Episode 99 Show Notes- The Hidden Toll of Lockdowns & Who is the Real Kamala Harris
Episode Description
In this episode of The P.A.S. Report, Professor Giordano examines the hidden toll of the lockdowns with a newly issued study by the CDC. While the lockdowns had a profound effect on our economy, many have chosen to ignore the negative impact on mental health and the new crisis we are facing. Then Professor Giordano switches gears as the presidential election season goes into full swing as the Democrat National Convention kicked off this week. it’s time we analyze whether Senator Harris is really the political moderate the news media is making her out to be.We will examine her stance on abortion, guns, and the Second Amendment, immigration, healthcare, and much more.
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast. Nick Giordano here bringing you another great episode.
Alright, so today I am going to discuss two issues. The first topic is getting very little attention. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) issued a report on the mental health of America, and the report is not good. Unfortunately, it’s as if there is a media blackout on this report because none of the major networks have given this report any real coverage. But the report is devastating and if we continue to ignore the deteriorating mental health impacts of the lockdowns, we are going to face major challenges for decades.
The second topic is obviously getting a lot of attention, and that’s Joe Biden picking Kamala Harris as his Vice-Presidential running mate. I want to give you an in-depth analysis of whether this was a good pick or not, but I want to focus more on the media’s portrayal of Senator Harris as a moderate. As the Democrat National Convention is in full swing, it’s important to understand what the candidates are really all about. Usually, I don’t focus on Vice Presidents all that much, but with Joe Biden at the top of the ticket, this election is different, and I think you all know why. It’s a fair question to ask who’s really going to be in charge under a Biden administration.
Before I jump into these topics, go to The P.A.S. Report website and sign up for the newsletter.
Before I get into the two main topics I want to cover, I just want to provide a quick update. A few weeks ago, I did an episode on Rutgers University declaring grammar as racist. Since then, you have had Chicago leaders call for abolishing history because they say the way history is taught is racist.
Just when you thought the insanity couldn’t get any worse, you now have a professor of CUNY, Laurie Rubel, declare that a simple math equation, 2+2= 4, is part of the white patriarchal system that encourages white supremacy. You heard that right folks, a simple equation like 2+2= 4 is now racist. It’s a form of white supremacy.
I don’t know if these idiots are trying to put the education sector out of business, and want to end teaching as a profession, or they are just that demented. These people are scary and dangerous. God help us if people with this line of logic ever get into positions where they would have real power
I swear, sometimes it’s like we are living in Orwell’s version of 1984. Here’s what these people would sound like if they ever got into power.
Play 1984 Clip
Scary stuff. These people are insane, but I will continue to watch and call out these people when they put out this woke crap. It’s time to start calling out the woke movement for what it really is- a bunch of entitled pompous narcissistic spoiled brats who believe they are smarter and superior to everyone else without them realizing how dumb they really are.
But I don’t want to give these idiots any more attention. Moving on to a much more serious topic.
CDC Report
The CDC released a report that no one is talking about and the media is trying to bury. I warned of the destruction of our economy as the lockdowns dragged on. I also warned at the onset of the lockdowns, the devastating impact on mental health. See, all of the media outlets, in the race to instill fear and panic, compounded with the pompous, self-righteous morons dismissed the impact of lockdowns. They said we will die if we didn’t do the lockdown.
I warned that human beings are social animals. That we can’t stay locked up for long periods of time. It goes against our nature, and that the longer the lockdowns persist, that we would face severe negative consequences.
All the signs were there. From the increase in calls to the suicide hotlines. To the rise of overdoses. To liquor stores being deemed essential and AA meetings being deemed nonessential. The signs were there, and the science is now in.
The CDC conducted a comprehensive study that found 40.9% of American respondents reported at least one adverse mental or behavioral health condition due to the pandemic. Now it really annoys me that they play this wordplay game. They don’t say the lockdowns, but we know that social isolation is what is behind the decline in mental health.
According to this study, 31% of the people are now suffering from symptoms of anxiety or depression. 26% experienced symptoms of traumatic disorder. 13% turned to drugs and alcohol more heavily, or for the first time, started using drugs and alcohol to cope with the pandemic. And 11%. (CDC)
According to the study, anxiety has tripled from 2019, and depression has quadrupled. This should send the alarm bells and should be a wakeup call as the longer we go on like this, the more widespread and permanent these conditions will be.
