Episode 164 Show Notes- How So-Called Woke Anti Racists are Destroying America with Lies and Deceit
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It’s time to recognize how the anti-racists are the real racists and they are destroying America. For the last several years, we have seen politicians, the corporate bullies, and the totalitarian left weaponize race and the economy in order to manipulate public policy. These policies are becoming increasingly destructive and not based on reality. The elite mindset defies logic where they believe that in order to fight systemic racism, we must incorporate systemic racism.
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Show Transcript- How Anti Racists Are the Real Racists and They Are Destroying America
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast.
Another week and we continue to see the insane running the asylum. It’s amazing how in the year 2021, everything has become about race, whether it’s real or not doesn’t matter. We now have a ruling class that wants to weaponize race and the economy and they are destroying America.
These so-called anti-racists are in fact the real racists. They don’t operate with any sense of logic. Instead, they make it up as they go along, and normally operate in the realm of illogic. I’ll continue to point it out until these morons finally shut up.
The dumbest people possible are the ones controlling the narrative, and while most Americans see through their BS, the damage that’s being done is significant. It impacts us all because if they continue on the path of destroying America, we are all going to suffer regardless of wherever we fall on the ideological spectrum.
We have politicians that seek to divide us along all lines for the sole purpose of power. We see corporations think they should be in control of public policy over duly elected state legislative bodies, and it gets me really angry when the policy has nothing to do with their industry.
But worst of all, these so-called anti-racists keep pushing this idea that America is systemically racist. And this is how dumb they truly are. They say that in order to fight systemic racism, we must develop policies that steeped in racism. We must incorporate systemic racism.
History will look back on this period and wonder what the hell was wrong with us and why so many remained silent. Understand, these people are nothing but frauds. They are openly lying to you. They are deceiving you. Some are useful idiots and are doing it due to their ignorance. Others are far more nefarious, and knowingly deceiving ordinary Americans. They need to be called out and shamed. They need to be exposed, and I’m going to do just that.
This episode will focus on the fear tactics the ruling elite are using to push this nonsense, how the woke corporate elite is weaponizing the economy to usurp the public policy-making process from the legislative bodies and the implementation of systemic racism that’s now being built into the system.
I will destroy their narratives using their own words and actions.
Before I jump in, go to The P.A.S. Report website. Sign up for The P.A.S. Report Newsletter and make sure to follow the podcast so you never miss an episode.
Racializing the Border Surge
Before I start off, I want to play a brief clip and I want you to keep it in mind throughout this episode because it epitomizes projection where these people are guilty of exactly what they accuse their political opponents of.
Play Bigotry Disinformation Clip
So that was the illustrious Congresswoman, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. And I want you to really hear what she said. Bigotry requires disinformation. With that in mind, let’s take a look at the border crisis.
Now, any normal human being would say that we’ve witnessed the collapse of our border. That it is a real crisis. Your not witnessing a couple of dozen adult males crossing over who can take care of themselves and are looking to make money. We are seeing thousands crossing over, mostly minors. The minors are incapable of taking care of themselves. We now have Border Patrol facilities essentially serving as daycare centers, and while Border Patrol agents are busy doing something they weren’t trained to do, how many more nefarious people are crossing the border every day?
This is a crisis, and the border surge we are witnessing is unsustainable. Uh oh, I called it a surge. According to Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, calling it a surge is racist. I’m not kidding. That’s what she says. Take a listen.
Play Sound Clip 1- AOC Border Surge
I can’t stand when people think they are smart when they’re not. That was her in her own words saying that using the word surge “consciously” is racist. She says that when using the word surge, we’re implying an insurgency.
I hate to break it to her, but the word insurgency does not come from the surge. Insurgency means an armed uprising. Surge simply means an upward movement. Everyone should be familiar with the term surge because for the last friggin’ year we’ve been hearing about surging COVID cases. We’ve heard about hospital surges. We’ve heard about stock surges. Storm surges when hurricanes come.
What AOC is saying is based on an untruth, and I’ll remind AOC.
Bigotry Disinformation Sound Clip
Georgia Election Law
But it’s not just with the border crisis that they are continually lying about. Just look at the whole Georgia election law, also known as SB202. I have a link up to the bill on The P.A.S. Report. It’s about 95-pages. (Click Here for SB 202 Text)
Since this bill has been passed, there are many people who have come out to criticize this bill. Now, mind you that most of these people have never even read the bill and are just regurgitating lies.
