Episode 219 Show Notes- Many People Have Lost Their Damn Minds Openly Pushing Tyranny
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Episode Description
In these bizarre times, we have witnessed so many people and government officials who have lost their minds and openly advocate for tyranny. Years of dumbing down society have led to the lack of ability to think critically as many willfully ignore all the warning signs. Unfortunately, we continue to see the rejection of basic truths and blindly allow government officials to rule as they see fit. Tyranny is being ushered in under the guise of the common good and protecting the people.
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Show Transcript- Many People Have Lost Their Damn Minds Openly Pushing Tyranny
Welcome everyone to The P.A.S. Report Podcast.
When you take a look around you, many of you are probably wondering what the hell is going on and how did we get here. It really is insane. You have government officials thinking they can do whatever the hell they want consequences be damned. They have disregarded the Constitution. Bypassed legislative bodies and have implemented decree after decree.
Then you have a whole bunch of ordinary Americans, who, essentially, are advocating for tyranny. They don’t care how powerful the government gets. Even worse, is the rhetoric and how they demonize the other half of the country. They openly call for the destruction of anyone who disagrees with them. They want anyone who dissents to be ostracized and thoroughly destroyed. They use words like a purge, reeducate, deprogram. It’s short-sightedness, and blind to the realities of where this leads.
But it’s not just the leftists that are advocate authoritarianism. Then you have a bunch of people in a complete state of denial.
Then you have an advocacy news media that continues to fan the flames. Encouraging this behavior. The once watchers of government power and abuse, now openly advocate for the government to usurp more power and authority. They run interference for the government and cover up the government abuses and corruption. Unfortunately, the media and the political class are now one in the same.
As I stated on Monday’s episode, we now reject basic truths. The new doctrine of the anointed ones is that everyone has a right to their own truths. Of course, that’s as long as your truth is aligned with the narratives of the left. If not, then you aren’t entitled to your truth, and you’ll be labeled a conspiracy theorist. A heretic.
In this episode, I’m going to explore the insanity that’s currently going on. I will explain how these people’s ideas are thoroughly insane. I’ll also talk about how many in America are now openly promoting the idea of tyranny. How if they get their way, it only leads down a path of destruction.
Before I jump in, make sure to visit The P.A.S. Report website, sign up for the newsletter, and follow the podcast so you’ll never miss an episode.
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Tyranny Can’t Come to America or So They Said
When it comes to Americans, I’m constantly hearing them say that tyranny would never happen in America. That we are in a state of crisis and so the government must do things in order to keep people safe.
Sadly, these people are devoid of history. They fail to realize that authoritarianism usually comes during a crisis as people blindly empower the government, and only look at the short-term. There are so many things that have happened over the last several years where I thought that would never happen, especially the last year and a half, which has really opened my eyes.
I’m someone that has studied the American government extensively. I’ve studied world politics and world history, and even I was naïve to think we would never see tyranny here in America, but now I’m not so sure.
I never thought the government would decide what businesses were essential and which ones weren’t fundamentally altering our economy and destroying livelihoods with little to no regard. Of course, all the big retail corporations were allowed to remain open as many of the small businesses going by the wayside.
According to a Federal Reserve report, they estimate that nearly 200,000 more small businesses permanently closed their doors than ordinary pre-pandemic levels. (Federal Reserve) And this report was from April, and so it doesn’t include most of 2021. And we know that there is a hell of a lot of businesses still struggling and on the ropes.
Also, when we look at businesses deemed essential vs. those that don’t, there was a major underlying impact that most of the idiots advocating for these lockdowns never considered, but I’ll get into that a little later.
It wasn’t only about what was deemed essential vs. what was not. It was also the government decreeing when you can leave your home. What you must wear when you leave your home. Governments tried to dictate who you can have in your home and who can’t come into your home. Whether your medical procedure is deemed elective or not. When, where, and how you can practice your religious faith. When schools would be open, and when students would have to attend remotely.
If that’s not authoritarianism, I don’t know what is.
But We’re in a Crisis
I asked several weeks ago, for all those that advocate for the dictatorial policies. For all those advocating for some form of tyranny, when would you consider the government taking it too far? When would you say that the government is crossing a line?