And it will worsen because even with some reopening’s, the reality is that businesses are not operating anywhere close to their breakeven margins. Many businesses will be shuttering their doors in the weeks and months ahead. As people’s economic conditions grow more dire, we will see the negative impact on mental health continue to increase.
Remember when President Trump said that we cannot let the cure be worse than the disease. He was largely mocked and ridiculed, but this is what he was talking about.
We have lost an enormous number of people to the coronavirus. 173,716 Americans have died at last count. Now I know this part is going to hurt and I know some of you who may have lost a loved one may hate me for saying what I’m about to say. Now make no mistake about it. I am not trying to be cold or callous. I do sympathize, but I’m also blunt and there is no way of sugarcoating this, so I am just going to speak frankly.
The average age of those who died from the coronavirus is 78 years old. How many of those 173,000 Americans would have died this year from some other cause whether it be diabetes, cancer, heart disease, the regular flu, or any other ailment? Now obviously it’s impossible to know who would have died of other ailments, but some, maybe many, would have been susceptible to death from another cause given the average age and the preexisting conditions.
What is concerning is that no one is paying attention to a study published in the Lancet Medical Journal predicting a 7.9%-9.6% increase in cancer-related deaths. This was a study done in England, but I believe we may have the same ramifications, perhaps worse, here in the United States. The conclusion of this study states, “Substantial increases in the number of avoidable cancer deaths in England are to be expected as a result of diagnostic delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic.” (The Lancet Oncology)
And that’s just for cancer. Heart screenings and many other preventable medical procedures were put on hold for months because of COVID. How many of those people will now die because of the failure of early detection?
What about the increases in suicides? What about the increase in malnourishment and hunger because people may not be able to put food on the table? What about those who may be losing their homes? What about those who have lost their livelihoods?
See the lockdowns came at an extreme cost both economically, physically, and mentally. The problems we face will long exist after the pandemic has come to an end. We are not talking a year or two. It may be a decade of suffering and perhaps more.
And what no one wants to ask because they will be shamed is if all these measures were and are worth it because we are still going through it. If you say something like that, you will be accused of being cold and heartless. You will be mocked by those smug people who say you should get the Darwinian award. But at what point to have to make the decision that we may have to let this virus take its course. At what point do we begin to decide to quarantine those who are actually at risk, and try to get back to some semblance of normalcy?
It’s not that I want to see anyone die from the coronavirus or anything else. What I do recognize is that we are headed to a point of no return.
Consider this, Ezekial Emmanuel is Joe Biden’s lead coronavirus advisor. He was also one of the architects of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. Dr. Emmanuel has stated unequivocally that we must not return to any form of normalcy for the next 12-18 months until a vaccine is developed. He stated that even though we will endure economic pain, “we have no choice.” If our country goes on like this for another 18-months, we won’t have a country left. We will be a third world disaster. We are barely hanging on right now. And while Dr. Emmanuel thinks it’s simply about economics, he obviously doesn’t realize that it is human beings behind those economics. That those economics are our livelihoods. And losing that can also result in fatality.
We need to wake up and start discussing what acceptable risks we are going to take. We need to understand that the decisions will be hard. We also need to recognize there are no easy answers.
However, the most pathetic thing of all is how the media hasn’t even really reported on the CDC’s findings. They are trying to conduct a media blackout on this information, but The P.A.S. Report won’t do that. You deserve to have this information. You need to know about this study and pay attention to what it says. And if you go to the P.A.S. Report website, and click on the show notes for this episode, you can find a link to the full CDC study.
VP Pick
Now I want to turn the attention to the Biden/Harris ticket as the Democrat National Convention is in full swing. And just a word about the convention, and this is not a knock-on Democrats, this virtual crap stinks. It is really hard to pull off. I miss all the pomp and circumstance the conventions bring. The roaring crowds. The people dressed like weirdos. The celebrations. This year it’s falling flat without it. It’s like a virtual Zoom meeting that you want to fall asleep in.
With that being said, it’s time to conduct an in-depth examination of whether Kamala Harris was the best pick, and who the real Kamala Harris is. Is she the moderate that the media is portraying her as, or is she a radical leftist?
