Episode 361 Show Notes- Officials Have Abandoned the Constitution They Swore to Uphold
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Episode Description
What happens when our officials don’t even know the system they are supposed to uphold? We have witnessed a remarkable movement away from the Constitution. A big part of the reason is that many of them never even cared to read it or understand how the American government is supposed to work. They have abandoned our Constitution and our core principles. Is it any wonder that the system seems broken?
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Show Notes- Officials Have Abandoned the Constitution They Swore to Uphold
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Welcome to The P.A.S. Report Podcast.
I have to say that in this day and age, there is very little that surprises me. However, the one thing that does astonish me is just how dumb some of our officials really are. I am not sure dumb is the right word. Maybe they’re just lazy, or maybe some are more nefarious than I tend to believe.
But week in and week out, so many of officials seem to have abandoned the Constitution and our core principles. For some, it’s the race toward Marxism, but we can’t tag every official as Marxist. Let’s be honest. Many of them have no idea what Marxism even is. Most of them never even read Karl Marx and the Communist Manifesto. I can assure you that many of these dotes couldn’t define cultural Marxism even if they espouse some of its principles.
However, that’s no excuse because right now we are in a crisis. We are in a crisis of policies, but more importantly, we are in a crisis where the entire foundation of America is being challenged to its core.
We have the oldest codified Constitution in the entire world. I want you to think about that for a minute. Out of all the countries out there, countries with thousands of years of recorded history, we, the United States have the oldest codified Constitution in the world. Monaco has an older Constitution, but it’s not codified, and it’s Monaco so who cares.
We are one of the youngest nations on the planet, and our Constitution has been able to endure for the last 236 years. It’s remarkable when you absorb that little fact. However, our Constitution is being challenged right now, and it’s largely being challenged because the officials that have sworn to uphold it, taken an oath to preserve it, don’t even know what it says.
I swear, before any official gets sworn in, or appointed, to office, they should have to take my citizenship exam and my Constitutional test. If they fail it they should be disbarred from ever holding public office.
It’s getting to the point of absurdity, and that’s what I want to talk about in this episode. I want to take a few stories and sound clips to prove my point that those who are supposed to uphold the system have no idea how the system is supposed to work. They don’t understand the American government or the Constitution, which is to our detriment.
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