Of course, no one ever answers that question. Instead, they will scream that it’s about saving lives. It’s about protecting people. To use a reference from Thomas Sowell, the ‘anointed ones,’ these people have a belief that they are morally superior and are on the great ideological crusade of the 21st century.
If you haven’t read Thomas Sowell’s, The Vision of the Anointed. I suggest you do. It’s a fantastic book, and really predicted a lot of what we’re seeing even though it was published in 1996.
Click here to get The The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy
Thomas Sowell lays out a few key elements of the anointed ones. They make grand “assertions of a danger to the whole of society.” This danger can only be thwarted by the anointed ones because the peasant class is oblivious and simply too dumb to do what’s right. The anointed ones deem an “urgent need for action to avert impending catastrophe.”
The anointed ones deem that only the government, as long as it’s run by those who themselves are anointed like lord Fauci, who is the embodiment of science, only he can curtail the dangerous behavior of the peasants. I mean here is lord Fauci talking about whether or not we can celebrate Christmas. Take a listen.
Sound Clip Lord Fauci Christmas
I hate to break it to lord Fauci or any other anointed one, but if they think Americans are going to ask for permission to celebrate Christmas with family and friends, they have another thing coming.
Getting back to Thomas Sowell’s anointed ones, any arguments contrary to the anointed one’s moral and intellectual superiority are met with disdain. The anointed ones will deem those who counter their arguments as uninformed, irresponsible and motivated by nefarious intent.
Do all these key elements sound familiar? And it’s not just with the coronavirus, but other issues as well which I’m going to get into in a little, but I want to start with the coronavirus because I feel like it’s worse now than it was a year ago. Not with the virus. In fact, the situation has dramatically improved. The anointed ones, including the government officials and the President himself, are the ones who have gotten worse.
Heroes Yesterday, Villains Today
It is amazing how much has changed over the last year. Let’s take the healthcare workers. One year ago, these people were heroes. We celebrated them. They worked long hours, dealt with enormous challenges, and put others before themselves.
Now, with all the vaccine mandates, those same heroes are being tossed aside. They’re losing their jobs because they are making a choice not to get the COVID vaccine. It doesn’t matter if they have natural immunity. It doesn’t matter that they worked all last year without the vaccine. Because they won’t obey and comply, they are expendable, and examples must be made.
What makes me really angry is not only are they demonized, but the anointed ones have deemed them enemies of the state. Calling for the destruction of their livelihoods. Not only are they being terminated. The powers that be also deemed those who dare to defy the state ineligible for unemployment.
How does this make sense to anyone? Even worse, is how many are gleeful that these people’s livelihoods have been destroyed. So many say they actually deserve it. You have to be a pretty demented person to find joy in the fact that someone lost their livelihood.
This policy also doesn’t make sense. It’s not like there is some study that shows unvaccinated nurses and doctors are transmitting the virus to patients or between each other.
Even more bizarre, is that if you are vaccinated, according to the CDC, you are 8 times less likely to be infected and 25 times less likely to experience hospitalization. (CDC) Check this out, you have a .00005% chance of being hospitalized and a .00001% chance of dying from the coronavirus. (CDC)
Then factor in the mask police. So, not only do you have little chance of being hospitalized and dying, but these people also swear by mask-wearing and shame anyone who even questions the idea of masks. Yet, even with the overwhelming majority of healthcare workers vaccinated, and the mask orders that govern nearly every health institution, why the hell are they firing unvaccinated healthcare workers?
The anointed ones say it’s to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated, but I just showed, using the CDC’s own data, that there is virtually no threat posed to those who are vaccinated. The only answer is that the anointed ones are petty people who will attempt o destroy anyone who doesn’t bow down to the authoritarian decrees.
This is insane and it’s not the America we know.
Healthcare Shortage
Taking it a step further. We are told that we are in the midst of the great pandemic. That the policies developed are intended to save lives, but now, since healthcare workers have been laid off, the already short-staffed system is facing a severe crunch.