Now Senator Harris is well-spoken, she knows how to attack, and one of the Vice President’s main role is to serve as the attack dog for the President. But Senator Harris doesn’t really bring anything to the ticket.
Senator Harris doesn’t have a big following or constituency. She isn’t from a swing state, and she doesn’t create a lot of enthusiasm.
Someone like Elizabeth Warren would have been a far better pick. Elizabeth Warren is very good at attacking people. Just look at how she eviscerated Michael Bloomberg. She also has a lot of substance when developing her policies even though I disagree with just about every policy position she has.
But Senator Warren is a policy wonk. She also has a natural base of support that would be guaranteed to come out and vote. One of the main things the Biden campaign lacks is enthusiasm and Warren could have provided that whereas Senator Harris doesn’t have that.
But let’s face it, Senator Warren wasn’t picked because she is white and has some baggage.
Joe Manchin would have also been a great pick. But he is a white man, so he never even had a shot. However, if Biden selected Manchin, it puts West Virginia in play as Senator Manchin was a popular governor and a sitting senator. Don’t forget, West Virginia has voted democrat just a few election cycles back. It also would have portrayed the Biden ticket as a moderate ticket.
This could have appealed to the moderate Republicans who don’t particularly like President Trump. I’m not talking about the Never-Trumpers. Those people have so much hatred for President Trump, they would vote for anyone. I am talking about ordinary Americans who aren’t all that political.
Another person Joe Biden could have selected was Senator Tammy Duckworth. I spoke about her a few weeks ago. Senator Duckworth is a retired Lt. Col. In the U.S. Army. She is someone who served her country with honor and distinction and lost both her legs in the Iraq War when the helicopter she was piloting was shot down by a rocket-propelled grenade. She is a Purple Heart recipient. She served several terms in the House and is a sitting U.S. Senator. She is another one with an enthusiastic base of support.
It also would have been very dangerous for President Trump. She is a woman and a minority (not that that should matter), a veteran who sacrificed so much, and a public servant. This would have been the ultimate trap for the President.
But Senator Duckworth is far to the left so it’s clear the Biden campaign is trying to push themselves off as they are moderates and they are trying to make that pivot. It’s also clear that Senator Duckworth won’t be controlled. She will say what she thinks and would pushback against the Biden handlers.
Why choose Kamala
So, the Biden camp decided on Senator Harris. I don’t believe it helps or hurts the ticket. She is a safe option. She is a woman and a person of color, not that it should matter, but the democrat party is solely about identity politics in this day and age. So, picking Senator Harris checks off a couple of identity boxes.
Which if I am Kamala Harris, I would actually find that entirely insulting. Think about it for a minute. When conducting his search for a Vice President, Joe Biden said it would be a woman and most likely a woman of color. He didn’t say, I am looking at candidates who are qualified and would be ready to take over on day one. He didn’t say he was looking at people with a long list of accomplishments and public service. He stated that he will narrow down his search by race and gender.
Excuse me, does everyone see the irony in that? Democrats claim they are the party of inclusion. They claim they are the party that doesn’t see color or gender, and that they are accepting and tolerant of all. Yet, the way they narrowed down their search was on race and gender. These people don’t even see their own ignorance.
In any event, while Democrats may not care about her achievements, I will say she is someone that has experience as the California Attorney General, as a U.S. Senator, she is a good speaker and can attack well. She is certainly not a moron like Congresswoman AOC. She can hold her own. While she may not bring enthusiasm to the ticket, she doesn’t necessarily hurt the ticket either. And maybe that was the point. Rather than be bold, they felt do no harm and don’t take risks.
Is Kamala a moderate
But what I find the most interesting is the media’s rush to label Senator Harris a moderate. The NY Times immediately declares her as a pragmatic moderate. The LA Times calls her a centrist. ABC News says she is middle of the road and from the moderate wing of the Democrat party. CNN said Kamala was so much a moderate that “she was even attacked by progressives as not being progressive enough during the Democrat primary.” Now that’s just plain scary.
CNN’s S.E. Cupp stated, “What I’ve said about Kamala is that for moderates and rights, independents even conservative Never Trumpers, she’s not a bridge too far.”