But it’s worse than that. There are many who are knowingly lying. They are knowingly trying to deceive ordinary Americans. I want to talk to the ordinary Democrats that listen to this podcast, not the far-left crazies. Just ordinary everyday Americans. Why would members of your own party knowingly and blatantly lie to you?
Here is a clip of the President of the United States. President Biden. President Biden doesn’t write his own speeches. His handlers do that, and his handlers have read the bill, yet they knowingly let President Biden go out there and say this. Take a listen.
Play Sound Clip 2- President Biden GA Elec Law
Now I apologize to everyone for the second half of that clip. You had Marine One Helicopter in the background, and President Biden, who has been vaccinated, and anyone who comes into contact with him has also been vaccinated, yet there he is, outside with a mask on. My goodness. Can one of his advisors actually grow a pair and tell him to get rid of the mask. It’s idiotic at this point.
See, now I’m getting sidetracked. So that was President Biden, and literally, everything he said was false. Polls don’t close at 5 pm, they close at 7 pm. And you can get in line at 6:59 pm, and you can still vote.
The whole water thing is BS too. So, campaigns and organizations cannot provide you with food and drink according to the law, and Democrats are saying how cruel and heartless are the Republicans from Georgia. They won’t allow people to give out food and water. First of all, what the hell is this? Are you supposed to be served a meal while you’re going to vote?
The lines at amusement parks are usually a hell of a lot longer than to go vote. Do the parks offer food and water while waiting in line. I remember waiting in line for a tour of the White House a few years back when President Obama was in office. No one offered me food and water, and it was the end of August. It was hot as hell. Does that mean President Obama was racist?
But the stupidity is that the whole thing is a lie. You are free to bring your own water and a snack, and guess what, the polling station can also offer snacks and water. It’s the politicians, their campaigns, and advocacy organizations that can’t provide food and water to people within 150ft of a polling station. And the reason for that is because of potential electioneering.
If a candidate offers food and water, people waiting in line may think to themselves, “Wow, what a caring person,” and they may end up switching their vote. In fact, most states have laws against offering anything to people at polling stations. Even the blue of the blue states like New York, which is solely controlled by far-left Democrats.
President Biden also said that absentee ballots won’t be allowed except for the strictest reasons. Once again, that’s a lie. In fact, Georgia officials actually loosened restrictions on absentee ballots where you don’t even have to provide a reason for requesting an absentee ballot. And guess what, once again, if you look at blue states like New York, you’ll find that New York has fairly strict rules as it pertains to absentee ballots.
So, President Biden is knowingly lying to the American people. I’ll remind him what the renowned Congresswoman AOC has to say.
Bigotry Disinformation Sound Clip
And it wasn’t just President Biden trying to bring race into this or reference, Jim Crow. The Senate Majority Leader, sadly a Senator that represents my state, Chuck Schumer, also brought up slavery and Jim Crow. Take a listen.
Play Sound Clip 3- Majority Leader Schumer Jim Crow
What a sad, pathetic human being he is. In fact, anyone who tries to bring up Jim Crow or slavery are the pathetic ones, and they need to be called out for blatantly lying to you. I’ll remind you.
Bigotry Disinformation Sound Clip
You’re going to get sick of that clip by the end of the show. Seriously, no matter how you identify yourself politically, anyone who would knowingly lie and deceive, anyone who would use, and weaponize racism, is scum.
It’s one of the most divisive things you can do, and the fact that they know they’re lying is what makes it and them so vile. I mean to try and bring up Jim Crow, you have got to be kidding me. That was one of the darkest parts of our history.
Jim Crow legitimized racism. Jim Crow did far more than just create a few anti-black laws. It attempted to dehumanize Black Americans. Treat them as second-class citizens where people were taught that Black people were intellectually and culturally inferior. It wasn’t just about separate, but equal, because equality didn’t really exist. Jim Crow was about pushing a superiority narrative that was extraordinarily destructive.
Jim Crow was about socially engineering a society. Hmm. Does that sound familiar? More on that later.
But anyone who compares the horrors of Jim Crow to the Georgia election law deserves to be ostracized and thoroughly discredited. And not for nothing, if we are going to declare the Georgia voting laws as Jim crow, then what would we call New York’s election laws which are far more restrictive in certain areas, and this state is run solely by Democrats.
