Episode 524 Show Notes- Navigating the Fallout of America’s Future After Trump Guilty Verdict
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Episode Description
In this must-listen episode of The P.A.S. Report Podcast, Professor Nick Giordano explores the consequences of the Trump guilty verdict. He explains how the Democrats’ have inflicted enormous institutional damage on our Republic by undermining democratic norms and criminalizing politics. As some celebrate the verdict, this episode examines the far-reaching implications for America’s future and the potential costs of these Stalinesque tactics. Join us as the weaponization of our political and criminal justice system puts America on an uncertain path going forward.
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Show Notes- Navigating the Fallout of America’s Future After Trump Guilty Verdict
Welcome to The P.A.S. Report Podcast
[Intro Transcript] Welcome to another episode of The P.A.S. Report Podcast. I’m your host, Nick Giordano, and I am glad you could join me today. If you’re not already a subscriber, consider subscribing and following the podcast so you never miss an episode. Also, visit The P.A.S. Report website, and share this episode with others to inform them of the issues impacting our great nation.
This is a must-listen episode, and perhaps, the most important I’ve done. Every American should listen, particularly Democrats, and those on the other side of the political aisle because what is going on in America is not just dangerous, but we are witnessing our demise. One does not have to be a Trump supporter to recognize the damage that has been done.
Anyone who dismisses what has taken place does so at their peril. While Democrats achieved their goal of getting a Trump guilty verdict, and now they can gleefully proclaim that former President Trump is a convicted felon, it comes at a cost that they may all soon regret.
But it’s not just Democrats that will regret it. Every American who stood silent will also regret it, and we will all suffer the consequences.
This isn’t about Trump. Trump is just one person in a moment of time. Our country is much bigger than one person, and if our country is so weak that it cannot withstand Donald Trump as the Democrats proclaim, then our country doesn’t deserve to survive.
What I can say with 100% certainty is that what our country cannot withstand is when the entire system is weaponized to target political opposition. What our country cannot withstand is when politics becomes criminalized and all the levers of power are used to target anyone that challenges the system. Most importantly, our Republic cannot withstand the blatant disregard for our Constitution and the democratic norms that have kept our Republic in check for 230+ years.
Consider this: In 1798, President John Adams signed the Alien and Sedition Acts into law. These acts targeted political opposition and were widely criticized for violating constitutional rights. The backlash against these acts contributed to Adams’ loss in the subsequent election and left a stain on his presidency. This historical episode serves as a reminder of the dangers of using governmental power to suppress dissent. It underscores that when there are consequences to abuses of power, the integrity of the system can be preserved and strengthened.
But more importantly, it shows that our system only works when both sides believe the other is operating in good faith, but over the last two decades, Stalinesque tactics have been employed. These tactics threaten the very foundations of our country.
As some arrogantly celebrate the Trump guilty verdict, recognize that this issue transcends one individual. The implications for our nation’s future are profound and far-reaching. I fear that irreparable damage has been done and it is difficult to envision a path back from this point.
Consider the fall of the Roman Republic. Julius Caesar’s crossing of the Rubicon River in 49 B.C. was a turning point where political norms were discarded, leading to the Republic’s eventual collapse. Are we witnessing a similar disregard for norms today?
What happens when the self-anointed ‘guardians of democracy’ intentionally blow up every single democratic norm? It will not stop with Trump. It will get worse. They think they can control this, but Pandora’s Box has been opened, and America has entered an unsettling era.
Some people are so blinded by their political ideology. They are so blinded by their hatred that they don’t realize how this ends, and ends badly for everyone. But if you’re a student of history. If you understand the rise and fall of nations. If you know how nations go from free societies to authoritarian societies. In that case, you are aware of exactly how this ends, and to all those celebrating the Trump guilty verdict, you better recognize that there are no guarantees that your side won’t be next in line to face similar tactics and consequences.
That’s what I want to talk about in this episode. I want to focus on the repeated abuses and usurpations. I want to show how this whole thing is a sham, and the real intent is power. I will demonstrate the damage inflicted on our Republic, and examine where we go from here.
So stay tuned, and we will be right break after this quick break.
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Click here to read Professor Giordano’s latest piece at Campus Reform
Professor Giordano sits down with former Congressman Louie Gohmert
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