Episode 133 Show Notes- How the Media Destroyed Journalism in 4 Short Years
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While liberal bias in the news media has been widely known for the last few decades, the propaganda press has figured out a way to inflict maximum damage and destroy whatever was left of the once well-respected institution of journalism. Many of the mainstream media outlets were exposed for willfully lying and deceiving their viewers. This goes far beyond the realm of liberal bias and validates what Professor Giordano has been saying for years. The American press has become nothing more than a political organization pushing an ideological agenda through political activism. This is another can’t miss episode of The P.A.S. Report Podcast.
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast.
Truly stunning how much news is out there. It’s like information overload, and the news cycles are rapidly changing day by day, hour by hour.
And it’s impossible for ordinary folks to sift through all the information. To figure out what’s fact and what’s fiction.
It used to be that we didn’t have to do that type of work. Let’s face it, most Americans are busy going to school, working, raising kids, taking care of their families, and so we relied on the news media to sift through the information, and give us the facts so we can make decisions and come to a conclusion on issues.
The liberal bias of the press has been well-known for years, and if you didn’t know, you must have been living under a rock. However, even with their biases, we still were able to rely on the media to explain what’s going on and get some of the facts. Even with their liberal bias, the press would still report the news even if it went against their ideological beliefs. They would still cover the politicians engaged in corruption even if they ideologically supported the politician.
But all that seems to change about 12 years ago. When President Obama ran for office, the press began pushing an ideological agenda. However, it wasn’t in your face. While they would routinely praise and offer positive coverage of President Obama, they would still report negative news stories. Sure, their reports lacked any real vigor, and they always would downplay the negative stories. But the fact is they would still report on those stories even if they would try to change the news cycle as fast as possible.
All that changed over the last four years. The morons from the propaganda press have inflicted maximum damage on themselves and destroyed whatever was left of the once well-respected institution of journalism.
Before I explain, go to The P.A.S. Report website. I have the show transcript there. Sign up for The P.A.S. Report Newsletter and subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode. Also, after I abuse the press a little, I’ll briefly discuss what the recent Supreme Court Ruling and Monday’s vote by the Electoral College means for President Trump.
The Press exposes themselves
So, what do I mean by maximum damage and that they destroyed journalism once and for all? If you look at the last four years, what we have witnessed goes far beyond the simple liberal bias we’ve grown accustomed to.
As I have said before, our media, the American press, has become nothing more than a political organization pushing an ideological agenda through political activism.
How anyone believes anything that comes out of these cretins’ mouths is beyond me. They have consistently lied and knowingly deceive their audiences. They’ve become so consumed with hate, and they have such disdain for their own audience that they don’t even lie well. They don’t even try to hide their lies anymore, and while I’ve been exposing their lies, last week they exposed themselves for what they really are.
How much more evidence does anyone need?
I’ve been calling the election rigged. Not because of the election fraud we’ve witnessed. We know fraud occurred. Now they’ll tell you that there wasn’t enough fraud to overturn the election. Maybe that’s true, maybe that’s not, I have no idea. That’s what investigations are for.
And I don’t care how large or small the fraud was. It’s irrelevant. Any fraud is unacceptable. I’m so sick of people saying, “Well, fraud occurs in every election.” First off, just because it may happen in every election doesn’t make it okay. The fact we’ve ignored it for so long, actually, not me, but the fact that officials have ignored it for so long, only allows those willing to engage in fraud to grow bolder.
And by the way, remember, the same people telling you that fraud occurs in every election are the same people who stated that election fraud is virtually nonexistent.
The Biden Scandal
But getting back to the point. You want evidence to show how the mainstream media and the so-called journalists are nothing, but a bunch of frauds then look no further than the Biden corruption scandal. That’s why I call the election rigged.
Remember, the mainstream press killed the Biden corruption scandal story when it first broke, and with the Big Tech censorship rampage, the mainstream outlets were able to get away with it.
You had a few press outlets trying to expose the corruption, with the NY Post leading the efforts, but they couldn’t get around the big tech censorship.
Even worse was how when the media did report on the Hunter Biden emails and the Biden family’s corruption, the mainstream press outlets were screaming that this was Russian disinformation. Take a listen to what they said when the NY Post first broke the story in October.
