Episode 65 Show Notes- Which Path Do We Choose: Orwellian State vs. Liberty
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Episode Description
When the current coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis passes, America, as a nation, needs to engage in a conversation about what direction we go in. Once we begin to responsibly reopen the country, we need to completely reevaluate the powers of government, the state government’s reliance on the federal government, and most importantly, the purpose of government. Should we really allow chief Executives to rule by decree with little input from the legislative branch? Should we really encourage citizens to rat one another out? Should we really be using surveillance drones to enforce social distancing? As the calls for the Orwellian state grow louder, we must remember the principles that guided us to become the greatest country the world has have witnessed.
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Welcome to The P.A.S. Report Podcast. This is your host Nick Giordano and I hope you are having a good week.
Week 6 of the lockdown continues, but the good news is we are beginning to see a decline in hospitalizations and deaths associated with the coronavirus. This has certainly been a difficult period in American history, and the challenges will continue. As we begin to reopen parts of the economy, the devastation will not be known for several months.
While this will be a challenging time, we will get through it together, as Americans, like we always do.
While we will get through it together, the question becomes where do we go from here. Last week was a really important episode discussing the concept of liberty, so if you haven’t yet listened, be sure you do. But last week I ended the explaining how we are at a crossroads in the United States, and we don’t know which path will be chosen. I want to continue this discussion because during these important times, the decisions we make now will be crucial to our future. More importantly, our children’s future.
Before I jump into this episode, go to thepasreport.com to see the show notes, sign up for The P.A.S. Report Newsletter.
Recap of previous analysis
Just to recap from previous episodes, I want to make a few things clear. In the March 4th episode, I broke down the numbers to illustrate why we shouldn’t be driven by fear and panic. I also stated that we need to move with extreme caution. I stated that we don’t know a lot about the virus, and there was so much to learn. I explained that we cannot dismiss the idea that the virus came from the bio lab in Wuhan. I stated that the vast majority of people will not require hospitalization and the symptoms would be mild for most people. Most importantly, I explained how mistakes will be made and that no emergency response ever goes according to plan. I emphasized that the response will be at the local level and the local officials will be on the front lines, and the states will play an enormous role in response capabilities. But most importantly, I said that my analysis can change as more information comes in and it’s important that we maintain situational awareness.
On the March 11th episode I explained how the containment ship sailed. I also stated that the virus outbreak was probably much earlier than December. I stated, it probably started in China in September and was in the United States by November. I explained how as we increase the numbers of testing, the number of coronavirus cases will skyrocket. I warned about the oncoming economic onslaught, and that the government should be preparing to see a medical surge. I explained that government doesn’t have a magic wand and can’t make the virus simply disappear. That the nature of government is reactive, not one based on preventing things from happening. It’s what happens when you live in a free society. I also said the 2020 election will become the coronavirus election, and that Biden would be largely irrelevant because it will come down to how Americans perceive the president handled the situation.
On the March 18th show, I talked about the sacrifices we would have to embark on, and how this may define our generation. I stated that Americans would do their part and be responsible. I also warned that the government cannot keep things locked down forever. I warned about the limitations of government, and how the state and local governments were critical in response efforts. I warned how Congress will lack any creativity when it comes to the stimulus and I provided several outside-the-box thoughts on what Congress can do. Sadly, they didn’t listen. I also declared that we must hold the Communist government of China accountable.
On the March 25th show, I explained the hypocrisy of the media. I also warned about how government powers were dramatically increasing. I explained that the government will continue to usurp the authority from the people, and provided examples from history were a crisis happened, government granted itself extraordinary powers, and never returned that power to the people. I also explained how some are using the crisis to push a political agenda.
I’ve discussed what a post-coronavirus world would look like, where unemployment would skyrocket. Since that episode, unemployment claims have hit over 22-million and the oil markets collapsed. I warned about domestic unrest across the globe, and we are witnessing that in several countries. I explained how China will become more aggressive and take advantage of the instability created, at the same time they will challenge American political philosophy based on a free society. Sure enough, their state-run media is already pushing stories that America is a dying country based on primitive ideas.
