Episode 148 Show Notes- Pandora’s Box: Social Engineering Will Lead to the Death of Democracy
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America continues on a dangerous trend that, if unabated, will ultimately lead to the death of democracy. Two of the most essential Liberties of the United States are under continued assault. Freedom of Speech and Thought are indispensable not only to the American system but for the nourishment of the human soul. There are many who want to pursue power at any and all cost. They are driven by hate viewing everything through the prism of politics and race. To them, these are the defining characteristics of a person. It’s why they embarked on the largest social engineering scheme based on demonization and indoctrination.
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Show Transcript- Pandora’s Box: Social Engineering Will Lead to the Death of Democracy
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Welcome everyone to another episode of The PAS Report Podcast.
We are continuing to see the all-out assault on core American liberties. There are many who want to demonize nearly half the country and they want to do it to silence them. It’s amazing how much these same people talked about unity. It was all a bunch of BS, and as I like to say, it’s unity through submission. That’s what they really want.
Last week, I focused on the use of the term domestic enemy. I explained how ill-defined it is, and how there are many labeling their political opposition as domestic enemies.
Unfortunately, Pandora’s box has been opened, and it has the potential to lead to the death of democracy, and our Republic.
We are witnessing the Alinsky tactics being used to silence people. To punish people for their thoughts. To divide us on race and ethnicity. The Rules for Radicals playbook is in full swing. It’s toxic and poisonous.
Freedom of Speech and Thought are essential to the American system. Without them, the system collapses.
The foundation of the entire country rests with the 1st and 2nd Amendments. Consider that the core of the foundation is the essential liberties laid out in these Amendments. Without them, America cannot stand, and democracy will ultimately die. It’s why we need to keep speaking up and speaking out. We need to speak loudly, forcefully, and respectfully.
It’s easy to silence some of us when it’s a few people speaking out, but if we all speak out, perhaps, we can close Pandora’s Box and restore respect for the founding principles that represent the core of American values.
Before I explain where I’m going with this, go to The P.A.S. Report website. Sign up for The P.A.S. Report Newsletter and subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode.
Congresswoman Greene
I’m briefly going to focus on something that took place last week because it ties into the main topic.
Last week, we witnessed the complete disregard for our Constitution. A disregard for the Declaration of Independence and a disregard for the Bill of Rights. It’s the trifecta. So, what am I talking about?
I’m talking about the idea of punishing a sitting member of Congress, who was duly elected by her constituency, for things she said prior to being elected. Yes, I’m talking about Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene.
In full disclosure, I am not a fan of hers. I think some of the stuff she’s said or promoted on Twitter is nuts. Sorry, but I don’t subscribe to the notion that wildfires may have been caused by Jewish laser beams in space.
I swear every time I hear that I think of Dr. Evil and sharks with laser beams.
Play Sharks w/Lasers Sound Clip
I don’t agree with a lot of the nonsense she put out. I believe she’s going to become the AOC of the Republican Party. However, that’s not the point.
The point is that Democrats have taken the unusual step to remove Congresswoman Greene from her committee assignments for past controversial comments. This is an insult and a slap in the face to the entire American system. To the voters of the 6th Congressional district of Georgia. And to the 230+ years where the political parties take care of things internally when it comes to one of their members.
We have never witnessed a majority party abuse their powers to punish a sitting member of Congress for things they’ve said prior to being elected to office.
First of all, all this came out during the campaign and the voters of the 6th congressional district in Georgia overwhelmingly elected her. By removing her, it’s an insult to the people of Georgia. Who the hell are members of Congress to say that since the voters of Georgia didn’t punish her, that they will take on that responsibility?
Secondly, what happened to Freedom of Speech? While I don’t approve of much of what she says, I’ll defend her right to say it especially since it was before she was elected. And I say that for a few reasons. Had she been a member of Congress when she said these things, that would be different. There are rules of decorum, not that they really engage in that, but had she said things like this while in Congress, then she could be punished according to House rules, but that’s not the case here.