Play Press Russian Disinformation Sound Clip
So now I’m going to take you on another stroll down memory lane and play you a clip from my November 4th episode. Listen to what I said when it comes to media coverage and the Biden corruption scandal.
Play Episode 121/November 4th Sound Clip
I always tell you that I will never steer you wrong. These people are so predictable, and it’s not a shock that there asking questions now. While I thought they would wait until he was inaugurated, it seems they’re ready to lay the groundwork like I was talking about. It’s being done now for a reason that I’ll get into later. Here’s what the press sounds like today.
Play Press Now Asking Biden Questions Sound Clip
Now I played you what they were saying in October, and I played you what the mainstream propaganda press is saying now. This was in their own words. So, what changed? Why is the press now reporting on this information, and why did it take Joe Biden’s campaign team to announce that the feds have been investigating Hunter Biden for the last two years?
Here’s the thing, the propaganda press may be covering it now, but they were well-aware of the investigations and the emails of Hunter Biden months ago. You have to understand, the press has information before it’s released to the public. There is zero chance that the press learned of the Hunter Biden investigation when it was announced by the Biden campaign. They knew in October. Whether they had it confirmed in October, that I can’t answer, but they knew damn well this was not Russian disinformation and the information was real.
So again, I ask how can you ever trust these people that would willfully lie and deceive you?
Now we’re learning how the entire Biden family had an office together. He sent an email to the manager of his office in Washington, D.C. to have keys made for Joe Biden, Jill Biden, and Joe Biden’s brother. But as always, it gets worse. Not only did they have an office together, but Hunter Biden also wanted another office mate to get a key. That office mate is Gongwen Dong. (Daily Caller)
Who is Gongwen Dong you ask? He’s in the energy business and has really close ties to the communist regime.
Remember when Joe Biden said he had no knowledge of Hunter Biden’s business affairs? Yeah, about that…He may no longer have knowledge of Hunter’s business escapades. He probably also doesn’t remember who the Big Guy is. But that would have to do more with his declining faculties than him telling the truth.
But it’s more of the same as what we’ve seen over the last 4 years.
In plenty of episodes, I explained how the media knowingly pushed the BS Russian collusion narrative. They knew the whole thing was a fraud from the start, yet they continued to push it. Every night, they would lead off with bombshells of breaking news, that would fizzle out within a day or two. Here’s just a small taste.
Play Media Russian Collusion Clip
Again, claim after claim was wrong. It wasn’t that mistakes were made, it’s worse than that. It’s much more nefarious.
And I always point out how the NY Times won a Pulitzer Prize for their reporting on the Russia collusion hoax. So, they get an award for reporting on something that doesn’t exist. They are proven wrong, called out, and yet they keep the award. These people have no honor or integrity. I mean have some self-respect. And if they had an ounce of respect for the field of journalism, they would have given the Pulitzer back. But they don’t because they are pathetic.
If that was me, I would be mortified and thoroughly embarrassed.
Every week, I work hard to bring you my analysis. I don’t call myself a journalist, and I don’t hide the fact that I’m a conservative. I give you my opinions and analysis based on facts and my knowledge about government, politics, and history. A lot of times, I use people’s own words so that I can’t be accused of manipulating or taking things out of context.
And whether you agree with me or not, I bring an educational value to the program and that’s what differentiates me from others, especially when I get into the actual issues. Now, obviously, with the elections, I’ve had to focus on that, but I focus on issues as well so stay tuned.
But I don’t push myself as news. The scary part is that even though they know deep down that they are nothing more than a bunch of frauds, yet they still try and play it off as if they are honest journalists.
Now I haven’t done an analysis, but I would bet that more stories had to be retracted or corrections issued under this administration than the last three administrations combined.
These aren’t just mistakes or sloppy reporting. It’s intentional and designed to mislead you.
Now I want you to think. As the propaganda press was screaming Russian collusion, as they were shoving the idea of Russian collusion down our throats, as they were screaming Russia, Russia, Russia, every night, how much reporting did they do about the real global threat- Communist China.
