Episode 174 Show Notes- It’s Time To Quickly End The Authoritarian Decrees And Restore Our Power
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Episode Description
Enough is enough. For the last several years, our bureaucracy has been weaponized for political purposes, and the impacts are having a real effect. Trust in the American government is at an all-time low. Americans no longer have faith in once-revered institutions, and the system is beginning to buckle. Ideologues are in full control and make decisions based on political calculations as opposed to doing what is in the best interests of the United States, but more importantly, We the People.
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Show Transcript- It’s Time To Quickly End The Authoritarian Decrees And Restore Our Power
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast.
I want to thank everyone for the feedback from last week’s episode. Many appreciated the quick refresher on the Constitution and the importance of our system the way it was intended by the founding fathers.
And that’s what The P.A.S. Report Podcast is all about. It’s not simply to talk about the issue of the day from a partisan political perspective. It’s about providing educational value. Tying in an analysis of today’s issues with the founder’s intent. It’s to thoroughly explore the current issues and connect the past to the present.
I provide information, and you come to your own conclusions. I don’t shy away from my conservative perspective, and while some episodes may be more partisan than others, the truth is that every episode is weaved into one another in some form or fashion.
And even though I am conservative, one thing you’ll notice is that I try to talk to all people regardless of political ideology. Well, except for the leftists. We’ll never see eye to eye or find common ground, but I’m okay with that and they are still free to listen to the podcast and criticize whatever they would like. That’s the beauty of this country.
But I want to give a special thanks to some of the Democrat listeners that have reached out to me over the last few weeks because it’s that which gives me hope and encouragement that America is still strong. That there’s a lot we can agree on. That there are sensible Americans out there who are sick and tired of what they’re witnessing.
Before I start, be sure to go to The P.A.S. Report website. Sign up for The P.A.S. Report Newsletter and make sure to follow the podcast so you never miss an episode.
It’s Up to Us
Last week’s episode really struck a chord with me. Particularly the end, when I played a clip of Ronald Reagan. That speech was around 50 years ago. I mean, it’s truly astonishing, 50 years ago, and here we are again.
And one of the parts that really jumps out at me is when President Reagan said, “History may record with the greatest astonishment that those with the most to lose did the least to prevent its happening.”
That right there is truth because it is up to us. We can’t rely on some knight in shining armor to come down and fix everything for us. We can’t rely on one political party or the other to have our backs. Both parties have mostly sold us out.
We can only rely on ourselves restoring the principles of self-reliance and that we bear some responsibility within the system and for the current problems we face.
And President Reagan was right. When we look at what’s happening today, and the biggest crisis we face, it’s not a left or right issue. It’s an American issue. Defending the honor and dignity of our country is not Republican or Democrat. Defending our history is not a Republican or Democrat issue. Defending our Constitution and this system of federalism doesn’t require you to be beholden to any political party or any ideology.
It’s our way of life we’re standing up for. Throughout the centuries, there are numerous people who shed their blood, who made the ultimate sacrifice, to ensure our way of life can continue.
So, now it’s our turn to ensure that future generations will be able to live in the United States that has afforded so much opportunity to We the People. As I always say, if the system collapses, it doesn’t matter what your political ideology is. It doesn’t matter which party has all the power because all of us will suffer.
This isn’t rocket science, just look at all the authoritarian regimes out there, wherein their rise to power, they made all these promises to the people, particularly those in poverty and those in the lower to the middle of the socioeconomic scale.
How did it work out for them? The poor are still the poor. Their lives didn’t improve, and the middle class became poor. It didn’t matter that they supported the regime’s rise to power. The fact is everyone suffered except the wealthy elite that could bribe their way to protection or had the money to flee the country.
Unfortunately, everyone outside the ruling class suffered. Maybe those who expressed any political opposition suffered more, but the truth is that nearly all suffer including those who support and identify with the party in power.
The Ideological Partisans Control the Bureaucracy
It’s with that in mind that we need to pay attention to those who hold the power. In order for a nation to be successful, people have to have trust that those in power are operating in good faith. Unfortunately, that’s not what’s happening and it’s why many are losing faith in our institutions.
