Episode 178 Show Notes- How to stop America From Emerging as a Failed Banana Republic
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From conspiracy theories to disinformation to the targeting of political opponents, America is quickly spiraling towards banana republic status. Unfortunately, too many are unaware of the ramifications of what will happen if America becomes a failed state. While many argue it’s not possible, history is replete with examples of how quickly strong powers can fail. It’s not the system that’s broken, it’s the people in charge of the system, from the elected officials to the leadership within the bureaucracy. The solution is simple, hold officials accountable and operate within the confines of the United States Constitution.
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Show Transcript- How to stop America From Emerging as a Failed Banana Republic
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast.
There is so much to cover, and I have another great episode lined up for you. Over the last few weeks, I’ve been discussing how it is not the system that’s broken. It’s the politicians we put in office who routinely abuse their power for partisan political gains. It’s the leadership within the bureaucracy that has become thoroughly corrupt. It’s the crooked media industrial complex that no longer believes in honest journalism and has become nothing more than political activists. It’s the ruling class elite that wants to dictate how we, we the ordinary Americans, should live our lives.
From conspiracy theories to disinformation to the targeting of political opponents and continuing to print money we don’t have. We are at real risk. America is quickly spiraling towards banana republic status.
There are those who want to continue to bury their heads in the sand as if nothing’s happening. They turn a blind eye to the cesspool of what we’re witnessing. Then you have those who are in denial. They don’t believe it’s possible that our great country could collapse. That we could become a failed state.
And while many argue it’s not possible to become a failed state, history is replete with examples of how quickly strong, powerful countries can fail.
Here’s what really bothers me though. The solution is rather simple. Hold officials accountable, and ensure our government operates within the confines of the Constitution. Restore the principles of federalism and the founding fathers. It’s really that simple.
And today, I’m going to talk about a number of issues that highlight just how screwed up things are. While each of these issues may differ in some respect, they all have a common theme. Lust for power, corruption, control, and sheer ignorance.
Before I break it all down, be sure to go to The P.A.S. Report website. Sign up for The P.A.S. Report Newsletter and make sure to follow the podcast so you never miss an episode.
Labeling People as Conspiracy Theorists
With the plug out of the way, I’m going to jump right in, and the one thing I give these people is that they know how to use language very effectively. They use language to bludgeon their political opponents. To destroy anyone who dares to challenge the narratives.
One of the terms they love to throw out there is conspiracy theories. That anytime you question the crap they’re pushing, they’ll label you a conspiracy theorist. While it’s certainly a loaded term, they use the label as a rhetorical weapon to marginalize political opponents.
If you get hit with the stigma of being a conspiracy theorist, essentially, they’re lumping you in with the fringe elements within society. The tin-foil hate crew operates on the basis of paranoia.
Here’s how cunning these folks are. They know that by labeling people conspiracy theorists, people will most likely censor themselves. I mean, who wants to be associated with conspiracy theories. However, they also know that by labeling someone a conspiracy theorist, while that person may censor themselves, they aren’t going to change their beliefs.
And while they want to paint their political opponents as crazy people on the fringe, there is a much more important reason they use these labels.
They’ll use the label conspiracy theorists to sure-up their own supporters. They want to make sure their supporters don’t deviate from the narrative. Basically, they’re conditioning their own supporters to not even engage in debate with anyone who raises questions or dissents.
It doesn’t matter the evidence. It doesn’t matter what the truth is. It’s the ultimate debate killer when it comes to mainstream issues.
Russian Collusion
Take the whole Russian collusion narrative. If you dared to question the crap that was being put out there, you were labeled a conspiracy theorist and a Russian propagandist. It doesn’t matter that we’ve had several investigations from the House committees, to the Senate, to the FBI, and ultimately the Special Counsel. It doesn’t matter what the evidence shows.
Think about it this way, we’ve had all these investigations, particularly the Special Counsel which was extremely thorough. Millions of documents reviewed. Hundreds of people interviewed and testimonies galore. If there was something there, surely the highly seasoned investigators would have found it.
Yet, not a single person was ever charged with colluding with Russia and conspiring against the United States. In fact, the evidence actually shows the opposite. The only ones to hire a foreign national and get dirt on their political opponents from Russian intelligence was Hillary Clinton and the DNC. But if you say that, you’re labeled a conspiracy theorist.
They reject any evidence. They reject the truth. In fact, they don’t even acknowledge that they were wrong, and they still believe that former President Trump colluded with Russia. Talk about conspiracy theories.