Truly stunning. Communist China is our biggest adversary. They have one of the most sophisticated intelligence and espionage apparatuses I have ever studied. They lied to the world about the coronavirus. Yet, you never hear any real criticism of Communist China, the largest human rights abuser on the planet. In fact, when they did cover China under the Trump administration, it was usually to criticize the President for putting tariffs on the communist country where they would proclaim the President wants to start a trade war.
Not for nothing, but I find it pretty disturbing that the unholy alliance- the media, the left, the democrats, the political establishment, the Never-Trumpers, the corporate elites, and others- I find it disturbing that they say the most vicious and vile things about the President, yet they praise one of the biggest human rights abusers on the planet. The comparison is stark when you look at how they speak about Communist Chine vs. how they speak about President Trump.
That should tell you everything you need to know.
In any event, all we heard over the last four years was Russia. Most didn’t hear how one of the most senior ranking Senators, Diane Feinstein, was compromised when we learned her driver was really a Chinese spy feeding information back to the Communist regime. (CBS) This wasn’t for a year or two. This was for 20 years. 20 years!
Just like everything else, it gets worse. China’s intelligence apparatus has penetrated American colleges and universities throughout the country, and you need to understand how dangerous that is. You look at many of these top universities, they are innovating the science and technology of tomorrow. They are doing tons of research in a variety of areas including energy and medical breakthroughs. You have top scientists and professors feeding information to these Chinese agents.
And the students of today are the future leaders of tomorrow. Once again, China is smart, they understand what it takes to cultivate a relationship. Many people build lifelong friendships in college. Well, what happens when a Chinese agent builds close personal friendships with students in the fields of science and engineering. Once those students graduate, they may go work for a national laboratory like Los Alamos or Brookhaven National Labs. The Chinese communist regime thinks long-term. They are playing chess. And if Biden is the President, we’re not even playing checkers. We’re playing Go Fish or Candyland.
Swalwell and Fang Fang
And it gets worse, last week we learned that Congressman Eric Swalwell, who was one of the biggest Russian collusion instigators, who sits on one of the top committees, the intelligence committee, where he is privy and deals with some of the most sensitive and classified information. We learn that this moron was targeted by a Chinese spy, Fang Fang, and may have even had a more intimate relationship with Congressman Swalwell.
I know liberal heads are exploding right now from that clip. They’re probably screaming it’s racist. No. It’s not, but it is pretty damn funny. I know we are talking about serious issues, but don’t lose your sense of humor. Remember to laugh every now and then.
But in all seriousness. Fang Fang helped Swalwell in his political career and even raised money for him as a bundler. It turns out this saga goes all the way back to 2015, and Swalwell received a briefing about Fang Fang’s real identity following an FBI briefing. Interesting how the FBI briefed Swalwell on espionage efforts but decided not to provide a defensive briefing to then-candidate Trump’s campaign. And guess what Swalwell still sits on the intelligence committee, but this incident really does show that karma’s a bitch and will come back to bite you.
I don’t know why it’s so hard for so many to just be a decent human being.
Isn’t amazing that these stories are coming out now, and not before the election?
Election Update
And that’s the thing. I hope you realize that there is no coincidences in government and politics. Most things happen by design and there’s a reason we’re hearing about these things now. Remember in the clip I played from November where I said the press would ultimately cover the Biden corruption scandal once he’s inaugurated.
It’s a distraction. It’s to take people’s attention away from the election and the election fraud. Don’t look over here because there is nothing to see here, instead look over there.
They want us to forget all the anomalies in this election. They want us to forget about all the accusations of fraud. They don’t want us to pay attention to the irregularities in the election.
They want President Trump out. That’s been their goal the whole time. They wanted to accomplish what Russia and the Special Counsel couldn’t or Stormy Daniels or the Ukraine and Impeachment or his taxes. It’s get rid of President Trump at any and all costs.
And once again, I’ll always be honest with you. You may not like what I say, but I’m not going to sugarcoat things to make you feel better.
Sadly, these people may be succeeding. You have to understand with the state legislators certifying electors, the Supreme Court throwing out the election cases or declining to hear them, and the Electoral College casting their votes on Monday, things look bleak.
