Episode 86 Show Notes- More Destruction, More Chaos in America
Episode Description
As we celebrated Independence Day, we saw more destruction and chaos throughout the United States. Unfortunately, the lack of political leadership throughout the country has allowed an entitled class of people to destroy and pillage whatever they find offensive, and they aided by an activist news media that continually denigrates American history and politics. Keeping the focus on pushing back against the leftist narrative, Professor Giordano explains the insanity of the leftists push as they declare July 4th a celebration of white supremacy and continue their pursuit for power.
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast. This is your host Nick Giordano.
I’m telling you, I am fired up today. What took place over the Independence Day celebrations is an abomination, and many should be ashamed of themselves.
Before I get into it, go to The P.A.S. Report website out and sign up for the newsletter while you’re there.
Lack of Appreciation for America
Now, jumping right in, it’s clear there is a lack of appreciation for America, and I have had enough with the BS I’m seeing all over the place. Most of the political leaders are cowards as they remain silent and watch as the mobs destroy with impunity.
Who the hell do people think they are that they believe they can destroy, threaten, and assault anything and anyone who stands in their way? As I said last week, these mobs are being aided and abetted by an activist media.
When I watched over the weekend and saw people burning the American Flag, it’s like the final straw. Now, I am a true believer in freedom, and I will defend their right to burn the American Flag even though I find it repulsive. But this was different. It reminds me of what I see in Iran on any given Friday where the crowds burn American Flags and chant Death to America.
The activist media and Democrat politicians were all pushing the notion that this was about confederate symbols and monuments. It quickly spread beyond that, and now there are those who see the American Flag as offensive. They view the American Flag as a symbol of oppression. They say it’s not their flag.
And this is different than past flag burnings. First, if you look at what people were wearing at some of these flag burning events, some were wearing shirts that said “Revolution, nothing less.”
But what’s important, is that our Flag, the American Flag, doesn’t just represent one community. It doesn’t represent one color of our people. The flag doesn’t recognize black, brown, or white. Our flag is one that encompasses anyone and everyone who made it to the United States followed the rules and became a legal immigrant, and ultimately a citizen.
And now they want to do away with the flag. To them, it is a symbol of intolerance and oppression.
At the same time, we saw more property being destroyed, and American Flags being burned, F the 4th started trending on Twitter.
Our founding fathers, and most of our history, is routinely savaged. Can we just have one day to celebrate the accomplishments of America without the incessant need to bash our country? Why must our faults be front and center each and every day on a 24/7 basis? We have an activist media that brings on panelist after panelist to tell us how horrible of a country we are. How horrible of a people we are. Why can’t we recognize the bad, and celebrate the good?
I don’t care who you are. I don’t care what color you are, or which religion you follow, or what your sexual orientation is. You need to recognize and appreciate the United States. See, one of the problems is that we have a failed education system that no longer teaches about what makes America an exceptional nation. They don’t teach our history, and they oversimplify things that have happened throughout our history.
Understand that local and state leaders canceled 4th of July celebrations because of Coronavirus but allowed BLM protests. If you watched any July 4th coverage on MSNBC or CNN, two horrible networks I suggest you don’t watch, it was a day filled with bashing of America. It was a day where it was discussed that most of America’s monuments and statues need to be destroyed. These people are like the Taliban of Afghanistan. They are willing to destroy anything and everything in the name of power and control.
A lot of it has to do with creating a few generations of spoiled, entitled brats, mostly white liberals, that think they can do whatever they want. They think they can act on emotions. Many of these little brats have this notion that they are smarter than everyone else, and that their opinion matters more than everyone else. many live sad, pathetic lives looking at everything through the prism of a racial lens. They lack any personal responsibility. And as Mahgdalen Rose said on Monday, they believe they are in a moral holy war.
Which is an interesting way to put it considering most of these pathetic losers are morally bankrupt? These people are constantly bashing the United States.
