Episode 73 Show Notes- The Hypocrisy & Deception of the Media, the Political Class, and the Bureaucracy
Episode Description
In this episode, Nicholas Giordano expresses frustration with the growing hypocrisy, deception and double standards of the media, the political class, and the bureaucracy. Three prime examples include the events surrounding the Russia investigation, Obamagate and General Flynn, the Coronavirus as well as Speaker Pelosi’s trillion-dollar giveaway that does little in response to Coronavirus and the economy. As a country, we need to decide whether we are going to apply the same standards to everyone, or have no standards at all. Pointing to specific examples, Professor Giordano illustrates how the news media and the professional political class have weaponized the bureaucracy to push their ideological agenda, posing a grave threat to our institutions and America as a whole.
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Welcome to The P.A.S. Report Podcast. This is your host Nick Giordano and I hope you are having a good week.
I have to say, I am growing more and more aggravated with the hypocrisy and the deception that exists. While both political parties are hypocrites, the far-left has taken it to the extreme. What’s worse, is that we have a media and political class that have no regard for truth, and continue to perpetuate lies, deception, and double standards.
I am going to point to specific examples. It shouldn’t matter if you are a democrat or a republican. We should be able to agree that everyone should be held to the same standards regardless of political affiliation. We should all be able to agree that no civil servant should be able to abuse their powers, especially when the abuse is due to ideological reasons. We should all be able to agree, regardless of political affiliation, that we have rules and procedures in place for a reason, and that when the powers that be violate these rules and procedures, they need to be punished.
We should all agree that a free press needs to take a fair and balanced approach. They should not editorialize and provide opinion and push it off as if they are being honest brokers. Yet, it’s clear they have no intent, to be honest brokers. They are pushing an ideological agenda that continually divides America.
I am not asking the press to give anyone a free pass. I don’t want the press to go easy on any of the government officials. What I do want is for the press to start reporting things honestly, and if they can’t do that, then they need to stop calling themselves “the press” and they need to be upfront with the American people about their pursuit of an ideological agenda.
Before I jump into this episode, go to thepasreport.com to see the show notes, and sign up for The P.A.S. Report Newsletter.
The P.A.S. Report
I am not a journalist, and I don’t claim to be. Here at the P.A.S. Report, I provide you with analysis. I use facts as a way to explain the way I feel and why I believe the way I do. My opinion is based on facts I provide, mixed in with my knowledge of history. Sometimes you may agree with my analysis, other times you’ll disagree.
And that’s the beauty of what I do. You are free to draw your own conclusions. I will never draw a conclusion for you. I will help break things down to make some of the critical issues we face, a little easier to understand. But I will always encourage you to explore an issue more and come to your own conclusion.
Sometimes my analysis may change as information changes. It will change when new information is developed or when I further explore an issue. Sometimes, my analysis may be wrong, although it rarely is. I know that may sound cocky and arrogant, but it’s true.
At the start of the coronavirus, I explained how there was a lot we don’t know. I explained the ramifications of a lockdown. I explained that we need to take precautions. I explained how you can only keep Americans locked down for so long before they begin to grow restless. And the backlash continues to brew as political officials continue to move the goalposts. I explained how many of these governors, particularly in blue states, are trying to exercise absolute power by curbing our God-given liberties and limiting our freedoms. In fact, the Wisconsin Supreme Court apparently agrees with my analysis, and I do believe that other courts around the country will rule the same way.
Another thing I was right about was the lack of creativity Congress has when developing a stimulus package. Now I don’t want to spend an enormous amount of time on this because, Speaker Pelosi’s $3-trillion-dollar spending binge is dead on arrival, but I want to point to the hypocrisy and deception with this horrible package that has nothing to do with stimulus and everything to do with an ideological agenda.
Speaker Pelosi dubbed this $3-trillion-dollar monstrosity the HEROES Act. Now if you read about this stimulus relief in the mainstream media outlets, you would think this bill is in response the economic devastation caused by the coronavirus.