Voter ID
What they really hate is Georgia’s Voter ID laws, which actually were in place prior to this bill being passed. It’s funny because, in this day and age, you need an ID for everything. To get on a plane. To go to a hotel. To get into any federal or state-building. Switching medical providers. Verify residency for school district requirements. Pretty much everything.
But when you require an ID to vote, they like to equate that to white supremacy. I’m constantly hearing that requiring someone to provide an ID is racist, but only to vote. For anything else, an ID has no connection to racism. Weird how that works, right? So, I asked on social media because I was genuinely interested. I stated that I wanted to hear from Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans. I wanted to know if they had any difficulties getting an ID and didn’t have an ID.
Now, this wasn’t some scientific poll, but not a single person responded that they were unable to get an ID or didn’t have an ID. Not a single person. I heard a few complaints about DMV, but that cut across all racial boundaries. DMV hates everyone equally. They don’t discriminate. I’m only kidding. I know some great people that work for DMV.
Now I want people to realize how insulting it is to claim that minorities are not self-sufficient enough to get an ID. I want you to think about how racist that is. Realize, it’s mostly white liberal elitists who say this. It tells you what you need to know. They have such low expectations of minority communities. The fact that they believe you can’t be trusted to be productive members of society and do the basic things we all need to do like obtaining an ID is insulting and racist. Remember.
Bigotry Disinformation Sound Clip
So, who are the real racists telling entire groups of people that they’re not capable or self-sufficient enough within society? It’s condescending and demeaning. See, they are part of the elite class. They don’t talk or intermingle with anyone not part of their society. If they did, they would quickly realize that many from these communities have more savviness and are more capable to do things themselves because it’s necessary for their survival.
Woke Corporations Weaponize the Economy
Then you have the corporate giants who pretend to be the moral arbiters within society. They quickly rush out to condemn any policy the woke mobs are against. Again, it’s not like any of these idiots actually read the policies or understand the legislation.
But I’ve had enough of these corporations dictating to us what policies should or should not be implemented. Who the hell do they think they are? What they’re trying to do is usurp power and authority from duly elected legislative bodies to push a social agenda that has nothing to do with their respective industry.
No one elected these morons to develop social policy. Yet, these corporations think that they can do and say whatever they want without consequence.
This started about ten years ago, and the problem has metastasized. It’s far worse. It started during the mortgage meltdown crisis, and it’s easy to see what’s behind the push when you pay attention to the revolving door of government and corporate America.
Due to the Great Recession, the major banks in the financial sector got even bigger and stronger despite their mismanagement, and this was a major power grab by the government. If the financial sector is dependent on the government for its survival, it is natural they would become more and more compliant with the governing authority. What I mean is rather than free-market forces driving economies, it would now be governing authorities that drive economies, weakening and undermining free-market mechanisms.
The problem is that when governing authorities begin manipulating economies, they also infuse ideology as well. Do you think it’s a coincidence that corporations began getting involved in social issues shortly after the Great Recession?
It started out where companies would simply contribute money to left-wing causes. It then morphed to where corporations would begin to put restrictions on businesses that didn’t conform to the mobs. For example, Citigroup stops offering loans and credit card services to any business selling guns to those younger than 21 regardless of what state law says. We’ve seen companies like Bank of America stop lending services to detention centers and threaten any gun manufacturers that make what Bank of America deems “military-style rifles.”
It quickly gained steam from there, and corporations began went even further where these corporations began inflicting financial pain on businesses or people who dissented from the woke mobs’ narrow point-of-view. We saw Google demonetize conservative outfits like Breitbart. We saw Mailchimp drop accounts that expressed support for President Trump or the Second Amendment.
Throughout the coronavirus, the corporations would regurgitate the government message of obedience and compliance with all the authoritarian decrees being pushed by the mayors and governors. Commercial after commercial the propaganda was flowing telling people to mask up and obey. You now had the corporate elite and the government acting like one in the same. And here’s the interesting part. Most of those pushing the propaganda would ultimately be deemed essential, while their competitors were deemed nonessential.
Following George Floyd’s death, the corporations got even more ideological. As Antifa and the Black Lives Matter organization ran wild over the summer, and in some cases, Antifa is still creating anarchy, the corporations came out to quickly announce that they stand in solidarity with the movement. They were also providing millions upon millions of dollars to the BLM organization and we still don’t have a clue how that money is being spent.
