Episode 270 Show Notes- How the Mainstream Media and the Swamp Continue to Reveal Themselves
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Episode Description
Last week, the mainstream media proved once again that it is no longer the fourth estate. While there still are some good reporters in the mainstream media, the majority of so-called journalists act as political activists. Stunningly, the NY Times finally admits the Hunter Biden laptop is real and not part of a Russian disinformation campaign, but the real question is- why are they coming out with this now? Also in this episode, the War in Ukraine, Democracy, and the potential Saudi-China oil alliance.
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Show Transcript- How the Mainstream Media and the Swamp Continue to Reveal Themselves
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Welcome to The P.A.S. Report Podcast.
We live in a day and age where there are no breaks. Where the media cycles rapidly evolve, and we are bombarded with a ton of information. It’s impossible to digest all the information out there, especially when the headlines change so quickly.
What makes it even more difficult is when you have a corrupt mainstream media and corrupt tech oligarchies that decide what information you can see and what you can’t see. What you can hear, and what you can’t hear.
Last week, the mainstream media proved once again that it is no longer the fourth estate and has instead merged with the political class.
The mainstream media has stopped pretending to be honest purveyors of information. They have done away with all semblances of neutrality, and they openly push political agendas.
While there still are some good journalists who ask hard-hitting questions, the vast majority of the pretenders in the mainstream media serve as nothing more than political activists.
Friday’s NY Times report about Hunter Biden and his laptop prove exactly what I’m talking about. They finally admitted the laptop is real. They admitted the laptop is not part of a Russian disinformation campaign. That the 50+ former intelligence officials that pushed that narrative were wrong. They admitted that Miranda Devine and the NY Post had it right all along. They finally decided that the Biden family business is a story worth reporting on.
And now that the NY Times has decided to cover the story, the rest of the mainstream media continues to ignore the Biden family business. Most of the other outlets never even mentioned the NY Times report. But at least now our tech overlords and the social media censorship minions can no longer work overtime to silence anyone who dares to ask questions about the stench of corruption emanating from the Biden family.
However, there is a more important question that we need to ask. We all knew the laptop was real, and anyone with two brain cells knew it wasn’t part of a Russian disinformation campaign. If the NY Times already knew this, why now? Why have they decided that it is now okay to report on this story?
That’s going to be the focus of this episode, but before I get into the corruption of the mainstream media industrial complex, I want to provide a few quick updates on some issues you need to pay attention to.
Before I jump in, make sure to click the follow button for this podcast so you never miss an episode, and don’t forget to visit The P.A.S. Report website and sign up for the newsletter.
Update on the Constitution
I just want to take a minute and address something from last week’s episode. Last week, I discussed how our Constitution is under assault by many who want to do away with it, and remake America into something we wouldn’t even recognize. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive.
However, some criticized me, and I want to address those criticisms head-on. Some said that it’s people like me that are fostering anti-government sentiment. That it’s people like me that are making people resentful towards the government. Essentially, because I talk about real issues and what’s happening out there, I’m a threat to democracy.
These are the people who want to label anyone who dares to criticize the government and ask questions as domestic terrorists because we express anti-government/anti-authority sentiment.
I want to make it clear, it’s our civic obligation to question the government. It’s our duty to call out the government when it’s abusing its power. When it’s overreaching.
I’m not here to simply rubberstamp everything the government does. I’m not a stooge for the government or any political party. When I see abuses, I’ll always call them out.
Since when are we supposed to have this blind obedience to the government and everything the government does or to a political party?
Our founding fathers told us to always be skeptical of the government. To always question the government, its policies, and the political parties.
I will continue to call out the frauds in power, and I encourage everyone to always ask questions, especially when it comes to the government and its power. Even if you agree with their policies, always question the motives and the agenda. And never give in to the fear of being labeled.
These people are using the threat to democracy label to silence and marginalize anyone who dares to speak out. Some have gone so far as to accuse anyone who dares to ask questions as borderline treasonous as we’ve witnessed the attacks on Tulsi Gabbard and others. These attacks are nothing more than slander, and Senator Romney should be ashamed of himself.
It’s revealing how they easily throw out the treason word when talking about citizens, but they never call out the bureaucrats in charge, the ones who have a hell of a lot of power to destroy lives. They never call out those folks even when the corruption and abuses of power are crystal clear.