Another reason this is ridiculous is what is the statute of limitations on the things we say? In our lives, every single one of us has said something stupid. I do it all the time, and while her statements are more recent, are we going to start punishing people for what they said 5, 10, 20 years ago? What’s the statute of limitations? This is a slippery slope, and over the last couple of years, we have witnessed people be punished, de-platformed, and fired for things they said decades ago. And if we are going to implement this new standard, then when does the censure or impeachment of President Biden start since he said he didn’t want his kids in a racial jungle.
I don’t want to harp on this too long, but just think about what other members of the House have said, and what they’ve said while they’ve been in office. So, if we are going to create this new standard, let’s hold everyone to the same standard, and I want to start with the imbecile Congressman Adam Schiff. So, they don’t like Congresswoman Greene engaging in conspiracy theories.
What about Schiff who promoted the biggest conspiracy theory in American history, pushed this theory by saying he had more than circumstantial evidence about President Trump colluding with the Russians, and knowingly lied to the country on numerous occasions as the information from testimony he was receiving behind closed doors showed there was nothing there.
I want you to think about that a minute. Here’s Congress wasting time punishing a freshman Congresswoman who has virtually no power because she just got there. On the other side, you have a powerful Democrat that did enormous damage to the country and made the political environment a million times more toxic. Remind me again, who should be punished? And what about the other members of Congress who lied, engaged in conspiracies, or called for the assault of people who supported President Trump? What about Speaker Pelosi who called Congressional Republicans the enemy of the people in September, and the enemies within Congress last week.
As I titled this episode, Democrats are opening Pandora’s Box. What do they think Republicans are going to do once their back in power? Because sooner or later they will be. Political parties care about themselves and their power. Democrats should think back to when Harry Reid used the nuclear option. How well did that work out for the Democrats? They should think about how that boomeranged on them, but they won’t.
But I don’t want to harp on this anymore. The projection is ridiculous, as is the double standards and hypocrisy. Democrats are once again using the nuclear option for a Congresswoman with no real power. It’s amazing how much damage they are doing to the system.
And we are witnessing it again this week as the impeachment trial of President Trump begins. This is the second time the democrats have weaponized the impeachment process. As I said, this impeachment is unconstitutional in my opinion, and that’s why Justice Roberts won’t even preside over the trial as laid out in Article 1, Section 3.
Like the previous impeachment, none of the rules have been followed. No witness testimonies. No evidence collection. No cross-examination. Let’s just ram it through. People keep referring to January 6th as an insurrection. While it was horrible, and those involved should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, this was far from an insurrection. But the political class wants to use it as a means to usurp power and authority.
But at what cost? The main argument Democrats are using is when the President said to fight like hell, or you won’t have a country left. Now, they conveniently leave out the part where President Trump told protestors to go peacefully and patriotically to the Capitol Building and have their voices heard. Funny how they leave that part out. It also doesn’t help when the idiots assembled on the Capitol Building as President Trump was speaking.
In any event, think of all the politicians that use the word fight. So, now we are going to take issue with that because it was President Trump? Once again, we can’t have double standards. I always say that political figures are not responsible for the dumb things their supporters do. But if this is the road we want to go down, then the same standards have to apply to everyone, and Majority Leader Schumer, Speaker Pelosi, Congresswoman Maxine Waters all need to go then.
But it’s bigger than that. Once again, Pandora’s Box is being opened. Now that the impeachment process has been weaponized, the Democrats created a very low impeachment bar threshold, and if they think this won’t come back to bite them, they have another thing coming. They’re in for a rude awakening.
This does nothing only to increase the animosity and resentment, and we will see impeachments become much more commonplace going forward. How long can the country endure the constant back and forth?
But there’s an even bigger problem here, and it’s the direct assault on freedom of speech and thought.
Attack on Freedom of Speech and Thought
Over the last couple of decades, we’ve witnessed an all-out assault on the idea of freedom of speech and thought. I’ll remind everyone that freedom of speech exists to protest speech that you disagree with. To protect speech that you find offensive. It’s easy to protect only that speech you agree with.
It started with the PC culture, and now it’s morphed into the ugly woke culture where you have speech monitors that will try and destroy anyone that says anything these idiots deem unacceptable. They will go after people’s lives and livelihoods trying to get them de-platformed, fired, and canceled if they dare provide an opinion that they deem is offensive.