The woke corporations would also bow to the woke mobs and apologizing for their brands, rebranding items like Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben, Cream of Wheat, Land o Lakes, and more. While this isn’t the biggest deal, it shows how pathetic these corporations are, and how they have become ideological tools.
Take Aunt Jemima for instance. I don’t think there’s a single person out there that looks at the Aunt Jemima syrup bottle and thinks of slavery, oppression, or racism. Yet, that didn’t matter. It’s the narrative that matters as if at white supremacist meetings, they are all sitting around eating pancakes using Aunt Jemima syrup because it symbolizes racism. These people are idiots.
Once again, it would then go further than that. After the January 6th riot on the Capitol Building, Corporations quickly cut off political donations to Republicans even though Republicans and Conservatives were quick to come out and condemn the anarchists. It’s ironic how they condoned and even supported violence for months on end. Didn’t say a peep. Not one word of criticism, even as their own businesses were being destroyed. It tells you a lot.
But last week, corporations took this to a whole new level. Not only did they provide their opinion on a social issue, which we have become used to by this point, but now they would like to weaponize the economy, and economically punish a state for a law that was passed by a duly elected state legislative body.
And this is alarming. The Georgia legislative branch was elected to represent the people. The governor was elected to represent the state. The Constitutional process was followed, and the Georgia election law passed overwhelmingly.
However, these corporations don’t care about the Constitution. They believe that they should serve as the moral arbiters of social policy, and if a state legislative body passes a law that goes against the leftist narrative, then the corporations will seek to economically harm that state until the state changes its policies.
First, I’m going to play a clip from the CEO of Coca-Cola, James Quincey.
Sound Clip 4- Coca Cola CEO
This guy is a real moron. First off, it’s clear he didn’t even read the bill. Secondly, and even more important, this is the same guy forcing his white employees to “be less white.” He doesn’t get to dictate to me or anyone else what is or isn’t racism. He incorporated racism as company policy, and again, he is openly lying and trying to deceive people.
I can’t stand these people, and they’re really getting on my nerves. If Quincey actually believed the crap he’s peddling, he would step down as CEO of Coca-Cola and ensure that the position goes to a minority. But he doesn’t believe the crap he’s pushing, and he wants to tell you what bad people we are for wanting more secure elections.
The next clip is from the CEO of Delta Airlines. Here’s another one that’s probably never read the bill.
Sound Clip 5- Delta CEO
Now here’s a guy who probably hardly intermingles with his employees, and he probably never goes and speaks to the people in the Black and minority communities. Another example of rich white elitists speaking for the Black community and making assumptions.
And then you had Major League Baseball decide that they are going to pull the all-star game from Atlanta over the Georgia election law. The pathetic Commissioner of MLB, Rob Manfred, stated, “Major League Baseball fundamentally supports voting rights for all Americans and opposes restrictions to the ballot box.”
And the Major League Baseball’s Players Alliance also released a statement, “We want to make our voice heard loud and clear in our opposition of the recent Georgia legislation that not only disproportionately disenfranchises the Black community, but also paves the way for other states to pass similarly harmful laws based largely on widespread falsehoods and disinformation.” (MLB)
Now neither the commissioner nor the Players Alliance stated how this law restricts access to the ballot box. While they state this disenfranchises the black community, they never stated how. It would be nice if the press would call on them to point to specifics, but we don’t have a press, and it’s all based on lies.
And once again, the President decides to get involved, and he continues to regurgitate the same lies. Take a listen.
Sound Clip 6- Biden MLB
Again, he brings up Jim Crow, and the facts aren’t on his side. He is knowingly lying and continues to push that lie.
Bigotry Disinformation Sound Clip
Amazingly, you have an American President applauding the economic punishment Major League Baseball is inflicting on an American city and state.
You have a President crossing the boundaries of federalism and encouraging corporations to punish any state that goes against the leftist narrative.
Remember, this is the President that stated he would never lie. He stated he would always tell the truth. He stated that we are not the divided states of America and that he wants to unify Americans.
Yet, everything he does is divisive. This whole presidency is based on division. It’s only unity through compliance. If you fall in line and get behind the leftist narrative, then we can have unity. If you dissent, you will be punished.
