Rant or Rave Wednesday
NYC Jury Finds President Trump Guilty, But Nobody Can Name the Crime
Last week’s guilty verdict was a gut punch – not only to Trump and his family but also to our republic and the democracy we supposedly live under. Crazed liberals gloated after Donald Trump was found guilty on all 34 charges in what has become known as the ‘hush money’ case, but the rest of the country paused. It isn’t just MAGA supporters who are perplexed by this trial and verdict, it is also independents, legal scholars, and just about anyone who values our constitution and judicial system.
There are so many irregularities, and that’s putting it mildly, with this case. So, what was the actual crime? Falsifying business records. Trump had a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) with porn star, Stormy Daniels so that she wouldn’t talk about their alleged sexual encounter. Keep in mind that this is a perfectly legal contract and is common among celebrities and people of wealth. The supposed illegality is that the former president marked the expense as legal fees, which would be a misdemeanor, however, the prosecutor, Alvin Bragg – an incompetent ideologue – changed those charges to felonies because he claims that Trump altered the records in an attempt to commit, aid, or conceal another crime. So what is the other crime? Well, that’s even more dubious. State prosecutors claim the other crime was to consciously defraud the American voters in the 2016 election.
Let me reiterate, even if Trump had sex with the disgraced porn store and paid her money to stay quiet, that is completely legal. It is interesting that during the course of the trial, the public learned that it was Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen who committed crimes. Daniels extorted Trump for money, and under oath, Cohen admitted to stealing $60,000 from the Trump Organization. Want to take a guess if either will be prosecuted? Therein lies the problem – actual crimes are ignored. When Hillary Clinton colluded with foreign entities to fabricate lies about Trump’s ties to Russia and led this country down a four-year rabbit hole, interfering with the general business of America, she did not face any accountability. Well, that’s not entirely correct. The Federal Election Commission (FEC) fined Clinton over $100,000 for the same thing Trump was found guilty of – misreporting of spending. In her case, it was her payoff for the notorious Steele dossier.
I should also point out that the FEC was given Trump’s case years ago and declined to pursue charges, not even a fine. Isn’t that ironic? Not only did they not find this case worthy of any crime but neither did the prosecutors in the Southern District of New York. Nobody wanted to prosecute this case because they knew it didn’t have merit. Alvin Bragg himself declined to prosecute this when he took office in 2022. So, why now? Because Trump decided to run for president again. These charges could have been brought against President Trump nearly a decade ago, but everyone left it alone, knowing they didn’t have a shot of winning. That is until they secured a corrupt judge – Juan Merchan, a democrat donor whose daughter has raised millions off of promising to get Trump. There’s the real fraud!
And if you have doubts that this is all being orchestrated by the corrupt Biden administration and his DOJ, look no further than Matthew Colangelo, the 3rd ranking official in Biden’s Department of Justice, who left that high position to work under and assist Alvin Bragg in prosecuting the case against Donald Trump. Can this be any more obvious?
We have now turned the corner and dove off the cliff in American politics and in our judicial system. Make no mistake – there is a two-tiered system of justice for Democrats and Republicans. You can see this with the January 6th debacle. Hundreds of people who were at the Capitol that day have been arrested. Many have been jailed and put in solitary confinement. Another January 6th defendant, Matt Perna, recently committed suicide as the government refused to give him a speedy trial. His crime? Obstructing congress. All those individuals who rioted during the summer of 2020, set cities on fire, destroyed businesses, and tried to burn down a courthouse with people in it have not been treated like this. It’s a travesty.
Alvin Bragg is allowing crime to run rampant in New York City. Businesses are fleeing because of this sham case, and yet, actual crime that is terrorizing residents of New York goes unpunished. It is backward, but the good news is that this has garnered even more support for Trump. People are waking up to the lies and deceit the Biden administration has spread to the American people.
Professor Giordano sits down with former Congressman Louie Gohmert
Professor Giordano has a new piece up at The Hill
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