So, we see this coordinated effort throughout the media to cast Kamala Harris as a moderate. Is that true? Is she really a moderate? Well, like I always try to do, before I give you may take. Listen to Senator Harris in her own words and you tell me if she’s a moderate.
Play Kamala Clip
Now, you tell me, what exactly about those positions are moderate? Does this sound like a centrist politician to you? Do these sound like centrist policies to you? I mean if these are centrist positions, I need to reevaluate what a centrist is because must be considered an uber-conservative if this is the new standard.
The reality is that she is a far-left politician and supports all far-left policies. From executive action on guns and gun buybacks to a ban on assault weapons, which they define as pretty much every firearm on the market, does this sound like a centrist policy to you?
What about the Green New Deal, the banning of straws, and putting the oil and natural gas industry out of business costing millions of jobs. She outright stated she wanted to ban fracking, and that has led America to become the largest energy producer in the world and offers Americans a relatively cheap cost for energy.
What about free college tuition? When did that become moderate? And I always say, especially to my students, be careful what you wish for. We may get free college tuition, but it won’t be free. We will still pay for it in our taxes. And by the way, in every universal college system, the government and career aptitude tests pick your major, not you. Have fun with that.
What about abortion? Remember when Democrats said they wanted abortion to be “safe, legal, and rare?” Well, that’s been scrubbed and instead of having a debate on abortion, the debate is now about third-term abortions and taxpayer funds for those abortions.
If you think I’m exaggerating or trying to misrepresent Senator Harris’s position, are you aware she cosponsored legislation called the Women’s Health Protection Act. This legislation would remove nearly all state restrictions on abortions conducted in the third term which is well after a baby is viable. In fact, the exact text of the bill states “abortion after fetal viability when, in the good-faith medical judgment of the treating physician, continuation of the pregnancy would pose a risk to the pregnant woman’s life or health.” There is no distinction between physical and mental health, and so a person could get an abortion in the 9th month of pregnancy for something like depression or anxiety.
She also voted against the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. This act would have required doctors to provide the same level of care to infants who survive abortions as they would do to any newborn. Are we really going to say that is a moderate position to vote against something like that? Remember when moderate democrats would say that abortion should be ‘safe, legal and rare.’ Well, those days are gone, and the safe, legal and rare has been purged from the Democrat party. (Washington Post)
In fact, one of her primary benefactors, NARAL, a pro-choice organization, tweeted out “This is a position — making abortion ‘rare’ — not supported by pro-choice advocates.” (Twitter) On the NARAL website, they actually state that Kamala has earned a 100% voting record in NARAL’s Pro-Choice America, and they openly state that Kamala has worked to advance reproductive freedom (you gotta love the verbal gymnastics they play. Reproductive freedom is abortion), but she has worked to advance reproductive freedom and “our right to access abortion care free from medically unnecessary restrictions and bans.” They also praise her support to do away with the Hyde Amendment. The Hyde Amendment prevents taxpayer funds to be used to cover abortion services. (NARAL)
And Senator Harris has already proven that she will use whatever means necessary to silence any opponents who speak against her allies. In 2015, when she was the Attorney General of California, she took unprecedented measures against David Daleiden. David Daleidan was the citizen journalist who went undercover and exposed the marketplace for aborted baby body parts involving Planned Parenthood. Then AG Harris directed a raid on his home and had all the undercover videos, computers and hard drives seized. (LA Times)
She supports open borders and likened our ICE Agents to members of the Ku Klux Klan. Remember this gem.
Play Harris Klan Clip
The nerve of her. She keeps on using the word perception because she is a good speaker and once again this is how the left plays verbal gymnastics. What she is really doing is equating ICE agents, who serve our country with honor and distinction and who are executing the laws that Congress passed, that her institution passed, is akin to the KKK.
She calls for the “reimaging” of police. She says that more police on the street doesn’t equal safety. What she doesn’t realize, or is choosing to ignore, is that police on the streets is what lead to the lowest crime rates in the last 70 years.
She wants to eliminate private insurance, which in the clip she says why should you have to wait for the insurance company’s approval. You do realize that if government makes the decision, it would take forever to get approval on a health procedure. Imagine healthcare turned into a DMV on steroids. How many of you enjoy going to the DMV? Well, picture that only times it by 1,000.
