Episode 247 Show Notes- It May Be A New Year, but Fear, Lies, and Deception Continue
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Episode Description
It’s a new year, and in 2022, the American people have the ability to hold officials accountable, particularly those officials who instill fear, lie, and deceive the American people. You have officials who continue to double, triple and quadruple down on failed policies, and they have little regard for the long-term consequences of these failed policies. It’s 2022. No more living in fear. No more allowing the government to rule by decree. No more unelected bureaucrats weaponizing our institutions for political purposes.
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Show Information- It May Be A New Year, but Fear, Lies, and Deception Continue
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast.
I have to say Monday’s interview with Miranda Devine was fantastic. If you haven’t listened to it yet, I suggest you do. We discussed her new book, Laptop from Hell, in order to shine a light on the Biden family business and how steeped it is in corruption. More importantly, we raise a question that no one has asked thus far. What did our intelligence community know about the Biden family business? Understand, when it comes to espionage, Hunter Biden is a golden target given his connections, and all the blackmail or coercion issues. While I don’t have evidence, I can assure you that Hunter’s name and the Biden family business dealings came up many times in our intelligence community at the highest levels.
So, take a listen to that episode, and let me know what you think by taking 30-seconds to write a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, or post on social media, and tag me.
Getting to today, it’s a new year, and as I said on Monday, this should be the year of optimism and accountability. It’s the year of optimism because of the overreaching by the authoritarian officials with their mandates that don’t make any sense. It’s the year of optimism because people are thoroughly fed up with the BS. But it’s also the year of optimism because We the People have the power to take back control and hold officials accountable. We have the power to throw these bums out of office.
I want you to consider this, I ran the numbers for the 7-day COVID averages. I took the last week of December where there was an estimated 2,213,939 new COVID cases and 7,648 deaths. Basically, a death rate of .34544763%. Now, if you factor in all those who contracted COVID but are asymptomatic or didn’t get a test, the death rate is probably closer to .003%.
The question is what exactly are we doing here? That’s going to be the focus of this episode. This whole thing is a sham, and every single official needs to be held accountable.
Before I jump in, go to the P.A.S. Report website, sign up for The P.A.S. Report newsletter, follow the podcast so you never miss an episode, and share this episode with your family and friends.
Laptop from Hell: Hunter Biden, Big Tech, and the Dirty Secrets the president Tried to Hide
Interesting Developments
There were some interesting developments during the Christmas break. The first one I want to discuss is the embodiment of science himself, lord Fauci, who revealed a stunning admission. Take a listen.
Sound Clip Fauci
Now, this is something people like me have been arguing about since the start of the coronavirus. We have known that it doesn’t matter what you go to the hospital, if you test positive for covid, they count that as a covid admission even if it has absolutely nothing to do with the coronavirus and you don’t even have symptoms. Lord Fauci says we have to stop over-counting COVID admissions among children, but the reality is that it’s not just happening with children. It’s happening with adults too. So, the numbers are totally over-inflated. Then factor in the accuracy of COVID tests, and you’ll quickly realize that we have no real handle on the actual numbers.
Even the death count is suspect. We have no idea how many people died from COVID and how many people died with COVID. There is a big distinction and of course, no one will talk about it.
I find it rather stunning that here we are two years into this disaster, and we still can’t get a handle on actual numbers.
Truly pathetic, but there is a reason. See, if they really wanted actual numbers, they could do that, but again, it’s about fear and manipulation.
There is No Federal Solution
Another interesting development was when President Biden was speaking before the National Governor’s Association and stated this. Take a listen.
Sound Clip There is No Federal Solution
For two years, I’ve been stating that exact thing. The federal government is incapable of preventing things from happening. The sooner people realize this, the better off we’ll be. Unfortunately, you have too many people who’ve been indoctrinated to think that the government exists to prevent anything bad from happening. It’s why the federal apparatus, and government at all levels for that matter, continue to expand, yet the problems remain.
Even state governments can prevent bad things from happening. It’s the nature of the beast. Finally, President Biden is acknowledging the limitations of the federal government, and while he’s right, he’s saying it for the wrong reasons.
He ran on the platform that he was going to end the pandemic and life would get back to normal. Instead, cases have skyrocketed, and President Biden has more deaths under his administration than the previous administration did.
But President Biden is trying to deflect blame. He doesn’t want to be labeled as a dismal failure. Instead of accepting accountability and admitting his policies failed, he is trying to place the burden and the blame on the states.
It’s time we get back to our roots and understand the concept of federalism and the limitations of government. It’s time we realize that all the dictatorial decrees have failed. They’ve done little to stop the spread of the coronavirus, and the stupid things they have done have come at a great cost to our country and every single individual. The long-term damage to our country, and individuals, is incalculable. I’m talking about the mental, physical, and emotional health issues that we will be witnessing for decades all because of the asinine authoritarians.