So, here is what’s being reported by most media outlets.
- $1 trillion for state and local governments
- $200 billion for essential worker hazard pay
- $75 billion for COVID testing and tracing
- Direct payments to Americans for up to $6,000
If you listen to the media, it sounds like Congress crafted a bill in direct response to the virus. Obviously, state and local governments have lost a tremendous amount of revenue. And under any normal emergency, the federal government usually provides funding relief to help state and local governments cope with the devastation and economic fallout.
However, what those supporting this bill won’t tell you is many of the state and local governments seeking this relief have been recklessly spending for decades and created an enormous amount of debt for their state. While I have no problems with providing some economic relief to states, it must be specifically for the lost revenue as a direct result of the coronavirus. It should not go to cover past wasteful spending. There should also be stipulations that state and local governments must be more fiscally responsible going forward and cannot rely on the federal government to plug funding gaps.
As far as the $200 billion for essential workers, this is the wrong way to do it. If the government wants to provide relief for the front-line workers including grocers, pharmacy technicians, nurses, and others, it should be in the form of a tax holiday not hazard pay. Why should the taxpayers be responsible for funding hazard pay when a number of these employers are making an enormous amount of profits? Call out these damn companies and make them pay the hazard pay for these employees. Companies like CVS should be ashamed of themselves.
For the $75 billion in COVID testing and tracing, I don’t really have an issue with that, but I would like to know more about how the money will be actually spent.
The up to $6,000 per family is just more wasteful spending. How’s about we get people working again. People would rather have jobs, not handouts. And as we witnessed with the $2 trillion stimulus already spent, people are now receiving more on unemployment than they were when employed, providing no incentive for them to get back to work. How is that supposed to stimulate the economy?
Like I said before, Congress lacks any creativity whatsoever. This bill has little to do with economic stimulation or relief and here is what is in the bill that the media is not reporting. Now, before I list these things, I want you to forget about republicans and democrats. I want you to put your ideological blinders aside. With each thing, ask yourself should this be a part of a coronavirus economic stimulus bill:
- Lifting the property tax cap for high-tax states. In the 2017 tax bill, Republicans placed a cap of $10,000 on state and local taxes that can be deducted. Now I live in a high-tax state, and would benefit from this repeal, but what does this have to do with Coronavirus?
- $25 billion to bail out the United States Postal Service. Now, the Postal Service has been in financial distress for years and that has been well-documented. This is something that existed long before the Coronavirus, so why discuss this now? What does it have to do with the virus?
- Illegal immigrants will receive $1,200 like other Americans received in the previous stimulus package, and they will be entitled to the same benefits/direct payments that any American receives going forward. Also, illegal immigrants will be shielded from being deported for the duration of the coronavirus, which people like Dr. Fauci said can last up to two years. Now those that created the bill will say it’s only those that are deemed essential workers, but let’s face facts, liquor stores and pot shops have been deemed essential. In the bill, it basically deems anyone essential. What does this have to do with the Coronavirus?
- This bill extends guest worker programs at a time when over 20% of Americans will be largely unemployed. How does that make sense? Shouldn’t American citizens have priority for jobs? I don’t see how this stimulates the economy when Americans have to compete against foreign nationals for positions, and since they do, it will be for lower wages. That doesn’t sound much like a stimulus to me.
- This monstrosity of a bill provides funding for minority and women-owned businesses that want to get into the marijuana market in minority-owned neighborhoods. Really, should the marijuana industry be a top priority in the coronavirus crisis?
- This bill also orders that all federal agencies must do business with minority-owned banks. Obviously, the financial sector is important, and we must come it afloat to prevent the banking sector from collapsing, but if we are going to provide a deposit to keep the banking industry afloat, shouldn’t we base it on the financial distress of the bank?
- The bill also orders the release of any federal prisoner that has a health condition or is older than fifty years old. How does that help stimulate the economy? Once again, regardless of what party you identify with, this is ridiculous. I wonder if they put an exemption in for Paul Manafort. Everyone is ordered to be released except him.