If it’s a policy that affects their industry, it’s one thing, but these are social policies that have nothing to do with their industries. Corporations don’t get to usurp the authority of a state legislative body, and they for damn sure don’t get to usurp the people’s authority. Again, who the hell do these corporations think they are?
Corporations have decided that they would rather be political activists, and they need to pay for that. I am not a fan of boycotts. However, the corporations are getting worse and worse, and they won’t change until they learn that they can’t alienate half of America. They need to learn that they don’t get to usurp authority from duly elected legislative bodies. Most importantly, they need to learn that there’s a price to pay when you weaponize the economy for ideological reasons.
And the only way they will learn is if the shareholders end up getting hurt. Maybe if people stop doing business with these companies, maybe shareholders will begin to wake up and force companies to get back to their businesses as opposed to pushing a leftists ideological narrative.
China Gets Praise
And these corporations aren’t being morally courageous. In fact, they’re cowards. They will routinely bash the United States. It’s like every chance they get they’re bashing the United States. Yet, when it comes to China, the largest human rights abusers on the planet.
Their silence is deafening. Whether it’s the torture of the Uighurs. The exploitation of cheap labor. The political prisoners. The surveillance state. And just this week, a report was released that the communist regime is detaining Christians and forcing them to camp where they either renounce their face or be tortured. (Dailywire)
How many corporations have come out and said they were going to economically punish China because of this gross violation of human rights? The answer is 0 as far as I know. I wonder when Coca-Cola, Delta, Major League Baseball, the NBA, and all the other woke corporations will stand against China and hurt them economically. I won’t hold my breath and we all know the answer to that.
Remember, these are the biggest cowards who could care less about anyone. They are pushing a leftist narrative, not because they believe, but because it’s the easy thing to do. Why do we allow these corporations to spit in the face of every American regardless of political ideology, and why do we allow them to routinely bash our country engaging in nothing more than race-baiting politics designed to stoke suspicion and division?
We need to stop using the word progressive when referring to the left. There is nothing progressive about them. In fact, they are regressive and that’s what we need to call them from now on. They are bringing us backward.
When it comes to race, we made significant advances over the last six decades. Now, these morons are throwing all those advances away and destroying America in the process. The anti-racists are in fact the real racists, and they need to be called out. We need to continue to expose these people for what they are.
When you are someone that sees race in every aspect of life. When you are someone that believes we should divide ourselves along with all the things that divide us. You need to look in the mirror. I hate to break it to you, but your obsession with race shows how racist you really are that you inject it everywhere.
And the fact they’re knowingly pushing lies on such an issue illustrates how dangerous these people are. They all know how invoking racial divisions can tear the fabric of this country apart. Yet, they don’t care. In fact, for many, they’re hoping that they can exploit racial divisions in an effort to usurp more power and authority.
These people have now said the best way to combat racism is to develop policies and implement systemic racism. Think about that for a minute. You have several cities in the United States who have now created policies where they’re providing money to those who live below the poverty line with one exception. That exception is if you’re a white person. If you’re white, you’re not eligible to receive these funds no matter how poor you are.
You have schools throughout the country that have now incorporated racism into their curriculums and are now teaching students as young as 4 that if they’re white, they’re horrible human beings. They’re racist and will always be a racist. If you’re a minority, you’re a victim and will always be a victim.
Schools are now offering in-person education to the kids that have come over illegally, but yet American students still have to attend remotely as we see in San Diego.
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In the last COVID stimulus, if you are a minority farmer, you’re eligible for certain government assistance, yet if you’re a white farmer that’s struggling, sucks for you.
In the New York State budget, illegal immigrants will be eligible for unemployment and it can be backdated, essentially allowing the person that’s illegally here to be eligible for up to $20,000 in back pay. How many New Yorkers are struggling? How many small businesses are struggling? Apparently, to the race hustlers, you don’t matter.
We have gone far astray from where we are supposed to be, and it’s because of those who want to divide us by playing the dangerous game of identity politics. And that’s why they’re the real racists intent on destroying America.
Ponder that for a minute.
With that in mind, next week I have a great guest coming on Monday that you won’t want to miss, and on Wednesday I plan on talking about the infrastructure bill. Now that may change depending on what’s going on, but that’s my intent.
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I want to thank you for joining me and I want you to stay safe.
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