We are an imperfect nation, and I never sugarcoat some of the atrocities we have committed, but we are also the greatest and most just nation to exist, and for people to not recognize that is sad. Show me a nation that has done more for justice than the United States?
Do racism and discrimination exist within the United States? Yes. Is it marginalized? Yes. So, if you are someone out there who believes we are such a horrible country, then show me a country that’s better. Show me a country? If you can email me a country and provide the evidence why that country is more just than the United States, I’ll read the email on air and give you full credit.
The reality is there is no other country that comes even close. In many other countries, every day is a game of survival. So, when you sit and complain with your computers, your tablets, your smartphones. When you post on Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube. When you complain from your air-conditioned homes. When you drive to your protests, wearing your designer clothes. Understand that around the world, people are going to bed hungry. People are being dragged from their homes and killed because of their religion, race, or sexual orientation. People are being tortured because they spoke out against their government and the political powers that be. People are dying from a real lack of healthcare because many countries don’t have a real healthcare infrastructure.
Even in developed first-world nations. You think those are better countries. Most of the first world countries are a monolithic people who don’t tolerate or accept outsiders unless it’s for tourism. Where those that are different face racism and discrimination on a regular basis. Where in some places, that discrimination is enshrined in government policies and their Constitutions.
So, while you bitch and complain about the United States, why don’t you actually learn about what really goes on around the world. It’s easy to criticize the United States when you don’t know the ugliness of the world. It’s easy to criticize the United States because you live in a bubble that shields you from reality.
It’s not to say that Americans don’t have problems, issues or struggles. There are Americans who are breaking their ass every day trying to put food on the table. There are Americans who are struggling with drug addiction. There are Americans who have suffered abuses. There are Americans who have faced racism and discrimination.
My gripe isn’t with them. Those aren’t the people I’m talking about. In fact, those are the Americans who rarely complain even though they face struggles daily.
A Tale of Two Athletes
We are living through some bizarre times in this day and age. Times, where it seems up, is down, and down is up. Left is right, and right is left.
In order to understand where I am coming from when I discuss the morally bankrupt wretches of society, I’m going to examine a tale of two athletes.
One athlete is despised and detested. Mocked and ridiculed by the activist media elitists. Shunned from the social elite.
The other is celebrated throughout the socialist/Marxist groups. They are celebrated by the activist media and elevated to sainthood status among the social justice warrior elite. He is welcomed in all elitist circles. And has cashed in big time on his newfound fame and fortune.
The first athlete is Tim Tebow. He was mocked and ridiculed because of his religion. Rather than be ashamed, he was fearless and promoted his faith. He talked about Jesus. He was pro-life and even had the nerve to appear in a pro-life PSA. For that, he was routinely attacked by a godless activist media. He was ridiculed and shunned by the social elitists. How dare he promote faith and explain how religion has influenced his life. How dare he take a pro-life stance. How dare he preach about abstinence. In fact, Tim Tebow had the nerve to take an abstinence pledge. What a horrible human being right?
Here are just some of the headlines from the media elite when it comes to Tim Tebow.
“Tim Tebow can’t find the end zone as girlfriend Olivia Culpo breaks it off over lack of sex.” (Daily News)
“For once, it’s not Tim Tebow who’s having trouble scoring – it’s his girlfriend.”
“Apparently, an NFL job isn’t the only thing Tim Tebow can’t hold onto.” (CBS)
So, a man has standards. He has morals. He lives by his convictions. By all accounts, he is generally a great guy. He doesn’t do drugs. He doesn’t drink. He treats people and women with respect and dignity. He preaches his faith to convicted convicts in prison with hopes they can turn their lives around. He prays to the Lord.
For that, he was chastised. His faith became a distraction for the NFL, and he was blackballed from the NFL. Tim Tebow wasn’t the greatest quarterback to play the game, but he was far better than some that are still around. He certainly qualifies as a legit backup quarterback.
Tim Tebow is a target of scorn by the liberal elite, and they made sure to do whatever they can to marginalize him and they were successful.
