that you are going to mail ballots to every registered voter in 8 states, and to basically do away with any real verification in other states illustrates the disaster this election was. Ballot harvesting is also ripe with corruption. It’s why I believe we need a full audit of this election in every single state, and anyone found to have engaged in fraud needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
It’s something that should not and can not be tolerated. And the republicans better wake the hell up because if they allow this to go, without any real investigation, it will only embolden the nefarious political forces out there and make it nearly impossible for a Republican to win the Presidency going forward.
With all the anomalies and irregularities, it’s no wonder so many people question the results of the election. We need answers.
President Trump Fights to Expose Fraud
President Trump and his legal team have fought relentlessly to expose what really happened in the election. Unfortunately for them, the manipulation of the election is extraordinarily complex. It’s not like they have a smoking gun memo from the powers that be that says, ‘let’s engage in election fraud, and here is how we are going to do it.’ In addition, there’s also the time crunch at play and the clock is about to run out.
You have to realize, the more complex the case, the more Americans will tune it out. Also, the easier it is for the propaganda press to dismiss and for big tech to censor those who raise questions.
The courts also have failed to show the courage to have a real hearing so that a discovery period can take place and more evidence can be collected and exposed. Instead, they just dismiss case after case saying that not enough evidence exists, or the legal team has no standing.
The President’s team also tried to persuade state legislative bodies to step in to certify the Republican slate of electors. However, State legislative bodies are not going to throw away the popular vote of the state unless there is clear and convincing evidence. Some state legislative bodies are sending both slates of electors to Washington, D.C.
This is not to say that the President and his legal team didn’t screw up at all. Unfortunately, they made several crippling mistakes and that’s why they lost the battle of public opinion in my view. First, I think the President surrounded himself with some snakes that aren’t looking out for what’s in his best interests. There were others who wanted to be the hero.
Rather than collect the evidence and then filter that evidence to a team of analysts to make sense of what was going on, there were several teams conducting their own investigations and not really sharing information. Also, when one team heard about what the other was investigating and potentially uncovering, they announced it publicly even though they lacked supporting evidence and the information wasn’t fully synthesized.
In addition, you had multiple people trying to take the lead. Some to make a name for themselves, and others to increase their public profile. But it’s like the old expression, “Too many chiefs and not enough Indians.” Or for those who are part of the PC police, “Too many generals and not enough soldiers.”
It’s because of these failures that the American public doesn’t really understand the fraud allegations, and it’s why they lost the battle of public opinion, which is critically important when we examine the President’s next moves.
Title 3 U.S. Code 15
This brings us to Title 3 U.S. Code 15. Now I discussed this a few weeks ago so I am not going to go through the whole process again. This is where members of the House and the Senate can lodge objections to the Electoral College vote on January 6th. As I stated last, this is a long-shot and I really don’t see it being successful. It’s the Hail Mary pass with seconds left in the game.
Even if the objections were to be mounted, and every single Republican in the House and the Senate supported this maneuver, it’s doomed to fail because Speaker Pelosi is in charge of the house.
You have to understand, the Speaker is the second most powerful person in the United States right behind the Presidency. There are those who believe that the Republicans can outmaneuver the Speaker because according to them, Article 2, Section 1 and the 12th Amendment call for State vote, not by the majority of House members.
I’ve read the statute, and nowhere does it talk about voting as State delegations. Also, while this process has been rarely used, I did find two occasions where this process was used, and in both cases, it went by the majority of members voting, not State delegations. (Congressional Research Services)
There are some Republicans that have stated this doesn’t really establish precedent since it’s so rare and the Courts never ruled on it. Now they can try and challenge it at the Supreme Court, but let’s be honest, this is the same Chief Justice Roberts Supreme Court that pretty much declined to hear just about everyone one of President Trump’s election challenges. So I’m supposed to believe that all of a sudden they are going to come out and support this. That’s far-fetched.
Even if they did hear the challenge, I believe the Supreme Court will point to the two times this process was used, and state that the House gets to choose the method they want. Since Speaker Pelosi is still in charge, and since the Speaker has enormous power to set the rules, what do you think she is going to do.
And once again, this is if every Republican was on board. Do you really believe that political snakes like Senator Romney, or other weak-kneed Republicans are going to support tis effort? Remember, there’s a lot of establishment Republicans that despise this President, and continually undermined the President throughout his tenure. While they may not attack the President publicly, they have no problem putting the dagger in the President’s back. Believe me, there are a lot of Judas’ out there.