The reason I bring this up is that much of the analysis has been spot-on. I’m not tooting my own horn, and it’s not that I am much smarter than anyone else. In fact, there are far more people who are smarter than me. Much of the analysis has been on point because of a commonsense approach and an understanding of history.
Sadly, you have a news media that does a disservice. They fail to provide honest analysis in order to push their own narrow-minded agenda.
Virtue Signalers
I am growing tired of all the virtue signalers out there. Those who say if you talk about the reopening of the economy, you just want to see people die. That you don’t care about life and you want to live in a world of the survival of the fittest. They believe they are morally superior.
However, those people are just jerks. No one is calling for just reopening the economy and go back to normal. When I talk about taking our freedom back and reopening the economy, I call for the responsible reopening.
That means that you look at every area differently and make decisions at the local level. Every state is different, and every local government is different. There are some areas shutdown that literally have 0 coronavirus cases. Why should they be treated like New York City which is a completely different animal?
Also, in areas that have a denser population, you can still implement social distancing measures, and cut occupancy levels. You can still determine when to open each sector. Once again, we do it in a responsible way.
Unfortunately, you have those who want to shame and silence. You have those who say we can’t begin to discuss the reopening of the economy until we have a vaccine, or the virus dies out. Well, what happens if an effective vaccine can’t be developed? What happens if the virus doesn’t die out on its own due to mutation? Are we supposed to imagine we can be locked down forever?
Here’s the dirty little secret that no one wants to tell you, if we handled this crisis right from the start, we would not have had many lockdowns. Unfortunately, because of the instilled fear and paranoia, as well as a lack of preparedness, state governments, and some at the federal level, decided that they would introduce extreme measures, not based on any type of science or data.
From the beginning, the government officials should have been honest and said that they were unsure of exactly what we’re dealing with, and so we have to take some really important precautions.
What we have seen from government
So, instead of remaining calm and introducing some common-sense measures, we have many governors who believe they hold all the power, and no one should ask questions or hold them accountable. In fact, they are acting like authoritarians.
Take Governor Whitmer of Michigan. She stated that because of the protests, she will likely extend the lockdown. What she is really saying is that you, the people, shouldn’t dare question her actions or exercise your God-given rights. And if you do, you will face certain punishments.
We have a Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, who tries to shame anyone who calls for reopening the government. He is someone who is using Executive powers far beyond his granted authorities. He is now requiring people to wear facemasks. Now I don’t necessarily disagree with the idea. However, wouldn’t something like this have made more sense 5-weeks ago. Also, and more importantly, it wasn’t the state legislator that passed a law. This was an order from Emperor Cuomo. Are we really willing to let executives’ rule by decree?
You have a Governor of New Jersey, Phil Murphy, who said that Constitutional Rights were never even considered when it comes to the lockdown. Essentially, those rights weren’t important enough to even debate.
We have multiple jurisdictions utilizing Chinese-made drones in several areas to enforce social distancing measures. You have an incompetent mayor of New York City in Bill DeBlasio who told the public that if you see people not social distancing properly, then take a picture and send it to the government.
Who the hell do these people think they are? They forget that just because they were elected, it does not mean that they have absolute power.
And the irony would be laughable if it wasn’t so scary. The leftist constantly accuses the President of being an Authoritarian. They constantly say that he wants to be a dictator. These idiots even say he will refuse to leave the White House if he is not reelected. Some in the media have gone so far as to accuse the President of wanting the coronavirus to ravage the nation so that he can increase his power.
Yet who are the ones really acting like authoritarians? Is it the President or is it the governors and mayors, who without any consent from the people, and many without any approval from state legislatures, have told their constituents to shut-up and obey? You know, no one in the media is asking any of these officials when the last time they got a haircut or a manicure, or anything like that. Looking at images it seems odd we’ve been locked up for almost five-weeks and it seems their hair hasn’t grown much at all. It would be nice if someone from the press would actually ask them that question.
