Episode 198 Show Notes- Not Surprisingly Voluntary Guidance is Mandatory as New Mandates Come
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Episode Description
New mandates are coming as the ruling elite instill fear and raise the alarm bells. Since some Americans won’t comply with “voluntary guidance,” Americans must be punished until they are forced to comply. The overlord’s frown on disobedience and defiance. Insubordination will not be tolerated. But what does the science say? Does the science justify new mandates? Does the science justify new mask orders, particularly with children? Is anything based on science anymore, or is it based on power?
(You can listen to the entire episode by clicking the play button above or go to any podcast platform)
Show Transcript- Voluntary Guidance is Mandatory as the Rulers Push New Mandates
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The P.A.S. Report Podcast.
I hope everyone is doing well out there, and I hope you’ve been paying attention because our rulers have spoken.
Because the American people, the peasant class, will not comply with “voluntary guidance,” all Americans will be punished. The ruling class has determined that nothing short of full compliance will not be tolerated. They have determined that they will not tolerate disobedience and defiance.
See, you thought voluntary guidance was just that. That it was voluntary. That you can make up your own mind and decide what’s in your own best interest, and the best interest of your family.
But to them, voluntary guidance is mandatory. They gave an order, and you must follow it. According to them, since they know what’s in your best interests, they have to protect you from your own ignorance.
Once again, the ruling elites- the media industrial complex, the politicians, the bureaucrats- are all engaging in fear porn. They know fear is a powerful motivator and as the Delta variant surges, we see the same power-hungry fools calling for new mandates. We see many so-called experts now saying that new mandates are necessary. We must mask up again and new restrictions are coming. The point is to make life difficult to force compliance.
But what does the science say? Does the science justify new mandates? Does the science justify new mask orders, particularly with children? Is anything based on science anymore, or is it based on power?
I’m going to tackle that this episode because it’s really important that we have this discussion. Unfortunately, so many will simply parrot the official line and won’t questions anything.
However, at The P.A.S. Report, I challenge everyone to question everything, especially when it comes to government. Especially when it comes to the government usurping your power and imposing its will in the name of saving lives.
This will be an informative episode, so you are going to want to make sure you pay attention. Also, I will be pointing out some major scientific studies that go against much of what we’ve been told.
Engineering Outcomes
Now, let’s get right to it. The last two weeks have been really remarkable. We went from just about defeating the pandemic to new mandates, masking up, and talking about mandatory vaccinations. Truly astonishing.
But it goes much deeper than that. In May, we were all told that if you get the vaccine, your life can begin to go back to normal. That you can start living your life again. That you can be a normal human being again.
Well, not anymore. Even if you’re vaccinated, you’re going to have to comply with these new edicts. You’ll have to live like the rest of the unvaccinated. You’re going to be punished. Why? Well, because government officials are unhappy with the vaccination rates so everyone must be punished. Our overlords are very petty people and when they don’t get their way, they will attempt to make life miserable for the peons.
Remember, for the last two weeks, I talked about social engineering. That the ruling class wants to control the narrative. They want to manipulate behaviors in order to force an outcome. Well, this is no different, and that’s exactly what the officials are doing.
They are hoping to pit Americans against Americans. Now we see this all the time when it comes to race, and how they want to divide us, but when it comes to the coronavirus, they want to pit those Americans who are vaccinated against those Americans who are unvaccinated. They want to shame the unvaccinated, brand them with a Scarlett letter, and force compliance, and they hope that the vaccinated will put enough pressure on those who aren’t vaccinated.
And if that doesn’t work, it doesn’t matter. They are going to work with corporations to tie vaccines to employment opportunities. They are going to push state and local governments to do the same. They are going to push businesses to only serve those who have been vaccinated.
One way or another, they will ensure compliance. Little do these morons realize is that they are creating so much mistrust in our institutions, our once well-respected institutions, because of the nefarious coercion they are employing.
