Episode 547 Show Notes- How the Kamala Harris Socialist Agenda Will Fail America
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Episode Description
In this episode of The P.A.S. Report, we dive into Vice President Kamala Harris’s newly unveiled economic plan that proposes government-imposed price controls on food, energy, rent, and housing. We’ll explore the historical failures of such policies, drawing comparisons to Venezuela and the Soviet Union, and discuss why Harris’s ideas are a dangerous move towards socialism. We’ll also examine the troubling trend of Americans who, despite acknowledging the government’s overreach and the failing economy, are drawn to the allure of “free stuff” and are willing to vote based on superficial criteria. This episode uncovers the critical need for a well-informed citizenry capable of seeing beyond political rhetoric.
Episode Highlights:
- Kamala Harris’s economic plan: What price controls mean for America.
- Historical lessons: How the Harris-Walz Socialist Agenda will fail America.
- The paradox of voters: Why some Americans support policies they know are harmful.
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Show Notes- How the Kamala Harris Socialist Agenda Will Fail America
Welcome to The P.A.S. Report Podcast
[Intro Transcript] Welcome to another episode of The P.A.S. Report Podcast. I’m your host, Nick Giordano, and I am glad you could join me today. If you’re not already a subscriber, consider subscribing and following the podcast so you never miss an episode. Also, visit The P.A.S. Report website, and share this episode with others to inform them of the issues impacting our great nation.
Today, as the Democratic National Convention kicks off, we’re going to take a hard look at a disturbing trend within the Democratic Party – a trend that’s been brewing for years but is now front and center for everyone to see: the shift toward socialism and Marxism.
Now, I know these terms get thrown around a lot, and for some, it’s just another political buzzword. But make no mistake, what we’re seeing isn’t just rhetoric – it’s a calculated push toward policies that could fundamentally change the fabric of America.
At the forefront of this push is none other than Vice President Kamala Harris with her socialist agenda. Last week, she rolled out an economic plan that should have every American, regardless of political affiliation, taking a step back and asking: is this really the direction we want our country to go?
In this episode, we’re going to break down Harris’s economic plan in detail. Her proposal to impose price controls on essential goods like food, energy, rent, and housing isn’t just misguided – it’s a recipe for disaster. We’ve seen this movie before, and it doesn’t have a happy ending. Whether you look at the economic collapse of Venezuela, the breadlines of the Soviet Union, or the long-term stagnation of economies that tried to centrally plan and control prices, the outcomes are the same: scarcity, inefficiency, and suffering for ordinary people.
And that’s exactly what a Harris-Walz administration wants to do. They want to move us to a central planning economy. A communist economy where the government knows what’s best for you and your family.
But here’s the scary part – despite the clear and present dangers of these policies, there’s still a significant portion of the American electorate that’s drawn to them. And I try to ask myself, Why? Why on God’s earth do people support policies that have always failed and will continue to fail? But not only do they fail. They cause enormous suffering on a massive scale.
Too many like the idea of the government stepping in to make life easier. For many, that sounds appealing. However, what Harris and others like her fail to mention, and what others fail to realize, is that price controls come with severe consequences and are a threat to our very way of life.
Now, some of you might be thinking, “Well, Professor, most Americans are skeptical of big government. They say they don’t trust the government, so how could they support something like this?” And you’re right. Poll after poll shows that Americans consistently express concerns about government overreach. Yet, paradoxically, many of these same people are attracted to policies that would give the government even more power over their lives. It’s a contradiction that’s both fascinating and terrifying.
In this episode, I’m going to explore this contradiction. We’ll discuss why, despite their distrust of government, many Americans are willing to grant it more control when it comes to BS promises. And some of it has to do with our failed education system that never equipped Americans with the critical thinking skills needed to see beyond the superficial.
There’s also another layer to this. There are voters out there who admit they’re struggling under the Biden-Harris administration. They see the rising costs, the economic stagnation, the lack of opportunities, and yet, they’re still willing to vote for Harris. Why? Because she’s a woman, and in today’s identity-obsessed culture, that seems to be enough for some people. It’s a shallow and dangerous way to choose our leaders, and it’s a direct result of a society that’s lost its way when it comes to prioritizing substance over style.
So stick around, because we’re going to peel back the layers of this issue and get to the heart of what’s really going on. We’ll dive into the dangers of Harris’s economic plan, the historical examples that prove why it won’t work, and the societal shifts that have led so many Americans to support policies that are clearly against their own best interests.
We’ve got a lot to cover today and trust me, you won’t want to miss a minute of it. So, hang tight and we will be right back.
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Click here to read Professor Giordano’s latest piece at Campus Reform
Professor Giordano sits down with Joel Pollak
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