They have told the people what they can and cannot buy. They have told the people where they can and cannot go. They have told the people who they can see and who they can’t see. They told the people to spy and tattle on their neighbor if you see them breaking any of the rules. They have decreed that liquor and marijuana stores are more important than your constitutionally protected gun stores. You can’t buy seeds to grow your own produce, but go ahead and purchase lotto tickets, one of the most regressive programs in the history of the United States.
They have deemed Dentists as nonessential, but abortion clinics remain open. The person who needs the root canal or a back surgery due to pain must suffer and wait but aborting a baby, that’s okay. And then these moral arbiters tell you that the lockdowns are about saving lives.
They have let dangerous criminals out of prison but will order the arrest of someone playing at a park with his/her kid. They say you can go to the grocery store or a store like Home Depot or laws, and yet they push mail-in voting. They have directed what you have to wear in order to leave your house.
For those that lost their job, too bad. For those who may have lost a loved one, too bad. For those who want to protest, too bad. For those who want to speak up and voice an opinion, too bad. You are not allowed to get a haircut (luckily, I’m bald so I just buzz my head once a week). You are not allowed to get a manicure or go the dry cleaners. Basically, I call it the “Let them eat cake” syndrome.
These people should not be in positions of power because they have shown that they have no regard for you. And while many of the self-righteous virtue signalers will shame, judge and label you, let’s be honest, these people don’t care about life.
If it was really about life, would they really allow hundreds of Amazon workers working in warehouses? Would they allow thousands of grocery store clerks and pharmacists go to work each and every day? Why do their lives matter less than everyone else ordered to stay home? Oh wait, anyone of us can go to these stores, so if they are really worried about life, why allow these people to go into the stores?
Some will argue that it’s essential, but we can have the military build out food depots to serve neighborhoods. Virtually all pharmacies have some form of delivery service so why should anyone be allowed to go into those pharmacies?
I know many people who think we should continue the lockdown. These are generally good people, who do care and don’t want to see anyone die. These are people that are afraid. They’re scared. My gripe isn’t with those people.
My gripe is with those who consistently try to denigrate anyone that questions them. My gripe is with those who say we are not allowed to ask questions or pushback against government. My gripe is with those who label anyone who talks about a responsible reopening government and accuses them of wanting to see people die. My gripe is from those who believe they have all the answers yet fail to provide any of those answers.
These are the same people who like to silence you on a range of issues.
So who are the ones acting like authoritarians?
Asking the States tough questions
And it would be nice if we had a press that asks these governors important questions. We are constantly hearing the press bash the President and the federal government for a lack of preparedness, but how come these governors don’t ever get asked that question.
I believe the press has every right to question the federal government and their preparedness level, of course, they go overboard, but there is no doubt that federal failures existed especially with the testing aspect. Remember, I stated there would be failures weeks ago. Because I know government. Government is largely incompetent. It’s slow and inefficient. Its effectiveness is limited at best.
However, in our system of federalism, the state and local governments are the ones who have much more responsibility than the federal government. Especially when it comes to responding to disasters. I’ve been using kid gloves when it comes to Governor Cuomo over the last few weeks, but no more.
Every day he goes out there and demands that the federal government provides ventilators, beds, mobile hospitals, PPE, and many other things. Why hasn’t anyone asked why New York State is so dependent on the federal government compared to other states? Governor Cuomo is constantly touting that we are New York, and New Yorkers can handle anything and everything. Now New Yorkers are resilient, but the government of New York is a pathetic cesspool and one of the most corrupt in the nation.
Where are all the journalists asking why New York has the highest number of deaths per 1 million people. In fact, New York’s deaths per 1 million residents is 965. This is far higher than every other state. New York’s deaths are double those of the second closest, New Jersey, registering 493. What the hell is going on in New York?
In fact, if New York was a country, it’s fatalities for every 1 million people would be the second in the highest in the World. The only country with a higher amount of fatalities for every 1 million people is San Marino, a relatively small country with a high median age that many people never even heard of.