I’m going to take this one by one. First, I want to talk about the Delta variant and virus mutations. Then vaccinated vs. unvaccinated. Let’s look at the new mandates including masking up once again. And once I’m done, you’ll see it has nothing to do with science.
See, when you look at the officials and their statements against the backdrop of science, none of this makes any sense, and it shows how many of the decision-makers are completely incompetent.
Cutting Through the Fear
The fearmongers are out in full force and they use scary words like mutations, virulence, viral loads, and breakthrough infections. They use these words to justify new mandates, but what exactly do these words mean? More importantly, what does it mean for us?
Let’s take mutations for a second. Mutations are natural. They occur every day, and they are essential to the process of evolution. Without mutations, the world as we know it wouldn’t exist.
According to well-respected scientists, Nathan Grubaugh and Mary Petrone, Professors at the Yale School of Public Health in the Department of Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases, and Edward Holmes, Professor at the University of Sydney at the Marie Bashir Institute for Infectious Diseases and Bio Security, they published an article with the National Institute of Health in February 2020.
That date is important to note because even though it was published at the start of the pandemic, this was written before the COVID pandemic really took hold. More importantly, it was written before science became so damn politicized.
The title of the journal article is “We shouldn’t worry when a virus mutates during disease outbreaks.” (NIH) The article raises a number of good points and warns about instilling fear based on mutations. “News reports warning that mutating viruses may spread more rapidly evoke visions of a doomsday scenario in which public health efforts to control the epidemic are rendered futile.”
More importantly, the article states, “the role of natural selection in virus evolution is not easily predicted, rendering rampant speculation around the evolutionary trajectory of a virus during a nascent outbreak investigation especially problematic. The pervasive claim that a virus will mutate to become more virulent during an outbreak is particularly illustrative of this phenomenon, even though this specter of a ‘super killer’ virus is baseless.”
The article concludes by stating, “It is time to reshape our conception of mutations. Mutations are not indicative of outlandish and devastating new viral characteristics…Rather than fearing mutation, perhaps it is now time to embrace it.”
See, the virus wants to survive, and it cannot survive if it kills its host, meaning us. All viruses inevitably will mutate due to the process of survival and natural selection. The real question becomes is the virus more virulent, meaning more deadly? And if so, show us the science and explain how much deadlier.
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Viral Loads
In order to justify the new mandates, you had the all-knowing, all-powerful Fauci making the press rounds. Take a listen to what he had to say.
Sound Clip- Fauci on Viral Load
What the hell does that even mean? You hear him say that the viral load is 1,000x higher with the Delta variant and therefore it can be more transmissible. In order to break down what Fauci the fraud just said, I want to bring in my friend, Vincent LaGuardia Gambini, to get his thoughts on what Fauci the fraud just said. Vinny, what do you think of what Fauci said?
Thank you, Vinny, for that insightful analysis because that’s exactly what it is. You have this fraud, who is the biggest fearmonger, who has contradicted himself throughout the pandemic, now saying that everyone needs to mask up and that new mandates are coming.
But if you listen to his words in that clip, what did he really say? He said that the viral load of the Delta variant in the nasal passage is 1,000x higher which can lead to the rare occurrence of transmitting the virus to uninfected peoples and that those with a large viral load have a better chance of getting infected.
But so what? The real question is if someone gets the Delta variant are they more likely to be hospitalized and die or less likely? That’s the real question. I mean the common cold is highly transmissible, but it’s not deadly and we live with it.
And to all the morons out there, I’m not comparing the common cold to the Delta variant so don’t try and misconstrue what I’m saying. My point is that I don’t care how contagious it is. I don’t care that it’s easily transmissible. What I care about is the science, and how sick is someone likely to get from the Delta variant, both in vaccinated and unvaccinated people. I want to know whether or not the Delta variant is more or less deadly because ultimately that’s what really matters.