If you ask for the evidence that Russia hacked the DNC server, they’ll call you a conspiracy theorist undermining our intelligence community. Now I want you to think about this. I’m not saying Russia didn’t hack the DNC servers. I’m simply asking to see the evidence and for that, you’ll get labeled. Just because our intelligence community says something is true, doesn’t make it so. Don’t you find it the least bit curious that no evidence was released, and we’re simply supposed to just believe what the bureaucrats put out there?
That epitomizes what a sheep is. Someone that questions nothing and simply accepts narratives.
Bountygate is another area. When the story first emerged, that Russians were paying bounties to the Taliban for killing U.S. soldiers, if you questioned it, you were labeled as a conspiracy theorist and a Russian propagandist.
Now, when the story first broke, I called BS and told you it had all the hallmarks of fake news. Sure enough, I was right, but it doesn’t matter. Did anyone pushing this BS narrative admit they were wrong? Obviously, the answer is no.
When we look at the whole Bountygate story, remind me again who the conspiracy theorist are?
2020 Elections
And don’t you dare question the Presidential election. That one is like the holy grail. If you dare raise questions about the 2020 elections, whether it be all the anomalies, the media industrial complex shielding President Biden, or Big Techs censorship blitz covering up Biden family corruption, not only are you labeled a conspiracy theorist but you’re also labeled as a threat to democracy as well.
If you dare even raise questions, they’ll scream that you’re trying to destroy democracy. Why are these people so afraid of questions? Why are they so resistant to election audits?
What they’ll tell you is that they can’t give any credibility to the accusations because if they do it undermines the entire system, and there is no point in engaging in these types of conspiracy theories.
But I want you to ask yourself if everything was on the up and up. If there were no shenanigans, then why try to block any investigations. Think about it logically for a second. If everything was above board and there was nothing nefarious that took place, you would be able to debunk any accusations of wrongdoing.
Not only would you debunk the accusations, but you would also be able to destroy your political opponents, particularly the elected Republicans that raised questions about the election. Politically, the Democrats would gain an enormous amount of political strength and capital. So why do they fundamentally reject any investigations, and only seek to marginalize anyone who raises questions?
Is our system that weak that it can’t handle any questions? Is it that weak that it can’t handle any allegations of improprieties? See, if you have confidence in the system, you don’t mind the questions. If you have confidence that everything was legit, you’d welcome the opportunity to prove your political opponents were engaging in wild conspiracy theories.
However, their resistance is very telling.
Wuhan Laboratory
Even down to the coronavirus, they try pulling this conspiracy theory crap. In March, I stated that the coronavirus most likely leaked out of the Wuhan lab in China. I stated it probably wasn’t intentional, and that it’s most likely scientists or lab employees contracted it, and that’s how it began to spread. Listen, this isn’t rocket science. It’s not that I’m so smart and figured it out before most others. When you have a bio lab that works on and manipulates coronavirus samples at the epicenter, it’s pretty obvious what happened.
I had Steven Mosher on the podcast who stated this back in February of last year. However, if you said that, you were labeled as a conspiracy theorist. See, it didn’t matter what the evidence was. They wanted to push this idea that the coronavirus came from the wet markets in China, and anyone who went against the narrative was discredited.
Well, guess what. Just like the Russian collusion hoax and Bountygate, it’s all proving to be a mirage. In fact, most scientists, government officials, and the propaganda media industrial complex, are now saying that the coronavirus most likely came from the Wuhan Lab.
Why the sudden change? I mean they were trying to destroy anyone who said this a year ago so what happened? Did new evidence emerge? Did we find the smoking gun? Well, the answer is no.
Then we have to ask why did they try to discredit anyone so hard when they said the virus likely came from the Wuhan Lab? Why were they fighting so hard to protect China and the communist regime?
Well, the answer to these questions would be speculative. I won’t deny that, but the only logical conclusion is that it was done for political purposes, and to marginalize their political opponents. If the virus leaked from a Chinese bio lab, the majority of the American people, regardless of political ideology, would want to see China held accountable, and far more attention would have to be paid to China. Essentially, China would have to own it.
By dismissing the Wuhan Lab leak as a conspiracy theory, it put the focus on the Trump administration and essentially allowed them to blame President Trump. Remember, it was an election year, and these are a nefarious bunch.
Now that President Trump is out of office, they could finally be honest about the origins of the coronavirus because it’s no longer politically expedient to lie, and they have yet to acknowledge how they maligned a whole bunch of people even though they were right.
Who are the real conspiracy theorists out there who knowingly pushed a lie for political purposes?