So why hasn’t Governor Cuomo been questioned about these numbers? I mean the numbers are staggering. And I know some will say it’s because New York has a higher population, but I am giving you numbers per million people. Also, if it’s about large populations, why are the numbers in California and Texas so much lower? Why hasn’t Governor Cuomo been asked why he was so unprepared? Why didn’t he start sourcing ventilators, PPE, and other response needs back in February?
Of course, the shills will defend Governor Cuomo and said he was relying on guidance from the feds. However, there are two problems with that. The first is, New York State’s own Office of Emergency Management was discussing this in December, and coronavirus information was making it into the situation reports by January. The Governor can’t claim he wasn’t aware.
Secondly, and more importantly, why should he have to rely on the feds in the first place? We have a system where the states are supposed to be independent of the federal government.
Now the Emperor is demanding that the federal government provides money to the State. He’s good at constantly making demands. And what he won’t be questioned on is the $7-billion budget deficit he was running prior to the coronavirus outbreak. What he won’t be questioned on is the $25,000 raise that just kicked in and the $50,000 more that’s coming to him over the next year or two.
The Rebirth of America
And this should be the heart and soul of the debate. When I talk about getting back to our foundation, I am talking about rebirth or reawakening. I am talking about states being responsible entities and operating independently of the federal government.
Yes, the federal government can provide assistance. However, how many of you are aware that the federal government actually provided very limited assistance in times of crisis prior to the modern era?
New York State has received billions of dollars in emergency preparedness grants over the last 10 years. So, sure it’s fair to criticize the federal government, but what accountability do the states have?
We need to ask ourselves, what is the primary purpose of government? And what is the responsibility of the individual? At what point do we begin to take responsibility and stop trying to burden government with every little problem that may exist. Sure, there are some things only the government has the power to do but remember they don’t do such a bang-up job with the main roles they’re tasked with.
The primary purpose of government, whether it be the federal government, the state governments, or the local governments, is to protect the people. That’s their primary obligation to you. Instead, look at all the wasteful spending and the BS programs that government has gotten involved in. Particularly, the state and local governments.
Here is just one example. In October of last year, or maybe the year before, New York City created a program to assist with child support payments. If you were in arrears on your child support payment, and you made a payment that month, New York City would use taxpayer dollars to match the payment in order to reduce the deadbeat parent’s arrears. So, as a taxpayer, your hard-earned money would be going to assist deadbeat parents who have more or less abandoned their child.
That’s just one simple example. In New York State, your tax money goes to a whole host of programs that make little to no sense. They enrich their wealthy donors and keep people in a perpetual state of poverty.
I have said it before, and I will keep pushing the message, but we really need to wake-up. There are way too many people looking to government to solve problems, but that’s not really the role of government.
I am very worried because I am already hearing the calls for a bigger government. A more powerful government. We are being told that the government must have the power to sustain these lockdowns because we may need rolling lockdowns. We are already being told that only the government can bail out the major corporations. Not that these corporations should have been responsible and put 10% of their profits into an emergency fund so that they can weather an economic storm.
We now have Mark Zuckerberg ordering Facebook to ban anyone that attempts to organize a protest against the government. They will delete your post and potentially banish you forever from their platform. The tech giant clearly enjoys the fruits of the ruling class.
Remember, liberty is essential. It nourishes our souls. When governments gain too much power, and those that staff government believe they are morally superior and virtuous, tyranny is creeping around the corner.
When they get the power to shut everyone who dissents down when they achieve that absolute power, they will deprive our soul of the essential element of liberty. Stand up for yourself and your rights. Do it in a respectful manner. Bring facts with you. When someone tells you that you must bow down to government and the ruling class, tell them that it’s the opposite. These people answer to us. We need to re-exert our power and influence over the system. We need to decrease the size of government and hold it accountable.
As I said at the beginning, we are at a crossroads. One path leads to an Orwellian state where government is the supreme entity and you are nothing more than a plebe whose sole existence is to serve the state. The other path is Liberty, and with the Freedom to exercise that Liberty. Where the government exists to protect this all-important concept. I know what path I choose. The question is what path are you going to choose?
On Monday, I have a great guest. Dave Rubin from The Rubin Report will be coming in, and I have a great topic lined up.
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