As with any virus, it can mutate to a more deadly form, but more often than not it mutates to a less virulent form. But the fear mongers don’t talk about that. Instead, we see headlines like this is more contagious than chickenpox. That variant has changed the war against the virus. That 100-million people in the United States will come down with the Delta variant.
Breakthrough Infections
See, the fearmongers are out in full force, and they talk about breakthrough infections. Now it gets the name breakthrough infections because the virus breaks through the vaccine and a vaccinated person can become sick. This is nothing new. We know that vaccines aren’t 100% effective. That is unless your Joe Biden.
Sound Clip President Biden
We see this every year with the flu. Every year we have a flu vaccine, and every year people who have taken the flu vaccine to come down with the flu. I know this firsthand because my older son got the flu vaccine every year, and every year he came down with the flu at some point. One year, he came down with the flu twice even though he had the vaccine. It got to a point where we stopped getting the flu vaccine for him a few years ago. Interestingly enough, he hasn’t had the flu since.
But all these people discredit themselves and their institutions. We’re told to believe in science. We’re told to listen to the experts. But what do these people really know and what science are they basing their decisions off of? They have done more damage to the institution of science than anyone else.
What’s the science that justifies new mandates? What science are they basing their decisions on?
One study used to justify the new mandates, including masking of all vaccinated persons was published by the CDC. The study shows that 469 residents in Massachusetts were infected with the Delta variant. (CDC)
Out of the 469 cases, 74% of the infected individuals had been fully vaccinated, and 79% reported symptoms, 5 people were hospitalized, 4 vaccinated, and 1 unvaccinated. The unvaccinated person was in his 50’s and had underlying health conditions. Two out of the four vaccinated individuals had underlying health conditions. How many of those individuals have died? No deaths have been reported.
Consider that for a second. 5 hospitalizations and no deaths, yet everyone should adhere to new mandates and mask up again. How does this make any sense? And here is the key to this study, the viral loads in fully vaccinated people vs. unvaccinated were nearly the same.
Officials keep saying that the only way to defeat the virus, including the Delta variant, is if everyone gets vaccinated. Take a listen to what Fauci said this Sunday on ABC.
Sound Clip Fauci Outbreak of the Unvaxxed
Again, I want to get Vincent LaGuardia Gambini’s thoughts on what Fauci just said. What do you think Vinny?
So, they are using this study to justify mask mandates. This study shows that 74% of the people who are infected with the Delta variant are vaccinated and that the viral loads are nearly the same between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Fauci’s statement directly contradicts the CDC’s own study that’s being used to justify new mandates.
Officials are justifying these new mandates based on this data and that the mask mandate may not go away until enough people are vaccinated.
I want you to think about this for a second. If the viral loads are the same, and if those who are vaccinated can transmit the virus at the same rate, why would the mask mandate ever go away? Seriously, if they are using this to justify the new mandates, their own study shows that they’re never going to stop with these dumb masks.
And listen, the data may very well change, and it may be that those who are unvaccinated suffer at greater rates than those who are vaccinated, but so what? Again, we need to ask how deadly the Delta variant is, and if it’s less deadly than the Alpha strain, which it is, then how does that justify these new mandates.
People have a right to weigh the risks and do what they believe is in their own best interests. They made a choice, and I can guarantee that they’re okay with that.
The Fearmongering Media Industrial Complex
And if you thought the media was manipulative and engaged in fearmongering last year, just take a look at what the fear they’re pushing out now.
Here’s a headline from the Daily Mail, “Daily COVID-10 deaths appear to rise nearly 300%- but true figures are actually significantly lower as data dump from Florida and Delaware skews John Hopkins tally.”
When you read the article, line 6 states that daily deaths climbed 2.5% from 321 people to 329 people in a country of 330-million people. The article stated the reason for the inflated deaths was due to Delaware adding a total of 130 deaths from mid-May 2020 to June 2021 after a review of death certificates. In fact, Delaware reported zero deaths in the last 24 hours.