On the other hand, you have this jackass Colin Kaepernick. Who bashes the United States every chance he gets? Someone who wears socks depicting cops as pigs. Someone who praises the likes of Cuba and Fidel Castro. Someone who promotes Che Guevara. Praises Venezuela. He changed the name of Thanksgiving to “Unthanksgiving” because we stole Native American lands.
He has now called to an end of July 4th celebrations because he deems the holiday a celebration of white supremacy. I got news for this jackass, 5,000 Black patriots fought in the American Revolution and many died for our independence.
So, this idiot is revered as a hero. He is an icon in Hollywood. He is worshipped in the activist media outlets.
He has the right to protest, and once again, I defend this idiots right to kneel during the anthem. I’m consistent on the idea of liberty and freedom. He to was blackballed from the NFL because teams didn’t want the headache. People tend to make it like he was some elite quarterback, but there is no doubt that he was in decline. But just like Tebow, he is still better than many of the 2nd and 3rd stringers out there.
He has a right to spew his garbage, but once again, remember what he is being worshipped for. He praises dictatorships like Cuba and Venezuela that are extremely racist. You want to talk about systemic racism, just look at the policies of those governments.
So, you have these moral holy warriors that elevate someone Colin Kaepernick, yet they shame someone like Tim Tebow. I want you to think about that for a second. It’s pathetic on just about every level.
Violence Out of Control
This is just representative of a larger issue. For weeks I have been hearing law enforcement being bashed on a constant basis. In urban areas throughout the country, Democrat leaders have embraced these groups. They have slammed police on a regular basis. They have ordered their police to stand down, and who are the ones suffering- the people in these communities.
The violence in these urban areas has exploded. Every violent crime category is on a dramatic rise. How many people have been shot over the last month? How many have been killed over the last months?
The NYPD commissioner, Dermot Shea, issued a bleak warning last week. He said, “You have a criminal justice system that is imploding. Imploding. That’s the kindest way to put it.”
Over the weekend, 80 people were shot, and 17 killed in Chicago alone. In Philadelphia, 31 shootings, 7 killed. 20 shot, 4 killed in Atlanta. In New York, 41 shot, 10 killed. At least 4 dead in Baltimore.
Do these lives matter? Where are the protests to take back the streets? Where’s BLM, Antifa, the Movement 4 Black Lives?
Last week I started talking about changing the narrative and here is the perfect example. Everyone knows George Floyd’s name. Most people cannot name one of the shooting victims over the last month, some as young as a year old. Where’s the outrage?
I am sick and tired of people saying that you can’t compare the violence in these cities and police brutality. And if you do, you’re a racist trying to change the subject. That’s BS. If you have no regard for your own neighborhood. If you have no willingness to clean up your community. Who are the real racist?
When I bring up crime in the urban areas, it’s not me minimizing the idea of police brutality. The fact is you can be upset at both, but also recognize numbers don’t lie. Everyone should be pissed when police brutality happens. These are people we put in positions of public trust and so when they abuse their power, it hurts the entire system and every individual.
I’m seeing more and more violent videos of ordinary people getting physically assaulted. Viciously attacked. We are talking about old ladies, young kids, mothers, parents walking with their children.
Yet, I only hear silence. This behavior is unacceptable, and those engaged in these assaults need to be thrown in prison. They are horrible human beings with little regard for life. And it’s sad I don’t see the same level of outrage over the constant murders being committed against the youth. No outrage on the assaults against innocent Americans. Where are the Colin Kaepernick’s? Where are the Al Sharpton’s? Their silence makes them complicit in what’s going on. These people are the real hate mongers.
Also, we must take personal responsibility as well. Why must people be held hostage in their own community, and when is it time for the people of the community to rise up and take back their streets?
What Do People Want
The Democrat leaders obviously don’t care. The activist’s media obviously doesn’t care. The socialist/Marxist groups obviously don’t care. That’s clear as day.