See, these policies have led to a loss of trust in our institutions, particularly the public health sector and science as a whole. But other institutions as well. Institutions that were already suffering from a lack of trust. Remember, if you protest unconstitutional decrees, you’re promoting white nationalism and can potentially be labeled a domestic terrorist. It doesn’t matter if you’re white or not.
Unfortunately, the officials continued to push policies that didn’t make any sense. They did it because they didn’t want to be criticized as being flat-footed. They wanted to appear as if they were doing something no matter how damaging or useless the policies were. We’ve seen most in government, the scientific community and nearly every other sector conform to a groupthink mentality.
But while many are susceptible to groupthink, there are some who are far more sinister in their motives. I want you to think about it this way. From the start of the coronavirus, many of these same officials pushed division. When it was convenient for them, they downplayed it. They said any travel restrictions were xenophobic and steeped in racism. Then the script flipped, and as some saw the opportunity for a massive power grab.
All they’ve done is foster division, and it’s all about politics. Remember, the many of same people that instituted these dictatorial decrees were caught violating their own decrees. They violated the mandates they demand the peasant class follows, and they try to shame and destroy those who speak out. They’ve attempted to pit Americans vs. Americans. Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated. Masked vs. unmasked.
So, as we are fighting with each other, they go on and live their lives. Do you not see something wrong with that picture? People really need to wake up to what’s really going on.
A Plague Upon Our House: My Fight at the Trump White House to Stop COVID from Destroying America
Can’t Keep Track of Their Own BS
And these fools can’t even keep track of their own lies and deception. Remember when President Biden came out and stated that if you get vaccinated, you will not get coronavirus? Here’s the reminder.
That was a lie. Remember when nearly every official warned about a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Yeah, that was a lie. Remember when they warned that the unvaccinated will face a winter of death. Again, a lie.
Think of how they tried to vilify those who don’t want to get the vaccine. I’m someone who believes Americans can make their own decisions about what’s in their own, and their families, best interests. I trust the American people to do what they believe is right.
Yet, what have we been hearing over the last year? They’ve tried to marginalize the unvaccinated. Coerce them. Force them into social isolation. Between vaccine mandates and vaccine passports, they’ve tried to make life as difficult as possible for some.
Some people have gone so far as to say that those who are unvaccinated, regardless of reason, should not be treated if they contract the coronavirus. That they should be turned away from the hospital. They say the unvaccinated made a choice, and that they don’t care about other people. That they’re selfish.
But these idiots can’t even keep track of their own stupidity. They want to say the unvaccinated did it to themselves, and they forced the government’s hand. Yet, at the same time, you have states like New York now implementing policies that will base coronavirus treatments on racial preferences.
They are justifying this policy on the basis that minorities don’t have the same access to the vaccine, and that’s why they remain the lowest vaccinated group so it’s okay to openly discriminate when it comes to treatment options. Listen, I don’t care who you are or what your racial identity is. This is laughable. Nearly everyone has easy access to the vaccine if they want, especially in urban areas. So, on one hand, they demonize the unvaccinated for making their own decision and blame them for the pandemic. On the other hand, they’ve figured out a way to inject race into this issue and are essentially saying minorities are too dumb to go to their nearest CVS or Walgreens or any other pharmacy to get the vaccine.
And then you have the other people who say that the government has mandated vaccines before, and people are just being selfish. They bring up smallpox, polio, MMR, and others. Here’s the difference. Those diseases were far more debilitating and deadly. The coronavirus isn’t comparable with those diseases which were far worse.
Even more important is the fact that those vaccines weren’t mandated. In fact, they went through state legislative bodies, where the issue was debated by those who were directly elected by the people, who then passed a law. There’s a big difference between a law passed through state legislative bodies and signed by the chief executive than one person ruling by decree.
But most importantly, many of these vaccines were around for 10-15 years before the state legislative bodies passed laws requiring these vaccinations. We had years of data about both the short-term and long-term effects of these vaccines, and therefore, there was little concern.
Here you have a vaccine that was released within 9-months since the initial outbreak, what data do we really have, particularly when it comes to the long-term effects of the vaccine? Sure, millions of people have gotten the vaccine and have had little to no issues. But we can’t deny that there have been major side effects for some, including death. It doesn’t mean that everyone will suffer from the side effects, but we can’t ignore them either.
And anyone who says the vaccine is 100% safe and effective is lying to you, especially those who repeatedly talk about booster after booster. In fact, I’m starting to see more and more scientists speak out against repeated boosters saying that it could damage immune response in the long term. Yet, officials keep pushing booster after booster, which is insane, especially when you consider young, healthy people who are at little risk from severe complications from the coronavirus.