In fact, the shortage has gotten so bad that some operating rooms and maternity wards have been closed at several hospitals. It’s obviously not about saving lives. These shortages will almost certainly result in unnecessary deaths. Yet none of the propaganda pushers in the media ever bring this up.
Just look at my pathetic state of New York. We traded away one dictator for another, and we now have Empress Hochul who on September 27th, as healthcare workers were getting their pink slips, issued an emergency declaration due to the healthcare shortage that these idiots created. Of course, she doesn’t state that in her emergency declaration because why tell people the truth. These people will lie at any and all costs. (NYS Disaster Declaration)
New York State is now looking to mobilize the National Guard and calling on retired healthcare workers to fill the void. Think about that. We are willing to destroy people who have families they need to take care of and replace them with people who are in retirement, and financially secure. It shows you just how demonic this is.
Not only did the Empress screw healthcare workers, take a listen to what she had to say.
Sound Clip Empress Hochul
Did you hear that? God has commanded people to get vaccinated. Those who aren’t getting vaccinated aren’t listening to God, and so the vaccinated must be her apostles and do her bidding. Maybe she’s referring to lord Fauci because just like the coronavirus was manipulated by human beings, the vaccines were developed by human beings, not God. But even more interesting is when she said that the vaccinated are the smart ones. What she’s really saying is that the peasant class, those who refuse to get vaccinated, they’re not sophisticated. They’re not smart enough to make their own decisions, and so they must be coerced to obey the commands of the anointed ones.
These people really are demented. It’s funny that they always talk about Trump supporters being cult-like even though there are huge differences in why people supported President Trump. Yet them calling the vaccinated to serve as apostles, that’s not cult-like or anything. Putting lord Fauci on a pedestal, essentially canonizing him to sainthood with all the religious Fauci candles in his likeness, and the yard signs of in Fauci we trust. That’s not cultish. That’s perfectly normal. Once again, you see the clear projection with these idiots.
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Not Just Healthcare Workers
But it’s not just healthcare workers. We’re witnessing this in law enforcement, fire departments, teachers, and a whole host of other professions. See, it’s a zero-tolerance approach. The anointed ones don’t want to persuade you. They want to pressure and coerce you. They want to place you under duress and socially isolate you until they force you to comply. They want to economically break people until they have no choice but to capitulate to their demands.
What makes it even worse is how many ordinary Americans not only agree but actually cheer this on. They don’t realize how this can come back to haunt them. They don’t realize that what government does today, will only be taken even further tomorrow.
They scream follow the science, but as I always say, the only science you can follow is those of the anointed ones. Anyone who dares to push back against them. Anyone who promotes any science that goes against these losers’ narrow-minded points of view is deemed a science denier. They label people anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers hoping to brand the person with a Scarlett letter to shame them into science.
I have a whole binder of studies when it comes to the effectiveness, or lack thereof, of cloth masks and surgical masks for the general population. Yet, these studies are deemed as heresy by the anointed ones even though these studies were conducted prior to and during COVID. They were conducted by scientists who come from well-respected institutions and have published tons of peer-reviewed papers and studies.
But none of that matters because the anointed ones have deemed it so.
The Anointed Don’t Care About Science
Yet, we are one of the few countries that mandated masks for those between the ages of 3-12. Why? There was never any science behind it. In fact, Sweden didn’t implement too many restrictions, and they weathered COVID better than many other countries that instituted draconian decrees and moved us further to tyranny.
You now have many countries, like Norway and Denmark, declare an end to all COVID restrictions. They’ve realized that we have to learn to live with COVID and the restrictions have had a worse impact.
See, the anointed ones, from their ivory towers, can’t understand that not everyone comes from a safe home. That sadly children face abuse by those closest to them, and all the lockdowns did was trap those victims with their abusers on a 24/7 basis with no escape.
They never considered the impact these restrictions would have on children, teens, and young adults, but we know depression and anxiety have skyrocketed. We know that isolation kills, but the anointed ones don’t care, and it shows as the suicide rate continues to climb.
And they still reject science. You have morons accusing parents of wanting to kill their own children and other children because they are concerned about giving their kids the vaccine. Again, you have to be demented to even say that.