To those who engage in these protests, but don’t subscribe to these groups, because I hear that all the time, “I’m protesting racism and discrimination, but I don’t believe in socialism and Marxism,” what are you looking to accomplish?
I’m tired of hearing BS platitudes, and it’s time that you start answering the question, what do you want and what are you proposing to change?
If it’s about police brutality, that’s already being worked on. And while everyone is looking to the federal government, Democrat and Republican mayors can change police tactics tomorrow if they want. It doesn’t require federal legislation. And some have already changed policy.
So, I want to know specifically, what will satisfy you. I want specific policies, but you never hear those specifics from those constantly bashing the United States. I constantly hear them say what a horrible country we are, but they never propose solutions to make it a better country.
I’d also like to know when we are absolved from past atrocities. How do we get absolved from past sins? Most Americans trace back their roots here in the United States 2-3 generations. Most didn’t have ancestors here during slavery, and many didn’t even have ancestors here when segregation was policy.
I’m constantly hearing how we took the land from Native Americans. Now, did we take their land? Yes. But can we stop pretending that all native American tribes were peaceful tribes? The fact is that Native American tribes were at war with each other, and they committed their own atrocities.
Now there is no doubt that Native Americans got shafted, but does absolving us of this sin require us to give back the land? Now, this wouldn’t even be realistic, but even if we are going to entertain that notion, how’s about we discuss what the international standard will be going forward and how far back will we go? Should we look at Mesopotamia? Ancient Greece or Rome? Muslim conquest? Russian expansion? East Asian Imperialism?
Faux Social Justice Industry
Open your eyes. These people never developed any solutions. Instead, they profit off of it. Be wary when you see an entire industry pop-up. And we’re not talking about small potatoes. The social justice industry rakes in hundreds of millions of dollars, and a lot of people are getting rich off it.
It’s a friggin scam. They constantly talk about empowerment. Where is the empowerment for those who are in these communities, and are afraid to leave their homes because of the violence? Where’s the empowerment to be able to walk down a damn street without fear of being shot, robbed, or beaten. One of the main unalienable rights enshrined in the Declaration of Independence is the right to Life. Yet, people have to sit in their homes and apartments like prisoners.
Think about people like Al Sharpton. But it goes deeper than that. How many books have been written and distributed about social justice? How many companies bring in these social justice groups to provide training to their employees on how not to be racist? And think about how many white people are profiting off this industry. Even at my college. They brought in a speaker who was espousing his white privilege. God only knows how much they paid him. It’s not like these white people, who are espousing their privilege, are giving the money to communities of color to offset their so-called privilege. What a scam.
I was reading an opinion piece in the Detroit Free Press that was written by Christina Wyman, an adjunct professor at Michigan State University. The article was titled, “Dear White People: Stop Confessing to White Privilege. Start Acting to End It.” (Detroit Free Press)
The article is trash, but I bring it up for a reason. Needless to say, she says how she has white privilege. In fact, she says she has “too many privileges to count…and [her] race-based privileges…allow [her] to go about her days unencumbered by any threat of racial violence.” Right there alone, you know the article was written by an idiot. Do black people face discrimination and encounter racism? Yes. Do we have mobs of white people going around targeting and beating blacks? And the answer is, No. You may have an isolated case here and there, but the numbers clearly show that most crimes committed are committed within their own races. White on white. Black on black. Hispanic on Hispanic.
But what really got my blood boiling was where she said, “I’ve spent the last 10 years teaching predominantly white students about race, racism, and privilege. After pleading with my own students to confess to a host of unearned privileges, it finally occurred to me: As with universities across the country, we’re attempting to do this work on a predominantly white campus with a history of racist acts against its student of color, many of the official responses to these acts being what I would define as a national embarrassment.”
She talks about a national embarrassment. The embarrassment is that she is part of academia. That’s the real embarrassment. The fact is she shouldn’t plead with her students to confess anything. Her students aren’t guilty of anything. So, she is brainwashing kids, and if a student doesn’t confess, what happens to them? She is the type of faculty member that would take retribution against the student’s grade if they failed to capitulate to her demands. She has no business teaching. End of story.