- Over $1 million to combat what the National Science Foundation determines is misinformation about the Coronavirus. This is more about censorship than anything else.
- Lobbyists will be eligible for bailout loans. Really? So special interest groups with enormous coffers would now be eligible for bailouts.
This is why I can’t stand our media. Rather than actually report what’s in this bill, they pretend that anyone who is against it, is against helping the American people. None of these politicians are asked serious questions, and they never get challenged. When I say that the regular media is nothing more than an extension of the Democrat National Committee, I’m not kidding.
As I have stated in two previous episodes, Congress is incapable of being creative. They don’t know how to think outside the box. Instead of really trying to figure out effective ways to weather the coming economic storm, these people throw money at the problem because of their inability to actually solve problems.
It’s the same reason why we have been debating the same issues for the last fifty years. Those who came up with this bill are the most unremarkable people, and unfortunately, many will be reelected. Not because of policy successes, but because we vote on party line and people like Speaker Pelosi and the imbecile Adam Schiff come from very safe districts.
Emperor Cuomo
Which brings me to the next example before I get into the whole Obamagate scandal. Throughout the Coronavirus, emperor Cuomo, my favorite emperor, has received gushing praise. IN fact, the media has elevated him so much that there are some within the Democrat party that want to dump Biden and replace him with the Emperor. Compare the emperor’s coverage to the coverage President Trump receives.
The press constantly bashes the President and the federal response. Just so we are clear, I don’t mind the press asking tough questions or holding the President and the federal government accountable. In fact, several weeks ago, I explained how we were caught flat-footed. I explained how they should have stopped flights to the United States from Europe and China even earlier, and I stated the initial rollout of the testing was a debacle. The President should have cut the regulatory red tape. The FDA and the CDC wanted to handle all inhouse testing. The President could have cut the red tape to allow the private sector to conduct all testing. This would have been much more efficient and effective, and the rollout would have been much sooner.
And sometimes the President says things that cause him more problems than actually benefit him. Sometimes he says things he shouldn’t.
But for the last several weeks I have heard time and time again, from both Democrats and the media, that the federal response is a complete failure and President Trump has failed in directing the emergency response. Here’s the problem with that, the federal government does not respond to disasters. The federal government cannot just go into the states and take over state and local emergency response operations.
In fact, that is illegal and unconstitutional. We have a system called federalism. Included in that system is the 10th Amendment that states anything not listed in the constitution is left up to the states to decide. State and local governments are the ones that respond to disasters, not the federal government. The federal government is there to provide support, allocate resources, and help coordinate response efforts between the states. They do not lead response.
Contrary to what the media is telling you, the federal government doesn’t have the biggest role, and responsibility is placed on state and local governments. The federal government actually did what it is supposed to do, and that’s they fulfilled every single request by the states. But you wouldn’t know that because of the dishonesty of our press.
In fact, if the media had a shred a dignity, if the far-left had any respect for the truth, then you would see Emperor Cuomo being asked tough questions and being held accountable. Here are the facts when it comes to the Emperor, and this is not me being biased, these are fact:
- The emperor has disregarded emergency management and pandemic plans that existed. While The Emperor said that he “doesn’t do global pandemics,” the fact is that we have worked on these plans. I can tell you he did not follow these plans at all.
- The Governor has not invested in emergency management. In fact, as we moved further and further away from Hurricane Sandy, emergency management was put on the back burner.
- The single deadliest decision that was made was the Emperor’s March 25th order stating that all nursing homes had to take in COVID patients. When nursing homes began to pushback because they weren’t prepared and didn’t have enough PPE, the emperor told them that NYS will try to provide additional PPE, but “its not our job.” Just imagine the President made this decision and then said that. How do you think the press would have reacted? No matter where you stand on the President, you know the answer to that so just be honest with yourself.