So why even talk about a 300% increase in the headline when it’s obviously not true. That’s misinformation right there, but since it falls in line with a narrative, you won’t see that getting censored.
Let’s Look at Real Science
But let’s take a look at the real science. As far as the vaccine goes, as I said it’s a personal choice. When we examine why some people don’t want the vaccine it is directly attributable to the government. They no longer have faith in our institutions because they’ve been lied to so much. I know the left loves to blame things on Fox News and other media, but they should really look in the mirror and realize that coercion never works and they are the ones who initially raised doubts and suspicions.
How did they do that you ask? By attacking and demonizing anyone who raises any questions or concerns. This only leads to more doubt and questions because people are naturally going to ask, “what are they hiding?”
Also, dismissing anyone’s concerns isn’t really going to persuade these people to get the vaccine. To everyday people, it’s about acceptable risk. If you’re in a high-risk category, meaning older and have preexisting conditions, you’re probably willing to take the risk.
To me, I don’t really look at the immediate side effects. I think that’s part of the problem in this country. We use individual examples and project them as if it’s the norm. Understand, that with any drug, there are going to be side effects.
However, the long-term effects are something that most people want to know about. No one could say definitively what the long-term effects are. There may be none. There may be some. But the science isn’t in on this question, and that’s just being honest.
So, if we look at those who are older than 65-years old, do you really care about potential long-term effects? Probably not. I mean, if I make it to 70, I’ll consider that a win.
If you’re 20-years old, potential long-term effects may factor into your decision. Of course, it does, and rightly so. Especially when the government says that regardless of whether you are vaccinated or not, you should comply with the new mandates. Also, there are many healthy individuals that would rather take their chances with getting the coronavirus naturally because they are in an age demographic where your chances of survival are over 99%.
There is nothing wrong with asking questions, and rather than dismissing questions as conspiracy theories, how about the officials just be honest. And if you don’t know the answer to the question, just admit that. People are okay with that answer, and they’ll have much more respect.
Take the United Kingdom for a minute, they began to see a surge of cases about three weeks ago, and then towards the beginning of last week, the numbers cratered. No one explained why that occurred, but it’s important to recognize that the same is probably going to happen here.
Natural Immunity
Another problem is pushing vaccines on those who have a natural immunity to the virus because they’ve already been infected. Previous experience with science tells us that those who have been exposed to a virus, aren’t necessarily in need of getting a vaccine. Take chickenpox. If you already had chickenpox, you don’t need to take the vaccine. In fact, the vaccine could actually be harmful.
Now that may be different with the coronavirus vaccine, but rather than ignore the question because that’s what the officials have been doing, answer it. Explain the justification for forcing those who already have natural immunity to get the vaccine, and if there is a risk, tell the people so that we can make informed decisions about our health.
But that’s the point. You’re not allowed to make informed decisions. You’re supposed to shut up, obey and comply. Do what your told peasant. You’re not the expert, they are.
This only adds to the suspicion.
Comply with New Mandates
Then there is the compulsory requirements to adhere to new mandates even when you’re vaccinated. Once again, this adds to doubt. If the vaccine is over 90% effective and very effective against the Delta variant, why do I have to adhere to new mandates and wear a mask indoors?
But what do the numbers tell us? Is there a real risk to those who are vaccinated? I’ll use the CDC’s own numbers. (CDC) As of July 26th, more than 163 million Americans have been vaccinated. Out of these 163 million vaccinated Americans, only 5,601 people were hospitalized with a severe case. That’s .0035%, which statistically speaking is nothing.
And the risk of death for the vaccinated is even lower at .0007%. Of that .0007%, 75% were over the age of 65 and I can guarantee that they had major health issues prior to COVID. Again, this comes right from the CDC’s own numbers, and it does appear that the vaccine works.