However, it’s not offensive speech they care about. It’s any speech that dissents from these jackals’ narrow point-of-view.
Understand there are many, particularly in the ruling class, that want to do away with freedom of speech.
Richard Stengel, a former Obama administration official, basically calls the idea of freedom of Speech a “design flaw.” (USA Today) He argues that because the internet amplifies voices, people should not be able to express their thoughts or opinions if that speech is based on hate. Stengel epitomizes the ruling class and what they think of the people. Freedom of Speech was just fine when only the ruling class had these enormous platforms. However, since the internet gave voice to ordinary individuals, now Freedom of Speech is a problem.
But what he really means is people should not be able to express thoughts or opinions that may go against a particular narrative. Remember, who are the ones who will judge what is deemed acceptable or unacceptable?
And I want you to take a guess at who headed up President Biden’s transition for the U.S. Agency for Global Media. If you guessed Richard Stengel, you’d be correct. How frightening is that?
When you have a propaganda press, and an all-out attack on free speech, it’s very easy to see how democracy dies.
What the Ruling Class Really Thinks About Ordinary Americans
If you want to get a clear, real-time understanding of what the ruling class thinks of ordinary Americans, I want to draw your attention to an article I read. Now, I think it’s clear that the ruling class despises ordinary Americans. Now I have the link up to the article in the show notes so you can read it if you want.
The article is titled, What can you do about the Trumpites next door? It was written by Virginia Heffernan, a columnist at the LA Times. Her neighbor decided to plow her driveway after a storm. Rather than show appreciation for the simple act of kindness that it was, the author infused politics.
She stated, that while she realizes she owes them thanks, but due to her neighbor’s support of President Trump and Blue Lives Matter, she asks the question, how much thanks?
She then goes through a diatribe, comparing Trump supporters to Hezbollah, a terrorist organization in Lebanon. Her assessment, sure they may do some good things, but essentially Trump supporters are evil.
She sums it up by saying amends cannot be made until the neighbor recognizes the “truth about the Trump administration, and more important, by working for justice for all those the administration harmed.
Now I’ll admit, I can be spiteful, and my initial reaction was the neighbor should bring back his plow and put the snow back on her driveway. I mean, I can tell you given all the snow we’ve gotten over the last two weeks, I don’t care if you’re a socialist. Hell, you can be a communist for that matter. If you want to plow my driveway, I’d be grateful and appreciative.
It’s pieces like this that reveals that while the ruling class may have disdain for President Trump, they have more disdain for the people that voted for him.
This shows the main difference between us. People like this believe someone’s politics is their defining characteristic. It’s how they will judge the totality of the person. I am someone who believes politics is one aspect of life. A small aspect, and while it may be important, it doesn’t define whether you’re a decent person. I know great people who are conservatives and others who are liberals. I know great people who are Republicans, and others who are Democrats. I also know some a-holes from these groups as well.
It also shows that many on the left don’t trust ordinary people. They don’t trust the decisions ordinary people make. Hence their support for a big, powerful government apparatus. It’s why they don’t like to debate. It’s why they want to silence and censor anyone who dissents.
These people are consumed by hate and view everything through the prism of politics and race. It drives everything they do.
Social Engineering Designed to Manipulate Society
This is perhaps the main reason they work to socially engineer society. I brought up Federalist 10 last week where James Madison warns us of the dangers of factions. I spoke last week about how they want to stigmatize and demonize nearly half the country, but it goes much deeper than that.
Over the last few years, the idea of Critical Race Theory has gained more and more traction. Critical Race Theory has been taught at colleges for decades. However, it was never mandatory. Unfortunately, many of the leftist institutions have changed that. They now make Critical Race Theory a requirement for many majors. Now, it has trickled down and is being taught to children as young as preschool.
Understand that the idea of Critical Race Theory is destructive and toxic. Its like poison, especially to a society like ours, and sadly, it’s being endorsed by not only the academic world but by governments and large corporations throughout the country.
You’re probably wondering what is Critical Race Theory and why is it so destructive? Critical Race Theory contends that nearly all institutions “are inherently racist, and that race itself, instead of being biologically grounded and natural, is a socially constructed concept that is used by white people to further their economic and political interests at the expense of people of color.”