- Just to put it in context, remember when President Trump touted hydroxychloroquine and the media practically accused the President of murder after it was reported that someone died from ingesting fish tank cleaner with a similar ingredient. They said the President was all but responsible for the man’s death. Well, it turns out the man’s wife is now under investigation for murder, and they were Bernie Sanders supporters, which would be irrelevant except for the fact the media reported it as if they were ardent Trump supporters.
- The emperor has usurped the authority of the people, and he has determined what is essential and non-essential. And there’s no logic to it. Liquor stores, abortion clinics, and lotto were all deemed essential. However, churches, gun stores, and elective surgeries were all deemed nonessential. You can wait in line at a grocery store, Home Depot, or coffee shops, but you couldn’t go to a dentist, a card store or a dry cleaner.
- Continuing with elective procedures, how many people have suffered because the emperor has decided that cancer treatment is nonessential? How many have suffered because the emperor deemed a hip surgery nonessential? Just because it is elective surgery, doesn’t mean it’s an optional surgery. Will the emperor ever be questioned about this? I won’t hold my breath.
- He’s attempting to have the tech giant’s takeover the education sector. Once again, the media is silent. No pushback at all. By comparison, imagine if Republicans pushed through a bill allowing for school choice. Empowering parents to send their child to a school that’s in the child’s best interest. The democrats, the media, and many unions would be screaming about how the education system is being destroyed. Yet, the emperor turning over education policy to the tech giants, and you hear nothing but crickets. And that would really destroy education and the teacher’s unions in the country.
On top of all this, New York is the highest tax state, one of the most debt burden states. Our electricity rates, particularly in the Long Island area, are the highest in the country. We have the worst roads and horrible traffic. Our infrastructure is crumbling.
If we actually had a press, maybe the emperor’s feet would be held to the fire. Maybe he would start getting some tough questions. He has been Governor for about 10 years now, and the state is in dramatically worse shape. The emperor openly stated that conservatives aren’t welcome in the state. Yet, the media will continue to elevate him. They won’t push him. They won’t challenge him.
This from the same press that calls President Trump divisive, which I’m not saying he isn’t. But if President Trump had the same record of the Emperor, I think the press corps heads would explode.
President Trump is routinely accused of authoritarianism. The DNC and their minions in the press constantly scream that the President wants to be a dictator. Once again, just look at the governors in democrat states and you tell me who is acting like dictators. You tell me who the authoritarians are.
Which brings me to the last example of the hypocrisy, deception, and the lies of the press, the ruling political class, and the bureaucracy. Obamagate is perhaps the biggest scandal of American history.
Now, if you use the term Obamagate, you are labeled as a conspiracy theorist. These are the same people that also labeled anyone who questioned the Russian collusion narrative, calling it a hoax, conspiracy theorists. I don’t think these morons have any sense of what irony means. They have been pushing a false narrative for three years. Some still push the BS and discredited Russian collusion narrative. They have nerve calling anyone a conspiracy theorist. They need to look at themselves in the mirror and ask who are the real conspiracy theorists?
The floodgates have opened, and we are getting a clear picture of the abuses of power within the bureaucracy when it comes to Russia, President Trump, General Flynn, and the idea of collusion. Before I get into the General Flynn stuff, I want you to hear Ed Henry’s report that he gave on Tucker Carlson Tonight last week. Take a listen
Play Ed Henry Clip
Now, that was from last week. I want to take you on a trip down memory lane. I launched The P.A.S. Report almost exactly one-year ago. To be more specific, the first episode aired on June 6, 2019. I want you to listen to a clip from the very first show I did.
Play P.A.S. Report 1st Episode Clip
That was a year ago. At The P.A.S. Report, I will never steer you in the wrong direction. I will give you honest and accurate analysis, and if I get it wrong, I will admit it. Although, I did tell you that rarely happens, and this is a great example. My analysis from a year ago was spot-on, and I have been saying this for the last 3-years prior to starting the podcast.