Understand, that the biggest threat to democracy is an all-powerful bureaucracy that knows no limits. The biggest threat to democracy is when we stop asking questions, censor ourselves, and blindly obey the ruling class even when we know the government is abusing its power.
It’s funny how we hear we have to go to war with Russia because democracy is on the line, and it’s under threat. That Ukraine has become the battle for the heart and soul of democracy and democratic values.
Let’s be honest, our democratic principles have been under threat from within. The so-called liberal democracies of the world need to look internally because they are the ones that represent the real threat. Whether it’s the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, or several European countries, the last few years have been very revealing.
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Brief Update War in Ukraine
With that being said and sticking with this idea of threats to democracy and Ukraine being the frontlines, I find it amazing how these same blowhards have remained deafly silent on how Ukraine has announced a ban on 11 Ukrainian political parties because Ukrainian officials state they have links to Russia. (Axios) One of the parties holds 43 seats in the Ukrainian Parliament. I wonder if they’ve been stripped of their legislative duties.
Also, Zelensky announced he was nationalizing all private media to create what they call a “unified information policy.” According to Zelensky, he wants “a single information platform of strategic communication.” (The Week) He said it is necessary to combat Russian disinformation.
How’s that for democracy?
Now I don’t know much about these parties or their ties. I don’t know what evidence was provided to show they have ties to Russia, but it doesn’t sound very democratic to me. Imagine what these holy moral warriors, fighting for democracy, imagine what they would do if the United States government banned the Democratic Socialists of America or the Communist Party. I mean half of corporate America is in bed with the CCP. But imagine what their reaction would be. They would be apoplectic.
Imagine former President Trump decided to nationalize CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, or any other mainstream outlets. Imagine what the reaction would be. Heads would explode. But I think what frightens me the most about this is how some would love to do this in our own country.
And I want to make it clear. This is not defending Russia. I’ve stated on numerous occasions that this is a war of aggression on Russia’s part. That Ukraine posed no realistic threat to Russia. That the Russian invasion goes against Just War Theory.
However, we also need to be honest and recognize that Ukraine has its issues, and it is not the perfect democracy that some make it out to be. I’ll always call it as I see it. Let’s at least be honest with ourselves, and if we were truly honest, we would admit that the only interest we have in this conflict is to weaken one of our top adversaries.
President Biden Goes to Europe
In any event, President Biden touched down in Europe today. Specifically, he’s at a NATO meeting in Poland. We’ll see if anything comes out of the meeting, and it will be interesting to see if he goes to visit Ukraine like several European leaders did last week, which, when you think about it, is an embarrassment.
Last week, you had the leaders of Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovenia, go to Ukraine to meet with Zelinsky in the capital. You would think that considering America is supposed to be the leader of the free world that this is something we would have coordinated and taken the lead on.
Whether you think we should get involved in the war or not is not the point. The point is that given the stance of this administration; you would think they would want to project strength at a time when the world sees American weakness. You would also think that we would tell the Ukrainian government, hey, you may not want to ban political parties or nationalize the press, it hurts our whole threat to democracy thing.
But we’ll see if anything comes from the President Biden visit. Maybe, just maybe, he can put a plan forward to end this conflict and get Russia to withdraw its forces, but I am not too optimistic about that given the competency levels we’re dealing with.
Saudi Arabia & China Get Cozy
Another disaster on the international front is Saudi Arabia potentially cozying up to China and announcing that they may accept the Yuan in-lieu of the Dollar when the Chinese purchase oil. (Fox Business) This is an overt slap in the face to the Biden administration and would have been considered unthinkable since President Nixon struck a deal with the Saudis in 1974. Sure, veiled threats existed in the past, but leave it to President Biden to destroy that relationship.
Now, I’ll readily admit, the House of Saud is a brutal regime. They commit gross human rights abuses on a regular basis. But I’m a realist, and I approach things as how they are, not how I wish they would be. The world can be a very ugly place, and sometimes you have to deal with brutal regimes to advance your own interests. It may not sound right, but it’s politics. We are in competition with other nations for tangible resources like oil and intangible resources like power.
If this happens, this will mean the end of the dollar’s dominance, something that gives us significant power throughout the international community. If for nothing else, the optics alone would be a disaster and signify America’s declining power and influence.
Making it even worse is how this administration has once again turned us into an oil importer again, making us reliant on nefarious regimes throughout the world.