According to Critical Race Theory, “racial inequality emerges from the social, economic, and legal differences that white people create between races to maintain elite white interests in labor markets and politics, giving rise to poverty and criminality in many minority communities.”
I want you to truly think about what your kids are being taught in their schools, and each of every one of you should look into whether your kid’s school is pushing this crap, and if they are, you should raise hell about it.
There is nothing more divisive than judging someone based on the color of their skin. In fact, that’s what we have been taught for decades. Drilled into us. It’s Black History Month, and we celebrated Martin Luther King’s birthday just last week. The man who said he wants to live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
You know, I would really love to know what Dr. King what have thought about Critical Race theory if he were alive, and what he would have thought about the whole activist movement because now we are saying that your skin color and your politics define your character. It represents everything about you.
And that’s what Critical Race Theory does. If you’re white, you are inherently born an oppressor and racist. If you are a minority, especially a black person, you are inherently born a victim and will always be a victim. To them, you are not an individual, you are not in control of your destiny. You don’t really have a say. Instead, they view people as blocks. They classify whiteness as the “ultimate property” because it’s more valuable than actual property and gives you access, and privileges not afforded to minorities. This is where the concept of white privilege is born.
No matter what color you are, you should be insulted at the very notion of Critical Race Theory. The people pushing this nonsense are radical. In fact, these people that push this crap want to revise history. They say that the civil rights advances weren’t due to people like Dr. King or Medgar Evers. That the civil rights advances just happened to coincide with the self-interests of the white elitists.
So now children, as young as four years old, are being indoctrinated with this crap. Imagine if they get this indoctrination year after year? What type of effect do you think that will have on the individual? I’ll tell you what effect it will have. Shame, resentment, bitterness, and guilt.
Critical Race Theory is designed to make people feel ashamed of their color. If your white, you will feel shame because your guilty of a whole host of things that you didn’t do. You just happened to be born white. Sure, it’s not your fault, but you’re still evil.
But if you’re a minority, you’ll also feel shame. Again, not for anything that you’ve done, but simply because you were born the wrong color, and hence, the victim status. And the scary part is that kids are impressionable. Did these morons ever think for a second that maybe, just maybe, minority kids will begin to internalize this crap and feel as if they are inferior in some way, which is far from true, but they may believe this nonsense as it’s drilled into them?
Bitterness and resentment will also be felt. If you’re white, you may grow bitter and resentful to your parents. Maybe your grandparents. As well as the system as a whole. You have this scarlet letter for the things they may have done, and now you’re the one being punished for it. Or maybe it will have the opposite effect. Maybe the kid will grow bitter and resentful towards minorities because they are being blamed for things that are out of their control, most notably, skin color.
And minorities will grow bitter and resentful as well. They will grow bitter, resentful, and more despondent to a system that constantly keeps them down. Constantly enforces the victimhood status. They may grow bitter and resentful towards white people.
When you think about it, there’s a real potential for those pushing this crap to create the exact thing they are fighting against. The very essence of Critical Race Theory is one built on division and sowing the seeds of distrust in society. It’s not based on any racial healing whatsoever. It’s not based on reality, but when it comes to these loons, it never is.
Implicit Bias Training
And it’s not just kids that are being indoctrinated, so are adults through implicit bias training. Government agencies and corporations around the country are forcing their employees to take this implicit bias training. There’s this notion that every human being has implicit biases toward certain people and groups that we are not conscious of.
Now, they try and play it off as if these training are not dangerous. They’ll tell you that it’s not your fault that you’re inherently racist. That we are not conscious of our own biases and racism. It’s been deeply ingrained in us through societal norms, and that you are unintentionally biased. It’s not malicious.
So the corporate morons, ironically enough most of them are the entitled white liberal, forces their employees to take these training sessions. And the training is designed to “recognize and manage biases.”
These training sessions are nothing more than brainwashing sessions. See, you don’t know that you’re a racist or sexist, but you are. An example they’ll give if you’re a white person and have a preference for dating a white person, that’s your implicit bias and you don’t realize how racist you are. If you’re black and want to date a black person, there goes your bias again.