For the last several years, we have witnessed our bureaucracy become weaponized for political purposes, and the impacts are having a real effect. Trust in the American government is at an all-time low.
Americans no longer have faith in once-revered institutions. Ideologues are in full control and make decisions based on political calculations as opposed to doing what is in the best interests of the United States, but more importantly, We the People.
In fact, it’s pretty astonishing, and many don’t even try to hide it anymore. How long can a nation survive if half the country believes that institution no longer operates in good faith?
There are those who will say that I’m exaggerating. There are those who will say, “he’s just saying that because he’s a Conservative.” Others will say these are just Republican talking points.
But like always facts are facts, and you can deny what’s happening, but if you’re being honest with yourself, you know that’s a lie and all we have to do is look at the evidence.
These agencies have done an excellent job at discrediting themselves.
I can think of no other agency that has discredited itself more over the last year than the CDC. The missteps at the beginning were understandable, and in emergency management, there were bound to be screw-ups. It’s the nature of the beast.
Now, over the last several months, I have focused my ire on Dr. Fauci because I think he’s incompetent and a fraud. He constantly has contradicted himself throughout the coronavirus. What’s worse is that I can’t figure out if he’s trying to cover up and pass the blame for all his screw-ups or if he is a narcissist who craves the limelight. In any event, I don’t want to talk about him.
Normally when it comes to emergency response, I cut agencies some slack because I know what it’s like. You never get praised for the good, but always get criticized for the bad. Even when you do everything as best as could be done, people find ways to criticize. Yet, I can no longer remain silent about the CDC. I’ve had it with them.
And after the revised guidance, they’ve proven themselves to be nothing more than political operatives.
First, I want to make it crystal clear that guidance does not equal law. I’m going to repeat that. The guidance does not equal law. Have you ever noticed, when you listen to these people speak, including the President, they’ll say guidance, and then everything is the people have to do this? Or we have to do that. They don’t say should. They don’t say strongly encourage. They use the word have, and words do have meaning. This is not by accident.
As I always say, if I’m going to give credit to the left, it’s that they know how to manipulate language. They use language in an extremely effective way, and it doesn’t hurt that they have a propaganda press that simply regurgitates what the administration says, rather than asking serious questions.
In any event, the CDC has revised guidance to basically say that nothing has changed. If you are outside, vaccinated, and around people, they want you to wear a mask. If you are alone, vaccinated, and outside you can take off the mask.
If you’re alone, outside, and not vaccinated, wear a mask. If you vaccinated and inside, and you’re with a small group, you can take the mask off. If you’re vaccinated, inside, and with small a group that where someone isn’t vaccinated, they want you to wear the mask.
First of all, and I’m trying my best not to offend anyone, but if you’re outside and you’re wearing a mask, you are the problem, and it doesn’t matter if you’re vaccinated or not. The science has been in for almost a year on this question, and every study shows masks are useless outdoors, and your chances of catching coronavirus are minuscule. You got a better chance of getting hit by a cab in New York City.
I don’t understand. I see all these people, many of whom look like they live extremely unhealthy lifestyles. I know, that sounds really judgmental, and I get it, but let’s be honest and stop with the nonsense. Many of these people should be more concerned with the lifestyles they live as opposed to catching the coronavirus.
Now, this isn’t to diminish the personal risks to people. If you have preexisting conditions, take whatever precaution you think is necessary.
For those of you who want to continue walking around in a mask, that’s your choice, but don’t bother me. And once again look at the science. About 7-8 weeks ago, Texas ended the mask mandate. When Dr. Fauci, I know I said I wasn’t going to bring him up again, but I have to. Dr. Fauci said with a sniveling attitude, well, we’ll see in two weeks. That it was ill-advised and risky.
Four weeks later the all-knowing great Dr. Fauci was asked why Texas, not only hasn’t seen an increase in coronavirus cases but saw a big drop in cases. Fauci couldn’t answer the question. He said it’s an anomaly. Yet, this is the guy that’s controlling policy. Think about that for a minute. Now, we are about 7-8 weeks since Texas dropped the mask mandate, and guess what, cases are down even further.