I want to play another sound clip that I put together. This clip illustrates the media and political hypocrisy, deception, and double standards over the last three years. The media and the President’s political opponents constantly attack and accuse the President of lying. Now, does the President stretch the truth? Yes. Does the president over-exaggerate? Yes. Does the President sometimes take too much credit for things? Yes. Does the President say things he sometimes shouldn’t? Absolutely. Does the president lie at times? Yes.
But these fools really need to look in the mirror because they are far worse than the President ever could be. They are far more dangerous than the President. The President’s motives in doing these things are to make himself look better. President Trump has an ego and he is someone that tries to brand everything. I know what the President’s motives are. I know when to take something he says with a grain of salt.
The President shouldn’t lie, but most of what is deemed a lie aren’t all that significant. For example, the media savaged the President because the President said he had the biggest electoral win since Reagan. This was easily proven false, but what impact did it have on our lives or on our country.
On the other hand, you have a media and political class that lie and deceive constantly, and their motives are far more nefarious. Take a listen.
Play Media Lies & Hypocrisy Clip
Now that clip was just members of the media over the course of the last three years. I could have literally played over an hour’s worth of sound bites. All of these horrible people were perpetrating a myth that the President is an agent of Russia. That the President committed crimes, and that the President was going to go to jail. Every night, these disgusting media outlets would drop bombshell after bombshell in an effort to destroy President Trump. Yet all these bombshells and accusations have been proved wrong.
Now I want you to take a listen to the political class and what they have been saying over the last three years.
Play Political Class Lies & Hypocrisy Clip
From those two clips, the media and the political class lied to the American people for three years. They kept pushing this myth of Russian collusion and now every one of their accusations has proven to be false. Even worse, lies. They have the nerve to attack the President for lying yet think of how damaging their lies have been to America. To our country. And let’s be honest, they knowingly lied. I played the clip of me from a year ago.
I don’t have access to the information they do. I don’t have access to intelligence reports. I don’t get much in the way of inside information. I am not a journalist and I don’t claim to be. I analyze information and based on my knowledge of government, politics, and the world, I draw conclusions.
These people all knew from the beginning that this was a bunch of BS. Yet, they pushed the false narrative anyway in order to gain more power. This is far more dangerous and that’s why I say it’s more nefarious.
What’s scary is how they can get it wrong so many times, and people will still watch and listen to these people as if they are relevant. Some view them as honest brokers, but they are anything but that. In pursuit of power and to push their ideological vision, they were willing to destroy lives. They allowed their hatred for the President, and essentially you the people, to drive the narrative.
Even worse, they still have no regard for the truth, nor do they really care about the truth because it doesn’t fit their BS narrative they’ve been pushing. In fact, just this week, these same jackasses, that pushed this BS Russian collusion narrative, argued before the Supreme Court to have the Special Councils grand-jury material released. Their argument is that they are still investigated by President Trump for Russian collusion and they need this material for possible future impeachment. Are you freakin’ kidding me? We just went through an impeachment. It really didn’t go so well, and now they want to try it again? And they want to use Russia as the pretext? Are these people demented or what?
And so, they are willing to give the previous administration and the bureaucracy a pass for their gross abuse of power. But the truth is coming out.
General Flynn
The real conspiracy is how General Flynn, Carter Page, Roger Stone, George Papadopoulos, and many others had their lives destroyed all because of overzealous bureaucrats and an elite political class that would do whatever it takes to bring down President Trump. The real conspiracy is how they believe they should be the ones who to hold the power, not you the people. They believe they should control outcomes and not leave the decision making to the American people. And it’s because they don’t trust you.
Of course, there are going to be those that scream “but General Flynn lied.” He pled guilty to lying to investigators. Here’s the problem with that, Flynn was set up from the beginning. Go ahead and ask these people that say Flynn lied, ask them what he lied about. Most won’t have an answer for you. For those that do, they will say General Flynn lied about his contact with the Russian government, but that’s not true either.