Using the CDC’s own numbers, if you are vaccinated, the odds of you dying from COVID are 1 in 143,000. Just to put that in perspective, the chances of you dying from choking on food are 1 in 2,535 so should we mandate everyone to eat pureed food to prevent choking? Your chances of drowning are 1 in 1,128 so should we ban all water activities and force people to close their swimming pools? Your chances of dying by a dog attack is 1 in 86,781. Should we ban dogs? I mean for God’s sake, your chances of getting struck by lightning and dying are 1 in 138,849.
Perspective is really important, and if I use the CDC’s own numbers, these numbers do not justify the new mandates at all. The idea that the government has to protect us at all costs is nonsensical, and if that were the case, there are a lot of things we wouldn’t be able to do.
Understand, that the government doesn’t just get to do what it wants during a public health emergency. The Constitution doesn’t get suspended when they deem something a crisis.
Older People Are Vaccinated
Another thing the officials and the media industrial complex continue to ignore is the number of vaccinated people amongst the highest risk categories. Most importantly, older Americans with preexisting conditions. According to the latest CDC data, 80.1% of those 65 and older are fully vaccinated, and 90% of those 65 and older have received at least one dose. (CDC) If those who are most vulnerable are protected against the virus, then what’s the problem?
Focusing on those who are most vulnerable should have been the focus the entire time. When one of your children gets sick, what do you do. Do you make the child stay in his or her room so they don’t infect you or their siblings, or do you order your healthy children and yourself into lockdown so the sick child can freely roam the house?
Obviously, the latter doesn’t make much sense, but throughout the pandemic, that’s exactly what we’ve done.
Why No Discussion of Herd Immunity?
Another thing we never talk about anymore is the idea of herd immunity. Herd immunity is achieved when enough people have been exposed to the virus whether natural or through vaccination. According to John Hopkins University, we would need at least 70% of the population to be immune in order to reach herd immunity. (John Hopkins University) Some put the number higher, but basically, the target number is about 80-85%.
According to CDC numbers, 67.5% of those over the age of 12 in the United States have received at least one dose, and 58.1% of those over the age of 12 are fully vaccinated. (CDC) Now, trying to find the estimated number for natural immunity is difficult and most people that develop COVID will never even know it because they won’t have symptoms.
One estimate puts the number of those who have developed natural immunity to COVID at 83 million. (CNN) Now you can’t just add the numbers of those who have been fully vaccinated and those that may have natural immunity because we don’t know how many who had natural immunity also got vaccinated.
But we are looking at this all wrong. You can’t simply take the totality of the United States. Every state is going to be different, and you have to look at it from a state-by-state basis. Take New York. According to their COVID vaccine database, 75.4% of those over the age of 18 had at least one vaccine dose, and 68.6% of the population is fully vaccinated. (NYS) If you factor in that New York State was the epicenter, and how Emperor Cuomo single-handedly made the worst decision allowing COVID to spread like wildfire, two important questions are raised.
First, how many people are estimated to have natural immunity to COVID and never got the vaccine. And secondly, if we factor in those numbers, has New York achieved herd immunity? It would be really nice if we had journalists and scientists actually asking those questions and seeking an answer, but we don’t because we don’t have deep thinkers and most people are simpletons. But nonetheless, it is an important question.
You’ll get some morons that say we can’t look at it on a state-by-state basis because people travel between states, but that’s nonsense. How many people are really visiting the cesspool that New York has become? And while you normally have a high number of out-of-staters coming to New York to work, how many are still working remotely, and even if they come from a neighboring state, those states have high vaccination rates as well.
But what I really want to do is talk about masks, especially for kids. The idea of masking up kids for another year is not only cruel, but completely unnecessary. It’s akin to child abuse. We know that kids aren’t vulnerable to COVID, and as for children under the age of 18, there have been 337 deaths amongst kids, and in just about every case, preexisting conditions were at play, including diabetes and leukemia.