Do you think maybe, just maybe, we should cut the charade?
I didn’t get into the whole vaccine debate because that’s not my job. You are plenty capable of determining whether you want to get the vaccine or not. And whatever you decided, that’s your choice.
Now officials are getting concerned because the number of people who want the vaccine has dropped. That’s how dumb these people are. They say it’s because people are raising questions about the vaccine, and anyone who questions the vaccine must be silenced because they are sowing the seeds of doubt.
No, you morons. People are questioning the vaccine because of you, the officials. Because of your statements and actions, you are driving people away.
First of all, what’s the point of getting a newly developed vaccine, where we know little about it, if we still have to abide by all the authoritarian decrees? It isn’t rocket science. I could guarantee you, if the officials said once you get a vaccine, you don’t have to follow the authoritarian decrees, people would be lining up.
Second, and even more importantly, when you try to silence people from raising legitimate questions about the vaccine, do you think people will be more suspicious or less suspicious? Instead of just answering the questions, the officials seem to mock and try delegitimizing that person.
You basically have the entire ruling class apparatus attempting to shame anyone who dares to ask questions.
And I love how they just throw the label anti-science and anti-vaxxer. When the truth is they’ve been anti-science throughout this pandemic by disregarding any scientific evidence that goes against the draconian decrees.
And they use the anti-vaxxer thing to try and denigrate people. I have all my vaccinations. My kids have their vaccinations. So, if I decide not to get the vaccine, how is that being an anti-vaxxer?
These people wouldn’t accept science if it slapped them in the face. In life, there is always going to be risks. It’s part of living. The second you wake up the risk is there. Now each day we calculate the risks we are willing to take.
The authoritarian Mussolini wannabes out there want to make it as if things can’t go back to normal until there is virtually zero risks, and that will never happen, but maybe that’s what they want. Seriously though, as of right now there are about 700 people a day dying of coronavirus. Now that sucks. I feel for those families, but 1,500 people die per day because of cancer, so why don’t we make anything considered a carcinogen illegal? 2,000 people die per day because of heart disease so when are we going to ban all the fast-food restaurants? It’s about saving lives right? You don’t want grandma to die of a heart attack from a Mcdonald’s cheeseburger, right? You don’t want grandma to die because she smokes cigarettes, right?
See, how pathetic Emperor Cuomo is? He tries to shame people and basically says that if your parents or grandparents die from COVID, it’s your fault. Now, the nerve of Governor Cuomo has the audacity to talk about killing grandma shows just how tone-deaf and narcissistic he is.
They don’t care about science, and what started me on this rant. What really got my blood boiling with the CDC is the summer camp guidance.
CDC Summer Camp Guidance
The CDC issued guidelines where kids and counselors have to be masked at all times outdoors except when swimming or eating, and if you think that’s bad, it gets worse. The CDC says children should wear two layers of masks, “especially when social distancing is difficult, regardless of whether the activities are indoors or outdoors.”
Get the hell out of here. That is not science! Imagine 5, 6, and 7 year olds, running around outside, and having to wear two masks in 90 to 100-degree weather. What happens when camps start getting sued because children are collapsing from heat exhaustion and can’t properly breathe?
Again, this is not science. In fact, it should be considered child abuse. They shouldn’t be wearing any masks especially when outdoors.
Let’s look at the science. Just so everyone is aware, children have a much lower risk of contracting the coronavirus. Even if they do contract it, they have a much greater risk of drowning in a pool than they do of dying from the coronavirus. Also, kids are much less likely to spread coronavirus to adults. And here’s a reminder, this is for outdoor guidance where the chances of spreading coronavirus are remote in the first place.
If these idiots cared anything about science, they would weigh the potential harm associated with wearing masks which is much greater than coronavirus itself.
Most countries in the world, including international organizations, have issued guidance that no child under the age of 6 should be wearing masks. Yet, this is ignored by the powers that be at the CDC because they don’t really care about the science.
Enough with the Masks
Enough with the masks. Let our children breathe. Let us breathe. I have spoken about the ineffectiveness of masks before, particularly that masks are rendered useless when you wear them more than once, and they provide little protection.