Flynn is accused of lying to investigators about sanctions when he spoke with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. He never told investigators that he did not speak to Russian government officials. General Flynn told investigators he spoke with Kislyak to find out if Russia was going to take retaliatory measures against the United States for sanctions the Obama administration placed on Russia for Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.
Prosecutors say that General Flynn lied because the General asked Russia not to retaliate because a new administration was coming in. Now, this isn’t a major discrepancy, but it’s one that prosecutors seized on because General Flynn said he simply asked about Russian retaliation, but in reality, General Flynn asked Russia not to retaliate.
Most are unaware that seasoned investigators can easily get someone to fall into a perjury trap. I can get anyone of you out there to fall into a perjury trap. If I asked you what on April 24th at 1:30 pm, how many would be able to give me an accurate account of what you were doing exactly during that time period. If I asked you to recall a conversation from beginning to end, how accurate would you be?
Here’s why this was a setup, first the weasel Jim Comey didn’t follow normal procedures. Whenever the FBI wants to interview someone at the White House, it is custom to contact the White House Council. The White House Council works for the White House and represents the Executive Branch. They are not the President’s personal attorneys. Sally Yates had no problems contacting the White House attorneys to warn them about Flynn.
When General Flynn was contacted by Andy McCabe, he asked whether he needed an attorney. McCabe told the General that he could have one present, but it wasn’t necessary and would go faster. If the General was trying to hide something, surely, he would have wanted his attorney there. The fact that he was willing to talk to the FBI, without an attorney, shows that he was not trying to hide things. Once again, this is not normal protocol.
The third reason why this was an obvious set up is that those that questioned the General knew what they wanted to get him to do. The now-famous handwritten note, which stated, “What’s our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?” This revelation is shocking because obviously the intent was to get him terminated and to press him through prosecution so that he would ultimately turn on the President who was the real target.
Consider this. The FBI already had the contents of the phone conversation. When you understand how questioning works, when the questions are more open-ended, it is designed to create perjury traps. Since the FBI already had the conversations, they easily could have asked, “Do you recall talking about retaliation with the Russian Ambassador? Do you recall asking the Russian Ambassador not to take retaliatory measures? If we said this was discussed, would that help your recollection?” Those questions are designed to get a yes/no response and to gather information. As opposed to the general questions like “What did you and the Russian ambassador talk about?”
The fact that General Flynn answered the questions and the FBI stated on their 302’s that he was not lying and being deceptive speaks volumes. Yet, the Mueller team chose to prosecute him anyway.
And this is where we see the hypocrisy. When Hillary was interviewed over the now infamous server, she was never put under oath, whereas General Flynn was. On more than 3 dozen occasions, Hillary prefaced most questions with I don’t know, I don’t remember, I don’t recall or I have no recollection over three dozen times.
The same people that interviewed General Flynn had asked Hillary whether she participated in briefings about the server and how to ensure her emails get through on State Department servers. There were several meetings she participated in about her home-brewed server, and her answer was that she didn’t have recollection of those meetings. So that’s okay for Strzok, McCabe, and Comey. That’s okay with the press and other democrats. I would bet that if General Flynn tried the whole, I don’t recall thing, I don’t think it would have gone as well. I don’t think he would have been as lucky as Hillary. Now, I admit, that’s speculation on my part, but I trust I’m right on that.
The fact is General Flynn should have never been prosecuted in the first place. The Comey, Mueller, & Co., used General Flynn as a pawn in their dangerous game to unseat a duly elected President. President Trump was the real target. These people knew that as the head of the National Security Agency, it would only be a matter of time before General Flynn uncovered the spying and abuses by these people and so they had to take him down.
There were multiple people inside the Obama administration that requested General Flynn to be unmasked, but he wasn’t the only one unmasked. Reports are growing that President Trump’s own family members were targeted numerous times for unmasking, and so were many of his associates. Much of the unmasking requests come from people who had nothing to do with intelligence, espionage, or law enforcement. They had no need to know access to this information, yet they routinely made these types of requests.