Title 3 U.S. Code 15
Now over the next two weeks, you are going to hear a lot about Title 3 U.S. Code 15. (Cornell Law) This is where Congress can challenge the validity of the Electoral College vote, and outright reject it. Don’t get your hopes up because I don’t see this coming to fruition.
To give you a quick breakdown, on January 6, Congress will meet to count the electoral votes and certify the election. Congress does have the power to object to the Electoral College vote. You need one member from the House and one member from the Senate to file the objection. At least one member from each House has to object.
If an objection is lodged, the two Houses will then hold separate debates and they will vote independently of each other on the objection. If both Houses agree to the objection, then the Electoral College vote will be thrown out and the House will determine who the President with each state delegation getting one vote.
If one House agrees to the objection, but the other does not, the objection fails, and the Electoral Votes are counted as certified by the states.
I don’t foresee this effort succeeding unless something earth-shattering comes out. The Democrats will still have the majority in the 117th Congress, and I do not see them voting to approve an objection. Now there are some who are arguing it doesn’t go by a member vote, rather, it goes by state delegations where each state will cast one vote and Republicans control the majority of the state delegations.
They base it under Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution. Article 2, Section 1 states that if the Electoral College cannot determine who the President is, meaning no one received a majority of electoral votes, then the House of Representatives will decide the Presidency. Here is where you find that it is based on the majority of the states in the House, not the majority of members. It reads, “…a Majority of all the States shall be necessary to a choice.” (U.S. Constitution)
Now I disagree. I read the statute and it does not talk about the House voting by state delegations. In fact, it’s pretty clear that when an objection is recognized and the Houses go to their respective debates, every member gets a right to speak for 5-minutes, not to exceed 2 hours for the entire debate. Also, I found a Congressional Research Report that cites two examples, and while it doesn’t set the greatest precedent, the House voted by membership, not by state delegation. (Congressional Research Services)
Also, I don’t see Senators Romney, Collins, and Murkowski, supporting any efforts to approve an objection unless, as I said, something earth-shattering was revealed.
Now it’s not that I don’t think there is a case for Title 3 U.S. Code 15 and objections being lodged. I think there are legitimate grievances where objections are warranted. I’m just being honest at the prospects.
Unfortunately, the President’s best chance was through the Supreme Court or the State Legislative bodies and those efforts failed.
So, what does this all mean? No matter what happens, don’t let the media take our attention away from all the irregularities that took place during the election. Part of the reason we are where we are is because of the feckless Republican party that didn’t say a peep when Democrats rammed through their mail-in-balloting scam.
In fact, many Republicans were criticizing the President for calling out mail-in-balloting rather than pushing back against the Democrats fragrantly changing the rules in an election year, doing away with most verification standards, and in 8 states, mailing a ballot to every registered voter.
Understand that all those who pushed the BS for the last four years. All those who said resist and not my President, they have abdicated their right to dictate to anyone what we should do. Sorry, but you can’t pull this crap for four years and then say we have to unite. And look at the way they are saying it. They’re not asking for unification, they’re demanding it.
Prior to this election, I said the election was much bigger than President Trump and Joe Biden. The election is about America, herself.
I still believe that, and we cannot lose sight of what we need to fight against. We can never put this country on a pathway to socialism that eventually leads to Marxism. We won’t survive.
So, we have to continue to push back. We have to be smart and do more than just expose the media for the frauds they are. We have to take the narrative back, and it’s going to start now.
While we’re all fixated on the Presidential election, we need to ensure the Republicans keep the Senate because a divided government is better than a unified government under Democrat control where they can radically alter every aspect of our society.
Listen, anyone who knows me knows I hate political parties. I think they do more damage to this country than anything else. Well, outside of Big Tech. The Republican party is weak and doesn’t know how to fight, and that’s pretty sad, but they’re our best hope right now.
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Once the Senate gets decided, we need to quickly turn our attention to the local level. The local legislators, the county executives or commissioners, the mayors, the local board of elections, the school boards.
You want to begin to dismantle the socialist push we’re witnessing; you start locally and build up. I’ll dive more into this concept in future elections but understand that local elections are less than a year away.
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I want to thank you for joining me and stay safe.
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