But why stop there, what if you only want to date someone who is pretty. What if you want to date someone that has red hair, or paints their fingernails orange? Or what if we decide based on the style of dress or the type of music listened to?
See how dumb this is? I can use this for anything. The reality is that every human being is different. We all have different likes and dislikes. Different desires. Different passions. Different preferences.
Implicit bias may have existed years ago where Italians married Italians. Irish married Irish, Chinese married Chinese. Blacks married blacks. However, the times have changed dramatically, and many people now marry outside their cultures.
I know I’m getting bogged down in just one example so here’s another that’s routinely taught in the training. It says that white people associate black individuals with violence, and so when they see a black person walking in their direction, they may cross the street.
Right off the bat, you see how idiotic this is and how those doing the training are injecting their own stereotypes. It lumps all white people into one category as if all white people are the same and think the same. But more importantly, there’s no data that back’s this up. I can guarantee that if you have a group of kids, white, black, Latino (it really doesn’t matter) walking in your direction, and they are loud and appear obnoxious, you’re probably going to cross the street regardless of color.
Other implicit biases include gender stereotypes. Basically, saying that there’s a difference between men and women, which there is according to science, but if you have that thought you are expressing implicit biases.
So, at its core, implicit bias training attempts to indoctrinate the idea that you are all racist. Well, actually not all. If you are a white male, you’re racist. If you’re a female, or of any other color besides white, you may have unintentional stereotypes, but you’re not considered racist.
What all these morons won’t tell you is that a lot of the things that people base on structural racism are actually more about socio-economic biases rather than anything else. If you’re poor, you get shafted more than if you’re middle or upper class. If your poor, you have less access to housing, education, healthcare, and just about every other thing you can think of.
This is not to say that racism and discrimination do not exist. Of course, it does, and when we see it, we should be horrified and call it out. We need to ostracize anyone who engages in these evil practices. But I don’t rely on the government or the corporate world to teach my kid to be a decent human being. I don’t rely on them to teach my child to treat everyone with respect and dignity, and I had a long talk with my 10-year-old about that the other day. For every parent, you have a role to play in shaping and molding your child.
And guess what? In the United States, I think we’ve done a damn good job. The new generations are the most open and tolerant generations to ever exist. With every passing generation, things do improve.
We are in a bizarre time where you have these nefarious forces are trying to make it like it’s worse today in America than it was in the 1950s. That we are more racist today than ever before in our history. It’s a lie and a myth.
As I said before, there are too many people driven by hate who want to define the essence of a person based on the color of their skin and what political ideologies they hold.
These people are dangerous, and they now serve in some of the highest offices in the country. They are in positions of power, and they are trying to socially engineer our entire society. They have infected academia. They’ve infected the public and private sectors. And they’re polluting our society with poison.
They want to divide at every level, remember that the divide and conquer strategy works. And they are using these tactics to dismantle the constitution. They say it’s about righting wrongs. They say it’s about equity, but they don’t really mean it and they don’t care about wrongs. They care about power, and the only thing standing in their way of absolute power is the Constitution. That’s why they have set their sights on destroying the Constitution.
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For years, the idea was the equality of opportunity. That we are in charge of our own destiny. That we determine our path in life. That if we are born in poverty, that we have the opportunity to change that. And I’ll admit, we still have a problem when it comes to equality, but it’s not always based on color and ethnicity. Once again, a lot of times it comes down to socio-economic status.
However, the word has now changed. It’s no longer about equality of opportunity. Now it’s about equality of outcomes, and the word equity is the new catchphrase where we are going to distribute resources based on the needs of people, and that will lead to the equality of outcomes.
What these idiots don’t realize is that people can’t just be lumped into groups. We are human beings and we deserve to be treated with equal dignity and respect. But there are no guarantees to outcomes. We cannot let them erase the idea of the individual. We cannot let them erase the idea of personal responsibility.
They want to destroy these concepts, as well as the concept of the family unit, solely for power and control. Think about it in its simplest form. If you’re reliant on government, the ruling class, for the outcome of your life, aren’t you completely beholden to your rulers?
However, if you, as the individual, are responsible for the outcome of your life, then you’re only beholden to is yourself. That’s what empowerment is. That’s what freedom is.
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