We also know that the FISA warrants were all garbage and contained false and misleading information. We know that information was manipulated and changed by one of the lawyers filling out the FISA paperwork. We know that there was no real basis to launch the collusion investigation in the first place now that some of the behind closed door testimonies have been released with people like James Clapper stating he never saw any evidence to support the start of the investigation or people like Evelyn Farkas. In public, Farkas was stating that the U.S. had very good intelligence on Russia, yet when testifying before Congress, behind closed doors, she admitted that she didn’t know anything. We know that exculpatory evidence that cleared several of these people were never provided to the courts.
Yet, it appears the media, the elite political class, and many in the bureaucracy have no regard for these severe abuses. Everything I just told you is fact. It’s not speculation. It’s not partisan ideology. It’s not faulty intelligence. All of these abuses took place. They are real. We have the IG’s report. We have their own notes. And we have their own testimonies. The same people that have been pushing the Russia crap for the last three years, were the same ones manipulating and deceiving the public on a regular basis. All we hear now is silence. We need to demand accountability. Enough is enough.
This is not about Democrats or Republicans. It’s not about partisanship. Even if you hate President Trump, ask yourself, are you really okay with this? Are you okay with these people telling one thing to the public, and another when they are under oath behind closed doors? Are you okay with them manipulating evidence in order to deceive the courts and the public? Are you okay with the media that perpetuated this lie for years? Are you okay with politicians who went out there day after day telling you they had direct hard evidence of Russian collusion even though the evidence they collected behind the scenes was the exact opposite? Are you okay that they knowingly misled you? Even if you hate President Trump, you should be furious at these people who continually display lie and deceive you. You should be furious at their hypocrisy and double standards.
What happened in the last three years is a travesty of justice, especially to people like General Flynn. The evidence is now showing that the highest levels of the bureaucracy abused their power. This was a coordinated effort to take down the President of the United States all because they believed Donald Trump wasn’t worthy of the office. They believed they had to do whatever it takes because the American people got it wrong.
In the very first episode of The P.A.S. Report, I stated that if Hillary Clinton had been elected president, we would never know about these abuses. They never would have come to light.
In this podcast, I have focused heavily on bureaucratic abuses. The reason I focus so heavily on the abuses of power by the bureaucracy and the political elite is that we were warned by the Founding Fathers about what happens when governments abuse their powers and get away with it. We have countless examples throughout history.
I have explained that these people have little regard for the concept of the people. And if those in power are able to get away with this, then we will be no better than third world countries where those in power will do whatever it takes to destroy their opponents.
The uniqueness of our system allows us to have a say in an electoral process. When the people we support lose power, we have the hope that we can reverse that course in the next election. The system we built allows us to change course at any time. That’s the beauty of it.
However, we shouldn’t undermine the system when we don’t get our way. We shouldn’t tear down the system because the bureaucrats, the media, and the elite political class feel that the people aren’t smart enough to make their own decisions.
I don’t care which side of the political spectrum you fall on. If you don’t like a duly elected President, Democrat or Republican, you wait until the next election. You don’t accept these abuses of power simply because you don’t like the President. I wasn’t a big fan of President Obama’s, but if this happened to him, my message would be the same and I would be speaking with the same fervor against these abuses. I understand where this will lead if we don’t hold those that committed these abuses accountable.
Once again, I don’t care if you like the President or hate the President. This is much bigger than just this President. We the People are the ones who are supposed to have power over the system. Not unelected bureaucrats. Not the media. Not the politicians. These people have consistently failed us by pushing lies and deception.
But more importantly, we will fail ourselves if we don’t start reminding each and every one of these individuals that they exist to serve us, not the other way around. When a media outlet continues to prove that they are not reporting news and simply pushing an ideological agenda, hold them accountable, and change the channel. When an elected official pushes a false conspiracy for three years, tearing this nation apart, vote them out of office. When bureaucrats inject ideology into their positions and abuse their power because they believe the people got it wrong, demand they be held accountable and to the same standards as every one of you would be held to.
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