COVID, Masks, Vaccinations, and Believe in Science
And keeping in line with the coronavirus, if you question the authoritarian policies, they’ll label you anti-science. If you question the vaccine, you’re a conspiracy theorist and anti-vaxxer. It doesn’t matter that you got all your vaccines. It doesn’t matter if you’ve vaccinated your kids with the standard vaccines.
You’re not allowed to ask any legitimate questions, and if you do, they continue to label you. Again, here we see the projection. Your anti-science and you don’t care if people die. Yet, explain to me how the bureaucratic tyrants, and the little Mussolini wannabes like Emperor Cuomo, show me how they believe in science.
The science hasn’t changed when it comes to transmission outdoors, yet at every step of the way, they’ve rejected the science. Same with children. They’ve rejected all science. Just to prove my point. Emperor Cuomo, the guy who made the single deadliest decision during the pandemic, released summer guidance for kids. Now explain to me how this makes sense.
Children over the age of 2 are required to wear masks at all times, including outdoors, except when they are eating, drinking, swimming, or sleeping. Now, most other countries, including the European countries, do not mandate masks for anyone under the age of 11.
But getting to the point. The Emperor issued guidance for summer camp. So children have to wear masks outdoors at camp. However, if they attend sleepaway camp, where they sleep on top of each other in bunks, indoors, they don’t have to wear a mask. Ask yourself how that makes any sense whatsoever. He wants to cruelly masks kids in 100-degree weather outdoors, which to me is akin to child abuse, yet when you’re indoors at night, masks are not required. Good luck with that.
If you’re being honest with yourself, it doesn’t matter where you stand politically. You know it’s a bunch of nonsense.
The Insurrection That’s Not an Insurrection
Moving to the next issue, I want to briefly focus on the January 6th insurrection, which wasn’t really an insurrection at all. Right now, you have the propaganda media industrial complex and the Democrats flipping out that the Republicans aren’t supporting a commission to investigate the January 6th insurrection.
Here’s the thing, and now I’m talking to my Democrat audience. President Trump was impeached because of what happened on January 6th. The argument that House Democrats made was that the President caused the “insurrection.” That was the entire basis of their impeachment argument.
If I’m using the Democrat’s own words, then what is there to investigate? See, you can’t have it both ways. You can’t say that the President is responsible for inciting an insurrection, impeach him, and then say we need a commission to determine why the insurrection happened. It doesn’t make any sense.
So, then it’s clear. Apparently, the House didn’t conduct an investigation before they impeached the President, which I already knew, but it illustrates what sham the impeachment was to begin with.
Also, how can you label it an insurrection if you haven’t investigated? An insurrection is an armed, sustained attack. A violent revolution. Well, how many attacks have we seen since January 6th? How many weapons were confiscated on January 6th? How many people were charged with treason, sedition, or insurrection? The answer to all those questions is 0. You can call it an insurrection, but it was anything but an insurrection.
This doesn’t justify anything that took place. It simply puts things in perspective. The overwhelming majority of protestors that day were nonviolent and peaceful. The violent mob that broke windows, destroyed property, or stole things, is a violent mob and nothing more. Those engaged in that activity deserve to be prosecuted.
But it’s deeper than that. They don’t care about the truth. It’s all about demonizing and isolating nearly 50% of the country. Right now, you have Congressional investigations going on, both in the House and the Senate. The feds are investigating as well, and there have been over 400 arrests so why exactly do we need a commission to investigate this?
Understand that we already know the results of the Commission, the Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer made it abundantly clear when he said, “Republicans can let their constituents know: Are they on the side of truth, or do they want to cover up for the insurrectionists and for Donald Trump?” They’ve already come to their conclusion.
And if you want to understand just how dangerous this commission would be, I encourage you to read the bill that creates the commission. It will create a domestic war on terror, and it gives them authority to the commission to “may secure directly from any Federal department or agency information, including any underlying information that may be in the possession of the intelligence community, that is necessary to enable it to carry out its purposes and functions.”
This would give the commission the authority to target any Republican House or Senate member who lodged an objection over the election and issue recommendations to punish political opponents. It would give the commission the authority to target duly elected state legislative bodies and recommend federalizing the election process by taking elections out of the hands of the state legislative bodies, directly violating our system of federalism. This is something Democrats have been seeking to do since the 2000 Presidential elections.
But even more frightening is how the commission has the authority to target ordinary Americans who raised any questions and label nearly 50% of the country as domestic enemies or domestic terrorists.