And should we even be calling this a vaccine? Given the number of how many of the vaccinated have been infected with the virus. Once again, it’s not to say that the vaccine doesn’t have its merits, particularly for those at high risk. I always love those people who will constantly talk about the drawbacks of the vaccine, yet they have no problem with other experimental treatments and their side effects. We are living in bizarre times. But if we look at how the vaccinated can still get and transmit COVID, doesn’t it seem that it’s more like a treatment as opposed to a vaccine?
And even the new quarantine rule doesn’t make sense. So now, they lowered the quarantine from 10-days to 5-days, particularly for first responders. Is this because of new science? Was there some sort of study? Of course not. It’s because of staffing shortages. So, it’s not about the actual science, it’s what’s convenient for the powers that be. That’s what it really comes down to. But enough about the vaccine.
More Lies
When we look at our officials, we continue to see the lie being pushed when it comes to masking. I am now seeing more and more scientists come out and admit that cloth masks are completely useless and do absolutely nothing when it comes to slow the spread of the coronavirus.
And even left-wing publications like Newsweek and the Atlantic have written scathing pieces about the effectiveness of cloth masks. So why are they coming out now? Did the science change? Was there some breakthrough study?
I’m glad they’re saying it, but they’re a little late to the game. I’ve been stating this for nearly two years, and it’s because science has been there the whole time. Lord Fauci was right when he originally emailed that masks provide nothing more than a false sense of security. If you look at every major study prior to the coronavirus, and since the coronavirus, they all show that cloth masks have little effect when it comes to airborne transmission.
Yet, the CDC website still recommends cloth masks be worn. Now, why would the CDC and other officials continue to recommend wearing a cloth mask, which is still on the CDC website, when they know that cloth masks are useless?
Again, it’s all a show. Doing something for the sake of doing something without ever considering or not caring about the long-term damage we are doing, especially to children. It’s almost sadistic.
We still have officials clinging to the idea of masking, even though the actual science and data say otherwise. While there is universal agreement on cloth masks, there is still disagreement about whether we should be masking at all. Some are now calling for N-95s to be mandated, but they all know that will never happen for a bunch of reasons. While I admit that N-95s would offer better protection, they are much more expensive, and they are far more uncomfortable. Also, they have to be fitted and cartridges and filters have to be replaced. It would be to daunting on people and even some of the most ardent maskers out there will say no more.
Knowing how unrealistic an N-95 mask mandate is, some are pushing for a surgical mask mandate, and to do away with cloth masks. However, there are major consequences with surgical masks, especially when it comes to long-term use. It’s very important to dispose of the surgical masks as soon as you take it off and not reuse it. When moisture gets into the surgical mask or when you constantly reuse the mask, it undermines mask integrity, and the fibers begin to break apart.
The fibers in many surgical masks contain plastics, and when they break apart, you’re inhaling those plastics. The question then becomes what long-term damage will these fibers cause to individuals, especially their lungs?
And what have the masks done? We’ve had mask mandates in New York since the start of the coronavirus, and we continue to have some of the strictest mask mandates in the country, and what has it done? Our children have been suffering under mask mandates for the last two years. The same with businesses and large venues, yet here we are, and New York leads the country in cases.
Yet, these same officials keep doubling and tripling down on failed policies. When is everyone going to open their eyes? And these officials won’t stop until people stop complying. Sadly, you have so many who are brainwashed with the groupthink mentality. They will dutifully wear their obedience mask, aka the cloth mask because they’ve been told to do so. Some people actually think it’s effective. Others just don’t want confrontation, but at some point, you have to show courage. At some point, you have to ask questions.
For all those that blindly follow these edicts. When you’re told that the only way out of this is to mask up, to implement vaccine mandates, to get your boosters, to require vaccine passports, yet at the same time cases continue to surge, what’s your logic?
Are you really going to say no one is wearing masks because wherever I go, the overwhelming majority of people have obediently complied? Are you really going to say it’s because people are unvaccinated even though the overwhelming majority of people in New York got their shots and continue to get and transmit COVID? Are you really going to say it’s because of the unvaccinated when in every major city area in New York, there are major restrictions due to the vaccine passports where people can’t even go out to a restaurant because of the stupid passports?
At what point do you begin to ask why we continue to implement the same authoritarian policies when these same policies don’t have much of an impact if any at all?
Sleazy Politicians
But that’s not even the worst of it. The worst is when you have sleazy politicians like Empress Hochul who thinks that she is the ruler of the peasant class. She issued a slew of new mandates and extended the current mask mandate. Now, what makes it so sleazy is that she announced these new rules on New Year’s Eve. She could have announced them on January 3rd, but she chose to announce these mandates on New Year’s Eve.