We know that children have a much lower transmission rate than adults do. Yet, our officials want to punish kids for another year, and I’ll tell you one thing, I’m done, and I’m not having it.
And for all the idiots that use the “you don’t want to kill grandma and grandpa line,” shame on you. It shows just how selfish you are, but it also shows what a horrible human being you are that you’ll blame a loss of life on a child.
First of all, children aren’t transmitting COVID to grandma and grandpa. Secondly, and more importantly, have you thought about the physical, emotional, and mental toll all this has taken on children? Sorry, but grandma and grandpa lived their lives. Children have their whole lives in front of them, and we are scarring an entire generation of children.
We will be witnessing the damage we are doing to the children for decades to come. Look at how our children have suffered over the last year. Look at how they were instilled with fear. Look at how they were taught to be afraid and not take risks. Look at how they were shamed if they pulled down their masks. Look at how they were isolated from friends and other social activities. Look at how they lost over a year of education because of remote learning.
I refuse to remask my children, and this is a battle worth fighting. I always say you have to pick and choose the hill you want to die on, and this is one of them.
When it comes to kids, we are one of the few countries in the world that requires masks for any child over the age of 2. I’d like to ask all the mask Nazis, why is that?
The WHO, UNICEF, and other organizations explicitly state that children under the age of 6 should not be wearing masks at all. So where is the science that justifies any child over the age of 2 wearing a mask?
And it’s not just children under 6. According to UNICEF and WHO guidelines, for those between the ages of 6-11, they state, “You should also consider the potential impact that wearing a mask could have on your individual child’s learning and psychosocial development.” (UNICEF)
If masks were beneficial. If there were no downsides to masks, then why would they make that statement? Why would they issue this guidance? More importantly, why are most countries not requiring masks for children under the age of 12, including many European countries who had far stricter rules than we did? Do they not have science in these countries? Are these countries anti-science?
No. The only ones who are actually anti-science are people like Fauci the fraud who is trying to cover his ass because he had a hand in funding the gain of function research and the Wuhan Lab.
The sheep and mask shamers will be out in full force. They’ll say it’s about saving lives. They’ll say it’s just a small thing and we have to do our part. They’ll say it doesn’t impact your health or breathing. Here’s the thing. If masks have no impact on our overall health, both mental and physical, and if masks have no impact on our breathing, then I challenge these people to wear a mask when they go to sleep at night.
First of all, and you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure this one out, when you put anything over your mouth and nose, you’re obstructing your breathing in some way. That’s just common sense. Our noses and mouths are not meant to be covered. It’s unnatural.
But consider that if masks are harmless, and if masks don’t inhibit breathing, then why do we warn children under 2 can suffocate wearing a mask. I mean a two-year-old is plenty capable of pulling down a mask. Let’s take a look at the guidance by the CDC where they state, “depending on the mask and the fit, the child may have trouble breathing. If this happens, they need to be able to take it off.”
But wait, I thought masks don’t impact breathing? The CDC also says not to apply masks to those who are unconscious, but why? Once again, if it doesn’t impact their breathing, what’s the problem? See, that’s the caveat because according to the CDC, masks are harder to breathe through, especially for infants because they have smaller airways. But no matter what age, the harder it is to breathe through, the harder your body is working.
Then you get the people who say surgical masks have been used for decades, and surgeons wear them for hours on end. That has to be one of the dumbest arguments I’ve heard. Surgeons don’t wear masks to protect themselves from virus particles. They don’t wear masks to protect the people they’re working with.
They wear the mask so that they protect the patient on the operating table. It’s not a good thing if spit droplets get into an open cavity on the operating room table. If you’re laying on the operating table with your body cavity open because you’re getting heart surgery, you don’t want the surgeon sneezing on your open body.
And we have some studies. Now the study that I find most important is from the British Medical Journal that compared cloth masks to medical masks in healthcare workers. The reason I provide so much stock in this study is that it was conducted in 2015. (BJM) It was conducted prior to this politicization and control of a narrative. It was a randomized study on people who have constant contact with viruses and bacteria, far more than ordinary individuals have in the public.