As I have stated numerous times, all aspects of the bureaucracy have been weaponized for political purposes. Why would this commission be any different?
And remember, January 6th is being compared to events like Pearl Harbor and 9/11. I can assure you that any commission will recommend imposing severe curbs on our liberties. They will recommend that those who dissent to be further silenced within society including being de-platformed. They’ll call for conservative media to be shut down, and they’ll use the phantom of white supremacy and undefined extremists to justify their recommendations.
To my Democrat friends, do you not recognize the death spiral this becomes, and do you not recognize how this can boomerang and haunt everyone regardless of political ideology? When you begin to control things like speech, how long before they make it illegal to criticize the government and the ruling class? Of course, when they go to criminalize speech, they won’t make it obvious. Instead, they’ll use the European approach, and say that such criticism can lead to incitement.
If you want to talk about a commission, how’s about a coronavirus commission on how our public health sector becomes so ideological as opposed to making sound policy decisions based on science?
Criminal Investigation Into the Trump Organization
Now, this whole January 6th thing on its own is very banana republic-like. However, this next issue epitomizes the idea that we are emerging as a banana republic. Since President Trump won in 2016, the Manhattan DA and the New York State Attorney General have been investigating Trump Organization. Last week, they announced the investigation is now a criminal investigation.
Understand, in a banana republic, those in power routinely use the justice system to target their political opponents. Now some people may push back and say if Trump or the Trump organization engaged in criminal activity then they deserve to be investigated and prosecuted.
If this was really about criminal wrongdoing, I would agree. However, it has nothing to do with any actual crimes. Understand that President Trump has been in the spotlight for over 40 years, and so has the Trump Organization. He’s given tons of money to the Democrat party, the Democrat politicians, and liberal causes, including Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, and Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition.
Why is it that when he won the Presidency that there was such an urgency to investigate the Trump Organization? Remember, in politics, there are no coincidences. Even if you don’t support the former President. Even if you despise him, you have to admit that has nothing to do with justice and criminal activity. It’s about political retribution. It’s about political punishment.
Just take a look at a NY Times report. Now I made a comment on this article several months ago before the investigation turned criminal. The report focused on Allen Weisselberg. Weisselberg was in charge of the Trump Organization’s finances. In the article, it states, “In recent weeks prosecutors have trained their focus on Mr. Weisselberg, in what appears to be a determined effort to gain his cooperation. Mr. Weisselberg, who has not been accused of wrongdoing, has overseen the Trump Organization’s finances for decades and may hold the key to any possible criminal case in New York against the former President and his family business.”
I want you to really think about what I just read. This guy Weisselberg hasn’t been accused of any wrongdoing, yet prosecutors are going to focus on him anyway. No evidence of criminal wrongdoing whatsoever, but hey, let’s investigate to try and find a crime. If that’s not banana republic status, maybe this will persuade you.
A little further down in the article, it says, “If a review of his personal finances were to uncover possible wrongdoing, prosecutors could then use that information to press Mr. Weisselberg to guide them through the inner workings of the company.”
Again, here’s a guy where there is no evidence of wrongdoing. No evidence that he broke the law. No criminal allegations against him. Yet, prosecutors are going to scour his personal finances in hopes they can find something, use it against him, and force him to turn on the former President.
I have a good amount of knowledge when it comes to law enforcement, and it used to be that in order to launch an investigation you need evidence a crime was committed. Well, just look at how this standard has changed. Apparently, prosecutors can launch an investigation into all aspects of your life even when there are no allegations or evidence of a crime. That’s frightening. That’s your banana republic right there.
And mark my words. I will guarantee that if politicians find something, they’ll go to the former President and try to make a deal. They’ll say they won’t pursue criminal prosecution if he signs an agreement that he won’t run for President in 2024 and will stay out of the spotlight. I am almost certain of that.
If the last five years have shown us anything, this two-tier justice system is stronger than ever. If you have the preferred political positions and connections, you’re good. If you don’t, be prepared. Just look at all the people who were prosecuted for perjury in the Trump orbit.
Yet Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills lied to federal investigators. They committed perjury when they were questioned about Hillary’s private server, and they stated that they were unaware of it when they first entered the State Department, even though we have the emails where they were discussing the problem of Hillary’s homebrewed server connecting with State Department servers. That’s a fact.
Look at how Giuliani had his office raided, and his electronic devices seized because he’s being investigated for violating the FARA Act. Failing to register as a foreign agent. Yet, Hunter Biden, who literally lobbied on behalf of foreign governments, and yes, we have the actual emails from both Hunter’s email and official State Department emails. He did the exact thing Giuliani is accused of doing. Have you had heard about any warrants? Have you heard about his home or office being searched? Have you heard about Hunter having 17 electronic devices seized? Of course, you haven’t. That’s how it works in a banana republic.