The second thing I take issue with is where she says that MSU is a predominately white campus with a history of racist acts against its students of color. I want to know how many documented cases of racism MSU has had over the last 30-years? Because I would almost bet my life that there hasn’t been much.
These people offer nothing of use. They are mindless robots regurgitating nothing but garbage. You ever notice how they never provide any solutions to the problems they are claiming. Why would they want to fix the problem when they are making money off the issue?
I have solutions. And these solutions are realistic. These solutions can be accomplished. Because the root of the problem is mostly socioeconomic.
See one of the things most won’t dare to ask is when was the last time a black doctor, a black lawyer, a black teacher, a black cop, was shot and killed by police? When was the last time you heard of them being murdered? It’s not to say that these black people don’t face discrimination or racism, and it’s also not to say that they aren’t victims of crime. They have faced racism and discrimination, and they have been victims of crimes. However, it is much rarer.
Real empowerment comes from economic independence. You are a victim if you allow yourself to be a victim. If you are constantly saying that you have no chance. That the system is rigged against you. That other people are holding you down. The odds are, you will not grow, and your chances of success will be much lower. In fact, you probably will never escape the depths of poverty.
I’ve discussed improving the education infrastructure in troubled areas. I’ve discussed rebuilding the crumbling infrastructure in these areas. I’ve discussed giving people in these communities a stake in their community through a public housing to homeownership program. I’ve explained how to create a real job training program targeting those in poverty. A skills-based program that will allow people to leave the depths of poverty and propel them into the middle class. I talked about ending generational poverty.
See at The P.A.S. Report, I bring up real solutions to the problems we face, and if you adopt some of these things, that’s real empowerment. Empowerment for all people regardless of color.
And that’s where we see the racism of the left that continues to keep people down. The racism on the left that tells people that they are not good enough. The racism on the left that tells people they are victims and will never succeed because of the color of their skin.
Understanding What is at Stake
It’s important to realize what’s really at stake. The Democrat Party has been taken over by the leftists in the party. The Democrat Party hasn’t been the party of JFK in quite some time. It’s not even the party of Clinton. Instead, leftists, in the name of self-righteousness and wokeness, have taken over the party. They see this as their best chance to usurp power.
Joe Biden has no choice, but to pick a progressive Vice President. He has already made it clear that he will be choosing a woman that is a person of color. The names being bantered about are Senator Kamala Harris, Susan Rice, and Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth. All are far-left, but I keep hearing Congresswoman Duckworth’s name being mentioned more and more.
Once again, it shows how the Democrat Party has become a fanatical group. In a recent interview on CNN, Congresswoman Duckworth calls the Founding Fathers dead traitors. She blasted the President for going to Mount Rushmore to deliver his Independence Day speech because she deems it as stolen land that belongs to Native Americans. And you can’t criticize the Congresswoman because she is a minority, an Iraq War Vet, and she lost both legs in Iraq.
For the left, it’s about power, and the left will do whatever it takes to assume that power. Once they assume that power, they will use their self-righteousness and moral superiority to correct the wrongs they perceive throughout society. They will not tolerate insubordination. They will not tolerate debate or dissenting opinions.
Understand that when you believe you are morally superior and the positions you take are based on that moral superiority, the debate is over. How can you debate with someone proposing immorality? And that’s what makes them so dangerous.
I constantly hear my Democrat friends say that Joe Biden’s a moderate and he will be the President, not the Vice President. However, I explain to them that Joe Biden is largely irrelevant. While he was once considered a moderate, he will go wherever the wind blows, and it’s clear that he will not pushback against the fanatical left.
Also, understand the left is ruthless on their pursuit of power. Joe Biden is having trouble putting two coherent sentences together. The guy said he is Joe Biden’s husband during an interview. If Biden wins, I can guarantee, and probably within 6 months, that the Vice President will stage a coup and invoke the 25th Amendment based on Joe Biden’s deteriorating health. The progressives know they can’t win a national election, so they will backdoor their way into the White House.