Why do you think she did that? Why announce it on a holiday where most people aren’t paying attention, and it’s going to get very little media coverage when the empress could have announced it on January 3rd? But that’s exactly why she did that. It was a cheap, slimy move.
She extended the mask mandate to February 1st, and she is now requiring SUNY and CUNY college students to get a booster shot if they want to attend classes in person. Now as a college professor, I can tell you that in-person enrollments have been decimated by the vaccine mandate. We used to be able to fill classes without any issues, now my college, and other colleges, have had to slash in-person course offerings due to low enrollment.
This is what happens when you require young, healthy individuals to get a vaccine they don’t want, and when you try to normalize distance education which is a complete failure.
Even worse are those students who were forced, coerced, to get the vaccine so they could attend in-person classes last semester. Many of them didn’t want to get the vaccine, but they decided to get it because they were tired of sitting home and trying to learn remotely. They did what was asked. They got their vaccine. They wore their masks on campus. Now they are once again being threatened. Get the booster or else you won’t be allowed to attend in-person classes.
This really is demented, but it doesn’t surprise me one bit. She is a horrible governor. She’s also a horrible person, and I don’t say that lightly. Take a listen to something she said.
Sound Clip Empress Hochul
Now that’s sick and you really have to be a horrible person to put that on someone. These people have no shame.
Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections
However, as I said last week, it’s about solutions, and there are solutions to the problem of what we’ve been witnessing. 2022 is an election year, and we have to throw all these bums out of office. We need to elect people who will adhere to the concept of federalism and our Constitution.
We need to elect people who will fire every single one of the authoritarian bureaucrats who pushed and advocated for failed authoritarian policies. Who infected and politically weaponized nearly every institution.
It’s time to put in people who are willing to work in the confines of the Constitution and develop policies that actually work. However, it’s not just about developing policies that actually work. We all make mistakes, and at the beginning of this thing, we were working with limited information so it’s understandable that there were missteps. With that being said, we need people that recognize when a policy failed, when they were wrong, admit it, and be willing to make adjustments, not double down.
I hate to break it to everyone, but it really doesn’t matter who you are or what you do. It doesn’t matter whether you are vaccinated or not. It doesn’t matter whether you wear a mask religiously or not. We are all going to get COVID at some point or another.
It’s not the government’s job, nor is it in their ability, to prevent anything. They can only mitigate the effects. The state and local governments are on the front lines. Now that the omicron variant is here, and by all accounts far less severe, it’s time to let nature take its course, and focus protection and resources on the most vulnerable among us.
In addition, the major issue is hospital surge, and this is where the federal government has a role. In order to prevent a surge on hospitals, the federal government should be building out temporary mobile hospitals in places that are close to reaching capacity. The federal government is there to provide support, and that’s one way to do it.
Also, lift the stupid mandate requirement and hire back all the staff that was laid off because they didn’t comply with the stupid mandates, especially nurses and first responders who were on the front lines throughout the pandemic long before there was a vaccine. Part of the reason hospitals and medical facilities are overwhelmed is because of personnel shortages, and so the government officials created this problem.
Another solution is to stop all the testing on every single person. Provide tests to the most vulnerable so that if they test positive, they can be provided with early treatments and increase their odds of survival. Provide them with N-95 masks, and do away with the blanket mask mandates, particularly on children at schools.
And I don’t understand people. They have no symptoms, yet they’re willing to wait in line for 3-hours to get a test. It defies logic and common sense. Tests should be centered around vulnerable communities, and positive cases aren’t the most important metric. Hospitalizations and deaths are, but even when the media reports on these, they peddle in fear. They’ll say COVID hospitalizations are up 50%. Sounds like a lot, but when you look at the actual numbers, it’s not so much. Consider that if you have 20 COVID patients in a hospital, and another 10 get admitted, that’s your 50% increase. Well in a jurisdiction with thousands to tens of thousands of people, is 30 really that big of a number. Of course, it isn’t.
But the media industrial complex doesn’t care or provide any perspective. It’s why they use percentages. It’s about frightening the population. We need to stop the fear-mongering and live life. Imagine how quickly this goes away if we turn off the news. If we stop paying attention. If we stop complying. We do that, the pandemic goes away immediately, and we learn to live with the virus. We use our own judgment rather than the government usurping our authority and applying a one size fits all approach that has abysmally failed.
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What I propose is simple and doable. They will go a long way at ending this pandemic, and it will end much sooner than people realize.
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I want to thank you for joining me. Stay safe and I’ll be back on Monday for another great episode of The P.A.S. Report Podcast.
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