And even more important, you notice when cases are rising, it’s constantly reported. Segment after segment on all the propaganda outlets, but when cases crater, as they have in Florida and many other states, then they ignore that. The anointed ones push fear and the lemming’s welcome tyranny.
As I said before, if you’re vaccinated, you have a minuscule risk of breakthrough infection. Even if you do get a breakthrough infection, your chances of hospitalization are .00005% and your chances of dying are .00001%, so I need to ask all those who support the path towards tyranny, what the hell are you afraid of that you’re willing to give up this country’s future?
At least with the ruling class, they are looking to keep their stranglehold on power, but what’s your reason?
Consequences of Bad Government Policy
See, what many people fail to realize is the consequences of government actions. I warned last year about the dire consequences of these draconian decrees. I warned about the government overreach. More importantly, I warned about how one sector, the public health sector, was controlling the entire response without any input from other sectors.
In an episode I released in March of 2020, I talked about the coming economic storm. I warned of a coming economic devastation, and it’s here. See, when you have politicians, especially dumb ones who think they can rule by decree, they don’t pay attention to the laws of unintended consequences.
It was this shortsightedness that led to the perfect economic storm when it comes to inflation and the supply chain shortage we are witnessing today.
First, take the idea of deeming what businesses are essential and which ones aren’t. From a public health perspective, things like making microchips or automotive parts may not seem essential but look at where we are at today. Understand that many industries produce goods and components at least a year in advance based on their needs estimates.
This is part of the reason we didn’t have the shortage last year, and we are now starting to see the shortage. We had enough supplies in inventory to keep things going, but as those supplies dwindled, certain industries that were deemed nonessential were unable to continue production and replenish the dwindling supplies. The longer the lockdowns in certain areas and regions, the worse the disruption became. (Nature) What seemed like nonessential during the pandemic, has proven to be very essential now.
Then you factor in the dumb economic stimulus policies, and now many parts of the world are facing a labor shortage. So as the supplies continue to dwindle, companies don’t have the personnel capacity to ramp up production to meet demand. It’s why you may be noticing empty store shelves. Increased wait times for delivery of products. If you need to have your car repaired, good luck. Some parts are back-ordered for months. (Forbes)
We also have a labor shortage that brings products from the ports to the store shelves. Take what’s going on in California, a state which had severe COVID restrictions. At the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, we currently have over 140 ships waiting to dock and unload. Most of these ships are cargo ships. Each cargo ship can hold thousands of containers containing goods meant for store shelves.
They’re now sitting and waiting to get into port, and it takes time to unload the ships. According to the Marine Exchange of Southern California, the normal number of cargo ships at anchor is waiting to get into the port, is between zero and one. As of October 1, that number is 61 at anchor and 29 at berth. (Marine Exchange of Southern California)
This problem is being exacerbated by labor shortages on the dock, not enough space in the warehouses due to the number of cargo ships trying to get in, and then a trucking shortage.
So when you are impacted by the supply chain disruptions and shortages, remember, it’s because you had authoritarian politicians take over response operations, and they only listened to the public health sector to our own detriment, as the public health sectors may be knowledgeable about epidemiology and virology, not so much in logistics and supply chain continuity.
Then you have the unemployment situation where because of all the remote BS, the service workers are having the most difficult time. Think about it. Huge office buildings remain empty and so the nearby restaurants and delis are suffering because of the lack of business. Dry cleaners are suffering, and so many others. Once again, the morons never thought about the laws of unintended consequences, but those places that had severe draconian decrees are the ones facing the highest unemployment. The major city centers are accounting for about 40% of unemployment.
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And It’s Not Just the Coronavirus
We also need to recognize that it’s not just the coronavirus. Just look at what’s going on throughout the education sector, particularly the K-12 schools.
Parents finally learned what their children are being taught. For years, parents trusted our educational institutions. They believed these institutions were operating in good faith, only to find out that many schools were indoctrinated children with far-left nonsense.
Then this massive push for CRT, DIE, or whatever they’re trying to call it these days. Of course, those pushing this crap say it’s just teaching about our history, and if you criticize CRT you’re a racist.