Once again, if you want to wear a mask. Fine. That’s your choice but stop imposing these authoritarian decrees on the rest of us. If you’re that fearful of the coronavirus, that’s on you.
But I choose to live life, and not let it pass me by. I’m willing to take the risk because I understand that the risk is small.
Yet our officials continue to ignore the science and continue with the decrees. They want to continue to control society. There is intent behind it, and after the newest guidance, the only thing I can think of is that they are trying to normalize control.
And what are we doing to our children? We are basically telling children to be afraid. We are telling them not to take risks.
So, when someone tells me about CDC guidance, I tell them to bug off. I have lost faith in this institution that has flatly rejected science. They did it to themselves.
But coronavirus isn’t the only area that has led to the lack of trust within our institutions.
Where Are the Leaks
If we are going to take a look at how these agencies discredit themselves is that have you noticed the steady drumbeat of leaks has all but dried up? Now I find this really interesting. Under the Trump administration, information would leak out on a weekly to a daily basis, and all the leaks were designed to embarrass or damage the administration in some way.
We saw numerous leaks when it came to the President’s conversations with foreign leaders. We saw tons of leaks when it came to the Russia investigation, and many of those leaks would prove to be inaccurate, but they were done with a strategy in mind. The leaks were designed for maximum negative impact, and some of those leaks came from the bureaucrats in charge including James Comey.
There were leaks about everything from his food to taxes to his schedule. And if you don’t believe these leaks were targeted and strategic in nature designed to damage the President, you’re either naïve or a hardcore partisan.
Consider this, the number of criminal referral leaks from 2009-2016 under the Obama administration averaged about 39 per year. The number under the Trump administration averaged about 104 per year.
This is a huge disparity, and it illustrates the animus bureaucrats had towards Trump.
Understand, it doesn’t matter what administration you’re talking about. If you leak classified information, that’s a crime. Now the bureaucracy has gotten really cute and overclassifies everything which is a problem that our Congress should be solving, but they’re incompetent.
However, let’s take a look at how many people were charged with leaking information under each administration. Under the Obama administration, you had an average of 39 leaks per year. In President Obama’s first term, his first four years, there were 8 prosecutions I could find. Now if we look at the Trump administration, in his 4-year term, you had an average of 104 leaks per year, yet there were only 10 prosecutions.
So, President Trump almost three times the number of leaks each year, and only 10 people were prosecuted. People like Reality Winner and former FBI Agent Terry Albury, and while they deserved to be prosecuted, what about people like former FBI Director James Comey who knowingly admitted to leaking information to the press or Andrew McCabe who leaked information to the press. I mean Terry Albury is serving 4-years in prison for doing the same thing his bosses did, yet they get a pass.
Obviously, the FBI and the DOJ went after leakers with far more vigor under the Obama administration than they did with when Trump was in office. Do you think that’s a coincidence? That it just happened to play out that way? Or do you think it was largely political in nature where the bureaucracy actively sought to protect Obama under Holder’s DOJ and Comey’s FBI?
I think the answer is pretty clear, and understand the bureaucracy was relentless in trying to stop leakers under the Obama administration. His administration actively spied on members of the press. They actively seized documents and electronics from the Press. Just look at what happened with James Rosen, the AP, Sharyl Attkisson.
I mean President Trump would mock the press. He’d call them fake news, which many of them are. He would say the press is the enemy of the people, and the press would go apoplectic. They scream that Trump is an authoritarian intent on destroying the First Amendment. That he wants to eliminate press protections. Imagine what the reaction would be if Trump’s administration did spy on journalists? I bet you he would have been impeached, and probably removed from office.
However, when the Obama administration did just that, our propaganda press outlets peppered the administration with some mild criticism. “Oh, dear leader, how could you do that to us, President Obama? Please try not to do that again.” These cretins are so pathetic.
And while the Biden administration is fairly new, you haven’t heard a peep about any major leaks. Now the propaganda press outlets will say this is because the Biden administration has discipline, but like always, that’s a lie.