The N-95 masks are the most effective, but the least used mask, and they’re rendered useless if you don’t change the filter, but the effectiveness rating is about 95%. Surgical masks are used often, and their effectiveness is about 54%. Cloth masks are the most widely used, especially with children, and their effectiveness is about 3%. Yes, just 3%, and this is the mask the CDC recommends children wear. Think about that for a minute and ask, who is really anti-science. (BJM)
So, cloth masks and surgical masks are the most widely used and only have a 3% and 54% effectiveness rating, but those aren’t the real numbers. In order to maximize the effectiveness ratings of surgical and cloth masks, it’s one and done. You wear it once, and you throw it away or sterilize it. Most people aren’t trained in proper PPE use outside of Public Health or Emergency Management.
And this is why mask-wearing is completely ineffective for large segments of the population, especially children. Most people constantly reuse their masks, wearing them over and over again. Kids will constantly touch it with their dirty hands, and they don’t even wear it right.
Constantly take their masks off and on. They put it in their pockets or throw it in a bag, and then reuse it. I don’t know a single person that uses a mask once and disposes of it right afterward. Even the most ardent mask wearers I know will usually wear the same mask over and over again throughout the day, and then may sterilize it at night.
That’s the actual science that no one talks about, and that’s why I say masks are actually useless and ineffective.
But there are other studies that confirm the ineffectiveness of masks, and others confirm their negative health effects. I have links up at The P.A.S. Report website so you can check them out. Most of the studies are published right on the National Institute of Health website.
Other Studies
One study was published on November 20, 2020. This study looked at the effectiveness of masks to interrupt or reduce the spread of acute respiratory viruses. It didn’t include COVID because it was from work conducted from 2007-2011. “There is low certainty evidence from nine trials (3507 participants) that wearing a mask may make little or no difference to the outcome of influenza-like illness (ILI) compared to not wearing a mask.” (Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses)
Another study was published in May of 2017, so remember it’s pre-COVID and free from partisans. This study evaluated the efficacy of cloth facemask. The conclusion, “our results suggest that cloth masks are only marginally beneficial in protecting individuals from particles <2.5μm. According to The Lancet, the virus that causes COVID is .1μm. (Evaluating the efficacy of cloth facemasks in reducing particulate matter exposure) Now there are some who will argue that COVID doesn’t leave the nose or mouth alone. That it will be part of a droplet, and therefore, it will be larger and won’t penetrate the mask. That’s fine, but that makes the assumption that the virus stays attached to the droplet and points me to the science that says that’s the case.
Another study examined the protective performance, “of nonwoven fabrics used in surgical masks against viral aerosols, a non-standardized test method using phi-X174 phage aerosols is widely performed because actual respiratory viruses pose an infection risk during testing and the phage is a safe virus to humans.” Their conclusion is, “We conclude that the filter efficiency test using the phi-X174 phage aerosol may overestimate the protective performance of nonwoven fabrics with filter structure compared to that against real pathogens such as the influenza virus.” (Comparison of the Filter Efficiency of Medical Nonwoven Fabrics against Three Different Microbe Aerosols)
The next study examined aerosols containing pathogens and the protection surgical masks provide. Their conclusion, “Although surgical mask media may be adequate to remove bacteria exhaled or expelled by health care workers, they may not be sufficient to remove the submicrometer-size aerosols containing pathogens to which these health care workers are potentially exposed.” (Aerosol penetration through surgical masks)
The next study was interesting because we heard a lot about homemade masks during the pandemic. Our findings suggest that a homemade mask should only be considered as a last resort to prevent droplet transmission from infected individuals. While the study did say it’s better than no protection at all, does it really give you faith that they work? (Testing the efficacy of homemade masks: would they protect in an influenza pandemic?)