Sorry, but trans storytime is not about history. Teaching children that gender is a construct and its fluid, has nothing to do with history. Denying that there are two genders, or that only women can give birth, is denying the very basics of science, but remember, follow the science really means the anointed ones get to make the science up as they go along.
Teaching one segment of the population that they are inherently racist and the other segment of the population that they were born a victim and will always be oppressed, is not history. In fact, it goes against the very essence of what America is supposed to be about.
However, now the anointed ones are mad. They’re unhappy that parents, all over the country, have been standing up and speaking out. Some school boards have gone so far as to silence parents at school board meetings. They are putting up barriers to prevent parents from showing up, and when parents do show up, they no longer have a right to speak for 3-5 minutes. Like Loudoun County, parents can now only speak for 60-seconds. Essentially, they want parents to shut up and go away.
Just take a listen to the Secretary of Education, Miguel Cardona, who doesn’t believe parents should be the primary stakeholder in their child’s education. Take a listen.
Sound Clip Secretary Cardona
I hate to break it to this guy, but we the parents get to have an enormous say in our children’s education. You can try to shut us up. You can try to silence us, but it won’t work.
Not for nothing, but I’ve been teaching for 15-years. Every year, the students come in with less and less knowledge about the American government, and the world around them. Here’s an idea. How’s about we focus on teaching the kids the basics. You know, the declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the three branches of government, checks and balances, separation of powers. Students coming into my course should already be well-versed in every one of those things, but they’re not, and even the students that have some knowledge, there are many gaps. So, how’s about getting back to the basics, and let us do our friggin’ jobs instead of the anointed ones pushing an agenda to indoctrinate our kids.
And now, these far-left school boards want the FBI to investigate what’s going on at school board meetings as domestic terrorism. Remember what I told you about the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism. I warned that this document would be used to target political opponents. (Patch) The national association representing school boards is classifying ordinary parents as angry mobs.
But it goes much further than that. I warned months ago that the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism would be used to target ordinary Americans that show any dissent to the anointed ones. That those who dare to challenge the ruling class will be targeted.
I explained how they will use this document to target political opposition, and here we are just a few months letter, and the Attorney General of the Department of Justice, Merrick Garland, has now issued a memo calling on the FBI to work with local law enforcement and school boards for any parent that tries to threaten violence or intimidate school boards. (Department of Justice)
Listen, use some common sense. Anyone threatening violence is a moron and deserves to be prosecuted. But shouting at school board members is not an angry mob. It’s funny how the anointed ones are the ones with the thinnest skin. They should try working in retail for a week. Most wouldn’t even make it a day. But this is dangerous.
If parents are angry at what their children are being indoctrinated with, and they yell or shout at school board members, that has the potential to be enough to label you as a domestic terrorist. Because under the National Strategy it can lead to incitement, and under this DOJ memo, yelling and shouting can be considered a form of intimidation.
And you have propaganda media outlets doing the government’s bidding. Newsday did a hit piece on the Loud Majority and is trying to discredit them. (Newsday) In the article, they even talk about the Southern Poverty Law Center trying to get them classified as a hate group. Again, I warned about this in the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism. I actually warned that the Southern Poverty Law Center, and groups like it, would become the government’s eyes and ears.
Directly from the National Strategy, they say “Maximizing the Federal Government’s understanding of this particular threat also means supporting and making appropriate use of the analysis performed by entities outside the government.” (National Strategy)
Now if you listen to this podcast, I’ve had on the founders, Shawn Farash and Kevin Smith a few times. I consider them friends. They’re good people who have been able to organize and mobilize the many who feel their voices aren’t being heard. I’ve spoken at their events. Hung out with them. Never once, in all the times I spoke to them, did they ever express a single ounce of hate for any person or any group. Never once did they ever utter or express any type of racist sentiment. These are good people, and it’s disgusting how there are some who want to slander them because they want to try and shut down parents voicing their opposition to the indoctrination of their children.
Gravitating Towards Tyranny
When it comes to the rhetoric out there, it’s hitting dangerous levels. We hear those in power refer to their political opponents as domestic enemies and domestic terrorists. We’ve heard the anointed ones use words like purging, deprogramming, reeducate when they talk about ordinary Americans who disagree with their vision.