It’s because, after a Trump presidency, the bureaucracy has gone all-in on President Biden. Do you think he hasn’t committed massive gaffes behind the scenes that if this was President Trump, it would have been leaked out instantly? Do you think people in his administration don’t have concerns over his health? I mean the guy fell three times walking up the steps of Air Force One and the administration and the propaganda press blamed the wind.
Yet, nothing leaks out, and this is just an example of how there are two sets of standards and why people are losing faith in the system. This is just one simple example of how the bureaucracy is politically weaponized for ideological purposes.
DOJ Going After Former Mayor Giuliani
I won’t bore you again with the whole Russian collusion hoax. A four-year investigation and did immense damage to the country, and in the end, there was no collusion. Not a single person was ever charged, much less convicted, of any type of conspiracy with working with a foreign government in the 2016 election.
However, while I’m not going to go down the Russia rabbit hole again because you’ve heard it a million times. I do want to bring up what’s going on with Giuliani for a second. A couple of weeks ago, the FBI raided his home and seized electronic devices.
Why did they raid Giuliani’s home? According to the warrant, Giuliani is being investigated for failing to register as a foreign agent. Just so everyone is aware, if you lobby the United States government on behalf of foreign interest, you’re supposed to register as a foreign agent. Now, this was an Act first passed in the 1930s to combat Nazi and Soviet propagandists, and while some were prosecuted under this act, it was never widely used.
In fact, hardly anyone did register because when the FARA Act was amended in 1995, it came with more lax enforcement that centered on the idea of voluntary compliance.
This was an obscure law prior to the Trump administration, and finding case law on it, isn’t easy. Sure some people were charged under FARA violations, but not many at all However, since the Trump administration, we’ve seen several high profile people charged under FARA violations, and interestingly enough, I’ll give you one guess at what the political affiliations were of all those high profile people charged with FARA violations. If you guessed Republican, you’d be correct. Well, actually, there was one high-profile Democrat I can recall being charged, Gregory Craig, who was a former White House Counsel to President Obama. However, one of those charges ended up getting dismissed. Shocking, and he was found not guilty on the other charge.
Again, do you think this is a coincidence? And of course, it goes deeper than that. Have you heard of the FBI raiding Hunter Biden’s home or office? Sure, we know that there’s some sort of investigation into Hunter Biden, but we have no details about what the scope of the investigation is. And guess what? We haven’t gotten any leaks to give us any insight. However, how come he hasn’t been raided by the feds?
Wasn’t he essentially lobbying the United States on behalf of a foreign government? We know he didn’t register with FARA, yet we have hard evidence of him representing a foreign interest.
That’s indisputable. We have his laptop. We have official government emails. We have official Ukrainian emails. Yet, nothing. So if the bureaucracy wasn’t weaponized for political purposes, why isn’t Hunter Biden receiving the Giuliani treatment.
And let’s take it to another level. Giuliani isn’t the first Trump lawyer to get raided. We all know about Michael Cohen, but what many may be unaware of, because it was under the radar, a third Trump lawyer was also raided, Victoria Toensing.
When you actually examine what’s going on, this is unprecedented. It is extraordinarily rare for the feds to raid a lawyer’s office. In fact, I remember the Bruce Cutler days. Bruce Cutler represented John Gotti, the head of the Gambino Crime Family. After Gotti was acquitted a few times, there were allegations that Cutler engaged and witnessed illegal mob activity.
So here you have an attorney, that represented one of the most famous mafia figures in U.S. history, who witnessed illegal activities by his client, and he didn’t even get the Giuliani treatment. In fact, prosecutors simply fought to have him removed as the attorney for John Gotti because he witnessed and may have been a part of the illegal activity, and so, he was simply removed from the case.
Yet, former President Trump has had three attorneys working for him at various points. All three have been raided by the feds and served with subpoenas. Again, don’t you find that the least bit curious? I mean if Trump engaged in all this criminal activity, shouldn’t it be easy for the feds to find evidence given how they’ve been investigating all aspects of his life and business for the last several years.
Now I don’t have any evidence to validate what I’m about to say, but one has to wonder, who in their right mind would want to represent the President, and perhaps that’s the point. Perhaps this is a message to all high-profile attorney’s out there letting them know that they better think twice about representing Trump as a client.