Then you have some calling for Vice President Pence not to count the electoral votes from the controversial states. Once again, this is far-fetched. Do you really think the Vice President will just ignore these states as he’s opening the votes? Let’s be serious. While the Vice president was a good soldier for the President, I don’t think the Vice President has those cojones where he would do something like that.
So, does President Trump have any more options left?
Executive Order 13848 and Martial Law
There are some who say that President Trump should move under the authority of Executive Order 13848 and that the President should invoke Martial Law.
Then you have the propaganda press all too gleefully reporting that President Trump is cracking. That he’s losing his mind and having a nervous breakdown. That he’s going to commit a coup. That he is having discussions on invoking martial law with his staff.
These idiots love to fan the flames. See they don’t have anything to cover when it comes to Joe Biden except for the Biden corruption scandal, which we all know how little they want to report on that. So, instead, they want to speculate on wild theories that are irresponsible.
However, what I am concerned about is the number of ordinary Republicans and Conservatives talking about this idea. I keep seeing the posts that “something big is going to go down,” and “President is about to send in the military,” as if this is a viable option.
I hate to break it to everyone- this is not a realistic or viable option in any way. In fact, even if this were possible, the attempt at using this power would be a catastrophic disaster and an epic fail for reasons I’ll get into why in a few minutes.
Listen, I get it. You feel robbed. The election was stolen and you’re pissed. The one person in Washington who actually talked directly to and focused on the plight of ordinary Americans is being unjustly treated. We just went through an entire summer where protests devolved into rioting, looting, chaos, and destruction as monuments, statues, and cities throughout the country were being destroyed.
Yet if you protested authoritarian lockdowns, you were labeled as a white supremacist. If you protested the destruction of lives and livelihoods, you were labeled as someone who wants to see people die. You’ve been told you’re a racist, a sexist, a misogynist, a bigot, time and time again.
You feel that if we let this go or give up, the Republic is over. We can’t recover. And I feel you. I know exactly what you mean.
I get the anger, and you have every right to be angry. I get the concern. However, we also need to be realistic, stick with facts, and not cut off the nose to spite the face.
Executive Order 13848
I am going to separate the facts from the myths when it pertains to Executive Order 13848. I have a link up to the Executive Order in the show notes, and you can view it there.
Foreign Interference
EO 13848 is titled Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election. So, this EO pertains directly to foreign countries manipulating our elections and actually changing the outcome of the results.
This right off the bat negates the idea that the President can use this EO for this election as of right now. Most of the election fraud allegations are against domestic actors, not foreign ones rendering this point moot. While there is speculation China and Iran may have tried to manipulate the election in some way, there is not yet enough evidence to prove that. While this can certainly change, as of now, the evidence isn’t there.
Not only would the President need to present evidence of foreign involvement, but he would also have to demonstrate that a foreign power’s involvement was so large that it had a significant impact on the final results.
Now some of you will push back and say, ‘but wait, what about the servers in Germany? What about Dominion’s deal with China?’ Understand that we have no verification on these things. Some are stating it, but they have yet to show concrete evidence. It’s like when the Democrats would repeat that 17 U.S. Intelligence agencies said that Russia hacked the DNC server and manipulated the 2016 election. I would constantly pushback on this claim. First, we don’t have 17 intelligence agencies. Secondly, and more importantly, sure the FBI and others said Russia did this, but just because they say it doesn’t mean I believe it. I want to see the evidence that led them to this conclusion, and to date, they still haven’t provided it.
The same holds true for those alleging China’s involvement in this election. Just because a Conservative or Republican says it, I want to see concrete evidence, and so far, I haven’t seen any. Now I do believe that foreign governments did play a role and tried to manipulate our elections.
Sounds like I’m doing a little doublespeak. Well, I’m not. If you look at how China played the tariff game, China chose to inflict pain on the industries and the states that supported President Trump. See, that’s real evidence because all you have to do is a little research and you will see that China’s trade war was directly targeting the President’s supporters. This was done to punish Trump supporters and make these people rethink their support for President Trump.
I know how the game is played.
Now, this doesn’t mean evidence won’t emerge. Two weeks ago, the DNI Director John Ratcliffe came out and stated there was foreign interference, and an effort to sway the November 3rd election. (Bloomberg) While I trust Ratcliffe, once again, I need to see the evidence.