When you think about where we are, it is really concerning how the anointed ones and their supporters classify anyone who promotes the Constitution. Anyone who promotes the idea for love of country and American values. Anyone who promotes the idea of patriotism.
When did supporting and promoting the Constitution become far-right beliefs? When did promoting American values become a far-right idea? When did promoting the idea of patriotism become a fringe far-right concept?
The truth is that these aren’t far-right beliefs. In fact, these beliefs should above partisan political beliefs. These beliefs should be the common linkage between Republicans and Democrats. While we may disagree on the solutions to the problems we face, we should all agree that these are important principles, but sadly, these principles are now being demonized for political gain advancing tyranny within the system.
Empower Government to Have More Control in Our Life
At the same time, they’ll eat their own when necessary. They are pushing legislation that gives the government greater control within our lives. Just look at the $3.5 trillion spending package they are trying to pass off as infrastructure. If government provides you with nearly every need, are you really free? Will you bite the hand that feeds you?
And the logic they use should immediately raise suspicion. Consider when they say that all these new programs, universal daycare, universal community college, universal elderly care including dental and vision, the new talking point is that these programs will cost the taxpayer $0.
If you believe that, you’re a moron. Show me one government program that was ever neutral. Show me one government program that actually didn’t cost the taxpayer, all taxpayers, not just the wealthy. Show me one government program that actually came in under or at spending projections. Remember, whenever they throw out spending estimates, they always cost far more than was initially projected. I can’t think of a single government program that actually costed less than initially thought.
We also have politicians pushing this idea that we can spend as much money as we want without consequence. As if the federal government has an unlimited money supply and can just spend money at will. Just take a listen to the House Budget Chairman, John Yarmuth.
Sound Clip Rep. John Yarmuth
Notice how he tries to blame Republicans when the Democrats can do this on their own. They want some Republicans to support it so they can say it’s bipartisan, and so Democrats won’t get the full blame when the house of cards collapses due to all this spending. Also, notice how they turn on each other. Senator Joe Manchin and Senator Krysten Sinema are being savaged by the far-left of their own party.
But the most important thing this idiot said was that the Federal government can afford anything, which simply isn’t true. If he actually believes that he should be removed from the budget committee immediately. The reality is that the interest on our debt costs us about $500-billion dollars a year and increasing. Soon, the interest will cost us more than our entire defense budget. More than all the social programs we have. How long do you think that’s sustainable?
You can’t possibly have everything and there are always strings attached. If I use the Congressman’s logic, why don’t we just give every American $1-million and cancel all mortgage and credit card debt? If the federal government can afford anything without consequence, why even tax the people?
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So, you clearly see what’s happening. This is a full-throated effort to continue down the path of authoritarianism.
It seems that many are okay with tyranny as long as those in power ideologically align with our viewpoints. Some people need to listen to themselves openly advocate for authoritarian rule. It’s frightening.
Then you have Americans talking about secession and that we should divide the country. 52% of Trump supporters and 41% of Biden supporters support this idea. (University of Virginia)
What the hell is wrong with everyone. Just because things get hard. Just because things may be difficult. It doesn’t mean you just give up and surrender because that’s exactly what you’re advocating for.
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Our founders built this country for a reason. This country is founded on the idea that Americans can think differently, and we can all express our opinion, and we have to fight in the marketplace of ideas and persuade others.
Understand, the left is losing, it’s why they’re resorting to these tactics. These authoritarians have taken off their masks and revealed who they really are. The anointed ones are intentionally playing off the divisions, and calling for secession plays right into their hands.
Entertaining this idea is idiotic. The idea of civil war is idiotic. And we can’t just complain about what the anointed ones are doing, we have to show how we intend to solve the problems. How we will restore American greatness where the American people are not subjected to the decrees of failed bureaucrats.
I get the frustration but understand we are winning, and it’s why we all need to speak out. Enough with being afraid. It’s time to show courage and provide solutions. Enough with the surrender.
You just don’t give up because things aren’t going your way. Instead, you fight harder and get louder.
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I want to thank you for joining me, I want you to stay safe, and I’ll be back next week.
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