On top of that, you have the moderate and blue dog Democrats, increasingly the minority of the Democrat Party, and the never-Trump Republicans who are willing to let the left do their bidding because to them, President Trump represents a bigger threat to them, the status quo, and the country. Their shortsightedness has led them down one path, and that’s to get rid of the President.
They believe the coronavirus epidemic, the lockdown, and the rioting, can complete the job that the FBI, Mueller, tax returns, Stormy Daniels, Ukraine, and impeachment could not accomplish.
Just think about President Trump’s speech. The activist media and many of the political elite savaged it as a dark speech. A divisive speech. The President talked about children loving their country and honoring their history. He talked about equality. That every American should be treated equally regardless of race, ethnicity, or creed. He talked about our culture and the importance of preserving our culture. He spoke about American exceptionalism. He spoke about the necessity of working together to build a strong society. Once again, regardless of race, class, ethnicity, or religion.
So, what’s wrong with that message? How is that message divisive? Is it because he actually values America? Is it because he actually believes in the idea of America? Is it because he doesn’t spew hatred towards America? Is it because he praised both Black and White historical figures, not by the color of their skin, but because of what they did to advance us as a nation?
The President is constantly called a racist. But I want you to think to yourselves, whenever pictures emerge of a celebrity or politician in blackface, what political party do they usually belong? Why is it always a liberal who constantly calls everyone else racist? The leftist irony.
Now, President Trump is a divisive President, but he didn’t create the division, it created him. The failures of both political parties allowed President Trump to defeat 17 or 18 strong Republicans in his bid for the Republican nomination. It is the failures of both parties that created the environment where President Trump would defeat one of the most powerful political families in American history- the Clinton dynasty.
Can President Trump be rude? Yes. Can he be insensitive? Yes. Does he say things he probably shouldn’t? No doubt. Does his twitter feed get exhausting at times? Absolutely. But he is the one thing standing between a free America vs. a socialist America. He is the one person who has spoken loudly and clearly about an appreciation of our country. He recognizes that while we are an imperfect nation, we are the greatest nation. And because he believes in the idea of American exceptionalism, he is routinely savaged.
I’m not tolerating this nonsense anymore. I am sick and tired of these pompous morons who believe they are morally superior. We are all in this together, and if the country is destroyed, that hurts everyone regardless of skin color. Does anyone really think turning this country into a third world country is beneficial because that’s where we are headed?
You have politicians who have no leadership capabilities and just bow to the mob. How many politicians, both Republican and Democrat, have remained silent and allowed the situation to deteriorate into chaos. How many have become millionaires while in office even though Congressional salaries don’t lead to millionaire status?
I’m tired of the leeches who enrich themselves. I’m tired of political leaders endorsing the mob because they want to feel popular and be liked and accepted. I’m tired of weak politicians remaining silent because they don’t want to be attacked. All these political elites need to go.
I’m tired of the media and political elites dictating right and wrong. I am tired of media and political elites who thumb their nose at the constituents they serve. I’m tired of a media and political elite that takes no accountability for their failures.
I’m tired of unelected bureaucrats that believe they can launch investigations into political opponents they don’t like. I’m tired of unelected bureaucrats that believe they can manipulate evidence and lie to a court.
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All these people want to divide the races within the United States. They believe that’s our Achilles heel. Don’t feed into them and give them what they want. Separating America into Black America, White America, Hispanic America, or any other breakdown you can think of is a recipe for destruction. It’s a recipe for failure.
The socialist and Marxist groups want to factionalize us. The leftists know this is the only path to power for them. They want to make America into a tribal country because they want to use that as the backdoor to socialism, and ultimately communism.
I will continue to speak out and call out those promoting this crap because they are the real racists, and it’s time we control the narrative. One based on actual truths, not lies, distortions, and deception.
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As always, thank you for joining us and stay safe and I’ll be back on Wednesday.
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