Episode 114 Show Notes- Melik Abdul | News, Politics, Analysis & Strategies
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Episode Description
Republican Political Strategist and Commentator Melik Abdul returns to The P.A.S. Report. With 3 weeks left to the most consequential Presidential election in our lifetimes, Melik gives his take on the state of the race. We discuss what the President must do in the final stretch, and how the media and the Democrats are controlling the narrative by making the race about personality rather than the issues.
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast. Nick Giordano here bringing you another great episode.
We are three weeks’ out. Three weeks from the most consequential election of our lifetime, and there is so much going on. Last week we had the Vice-Presidential debate, and Vice President Pence clearly won that debate. Yet, within 12 hours of the debate, the media wasn’t even talking about it because the Presidential Debate Committee announced that they have made a unilateral decision, without consulting either campaign, the next debate would be virtual. President Trump immediately dismissed the idea of a virtual debate, and I don’t blame him.
I do the Zoom thing all the time, and it’s not the same. Also, a critical part of the debates is watching the body language of the candidates. A candidate can win or lose based on body language and that was illustrated in the Vice-Presidential debate. Senator Harris clearly lost and that’s why the unholy alliance I speak about often was quick to change the narrative.
And that’s what I want to talk about today because the left certainly controls the narrative, and with only three weeks to go before the election, I’m bringing back Melik Abdul because Melik always provides a refreshing perspective of what’s going on.
He is someone that offers great insight. Melik understands what the candidates need to do to win over the support of ordinary Americans. So Melik and I will get into all things political about the 2020 Elections, and what President Trump and the Republicans need to do to emerge victorious.
Before I bring in the Malik, go to The P.A.S. Report website and sign up for the newsletter.
There you have it. Melik always provides great analysis and explains things in a way that appeals to ordinary Americans. You can follow Melik on Twitter @MelikAbdul_. He’s also on Facebook and LinkedIn. As always, I have links up at https://pasreport.com where you can click on the episode and follow Melik.
As for Wednesday’s episode, I am going to go in-depth about what this election is really about. You constantly hear me say that this is a consequential election, perhaps the most in our lifetimes. I’m going to tell you what the media won’t.
Once again, here at The P.A.S. Report, you’ll get a fair and honest assessment. I don’t hide the fact that I’m conservative in my leanings, but at the same time, I provide information without the biases, mostly using people’s own words.
It’s an episode you won’t want to miss. More importantly, it’s an episode you’ll want to share with any reasonable person who has an open mind. I’m not talking about the far-left ideologues. No matter what facts you put in front of them, you’ll never change their minds so don’t waste your time. I am talking about sensible people who may be on the fence or maybe so disgusted by our current state of politics that they don’t plan to vote. It’s those people you want to reach because this may be our last shot.
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