Also, realize Saudi Arabia announced this as a way to embarrass the Biden administration. The Saudis are worried that Biden will do whatever it takes to strike a deal with Iran over their nuclear program. The Saudis see the Iranian Leadership under the Ayatollah as an existential threat, and they know the Biden administration will capitulate to Iran’s demands just to get a deal.
This is Saudi’s way of saying if you do this deal by capitulating to Iran’s demands, we will make a deal with your biggest adversary.
The NY Times Admits Hunters Laptop is Real
Last week, the NY Times finally reported on Hunter Biden. There report detailed that a wide-ranging federal investigation continues into Hunter Biden and his international business dealings. The investigation encompasses potential tax crimes, whether Hunter failed to register as a foreign agent, and more.
In fact, we now know a federal grand jury has been empaneled, and witnesses are testifying, including Hunter’s baby momma. You know the stripper he had a kid with, and then denied it was his child until a paternity test proved it.
There are several elements to this article that I find intriguing. More importantly, this article makes it clear that the mainstream media serves as nothing more than the clean-up crew for the Democrat party. When you read this article, there wasn’t all that much that we didn’t already know, but why is the NY Times reporting on this now? What’s the motive?
Laptop from Hell: Hunter Biden, Big Tech, and the Dirty Secrets the president Tried to Hide
The NY Post & Miranda Devine Are Vindicated
The first thing that we need to say clearly is that the NY Post and Miranda Devine have been completely vindicated. What happened to them was disgraceful, and it shows just how corrupt the mainstream media is where they would rather serve as political activists than report on the news.
The NY Times has finally admitted that Hunter Biden’s laptop is real, and it was not part of any Russian disinformation campaign. However, the NY Times is still being deceitful. To find that information, you have to scroll through three-quarters of the article before they even mention the laptop. So, why does this matter?
Some of you will say that at least the NY Times is reporting it now. Some will say that the NY Times had to do their due diligence before they reported on the story. This is nothing more than lies and deflection, and it misses the point.
Miranda Devine and the NY Post were savaged. They were censored by the tech overlords where their voices were silenced, and when the mainstream media outlets did cover the story, they accused Miranda Devine and the NY Post of pushing Russian propaganda, disinformation, and being stooges of Vladimir Putin. It was nothing more than an attempt to assassinate their character and credibility.
Now I asked Miranda about the treatment from the other mainstream media outlets when we discussed her book, Laptop from Hell, a few months ago. Here is what she had to say when I asked her about the mainstream media. Take a listen.
Sound Clip Miranda Devine
Here we are, nearly a year and a half since Miranda and the NY Post broke this story, and mainstream media outlets like the NY Times are finally reporting this.
The mainstream media industrial complex colluded with social media and some within the bureaucracy. The NY Times should have to surrender the Pulitzer award that they received for their reporting on the whole Russian collusion scam, which all those reports turned out to be complete trash and based on lies, and they should have to give the award to Miranda Devine and the NY Post because they got it right.
And of course, even after the NY Times report, many other mainstream outlets still haven’t covered the story. They continue to ignore it. What do you think they would be doing if we replace Hunter Biden’s name with Don Jr.’s name? Do you think they would be ignoring the story, or do you think it would be a media circus? I would guarantee, if the names were reversed, it’s all we would be hearing about. The war in Ukraine wouldn’t receive more than a mere mention.
More to the Story
But there is much more to the story that the mainstream outlets continue to leave out, and they are doing it intentionally. To a certain degree, they are trying to shield the President although I suspect this will soon change, and I’ll explain that in a minute.
But even when the media outlets are reporting on this story, they tend to make it as if Hunter Biden acted alone. That he was merely enriching himself and taking advantage of the fact that his father was then Vice President.
However, we know that is not true. We know for a fact that on several occasions, Hunter sought to influence the State Department under the Obama administration. We know for a fact that President Biden had several in-person meetings with Hunter’s business associates. We know for a fact that this isn’t simply a Hunter Biden problem, it’s a Biden family corruption problem, and it goes all the way to the top.
We all know who the Big Guy is. In Hunter’s emails, written by himself in his own words, this is explicitly stated. We also have the emails where Hunter Biden complains to his daughter that he has to give his father half of what he takes in. We also know that Hunter Biden was paying President Biden’s bills when he was President and that he also paid for repairs on Joe Biden’s home.
Now, if what Hunter Biden says is true, which I don’t see why he would lie in personal emails and text messages that he believed would remain personal, and if the receipts and account statements show Hunter paid the bills of Joe Biden, it certainly highlights the corruption of this family and the potential for criminal violations as well.