And listen, I want to make it clear. I don’t care who it is and what political party a person belongs to. Any official who engages in criminal activity should be prosecuted to the fullest extent. That goes for Democrats and Republicans. It doesn’t matter. They should be afforded all rights, be considered innocent until proven guilty, have their day in court, and it’s up to the prosecution to prove their case beyond a responsible doubt.
All I’m asking for is equal application of the law and not this banana republic BS.
The Woke Military Generation
And to top it all off, the leadership in our military has gone full-blown woke, and is infecting our service members with this woke ideology. This is something I’m going to talk about in more detail over the next few weeks. I’m still doing my research because I want to have all the facts straight.
But understand that the death cycle of a country follows similar patterns. If you look at every major empire throughout history, their downfalls all followed a similar trajectory. First, they died culturally. Then they die economically and militarily.
As we are training our soldiers to be woke sissies, other countries are training their soldiers to be killers.
I know in this day and age, many don’t like to say it out loud, but we train our soldiers to fight and die. That’s why they exist as soldiers. If you don’t like that. If that sounds too harsh and blunt, guess what? Don’t join the friggin’ military then. Soldiers are supposed to kill the enemy on the battlefield. However, in this new woke military, we are essentially teaching them that America is a bad country. I wonder if the woke soldier brigade is going to complain to the enemy on the battlefield that their military isn’t diverse enough because there are not enough minorities or transgendered enlistees.
Call me crazy, but I don’t think countries like Russia, Iran, or China, or terrorist organizations like al-Qaeda and ISIS are providing sensitivity and diversity training to their soldiers. But I don’t want to harp on this too much because I’m going to talk about how the totalitarian woke has infiltrated all aspects of our society within a few weeks.
When we look at all of these issues together, it’s abundantly clear we’re headed towards a banana republic if we don’t change course. Open your eyes and look at what’s happening. None of this is normal, and history will always be our guide.
When you look at all the bureaucratic abuses. The double standards. The attempts to silence and marginalize political opponents. That’s not the sign of a healthy and vibrant nation. It’s the sign a nation is decaying. Rotting away into a failed state.
But that’s not our destiny. Previous generations handed us something special and unique, and I refuse to let the radicals squander it away.
I refuse to let the totalitarian jackals destroy everything the previous generations built and all the successes we have had.
The answer is quite clear. What’s going on today has been in the making for over a decade. It’s like an infection that has spread to every institution. There are several ways to cure this infection and ultimately destroy it.
But in order for that to happen, more people have to wake up and recognize how serious the problem is. That the problem won’t magically correct itself.
It’s incumbent on each and every one of us to raise awareness and speak to those who are disaffected but silent.
While we aren’t going to agree on every issue or policy solution, we need to reach out to independents and moderate and blue dogs from the other side.
We need to watch how we craft our arguments. Rather than call the other side names, we need to clearly articulate what’s happening, why it’s so dangerous, and why we need to stand up to this onslaught. Be smart, and don’t make outlandish arguments like mask-wearing is akin to gas chambers at Nazi concentration camps like Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene did.
I get that some of you like that she fights back, but at the same time, you have to recognize that she’s quickly becoming the AOC of the Republican party, and she’ll be an albatross around the neck of Republicans if she continues to say things like that. It’s completely ineffective and doesn’t win anyone over.
Rather than make over-the-top claims and fight with the fringe radicals on social media, ignore them. You’re never going to change their mind, and you’re going to end up getting yourself thrown off the big tech platforms. More importantly, you aren’t winning anyone over.
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Instead of wasting your time on people who are so radical, focus on those who are persuadable.
Never, ever censor yourself. Free speech, free thought, and free expression are the hallmarks of this great nation, and never let anyone shame you into silence. When they call you a conspiracy theorist, remember, they are doing it to make it as if you’re a radical in an attempt to marginalize and silence you. Pretty amazing as they want to paint nearly half the country as fringe radicals when these are some of the most radical people around.
We also need ordinary Americans to get more involved. Seek public office. Seek positions within the bureaucracy.
As I said at the beginning, preserving this country and everything we built is not all that complex. Hold people accountable and restore the concept of federalism back to its original intent within the confines of the Constitution. While it may seem hard to accomplish that, it is doable.
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I want to thank you for joining me and I want you to stay safe.
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