Regardless of where this investigation goes, the DOJ and the FBI, have done so much damage to their credibility, that we now have to look at every case and wonder whether it’s a partisan hit job or if there is really something there.
That’s on them. They did it to themselves. In fact, I was reading an article where it states, “To obtain a search warrant, investigators need to persuade a judge they have sufficient reason to believe that a crime was committed and that the search would turn up evidence of the crime.”
Actually no. If the last few years have shown us anything, it’s that you don’t need much to get a warrant. Between the whole Russian collusion BS where, not only did an FBI lawyer knowingly falsified evidence to a FISA court, but they repeatedly lied to the court.
And here’s the kicker. The one person who was charged, even though multiple people lied, but the one person who was charged ended up getting probation because there wasn’t “proof of political bias.”
And so, when I criticize the bureaucracy, understand that it’s on them. It’s because of their actions.
FBI Spies on Americans Without Warrants
A year after a federal court found that some FBI surveillance activities violated Americans’ Constitutional rights for using the NSA repository for information on American citizens, we just learned, the FBI is still using that database.
They are conducting warrantless searches on U.S. citizens even after they’ve been censured by a federal court for these seem activities.
And here’s the crazy part. You probably haven’t even heard about this story because our propaganda press hasn’t done much reporting on it at all. In fact, I had to read about it in a British paper that’s how pathetic the American media has become. (Daily Mail)
This is unprecedented. In a 3-year period, you’ve had a few federal courts, including the FISA Court, blasted the FBI and the tactics they use. That doesn’t happen often, yet the feds ignore the courts and continue to do it. You would think Congress would step in and say, “Hey, wait a minute. Maybe we should actually do our jobs and provided oversight.”
That would make sense, but that’s the problem. It makes too much sense, and it is much more politically expedient to allow the feds to do what they want without consequences so that when they need a favor, they can get one.
It seems they’re all in bed together, and that’s why so many have so little faith in our institutions.
There are those who say the reason people are losing faith in the bureaucracy is that people like me criticize the powers that be. That I call out the political hacks, and I ask common-sense questions. See, to these simpletons, you are not allowed to question anything. You are not allowed to criticize the ruling class. You must pledge obedience and compliance, and if you don’t, you’ll be labeled a Russian agent, or an insurrectionist, or a racist, or a fascist.
However, the fact is they did this to themselves with their actions. They don’t need me to discredit them. They do a damn good job of discrediting themselves every day.
And I’m not going to sit idly by when I’m witnessing rampant abuses of power. The bureaucracy should never be weaponized for political purposes. It should never be weaponized to inflict damage on your political opponents.
And guess what. I would be saying the same damn thing if the shoe were on the other foot. I’d be saying the same thing if the bureaucracy was targeting and punishing those to the left of the political spectrum simply because they thought differently.
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We need our bureaucratic institutions to be nonpartisan, and we need to reign in their power. They weren’t elected to represent us, and so if they want to infuse their partisan ideology into the job they do, they need to leave government service. We may be at a point where we truly have to consider gutting the bureaucracy and rebuilding it in a way that instills accountability.
These people have infected all aspects of our institutions with partisan politics. Remember last week, I said it wasn’t the system of federalism that’s broken. It’s not the system that’s corrupt. It’s the people in charge who are corrupt, and they are nothing more than political zealots.
The fact is we no longer have virtuous people in public service. They don’t have honor and integrity. They’re partisan hacks.
I’ve been teaching for 15 years, and never once did I force my students on any issue. They know they have the freedom to think whatever they want. They have the freedom to determine where they stand on the issues. They have the freedom to decide for themselves. It’s not my job to infuse my political beliefs on them. It’s not my job to indoctrinate them with Conservative values.
When I worked for the New York State in emergency management, never once did I allow my personal political beliefs to get in the way. I’m from a blue state. Ultimately Governor Cuomo and his people gave us orders, and while I disagree with him on most things, it wasn’t my job to infuse politics into the mission.
That’s what professionalism is. That’s what character and integrity are.
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