Once again, I played clips of her in her own words. This wasn’t from 30 or 40 years ago. These clips were from this year and last.
In fact, GovTrack, which is a nonpartisan government transparency watchdog, ranked her the most liberal compared to all other Senators including Bernie Sanders. (GovTrack) Think about just how frightening that is. She also was ranked as the Senator that is least often to join bipartisan bills.
She was the third most absent senator missing 62% of all Senate votes. Think about that for a second. She missed 62% of all votes. In 2019, out of 428 votes, she was only present for 265 of them.
How to pushback on Kamala Harris
So that’s the real Kamala Harris. Now that we established she is a far-left ideologue, recognize that this is the most far-left presidential ticket we have ever seen in our history.
The question is how do we pushback against the Biden/Harris ticket? What should the Trump campaign focus on? What should the Trump surrogates focus on? What should Republicans focus on?
Joe Biden’s campaign already put everyone on notice that any attack on Kamala Harris will be perceived as sexist and racist. See the left doesn’t understand the concept of irony, and I feel I am constantly shining a light on leftist irony.
See, leftist logic is always interesting. So, they say women must be treated as equals to men. Okay, got it. They say women shouldn’t be stereotyped as emotional and weak. Okay cool. They say women should be treated the same as their male counterparts. I’m with you. Then they say, don’t you dare criticize Senator Harris. Any criticism would clearly be sexist and racist. And if you try to criticize her, that’s what they will try to brand you as in order to silence you.
Essentially, they are telling you that she must be treated differently because she is a woman, and not just a woman, a woman of color. This at its very core is the definition of racism and sexism. These people amaze me because they look down on everyone else. They are pompous and smug. They think they are so much more sophisticated than ordinary people. Yet, these morons don’t realize how dumb they actually are. They lack any commonsense whatsoever and can’t even see their blind hypocrisy.
We saw the same thing play out when President Trump attacked Hillary Clinton. In 2016, you had President Trump nickname Jeb Bush as low energy Jeb. He labeled Marco Rubio as little Marco. He called Rand Paul a slob during the debate and told him to comb his hair. He nicknamed Ted Cruz lyin’ Ted. He even insinuated that Ted Cruz’s father may have been involved in the assassination of JFK in only a way he can do. I don’t know if it’s true, but I was told that Ted Cruz’s father was in Dallas when JFK was shot. I don’t know if it’s true, but that’s what people say.
Yet, when President Trump went after Hillary Clinton and nicknamed her Crooked Hillary which is a pretty apt nickname. Even if you are a democrat, you have to agree that Hillary Clinton did some shady things in her pursuit of power. But he was labeled as a sexist for that. President Trump said horrible things about just about every candidate he went against, but when it came to Hillary, they tried to shield her by throwing out the sexist and misogyny words.
Once again, this is a distraction don’t fall for it. The Biden/Harris ticket is as far left as it can get. This election is about socialism vs. liberty and capitalism, and in November, we will see if the country and Americans have moved so far left that they embrace this radical message or if this is just a bleep on the radar screen and a severe miscalculation by the Democrats.
The media will provide fawning coverage over the Democrat National Convention. They will say that Biden and Harris want to unify America. But listen to their proposals and what they intend to do. Do their policies really sound unifying to you? Or what about when I talked about how the Democrats want to do away with the filibuster a couple of weeks ago. Is that meant to unify?
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What about changing the makeup of the Senate? Changing voter rules? Implementing speech codes effectively destroying freedom of speech. Is that unifying? Are all these things I mentioned unifying, or is it really a means to obtain power? As I said weeks ago, the far-left has taken control of the Democrat party. Joe Biden is the vessel they are using.
But to portray this ticket as moderate is laughable. And I will stay on top of it here at The P.A.S. Report. As for Monday, I have a great guest coming on and you won’t want to miss it so be sure to subscribe to the podcast.
Also, be sure to recommend the podcast to your family and friends. Post it on all your social media channels, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and wherever else. And if you are listening on iTunes, be sure to rate the podcast, and take 30-seconds to write a nice review.
As always, thank you for joining us, stay safe and I’ll be back on Monday with another great episode.
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