Another study found “that the protection provided by surgical masks may be insufficient in environments containing potentially hazardous submicrometer-sized aerosols.” (Aerosol penetration and leakage characteristics of masks used in the health care industry)
Another study stated that “Although mechanistic studies support the potential effect of hand hygiene or face masks, evidence from 14 randomized controlled trials of these measures did not support a substantial effect on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.” (Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings-Personal Protective and Environmental Measures)
Another study found that masks themselves are contaminated because of improper usage. Like I said before, masks were intended to be used once and thrown away. This study found, “Most people reported using one mask per day and storing the masks in their pockets. As a result, masks surface become a contamination source.” (Adolescents’ face mask usage and contact transmission in novel Coronavirus)
There are legitimate questions as to the effectiveness of the masks, but what’s even worse is that there may be negative consequences that no one is talking about. Dentists are reporting an increase in inflammation in people’s gums which can lead to gum disease. (NY Post)
There have been cases of fungal infections around the mouth and in the mouth. Bacteria and mold have been found on masks. (NIH)
Another study found the elastic in the masks can have an effect on a child’s ears and form lesions and deformities. (Can the Elastic of Surgical Face Masks Stimulate Ear Protrusion in Children?)
We see a 40% increase in depression and anxiety. (Keiser Family Foundation)
The CDC conducted a comprehensive study that found 40.9% of American respondents reported at least one adverse mental or behavioral health condition due to the pandemic. They play word games. They say it’s due to the pandemic. But let’s be honest it was because of the draconian mandates including lockdowns and masks, and now we want to remark and implement new mandates?
According to this study, 31% of the people are now suffering from symptoms of anxiety or depression. 26% experienced symptoms of traumatic disorder. 13% turned to drugs and alcohol more heavily, or for the first time, started using drugs and alcohol to cope with the pandemic. And 11%. (CDC)
Anxiety has tripled from 2019, and depression has quadrupled.
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Everything I presented in this episode is backed by science. But see, it’s not the science that supports their narrative. It’s not the science that supports implementing new mandates including remasking the country. It’s not the science that they agree with so to them it’s not real science.
You’re not allowed to talk about the science that contradicts the narrative. Listen, people far smarter than I am, have warned about this. Well-respected doctors, scientists, and epidemiologists, from some of the top research institutes like Harvard, Oxford, Stanford, Yale, have spoken out. And they were savagely attacked. There were organized attempts to assassinate their character. To get them fired. To banish them from the scientific community. It was truly disgusting.
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When did science become a field where you’re not allowed to present your hypothesis, gather evidence, and determine whether it validates or invalidates the hypothesis? When did science become a field where questions are not allowed, and that the scientific community must conform to groupthink because the conclusion is set in stone? When you talk about destroying science, you are witnessing it happen right now.
It’s why so many people have little faith in the government, and our institutions like science and education, because its all been weaponized for political reasons, and the lemmings will simply parrot the talking points they hear.
Last April I asked the question, “What happens if the coronavirus never goes away?” Here we are a year and a half later and the fearmongering is still here with the Delta variant, and the push for new mandates is fierce.
So, if the virus never goes away, are we going to live under perpetual mandates. Mandates that are extremely intrusive. Mandates that violate basic liberties.
I said before that I’m done, and I can assure you that my kids will not be wearing masks this school year, and I mean that. What’s happening now is insanity. These new mandates are insanity. Going back to masks and isolation is insanity. It’s cruelty.
I refuse to play along with this insanity, and it’s gone on far too long.
I think that’s enough ranting about new mandates for now. As a reminder, make sure to sign up for The P.A.S. Report Newsletter. I will be sending out an email on August 10th with a link to the survey, and if you complete the survey, you’ll be automatically entered to win a $25 Amazon gift card.
It’s also why you should tell family and friends about The P.A.S. Report and share this episode with others.
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I want to thank you for joining me, I want you to stay safe, and I’ll be back next week.
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