Rant or Rave Wednesday
Kamala Harris is Anointed Democrat Party Nominee
It has certainly been a busy news cycle! An attempt on President Trump’s life, a fresh and spirited Republican National Convention, Joe Biden drops out of the presidential race, and finally folks, Vice President Kamala Harris is anointed as the new Democratic nominee. Who decided this last matter? Your guess is as good as mine – but rest assured it was NOT President in name only Joe Biden. I presume the ‘purveyors of democracy’ that hand-picked VP Harris are the same people who have been running the country in recent years – the nameless, faceless bureaucracy presiding in the shadows of our democracy who are unelected, unknown and unintelligent, given the state of our country and the globe.
First, let’s quickly address our current president withdrawing his bid for a second term. Make no mistake, this was not a voluntary action by him, First Lady, Jill Biden, or those closest to him. This is what happens when you are corrupt for your entire political life – you are beholden to those who can expose you and damage you even further. Biden did not willingly drop out of this race – he was forced out. Reports that he felt “angry” and “betrayed” are swirling throughout the media. Our ‘defenders of democracy’ have seen the poll numbers and decided that there was no chance for Biden to win – therefore, to protect our beloved democracy the party bosses had to force Biden out and insert Kamala. Understand that she was not their first choice, nor was she their second or third. The people who have sanctioned and screamed about race and gender could not possibly pass over a mixed-race woman, so they installed her as the new nominee for the Democratic Party 4 months before election day.
The problem for faceless bureaucrats calling the shots is that low poll numbers do not merit switching your candidate approximately 100 days before a presidential election. Everybody in government and the media knew that Joe Biden was physically and mentally incapable of serving another four years. Heck, they knew that in 2020 but hid under the draconian COVID mandates to conceal Biden as much as possible. He received over 14 million votes in the 2024 Democratic Primary. Kamala received zero. For better or for worse we must respect the process, but Democrats are oblivious to rules – it’s win and win at any cost.
Countless people that I have spoken with in the past week have expressed enormous concern over Harris’ potential to win the presidency. Anything is possible, especially with all the corruption and lies we’ve witnessed and have been subjected to in recent years; however, she is one of the most incompetent and unqualified individuals in the political arena. If this is a fair election, she doesn’t stand a chance. Harris ran for president in 2020 and was forced to drop out of the primaries before a single vote was even cast. At the time, she was polling at an embarrassing 3% with her party’s voters. She clearly lacked a message and vision for our nation.
Just like Hillary Clinton, Kamala is not a likable individual. Don’t take my word for it. Those working directly under her deeply disliked the Vice President. Since assuming her role as second in command, almost 92% of hired staff members quit. One of her aides famously commented that they were forced to sustain “a constant amount of soul-destroying criticism.” Wow. Keep in mind, these are her people.
The media and advocates will use her many titles as qualifications. The problem with that is, for example, being a vice president, particularly in this political climate, is not an achievement in and of itself. The question is, what did you accomplish in this role? The answer for Kamala is nothing. Early on during her stint as VP, President Biden designated Harris to be in charge of fixing the border. True to form – the media have literally begun scrubbing their websites and reporting of this fact. Unfortunately for them, countless pieces of evidence still remain.
Video of Biden appointing Harris to fix the border exists despite their best efforts to rewrite history. There is so much proof, even though they ridiculously claim that this isn’t the case. Perhaps the best evidence is the Vice President’s own words when she tells Lester Holt in an interview that she “has been working on this issue for a very long time.” This is the same video where Harris embarrassingly claims that she has been to the border after which Lester Holt corrects her and informs her that she hasn’t. The untested and frazzled Kamla Harris becomes defensive and remarks that she hasn’t been to Europe either. I can still hear exasperated sighs reverberating from her team and the rest of America after responding with that bizarre comment.
Her quest to find the root causes of the unprecedented invasion of our Southern Border resulted in millions of new illegal immigrants coming into our country from every corner of the globe. The document I have linked here on illegal immigration from the House Oversight Committee offers some stunning facts detailing this issue. It outlines the utter failure of this administration to secure our border with Kamala at the helm. Although, they did send billions of taxpayer dollars to some Central American countries. What those countries used that money for – nobody from this administration can tell you.
This is what happens when positions are handed to you on a silver platter. You don’t have to fight for them. You’re not battle-tested. Avoiding this process, which would have led to growth and a deeper understanding of the issues, leaves you clueless and unable to articulate clear strategies to fix a problem, which epitomizes the ability of Kamala Harris. Her failure to become the next president of The United States should be inevitable, but with the obvious deception and fraud perpetrated by the other side, Republicans must remain vigilant.
Professor Giordano sits down with Miranda Devine
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