Also, after reading this order several times, it says nothing of invoking martial law. In fact, it states that the remedy would be sanctions on the foreign persons, entities, and country(ies) involved.
The only thing this order allows the feds to do is to seize any equipment and devices that is involved in the potential foreign interference. This means that if the DNI Director can show that there was massive foreign interference, federal law enforcement agencies will be able to seize local and statewide voting machines, computers, phones, and other devices. However, many are even misstating this aspect of the EO.
I’ve been seeing social media posts all over the place that say the military will be going around and seizing these devices. That’s just false. It would be federal law enforcement agencies, most notably the FBI that would be the lead, not the military.
Martial Law
So there is nothing in EO13848 that says martial law could be invoked. Some then say well the President can use the Insurrection Act. Now, the Insurrection Act does allow the President to deploy military forces on U.S. soil, and the Act dates back over 200 years when Aaron Burr was engaging in treason and attempting to usurp the authority of the United States government. At the time, President Jefferson asked James Madison whether the Constitution granted him the authority to deploy troops on U.S. soil to put down any type of rebellion.
Both Jefferson and Madison were strict interpreters of the Constitution, (something I wish we had more of today) and Madison stated that the Constitution does not grant that authorization, and hence the Insurrection Act was born. While the Insurrection Act was invoked several times in our history, I don’t really see the case for it.
The language in the Insurrection Act is clear. “Whenever the President considers that unlawful obstructions, combinations, or assemblages, or rebellion against the authority of the United States, make it impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States in any State by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, he may call into Federal service such of the militia of any State, and use such of the armed forces, as he considers necessary to enforce those laws or to suppress the rebellion.”
In order to implement the Insurrection Act, the President needs to be able to clearly explain how the laws of the United States are not being implemented by the States, and cannot be remedied because the State won’t allow access “by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings.” This is where the idea of martial law falls flat. The fact is that the President is in charge of the Executive Branch, and he can order his Attorney General to begin investigations into fraud and seize election equipment through warrants. In addition, the President would have to name the conspirators.
I don’t see any legal basis or precedent to invoke martial law in any way, and in my view, it would be unconstitutional.
Be Careful What You Wish For
Also, I would advise everyone to be careful what they wish for. I understand the fight. I’m on the frontline’s day in and day out. However, you have to think long-term and what’s really at stake. Now, it’s important to note that the President came out and dismissed the idea of invoking martial law. He called it fake news, so it appears he isn’t even thinking that this is a realistic option. (The Hill) It’s amazing how little the press has reported that.
But let’s suppose the President listened to those who want him to invoke martial law and some of these people I have enormous respect for. But let’s suppose the President really did this, have you thought about what the fallout would be and the precedent it would set? Have you thought about the consequences if the President tries this method and ultimately fails?
First, I would guarantee that many of President Trump’s senior military officials would abandon him and hang him out to dry. They would resign en masse, rather than carry out the President’s orders. This would be thoroughly embarrassing for the President, and he would look extremely weak and ineffective.
I also believe that most of his senior officials, including Vice President Pence, would abandon him. This would leave the President completely isolated without many high-level officials coming to his defense. In fact, this is a scenario where I would bet, they attempt to invoke the 25th Amendment.
Congress would also take issue with the President invoking martial law. Some argue that invoking martial law infringes on Habeas Corpus and that according to Article 1, Section 9, only Congress can suspend Habeas Corpus. They have a solid Constitutional argument there. The House would quickly move to impeach the President, and we all know how feckless the Republican Party is. So, even if they did manage to keep control of the Senate, I can guarantee you many would vote to remove the President from office.
And what then? There are only two possibilities. The first is that the President would be thoroughly embarrassed and humiliated. He would have destroyed everything he built over the last four years. The idea of America First would be dead and gone. History would judge the President harshly.
The other possibility would be for the President to name all the top-officials and members of Congress as Conspirators and order the military to round them up and charge them with insurrection. We’ve seen that play out around the world, and it doesn’t work out well. It usually happens in third world countries. So, think long and hard about what you might be advocating.
I also don’t believe that people are thinking of the long-term implications of encouraging the President to invoke martial law. Understand, it would set a new precedent going forward, and like I warn in every single class I teach. What one party or administration does, usually the next party or administration in power will do and expand that power.