Understand, that if Hunter was paying his father’s bills and repairs, Joe Biden would have had to declare this on his taxes given the amounts we are probably talking about. I wonder when the mainstream media outlets will call on President Biden to release his complete tax returns for these years. I won’t hold my breath.
Awake, Not Woke
Corrupt Former Intel Officials
And yet there is more to the story. We cannot forget about the 50+ former intelligence officials that also tried to cover for the Biden family. Remember, they came out shortly after the NY Post ran the story, and they stated that the story had all the hallmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign.
They couldn’t have possibly known that because they never looked at, or even asked to look at, the laptop itself to see if it was genuine. As Miranda stated in my interview with her, she would have gladly let any one of these folks take a look at the laptop had they asked.
So, you have all of these powerful former intelligence officials, who still have a lot of connections in the agencies they used to run, that colluded with the media, and probably the Biden campaign, putting out misinformation. It is disgraceful, and they should immediately have their security clearances revoked. The fact that these people are still considered credible is ridiculous.
They are nothing more than partisan hacks who try and pretend they are above the fray. And if we had honesty within the system, one would ask what did these former intelligence officials, particularly John Brennan and James Clapper, know when they were in charge of these agencies?
It is inconceivable that the Biden business dealings with all these foreign enterprises never came across their radars. When you know how foreign intelligence works, you would realize that probably every foreign intelligence service, especially those of our adversaries, looked at Hunter Biden as a potential asset. Given Hunter Biden’s background, and Joe Biden’s position, it would be naïve to think Hunter wasn’t the target of foreign intelligence agencies, and this is something that our intel community would certainly know.
It would be nice if the mainstream media did their jobs and asked these former intelligence officials what did they know, and when did they know it.
This just serves as more evidence showing how thoroughly corrupt the bureaucracy has become, and why we need meaningful oversight and reforms. We have to prevent these abuses from occurring.
Why is the NY Times Reporting on This Now?
Another question we have to ask ourselves is why the NY Times is reporting on this now. As I stated before, we knew this a year and a half ago. Nothing has changed. So why did some mainstream media outlets like the NY Times decide now is the time to finally cover this story?
Understand, the media has far more background information than they report. It reminds me of the bounty gate story where the corrupt intel officials leaked information that Russia was paying the Taliban for every U.S. soldier killed in Afghanistan and that the Trump administration did nothing.
The media knew it was a BS story, but they ran with it before the election anyway. Then a few months into the Biden administration, they finally admitted that the report wasn’t true, but it already served its purpose, didn’t it?
The reason the NY Times is reporting this now is that the initial cover-up already served its purpose. They got Joe Biden elected President. We can clearly say the election was rigged by some of the most powerful entities that exist.
Biden was simply the useful idiot, once he served his purpose, he’s no longer needed. In fact, given Biden’s sinking poll numbers and how unpopular he has become, President Biden has now become a liability. Now that he is a liability, some in the mainstream media outlets are now willing to cover this issue.
And if the Vice President wasn’t so thoroughly incompetent, they probably would have been reporting on the Biden family corruption last summer.
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Not for nothing, we constantly hear about the threat to democracy in every corner of the mainstream press. They attempt to push a narrative that far-right whackos will attempt to overthrow the government. They push the narrative that if Trump remained as president, or becomes president again, he will seize power and turn us into a dictatorship.
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They constantly push the idea that to prevent the overthrow of democracy, we must grant ever more power to those who have routinely abused their power. That we must grant the government this unending authority over our lives.
The reality is that the biggest threat to democratic values and principles is when you have a corrupt government apparatus that has become politically weaponized. The threat metastasizes when you have a mainstream media industrial complex that morphs into political activism and conspires with this apparatus to cover up the abuses. Factor in the big tech and the corporate overlords, and you realize the nightmare I’m talking about.
The P.A.S. Report Podcast exists for a reason. It exists to inform people as to what is going on. How far we’ve strayed from the original principles. Why limited government is so important to prevent abuses of power.
Reforms are necessary, and we need to stop ideologically weaponizing these powerful entities, and everyone, regardless of what side you fall on the political spectrum, every one of you should be calling for this, including those of you to the left of the political spectrum because understand, the roles could quickly change, and sooner or later it maybe you, your party, your ideology that becomes the target. Ponder that for a moment.
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