So, what happens if the President tries to invoke martial law and fails? Well, a precedent will then be set for Joe Biden, or Kamala Harris because I don’t see Uncle Joe sticking around for 4-years. I give him six months. But seriously, what happens if a Democrat administration tries to invoke martial law in four years and if you don’t think the Democrats would go down that road, just remember all the authoritarian decrees by the Democrat governors and mayors around the country.
They have no qualms about using absolute power in order to dominate politics and decimate their political opponents. Just think of how President Obama would have used this power in 2016 to get Hillary Clinton into office based on the BS premise of Russian collusion. Think about how they may use this power to do mandatory gun confiscation, destroy certain industries, and ram through a socialist agenda.
If you really cared about President Trump, you would not be advocating for something like this. In the end, what would we have accomplished by going down this route?
It would accomplish nothing. In fact, if it does anything, it will strengthen the left’s ability to take control of this country, and dismantle liberty, freedom, and capitalism. Destroy it once and for all. Ultimately, it would be the death of the United States.
I’ll remind everyone, what one party does when they’re in power, the other party will do and usually take it a step further once they’re in power.
So, what should President Trump do and how can he turn the tables? Like I said, I don’t really see the President being successfully able to right the wrongs of this election. You can say I’m being too pessimistic, but we need to get a grasp on reality and not fall into the trap of knee-jerk reactions based on emotions rather than logic.
There are several things the President can do in order to correctly position himself. The first thing I would advise the President to do is to declassify everything, and I mean everything, as it pertains to the Hillary Clinton email investigation, the Clinton Foundation investigation, the whole Russian collusion scam investigation, the Joe Biden files. People need to know what exactly happened, and the abuses of the all-powerful bureaucracy need to be exposed.
The second thing the President should do is to, which apparently has been discussed, is to appoint a Special Counsel to investigate election fraud. This is a brilliant idea, and the President should definitely act on this. Americans need to have confidence in the Electoral process, and it’s very clear that we have gaping holes that are ripe for abuses.
Now, the President would need to appoint someone who is a bull. There’s talk he was thinking of Sidney Powell, and while I have enormous respect for her and know she would get to the bottom of what’s going on, I think she would be to polarizing, and the media would savage her so much delegitimizing the Special Counsel before it even started. You have to find someone who is above reproach, and I think the current DNI Director John Ratcliffe would be perfect.
More importantly, the order needs to be written in a way to ensure that a Biden administration can’t just terminate the appointed Special Counsel. Now I’m not sure if this can be written into the order or if it’s Constitutional, but the order should state that the only way to terminate the Special Counsel is through 2/3rds vote in the House and Senate. It should also say that if the incoming administration decides to move forward and attempt to terminate a Special Counsel, they have to provide a written statement detailing exactly why they feel the need to terminate the investigation.
Also, any order needs to state that upon termination of the Special Counsel, any and all work, will be immediately archived and released to the American public with zero redactions. Basically, you want to make it as difficult and inconvenient as possible to terminate a Special Counsel that’s appointed to investigate election fraud.
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So, we have declassifying everything. You have a Special Counsel to investigate election fraud. You already have the Special Counsel with the Durham probe. You don’t need a Special Counsel for Hunter Biden because if Joe Biden tries to shut down that investigation, I think he just destroys himself.
The last thing the President needs to do is to start working towards 2024 today. Not next year. Not in two years. He needs to do it immediately. He needs to get his apparatus involved in the 2021 local elections. He needs to start telling ordinary people to get involved in their local Board of Elections and the local school boards. We have to take the country back from the bottom up just like the left has done over the last forty years.
You would be surprised at how quickly we can change the landscape. He also needs to conduct a massive minority outreach campaign. He needs to be seen visiting the places the Republican party has long ignored. Continue to expand the base, particularly with voters that have been taken advantage of by the Democrat Party for the last several decades.
It’s clear President Trump isn’t going anywhere. He will be trolling this administration constantly, and while the media won’t hold a Biden administration to account, I bet President Trump will. But President Trump needs to do it in a smart way. He needs to do it in a calculated way void of any emotions.
These are some of the things the President can do to turn the tables. Interestingly enough, when a party loses a presidential election, the party is leaderless and lacks direction. However, President Trump is unique and none of the established norms apply to him. He is still firmly in control and can set the tenor going forward. That’s going to be up to him, and we are going to see how this plays out.
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